ITT: Buyers remorse

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red dead 2

Bloodstained switch

Every Xenoblade game. I don't know why I keep doing this shit.
"Maybe I'll enjoy this one"
I'm such a dumbass

What did you think of the game?

lies best game ever!

God of war 2018 was the first time I truly felt remorse.

Hot fucking garbsge


Fable 3
>Bloodstained switch
What's wrong? Been thinking it would be a good portable game.

>when will they learn?

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It is a really good game but its nearly unplayable on the switch. It crashes often, has areas at 5 fps, graphics are noticeably worse, it has input lag.

How does anyone enjoy that game? I bought it for some stupid reason and can’t stand it.


You suck at a Rhythm game, that’s entirely your fault

My relationship with Fable is bitter sweet

I still consider 3 a decent game since it sill does what Fable is known for while others can’t

I only have remorse because it was so short. Otherwise, I had fun.

I played Crypt of the Necrodancer.
Only died twice cause I haven't played Crypt in a month.
Pretty fun once you get into rhythm.

XBC2 is probably the most overrated game I ever played. Everywhere I look, most people say it's great. The worst combat I ever experience in a modern JRPG. Just so incredibly boring.

I did not care for Mario Odyssey. Should of looked better than it did and finding moons felt shallow and unsatisfying. Did not even think the Kingdoms were all that great except for New Donk City. Rest of them are dull.

I fucking preordered Brink

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I'm so sorry

and this except i only bought 2

this looks pretty damn fun, is it not good?

if you find the combat boring, you don't actually know how to play the game and therefore don't understand how mechanics work. that's a problem with you, not the game

the original game

Not the previous user, but the game is just using auto attacks to fill abilities to fill supers and using those supers at increasing level of charges in different elemental orders to inflict debuffs and an elemental charge, then removing as many different charges as possible at once for massive damage, all while doing the break topple launch smash cycle if you've got it.

Is this an entire new game or is it just CotN with a zelda skin?

Crash Team Racing
I don't remember the Crash racing games having such terrible controls when I used to play them, the game is fucking awful.

Monster Hunter World for the PS4. Bought my PS4 mostly for that game, but ended up being piss boring. $400 down the drain.

Fallout 4
Pokemon X/Y

Not him, but it's fun and really short