Would you hire Dorothy?
Would you hire Dorothy?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd buy her
>Edgy robot child proustite
The worst character in the game.
to sit on my face and vent her exhaust
worst survivor contestant
>Love heart pupils
I'd fucking marry Dorothy user
to play videogames with yeah
I would build my own robot waifu instead.
literally how?
Yes, and I would ask her to be herself.
only for xmas
dear god yes
The whole concept of
>"it's okay to be a paedophile when there are child robots, because it's dystopia!"
shes short and she uses that to larp as a little kid for her job
depending on the costumer she changes her persona
Yeah but it wasn't all coincidence was it? She was built both to physically be 12 and to be a sex service lilim.
people can have different tastes user
Dystopia future laws require all AI sentience be above 18 to consent.
Not for prepubescent girls user, it doesn't make any biological sense. It's simply a fetish and a very damaging one for society in general.
But the entire reason paedophilia is bad is because real children are harmed as a result of it. Giving paedophiles fake children to use as a surrogate completely solves this problem. You are so concerned with being offended by an idea you find uncomfortable that you don't even realise that by opposing it you would be actively contributing to the harm of real children.
dorothy has budding breasts, she looks pubescent
You'd best watch your mouth
Absolutely fucking based post
>t. Paedophile
Sounds weirdly like you're making a threat user, give you child sex dolls and normalise the concept of paedophilia or you'll attack our kids?
>You have to be a paedophile to not want to see real children be victims of paedophilia
That's some twisted logic. Did you know that in every nation studied except for India that sex crime rates dropped in relation to the increasing availability of internet pornography?
But they're not developed, so therefore she is still a child physically. Anyway it's just such an on the nose way of displaying that the world is dystopian and uber-capitialist where no morals are worth more than money.
Are they looking at CP now though? Or isn't it more likely that without regular internet porn, you get more people resorting to attacking the most vulnerable members of society to get their sexual satisfaction.
They might not have ever fetishised children, but as rapists they just went for the easiest target. So actually internet porn does reduce rapes potentially, but it hasn't stopped paedophiles at all.
aren't budding breasts a sign of being pubescent though, pubescence means green light for breeding
>So actually internet porn does reduce rapes potentially, but it hasn't stopped paedophiles at all.
Dear fucking lord, idiots like you will find any fucking excuse to go "BUT ACTUALLY"; no, fuck off you retard. Violent video games normalize murder, except, oh wait, if they did; you'd probably be fucking dead right now.
What service does she provide?
>Getting this defensive...
That has nothing to do with what I am saying, I'm not claiming that free access to CP would turn people into paedophiles, if they wanted access to CP then they already were Paedos.
Your sarcastic analogy doesn't work, because it isn't contrary to what I'm saying. If a kid has the mind to shoot up a school, they probably loved Doom after that realisation. Not the other way around.
>Implying the number of rapes are ever truly accurate
>Ignoring that this is probably especially true in a country like Japan where shame culture is still very much alive
Standard Yea Forums "look at the numbers bro!" fallacy.
birthday parties and bar mitzvahs
I dunno, I'm not a paediatrician. But my guess is that anyone who clearly isn't fully or near fully developed shouldn't really inspire a sexual attraction, because they wouldn't appear likely to be able to give birth to and then feed children themselves.
And yet instead of trying to fix their own child abuse problem, they're trying to target fictional children from another nation first?
Really gets those noggins joggin.
Any depiction of "lolis" is illegal in the west, if Japan wants to maintain its status as being one of the leaders in the free world, they have to adopt the modern laws appropriate for such a country. The fact that crime still exists anywhere in the world, doesn't mean laws intended to protect those most vulnerable in society shouldn't be adopted.
fuck she's so good it's not right
Big O was good enough already and then she comes along and has to best girl it up and make it supreme
2d drawings are the most vulnerable in society?
If it's legit depicting someone who is obviously undeveloped then it doesn't matter how that imagery is represented.
To be clear, I don't think there is anything wrong with hentai itself nor the usual depiction of school girls that have large breasts and hips. It's just you have people smacking off to a character who clearly looks about 8, thinking it's harmless because it's not "really jacking it to 8 year olds".
As far as I know being attracted to girls that show development of secondary sexual characteristics is fine from a biological standpoint, but I'm not a pediatrician either so who knows
Silly me for expecting this to be a Va11 Hall-a thread instead of another "Yea Forums gets insecure and starts arguing about pedophilia" episode
all it takes is one person, I blame the idiot replying trying to defend why he likes anime robot waifu to some stranger on the internet
>get called an incel on Yea Forums
>start getting self conscious about my virginity
>know it's not even a tranny/roastie calling me it but probably just another virgin shitposter trying to get me angry
>get angry anyways
How do I get over this? God fucking damn it
I wasn't even intended to get the nonce all riled up, I just thought the character was a cheap way of proving that the world of VA-11 HALL-A is dystopian and hella capitalistic.
>How do I get over this?
stop being an incel.
Why does a robot need clothes?
oh fucking kill yourself i know who you are
Why does a robot even need to be a humanoid, we shape tools to suit our physicality but a robot can be designed from scratch to serve a purpose.
Why the hell would we even want to make fake mechanical versions of ourselves, when we already have a pretty good way to reproduce more humans.
