Let's discontinue this for the one console that people are actually asking for it on

>Let's discontinue this for the one console that people are actually asking for it on.

What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: https___blogs-images.forbes.com_olliebarder_files_2017_01_virtual_console_logo-1200x675[1].jpg (960x540, 41K)

>lose access to your entire library of virtual console games
>wonder why people emulate/pirate
Heh, nothing personnel, kid

They want to sell those little mini console things that they do

Do they still even had NES titles to the online service? I haven't seen articles about new additions in a while.


If you mean the switch "streaming" thing then yeah, there's NES games on it they're still adding at a snails pace, nothing notable though. I wonder if we'll ever get snes games at least

it'll be better if/when they put up games from other generations. I'm hoping they add more than just SNES games soon

I think they announced SNES games around E3. So now you can use your Switch like a tween geek discovering netplay in Zsnes, only you pay Nintendo to fill in the IP for you

I think that service would have a lot of potential if they were to add a huge collection that includes SNES, N64, Gamecube, Gameboy, etc. but at the rate they're going it's never going to reach that point. They're seriously not going to take the opportunity of having the gamecube adapter to release digital gamecube games, aren't they?

Do you have a source on that? I might actually buy switch online if tbey add snes games to it just for playing on the couch with some buddies (I'm not autistic enough to hook up the a pc in my living room with controllers to run emulators)

Are you really that desperate to play NES Mario and Metroid for the 64th time? That's all they ever port.

Doubt it, if you think about it there's not enough incentive to add to the streaming service anything besides NES. It's just a tacked on benefit of buying their online, they aren't going to put the manhours into putting more games on the service since most of the people who'd buy their online already have. They could make packages for it though, like an extra $3 per console. Hell, I'd even rather have the virtual console route if they bumped the prices down more, $5 for an NES game back in the wii era was insanely overpriced

It would probably benefit them in the long-term. Imagine how much money they would make off of that sort of thing if they were able to easily port the app to future systems without the need to restart the catalog every time like what they do with the VC.

I don't understand why they didn't just port the VC emulator over. The homebrew guys ported their stuff over from PC, maybe that one user was right that they're trying to encourage people to buy their classic series of consoles

why are you calling it streaming?
it's not streaming.

I put it in quotes in because I know full well it's not, despite what nintendo says. I just got lazy

>got Switch online for free
>don't use NES online because Retroarch is better for NES emulation and doesn't have the shitty unhidable borders
>don't use cloud save backup because Checkpoint lets me backup every game locally and restore at will

Attached: 1555037471073.jpg (623x702, 177K)

a lot of people were leaking it but it was a bull shit source its staying nes games for the time being

I dont want to play online why not let me pay 5 bucks to get zelda and stop forcing me

Nintendo really called it streaming?
That's fucking hilarious, all the roms are included in the app.
It's not even on-demand.

To me it made sense when they started selling those mini consoles of theirs, but after they've stopped producing them and still have no plans of releasing SNES on their online service, something seems amiss. I would pay $5 extra for the ability to play N64 titles on the go, especially if they were to somehow implement mtiplayer functionality to play with friends.

>Still no mini N64
>Still no mini GC

I'm never getting swindeled by nintendo again I will never buy another nintendo cinsole ever.
Also, I think Im done buying systems new. If I buy a ps5 it will be 2 or 3 years into the life of it.

It's a real shame that even if that did happen we'd never get golden eye on the go because of licensing fuckery

Nintendo just can't do online infrastructure. It's as simple as that. This is unlikely to ever change.

I for one would love to purchase my ROM rips for the THIRD time

its not streaming, dumbass, and they never advertised it as such