Why aren't there more games with competent romance side stories?
Why aren't there more games with competent romance side stories?
Dude, go jack off or something stop posting this shit.
me holding her up
Hey fag, that lady is from Sony's 3 billion dollar game, fuck off
are women capable of looking this lewd irl, because if so then im straight
Why aren't there any games with actual romances in general, the only good one is unironically monster girl quest
dude if you want feel loved just play vn's
that's what i do haha
me taking the photo
I can feel already the c-taste in my mouth :P
Yes if they are barely legal and in a
gang bang
god i wish that were me
Me on front
Which one?
haha lol :p
Tht's a little girl, user. And yes, little girls are this lewd.
dumb phoneposter
Why does she even look upset? Tits that size aren't considered small.
I like hentai.
cope, titlet.
There are no women on Yea Forums.
who said anything about women
video games
have sex
there was one in a fire emblem thread once. she was a loli hating cunt though and actually sounded autistic
Yeah, I wish more games had romance.
This, how fucking gay do you have to be that you'll wait for other guys to respond to your posts just so you can get off to their reactions to your pics.
is this an actual game? sauce pls
thanks faggot :)
>full nelson
Why is this pose so based, friends?
those feet are huge. is that supposed to be a girl?
Because you're hit with two roads. One is a one-way trip down the hallway simulator express to tell the tale of the two getting together in a way that can perhaps seem natural with the progression of the story but you're unable to ever deviate from the main story. The other is having "choices" and an "dynamic" storyline but then again your characters overall personality might not end up being compatible with any of your potential NPC acquaintances. So you're going to have to be content with three-four conversations, but more importantly the time they're with you as an active member of the party during the overall quest of the game, as justification of your getting together than the story could ever realistically give you.
The only way to take the best of both worlds would be to limit the available members to fuck to a single person so that the devs wouldnt need to come up with five unique but static storylines to run parallel to the main story and instead have one single complex potential romance branch that can end in a multitude of ways. But that limits the pool of fuckable members so it wont happen because it would always be the first girl and first girl is ALWAYS worst girl.
Is this NTR? wtf ha ha
because she is completely powerless and ready for breeding
1 > 2 > 3 > 4
You have the trophies there for a reason.
Now hold on, no need to be rude because you can't hold a civil discussion about man titties.
Prone bone is better.
Those are the guy's feet. He's holding his own legs up
Prone bone is my favorite position but my dick isn't big enough for it.
>sweating from playing a nonfighter
Oh hey did you hear about the new gym that opened up nearby? WE should go check it out.
what game is she playing?
sorry fren
I'm more into spooning sex myself.
no one wants to see autistic boobs, we just laughed at her
looks like destiny but could be wrong its been years
sauce pls
Why is she so lewd bros?
There's an arrow next to the post number. Try using it.
just imagining pounding away like a beast a helpless girl lying on her tummy makes me diamonds
do you mean this
it doesn't do anything you absolute idiot
honest opinion on netorare?
>What would "Why can't Metroid crawl" be?
>post number
You absolute fucking troglodyte.
because the people who are competent at relationships dont make these type of games.
fuck g*Mers
this is atte7kusa isn't it? when's he going to do more full stories instead of this 1 image tease shit?
Are you real?
Funniest post on the board right now
So she can get mana refills