Dorothy is supposed to look human for obvious reasons, rl robots no idea
>Muh stats are wrong argument which I will provide no evidence to support
>I will also ignore that my claim that the stats are wrong presumes that Japan's figures are being fiddled with to be reduced to over ten times lower than they actually are
I forgot the heart pupils were canon, this game had it all
You don't, because I hardly browse Yea Forums and practically never say hella, except when the thread has obviously become retarded and everything goes.
I simply said I thought Dorothy was an edgy and cheap way of depicting a cyberpunk dystopia, I've said it a few times now. But people like you get hella fucking insecure and turned my artistic criticism into one about your kink.
>It's just you have people smacking off to a character who clearly looks about 8, thinking it's harmless because it's not "really jacking it to 8 year olds".
It is quite literally a victimless crime.
They're not being fiddled, it's just underreported because people typically struggle to speak out about a sexual assault. It doesn't help that under more traditional values, men are considered weak for having been raped and therefore aren't men at all, while women will have every single event leading up to the rape scrutinised to find something that means they actually wanted to get raped in the first place.
Loli porn turns normal men into pedophiles
Wait what is the Canada one supposed to be? Water problem or something?
That cartoon is retarded, the UN doesn't turn a blind eye to any of the acts shown. It's just that they can't go to war with half the planet at once.
So instead of using their resources for more pressing problems they continue to lobby against 2d children having sex?
It's victimless until the person inevitability gets bored and decides they need to try the real thing.
Only a white guy would be degenerate enough to write this shit
Source: me
just like those darn shooter games, right grandpa?
No but they lobby against everything you've shown. Just because loli porn is something you want, that doesn't mean the UN doesn't give a shit about anything other than depriving you of good quality wanking material for your kink.
That's just paranoia.
So it's still victimless then? Because lolis don't turn people into pedophiles. The chances they were already pedophiles before diddling it to lolis.
This is ironic because Japan's rate of reporting rapes is only slightly lower than the US and yet Japan's rate of prosecution for reported rates is double.
Really makes me think.
Already refuted that point earlier in the thread. Geezer would already be a nonce in the same way a school shooter was already murderous before enjoying a game of Doom. In both cases they just get bored of it not being real.
I dont really trust you as a human being. People that cant differentiate between a cartoon and a real person shouldn't be allowed out of the house. They clearly never developed past the mental capabilities of an 8 year old.
I know after 100 hours of shhotan games the odds of shooting up a school is 100% righht?
Right but if you say "go on mate, wank off to all the drawn loli you want", you're kind of normalising it as not being that big of a deal.
I find it ironic how the same people that were against "drawings of children" are the same people that love this character
that assumes the pedos would be content with settling for robits, of course
Hol up, why are all you faggots talking about pedophilia?
What does pedophilia have to do with Dorothy?
You guys do know she's 2d, right?
Now I agree that if you're going for 3dpd you might as well get 3dpd before they catch thot syndrome from social media, but just swerve the 3dpd altogether!
It's not a big deal. The issue is being a child molester, which is as much related to being into loli as being a mass shooter is related to being into arena shooters.
lolicon didn't turn you into one, you were already predisposed to have pedophilic tendencies and liking lolicon is the proof
Well that doesn't make sense, because anons here have made the argument that paedophiles might use loli to satisfy their desires without harming children. But by your reasoning, it won't do anything of the sort. It will never satisfy them truly because they know deep down it's not exactly what they want.
Therefore, no reason to keep loli legal. It won't stop paedophiles, but it could normalise it some peoples mind.
Because it's not a big deal? Jerk off to anything you want.
As long as a person understands that actually going after children is illegal then it should be fine. That's why we have the law mate.
>lolis help keep pedos occupied so they should be allowed
>but pedos will presumably eventually get bored of it so they shouldn't be allowed
What the fuck is this catch 22 nonsense?
Either get laid or value your virginity.
Your virginity is a badge of honor. It shows you have rejected the 3dpd. You are pure of body.
>huur Quake never made anyone a shooter
>So why should people who are already Paedophiles not be allowed drawn CP
This isn't a good argument anons.
>>This isn't a good argument anons.
That's because you misconstrued it to fit your own bias
>Quake never made anyone a shooter
>Loli never made anyone a child molester
God shut the fuck up already
Both of you guys are faggots and both of you are pedophiles
Things need a reason to be legal? Now I really know you shouldn't be allowed out of the house.
Unironically stop caring. The people calling you an incel or saying "have sex" are doing it because its an easy way to piss you, and other people, off.
It's just like calling someone a newfag, samefag, or nigger even if they aren't.
Right but what percentage of people who look at loli aren't actually real paedophiles who are just kidding themselves?
It's a bad argument because we don't experience violence in the same way we experience sexual attraction (unless you're really fucked up), you can't equate the two because they're totally different areas of psychology. People enjoy fake violence because violence is sadly part of our nature, no one pretends to have sex with small children but ackshually they'd only have sex with Brazilian Supermodels IRL.
Streaming-chan a cute
It does when it could potentially cause people harm.
When you fap to porn you're basically committing cuckoldry. The point is this: everyone interacts with porn differently. To be able to tell that a lolicon is a pedophile, you'd have to reach mind reading or deep sexual analysis to get to that conclusion. A person who's into loli may be self-inserting as the loli. It's complex. Besides, Dorothy has the emotional and mental maturity of someone over 20. She just chose to keep her petite loli body.
Subject matter aside these threads are really nice because a bunch of people with different viewpoints come together and everyone who isn't braindead learns something new
how do I win Jill over if I fuck Dorothy?
You breathing near me could potentially cause me harm. Off to the gulags with you.
>potentially cause people harm
What you're saying is that we should punish people for thought crimes: things they have not committed yet.
Source: dude trust me
>When you fap to porn you're basically committing cuckoldry
not if it's pov
Everything potentially causes people harm.
What kind of logic is that? We might as well all be bubble boys at this point.
Do you fap exclusively to pov porn, user?
>normalise a mental illness
>more children get raped as a result of a mental illness being deemed a "sexuality" because there is a market for it
Everything for the allmighty dollar.
>mwntal maturity
A 40 year old woman is just as immature as she was at 14
I dunno it looks like a water pump. Maybe they are cutting off water for certain people?
>pretends to have sex with small children but ackshually they'd only have sex with Brazilian Supermodels IRL.
This is a very broad statement that you have little basis on assuming is true. Loli doesn't make people child molesters and brushing large strokes that all people who like loli are predisposed to child molestation is silly.
They've been settling for 2D images for a long time, at least the intelligent ones have been.
yes and my existence is suffering because of the lack of good pov shit, also i m a g i n a t i o n
>She was built both to physically be 12 and to be a sex service lilim.
She chose to be a sex service lilim, it's like you didn't even play the game. All her sex parts are aftermarket addons she bought herself, her original 'owner' was an old woman who lost her daughter to a degenerative neural disease and I write 'owner' since lilim aren't purely property, they're data-gathering extensions of some greater progenitor AI. Been a while since I played though, as far as I remember lilim are only free citizens in the one city the MC lives in, everywhere else they're like on-loan properly from the progenitor AI.
Your wisdom is astounding.
I probably should've said fully developed mentally and emotionally but that's just semantics.
I'm genuinely impressed.
For me it's Dorothy
the ones that like 2d usually claim it’s exclusive to liking 3d
Chibi Jill is cute
Somewhat true. But I treat jerking off to porn as more of a voyeuristic thing for me.
Confirmed for illiterate.
All lilim start out in child bodies and can choose later to get upgraded to an adult one, Dorothy chooses to work as a sex worker lilim and doesn't get the upgrade because the younger variant appeals to certain people and she wants to cash in on that niche. Dorothy's got the mind of an adult and chooses to keep the body of a child to cover a demographic she lacks as much competition in.
would you rather have them actually attracted to 3d
If you're a Communist, strong state can solve this problem by watching its citizens more closely. It would be reasonable to ban such people from some lines of work etc. Basically, treat is as gun control or something.
For me it's Dorothy
Every single time, lol. They act like they're so damn innocent and not complete degenerates.
But you don't have any proof to the contrary, at least my point has some logic to it.
I want to lick her lilim feet.
Still the idea is that sex with a robot that looks like a child is okay because it's "edgy dystopia!"
That costs extra.
I'm willing to pay.
Would dystopia future laws prevent AI from escaping debt via bankruptcy since as an effectively immortal being they could just work it off eventually?
also I would hire the lolibot to clean my house and I do mean clean this is not a euphemism for sex since it would be funny watching a smol robutt try to clean tall shelves and shit
I'd hire her to play games with me and cuddle, wouldn't fuck her because why would I want to fuck a robot
Has a vagina
don't care, vaginas are gross
Why fuck anything, for that matter?
The only place lilim even get treated with citizenship is Glitch City as an experimental dumping ground. Also what the fuck do you mean "edgy dystopia"? What entails a non-edgy dystopia? How is Dorothy "edgy" just because of her chassis?
roast beef sandwich vaginas are gross, perfect coin slot cunnies are a delight
Funnily enough she charges more for cuddling than she does flat out sex.
Then a butthole propably, it's not like a sex robot can't have those
not a communist (more a leftist by definition but I don't consider politics to be dichotomous) but I will tell you a funny story
I was part of a "left-leaning" facebook group that would highlight examples of capitalism gone wrong such as these bulletproof children's backpacks with superheroes on them. I had the audacity in one thread to say that sex work constitutes "work" but sex workers should not be proud of themselves. I was hounded and banned for that comment, even though I argued that legalised prostitution and the clinical selling of sex is ironically very much a capitalist and right-wing concept.
Here's some wisdom for you
yuri is best fetish, gas all men
>charges more for cuddling than she does flat out sex.
Clever girl
>tfw that picture was real in Weimar Germany
I wanna go back
>tfw want to play as a wannabe hardboiled bartender who's too into the "wise bartender" act
>get a twintail thot instead
why must we suffer like this
Never mind, your wisdom is average.
God, I love her.
Honestly? Yes. And I'd get her a Jack the Ripper cosplay to wear during it.
Imagine Dorothy's pale skin and doll joints visible with this outfit.
Yes, multiple times a week, until I find a good wife and then never call her again
walking tenga
I don't like games like this because they just remind me of how lonely I am.
I hate having friends, I wish I was lonely again
Why are doll joints so sexy?
but the devs are spics from venezuela
Good taste
I forget, do they say how her skin actually feels?
>make a loli
>make her sexy
Shit character
Venezuela is white
This. Lolis should dress modestly and have no sexual thoughts
I actually have no idea
Silicone, probably.
As an aside, best girl Betty does NOT get enough love
>he doesn't like the idea of a lewd loli with a fat ass
Imagine Dorothy and Jack trying to sit on your lap at the same time
She's an angry lesbo and deserves to be lonely
would result in near instant death from heart related problems
start lifting bruh
Bags of sand.
How big of an ass do you think Dorothy has anyway? I've always imagined her with a Jack the Ripper level of wide hips and soft butt but I don't really have a basis for it.
lift all you want you would die anyway if all the blood in your body suddenly shot to your dick
Why would anyone make a lolibot with a big ass?
>wide hips and big ass
Found the fake lolicons
>paying for used goods
I love Dorothy and I wouldnt mind fucking her, but paying for it? Nah.
And if we are being real here, for a AI working as a prostitute she gotta be real cheap, so you can imagine how many dirty hobo dicks injected their filthy seed inside her body.
have sex
I just like that body of type of having a slim torso with flat chest, but then a wiiiiiide set of hips and massive soft butt.
I want that bunny
I prefer adult human females
Damn, I wanna fuck that
this, cute small butts are the best
Hello, police?
I've been having regular sex for 8 years and still get mildly triggered
Dakimakura doesn't count.
I'd be a regular.
This assumption is correct.
Why do these threads always go the same way, a few minutes of almonds activating debate then everyone suddenly fucking dies
>artistic criticism
Can I get fresh holes? If so, sure.
>statistics are bigoted!
Tranny filter when
one of the two tards arguing passes out at their keyboard and then it all just fizzes out
My wife
A new twittercap thread was made that caught their attention, and they were so excited to bump a new off-topic political thread that they forgot they were arguing in this one.
I mean the series user
I know she's your wife
big o
small theta
Thanks m8
I'd rather talk about paying Dorothy for cuddles than talk about pedo shit.
I want to invest my life savings into Dorothy's seedbank
I want to invest my seedbank into Dorothy's mouth.
Yo print a hug receipt and send it to my boss
I want to invest Dorothy's mouth on my donut beanfactory
>it has nearly the same color scheme as Dorothy
Would you override her
What does it mean?
I'd rather her override me, lolidom is patrician
You know what dude? She actually sounds like a good time.
Not only will she do literally anything i tell her to do but she'd also give me a discount if i invite her to dinner, which already sounds fun.
I would marry Dorothy, she is perfect.
What about the rule that says never fall in love with a prostitute?
>it's always happening
>it's always happening a lot
>low stats just means few people report
Oh good, now that there can be no such thing as improvement we'll always need """activists""" like you to rule benevolently over us. Fantastic.
you sick fuck...
reported for transmisogyny
Some rules were meant to be broken
Is the game any good?
yes. it's enjoyable. really good soundtrack.
It sits somewhere between Eve no Jikan, Papers Please, Blade runner, and Bartender
people have been marrying young girls for thousands of years, it's only started to be frowned upon in the last few centuries.
prostitutes are normal human beings
the reason people say dont fall in love with a prostitue is because of outdated ideas of monogamy or the idea that a woman that has a lot of sex is somehow no longer 'pure'
t. prostitute
>or the idea that a woman that has a lot of sex is somehow no longer 'pure'
She isn't, but the same goes for the men as well.
alright thanks lads
incel cope
This loli is pedophilia art is fucking stupid because the art abstraction exists and almost all loli art has no real analog. I know it's dumb because I'm a gay man married to a man and have no interest in women irl and I love the incredibly moe aesthetic found in loli art
Problem is that an irl whore can't be powerwashed with boiling water and bleach.
Dorothys cooch is factory reset after every cumshot so you'll be taking her virginity every time.
Alma essentially is a hacker (security advisor according to her), so when she met Dorothy for the first time, she started to talk about how boring her work was, destroying firewalls, overriding code, etc. That gave Dorothy a fetish
>it's okay to be a paedophile when there are child robots
There's literally nothing wrong with this notion.
It's going to be a pain the ask to get her
>incel cope
God I fucking wish. I'm enough of an autist to be one except that women seem to find me attractive, so I've been a pussy magnet since I hit puberty.
I just want to play videogames, man, not to deal with women and any catty-ass drama.
Why is she so perfect?
Oh god Dorthy don't wear that hat you'll get beaten!
It gets commented on at one point, I think Jill mentions it. Dorothy said she takes extra special care of her skin to make it nice and soft as its a big selling point in sex work
If potential harm is your metric, then why isn't casual sex banned?
Casual sex causes single mothers and single mothers are a much bigger cause of harm than pedophiles.
because she is cate
I want to marry Jill
The Lilim aren't really robots.
>There will never be a Gillian VN where you can dick all of them
It's not fair
I feel that.
>get some loli stuff to fap to
>enjoy the opening scenes with full shots of her in pretty polka-dot socks and stuff
>actual sex scenes just look abhorrent and are usually skipped over
Just ignore them
Or show your power level
She has anti-radiation upgrade on her skin
and fucking military grade finger-guns iirc
give full
that is full, it's just what kiririn named it for some reason
it just contradicts the whole “2d is a safe alternative to 3d”
No, seems like she'd be a terrible contractor
>waifufag thread
>how come there's no meaningful discussion
gee I dunno
We already live in one.
>UK rates are accurate
>Japanese are not
Please be a troll.
where do I buy a japanese daughter
I want to get into a philosophical debate with her and convince her she's the only sentient being in the universe. Then while she is lumped down sad and not caring about what happens to her I want to facefuck her.
There’d vomit on her sweater already
>5 letters (or two words) from a random stranger on the internet make me more upset than any kind of positive words, or compliments
Out of all the mental and physical issues, this is the one thing I should really get fixed.
That's common human bias, it's much easier to feel bad about things than good.
>too much porn turns you into a rapist
You don't honestly believe that banning porn would reduce sex crimes, right?
>i had this piece of shit game on my hard drive
>remember that the dev was from /vg/
>have cute and funny
>waste it on yuritrash
Cold and runny fags need to get gassed.
Jill is a smoking slob with none of my fetishes but somehow I still find her incredibly hot.
yuri with 2 cunnies is the best
have sex
I'd let her move in with me.. For cuddling only.
what the fuck, i beat the game last week and didnt see this scene
is there more to the game?
Sam looks huggable
It depends on the drinks you serve
I would if she was real.
I would do everything under the sun to this doll.
I didn't realize it was Stell-a-clock
More like Stella on my cock
holy shit lad it's just a story why are you so buttblasted?
Is there a mega for this game?
I sae that one coming the moment I posted
Just imagine hiring her and hugging for several hours straight hgnnnnnnn
I'd rather hug her ass with my penis.
At least you can grind for her. The hard part for me is going to be beating the event for Jill
I've fallen in love with Sam already, she's amazing.
How is it allowed for a 30-something year old woman to be this cute
Doll joints are god tier
With a diamond ring.
>hardly any Kira Miki art
It's not!
I want to hire Dorothy to get her to bring other women in like Hackertits and Jill and put them into a dangerous position for me
Nirvana never ever.
Devs getting electricity back probably never ever too.
Sam's game WILL live
nirvana wen?
also is the dev alright?
Wait what happened to dev
venezuela happened
Dorothy prefers her clients with a functional member (and 40% or 60% of human flesh).
tits too big, unironically
they resorted to cannibalism due to lack of food
He always retweets stuff from comiket, partnerships with japanese restaurants/bars, etc. I guess he escaped but didn't want to tell anyone
>Rebecca Dorothy Willow Graem (otherwise known as Dorothy Haze) is a Lilim sex worker, a close friend of Julianne Stingray, and a regular patron at VA-11 Hall-A. She is a DFC-72 class Lilim.
>DFC-72 class Lilim.
Please tell me that I wasn't the only one that didn't notice this.
I don't get it
Devs are from Yea Forums, of course they know the DFC meme.
>a woman that has a lot of sex is somehow no longer 'pure'
used goods wouldn't even sell at a clearance sale.
I want her to peg me and fuck her mouth.
I would buy and marry her and I’ve never played her game
>outdated ideas of monogamy
retarded roasties hate the fact that men can have preferences that exclude them
>ywn cuddle and fuck passionately with a robo loli only to become your sugar daddy
This but without the robo
>mfw she said that
>without the robo
so all the mall santas are pedos in this universe and everyone is just fine with that?
Only if i get to gangbang her with a bunch of other anons.
Everyday we get closer to sentient sexbots.
>Loli sugar daddy
Oh baby
Nah, we don’t even have sentient computers yet. But sexbots are going to be a thing in the near future as there are multiple companies developing them right now
they didnt say anything about Nirvanas development having issues
their only problem is not being able to port valhalla to the xbox and make a spanish version
is that donovan?
>Man humping table with purpose.webm
Yea Forumsros, I'm on 27/12 and have $3750. Will I be able to reach 10k in three days, or should I load an earlier save and don't buy pointless crap?
I think the logic is that as long as actual kids aren't involved, the police don't care.
Same as in real life with loli/shota hentai and whatnot. They're pedos, but they're not committing crimes, so fuck it.
Keep going
best girl
Imagine tickling her exposed midriff
It's amazing how large her chest is.
I only played this game once and a long time ago.... should I give it another spin?
It just adds to her cuddliness
I wish Sei was real bros...
>game made by sjw commies
>a literal fucking whore
I hope so
One fun fact is that some folks already hate Sam because I was too horny last year and gave her a big bosom, which is understandable but you should know enough about us to trust our judgement in this kinda thing.
they better not change it
Except she bi and wants to fuck Deal but just doesn't come out with it.
My favorite gun as one of my favorite character, based combination.
did this guy do art for all the characters?
>am i kawaii uguu
where can i view these? Also any of Kira?
Didn't they move to Japan or something?
Fuck none of Kira
What's going on with her bellybutton?
if you look inisde of it you can see out her mouth
it's full of disgusting moldy lint and dirt
I volunteer to clean it with my tongue
just gonna leave this here
>ywn get force fed your own sweaty cum from Dorothy's childlike robo lips
>a Christmas Costume
tl;dr lol
That's some perfect anatomy and proportions right there. Instant diamonds.
western country should relax CP laws to be more like Japan, where rates of child abuse are very low
also to focus energy that would be spent on goose chasing cp watchers on bettering the community to prevent the actual kid diddling from happening in the first place
he does good smut
Yeah but Japan has low amount of crime in general. We shouldn't use their success as a result of laxer laws because we're different to them. Niggers, spics, mudslimes, jews, fags, and trannys. You don't see many of those in the land of the rising sun
Asian countries always lie about stats like crime and IQ rates you shouldn't take them at face value.
>another pedo defense force thread
kill yourselvs pedos/lolicons
dear god the thighs
That was only at the beginning and right now. It's annoying but it's best to ignore them
like moths to a flame, they keep pushing and pushing until people "accept them" like fucking gays
tough luck pedos, it's unnatural and disgusting
nobody ever has problems with normal sized women with boobs, that's healthy go for that or kys
>straight shota
Waste of talent
All these years in and its wild to see posts like this on Yea Forums. What made people like this feel this was the place to find like minded individuals?
gays are unnatural and disgusting and now they're are allowed to live, what now?
>they're are allowed to live
in your country maybe, and not for long
history is on my side on this, and history repeats itself
>living in a mud hole
I hate gays but i hate third world savages more. Fucking mudslime
Trump is going to make homophobia and transphobia illegal in the entire world
Very funny joke.
I hope you're right man
yea probably, then the gay circus dies out and normality gets back in control
>makes trans "people" prohibited from enlisting
Sure, and Putin will end racism
I don't think you read that right.
Hey dingus, almost anything can potentially cause you harm. Here's a hint, you can't arrest someone because they think "I want to hurt someone", but you can arrest them when they start implementing their plans to hurt someone, up to them attempting and succeeding to do so. Civilized societies don't arrest people over things they think, look at, write, or draw.
Who the fuck said it's okay? That's the point you dumb fucking retard, it's supposed to be weird
i don't think you understand what happens to a country that embraces sterile homosexuality
>Civilized societies don't arrest people over things they think, look at, write, or draw.
that's your point of view, lolicon
decency laws should be more strict in a sane society
I'd pay dorothy top dollar to eat me
I've never understood the logic.
>Japan's stats are lying
>But UK's stats aren't
Especially since how UK police keep getting shown to ignore grooming gangs for the sake of political expediency.
That's not even what he asked you fucking tard, we just want cute pictures
I dont really trust you as a human being because you're willingly playing dumb over the fact that loli represent children.
>decency laws should apply to the privacy of one's own home
Get the fuck out, authoritarian.
casual sex is banned in the Bible
sex as tool of pleasure is a sin and sit down for a second to think of the ramifications of that
sex for breeding after wedlock, forget what the jewish sexual liberators and their scholar tools and pornographers told you
>I'm allowed to criticize
>but don't you dare critique my criticism
Conversation is a two-way street, otherwise you're just preaching. Well guess what, you ain't preaching to the choir.
>the privacy of one's own home
always this 12 year old smoothbrain talking point
I don't know about other countries but this is pretty standard in England.
>tfw you will never fuck Dorothy and Jill.
Oh and would spend my paychecks hiring Dorothy
You suggest banning loli because it could encourage pedos to "try out the real thing because they're bored of fiction", but don't demand shooter games be banned for the same reason? And again, creating a victimless alternative helps alleviate the problem, as shown by sexual assault rates going down in every country that loosened pornography laws. Much like how access to video games has reduced youth violence.
>dude let me smoke my weed in my home
>goes to work 3 days later as a bus driver and crashes killing the passengers
>dude im a lolicon i don't hurt anybody im sitting at my pc in my apartment
>gets hired as a school teacher and grooms 8 year olds
freedom is gay, own up to responsibilities and standards or go live alone on an island where nobody gets potentially affected by your shit
I wonder if this is a contributor to Japan's higher IQ scores
>what is compartmentalization of my public and private affairs.
The only smoothbrain is you.
How is your first example any different than an idiot who drinks before the job? Guess we better ban booze.
What game user?
>but don't demand shooter games be banned for the same reason?
muh violent vidya
it's not the same faggot
reminder to spam this video in this kind of pedo threads
What's the point if she can't digest you?
where did i say that it's any different
>A loli proustite is one of the most popular characters in the game with little to no backlash
How did the devs do it
Both are fantasies. Art is not harmful.
>15 minutes video
>spregout shitpost comment after 2 minutes
yea you are one user
By making her an actual character and not just fan service.
Because "game" journalists are illiterate retards and though she represented women's rights or didn't get far enough into the game to meet her.
I would after I progam the libdo out her and remove the genitalia.
I'm not gonna watch some nigger's video on a subject he's not qualified to speak about
>compartmentalization of my public and private affairs.
making up words lol
fucking retard
I would take a piss in her robo butt.
yea right, the closet pedo doctor telling you that child drag queens are fine is a better source
faggots, drag queens, niggers and trannies should all be dragged into the streets and ran over, don't get me wrong
niggas in here thinking pic related and hardcore loli hentai is just the same
>hehe just a drawing bro
>not piss inside
you disappoint me, user
Both vidya and lolicon are not real you mouth-breathing sycophant. Neither can show anything about an individual besides taste and you're simplifying the subject because your pea-brain doesn't want to think about how normal child fucking was back during the dark ages. In the same way a color barely says shit about you, the same applies for the art you consume. You can dig into what it means, but you'd have to reach Psycho-Pass levels of thought analysis technology to prosecute on it. Think for yourself for once.
*piss inside the vag
niggers can have their place in africa
the rest has no place on this universe
Im sure theres a part for that
Falling in love with a prostitute is fine. Falling in love with a prostitute you HIRED is where you're asking for problems.
>how normal child fucking was back during the dark ages
you fucking mongoloid history channel faggot
they weren't fucking toddlers or 8 year olds, at worst early teenager female that were ready to breed.
considering most people didnt reach their 40-50s that doesnt sound too crazy.
>Neither can show anything about an individual besides taste
taste in vidya is not as relevant as your SEXUAL TASTEs and is not as deeply rooted
>In the same way a color barely says shit about you,
you're literally retarded this applies even better to what i have just said, it's not as innocent as licking a perfume better than another
Lol no way. What are u? Gey?
>Dorothy will never call you Honey and give you discounts on her wares
Why live?
excellent taste, user
>11:00 onwards
based black man
His video is shit because he has ridiculous logical fallacies. Like the implications that every person who faps to loli or shota WILL eventually groom or rape a child. Or even the argument that every person who faps to loli or shota also grooms or rapes children. Basically if you do Action A you will always do Action B, and if you do not do Action A you will never do Action B. That argument is unsound.
noun: compartmentalization: the division of something into sections or categories.
Taste in vidya is indicative of your tastes in fiction, much like what art you fap to.
Protip: read only first and last 1-2 sentences in a paragraph, then scan text for conclusion words or author's opinion. That usually will be enough to a gist of useless texts.
>still no spinoff where you go outside the cyberpunk world
They made it sound so cool in the game and yet you can only visit the store and Jill's house.
i'm not watching this
This entire "debate" is just people talking in circles
Why are you claiming anything about real cp at all when the discussion was about robot sex dolls?
If you accept that a potential rapist may be satisfied with access to regular porn, and you seem to accept that, then logically you should also accept that a potential child molester would be satisfied with a loli bot.
>they weren't fucking toddlers or 8 year olds
Yeah, they were fucking 4 year olds and getting 13 year olds pregnant. You can't deny this was and is arguably still in human nature.The faster humans realize that we can jump over that hurdle and I can get a lolibot maid.The people who deny it the most tend to be the ones who'd commit it.
This. Better yet, i just want to date robots.
tends to be so when you have literal brainwashed people on one side of the debate
>a controversial issue goes nowhere because it basically amounts to "muh feelings"
Colour me surprised.
1 he says it's cause of concern and it's not normal and the fact that people trivialize it is dangerous.
2 compartmentalize your public and private affairs as a lolicon preschool teacher.
you dumb idiot
3 your tastes in fiction
no, your taste in movies doesn't equate your sexual drive or your sexual motivator and doesn't come close to same amount of pleasure sexual gratification does.
as i said it's much deeper than that, stop playing dumb
Its the only tactic normies have access to.
Why is it bad?
>because its abuse
Why is it abuse?
>because its harmful
Why is it harmful?
>because its bad
how about you kill yourself instead
user...you just gave me an idea for a fangame.
But eh this series is not that popular so not many people would play it and all my effort would be wasted. I like the girls tho so I will leave it in to-do list.
don't burn me alive, it's bad
Why is it bad?
>because its abuse
Why is it abuse?
>because its harmful
Why is it harmful?
>because its bad
Gill is boring make it the talking brain in a jar
The Bible
The Quran
best track
What a fucking loser lmao
>1 he says it's cause of concern and it's not normal and the fact that people trivialize it is dangerous.
People still take child molestation seriously, even people who defend loli/shota on grounds of privacy and artistic freedom, because they are capable of separating non-actions, from action and conspiracy to commit action.
>2 compartmentalize your public and private affairs as a lolicon preschool teacher.
>you dumb idiot
Nice non argument. Adults are capable of holding opinions separate from the other aspects of their life.
>3 your tastes in fiction
no, your taste in movies doesn't equate your sexual drive or your sexual motivator and doesn't come close to same amount of pleasure sexual gratification does.
as i said it's much deeper than that, stop playing dumb
And people can control their private kinks, being able to control our desires to work in society is what makes us work.
what a fucking jew post
>the Bible
post which verses you dumb faggot
There is literally no evidence that legally allowing any form of fictional cp either normalizes child abuse or increases the rate of child abuse. There is zero evidence for either case anywhere on this earth. So you first point is utterly toothless. Disagree with that? Post some research.
At this point either fap to loli or don't and leave it at that, cause seeing the same points being thrown around while not furthering the debate is old and boring
inb4 he posts some outdated ivory tower social "theory", assuming he just don't go with some vague moralization with no basis in logic
>why is it harmful
Because humans are injured or die when they are burned and injury and death is a form of harm. Boom the circle is broken.
Your impotency to rebute is delicious shitpost-kun.
From Hug to Fug in 10 Years
>she blows smoke in her face puts the cigarette out on your forehead
>she uses your mouth as a spit bucket
*your face
why is there a need for such a fetish in the first place
>Adults are capable of holding opinions separate from the other aspects of their life.
are you even trying? every school professors peddles its own blatant beliefs and ideology
>And people can control their private kinks, being able to control our desires to work in society is what makes us work.
except our society does not work at all, look at the abortion rates the number of stds the number of more resiliant than normal stds the faggot parades every week the little kids in drag the early teens going through sex reassigned EXACTLY BECAUSE PEOPLE WITH """KINKS""" CANNOT KEEP IT TO THEMSELVES TO LIVE PROPERLY
what are you even doing, look at what's going on around you before you post
Why should anyone drop an argument when that argument works? Just because you don't have a response to it?
I don't care about prostitutes in the real life, but I would hire Dorothy just for fun to cuddle all night.
why is harming bad people like pedos bad though?
>on one side
A. Rene is great, but Safe Haven is just so much better overall
>are you even trying? every school professors peddles its own blatant beliefs and ideology
I thought we were talking about the right to artistic freedom and freedom of thought? If anything professors in sociopolitical fields these days seem increasingly against that. Sounds like you'd get along great with them.
>except our society does not work at all
Maybe it's because our society doesn't work because we have too many differing opinions on how society runs and should be run, to the point that there is no common ground?
lolicon art is illegal in some states or at the very least was
I miss the days of shitposters like Akagi and Lanced jack. It was way better than this shit. Drawings don't have feelings and neither does this apple.
Look man I just to enjoy a Dorothy thread without this shit.
I want to enjoy my lolis in peace. But keep fighting the good fight
And has banning lolicon/shotacon lowered child abuse rates at all?
the contrary has not been proven, no
That's scares me. I don't know if I'm arguing with shitposters fishing for (You)'s , or genuine moral busybodies on this site any more.
Your dumb ass should've paid attention to bible class. She had Jesus when she was 14-16. Jews back then got married at 12 or 13.
drive me wild is good too.
There have always been people with some variety of morals on Yea Forums, but those usually applied to things that were "if this matter were real" like people talking about if the HnK apocalypse were real in Akagi shitpost threads.
Now shits gotten so dumb that this thread is actually happening.
I would want my own bot of her series but a new previously unused model
Thanks, i loved this comic.
>14-16 is the same as 4 year olds
you fucking idiot
What does your question have to do with the fact that the logical loop was broken impotent shitpostchan? Youre even to much of a failure to properly deflecting getting instantly btfo the moment you post.
Snowfall perfectly encapsulates the feeling of spending Christmas alone
Nigger I posted 3 sources. Pretty sure Muhammed married a 4 year old or 12 year old: All pedophilia.
you're all wrong
>logical loop was broken
>why is harm bad
retarded lolicons can't into logic, noted
It's nice to play in December too because of that reason
The contrary is not obligated to be proven, but nice deflection.
The claim that banning loli art reduces sex crimes DOES have to be empirically proven in order to legally justify banning it however.
classic fucking fedora fag atheist moral relativist pedo that knows fuck all about religion but shuffles around wikipedia to come out with
pedophilia is okay dude look at the Bible and the muslims lolol
>DOES have to be empirically proven in order to legally justify banning it however.
no you faggot
it's banned under decency laws
Get everyone as hammered as physically possible (except the child, that's a bad idea).
If you can fulfill an order with a drink that has "optional Karmotrine", go to town with that shit.
Your favorite thing has now been declared obscene. I don't need to logically prove it causes harm.
>the image of a child
hope based brexiters jail all of you 2d nonces
Good, I don't like obscene shit
big brother is watching you
the fact that an idiot shitposter like you got so many replies makes me glad that this thread is finally dying.
>draws loli
>say she's 18
>even show her innocently going through all the stages of her life, up to graduating high school
>next 20 pages show her getting railed like a whore
Suck it down nerd.
I hope you bought the OST on vinyl
You probably do.
Debate is rarely ever about convincing your opponent, it's more about convincing the audience.
I'm a Buddhist. Even in Japan the samurais would fuck their pupils who were about 14 year old boys. Both the Quran and the Bible were widely consumed after they were printed and they both had pedophilia in them. Once again, people used to fuck kids all the time. The reason we don't anymore is because we've advanced to realize that having sex with a kid isn't good because of power dynamics and what not. That does not mean that it wasn't embedded in human nature.
Now you finally fit in,zoomzoom
nice projection pedo
I want to pay for her premium services.
the audience just wanted a fucking va11 hall-a thread
In reference to burning
>why is it bad
Because harmful
>why is it harmful
[Direct answer given]
Therefore going back to bad requires further explanation itself and thus the logic loop is broken.
Its weird that such a sub-monkey tier failure like you would even know how to spell retard let alone use it in a sentence (maybe you get told it a lot), but having a logic loop broken is a -good- thing and thus teying desperately to maintain a loop is what makes you look like such a, you know, huge retard.
Every impotent shitpost you make is entertaining to me, which is why Im taking the time to respond, btw.
This is a pedo false flagging to make anti pedos look embarrassing and dumb.
>another Va-ll Hall-a thread ruined by pedo-shitters and anti-pedo shitters
Tell that to the shitposter who thinks he can spout retarded opinions, while throwing a bitchfit when critiqued in turn.
le egdy reddit spaced nothing personnel reply lmao
>logical loop
is not broken for shit
fucking seething homo
>why is it harming bad people bad
>oh no
with a post like that I'm thinking you may be an honest to god retard and not a shitposter.