how the fuck do I get a slut like this to flirt with me? what the fuck did that user do to get women to flirt with him?
How the fuck do I get a slut like this to flirt with me? what the fuck did that user do to get women to flirt with him?
Other urls found in this thread:
Too fat
Video game?
why is this girl being posted so much lately?
Great you stole an image from another thread to start your shitty one. Great job fuckass.
Everyone likes pale goth grills.
This isn’t Yea Forums...
Be funny
I posted video games on a video game board
jus b urself (if you're a 6'4 chad with an 8 inch dick)
24/7 Hentai
you mad?
1st things first
you have to be older than her
i like videogames more
Be yourself.
If that doesn't work, be someone else and get ripped.
>5'11" with 8" dick
I'm a Chadlet
I'm looking for an image of a red depressed wojak(?) looking character laying in bed. The specific image I'm looking for is a "continuation" where an artist reveals his head is actually resting on a muscle girl and instead of looking depressed, he looks content.
Either images would be appreciated.
For reference, I've attempted to recreate the image in paint.
Goth grills can play vidya with you.
And then cuddle and have sex.
How is the girl in OP's pic goth in any way? This word has lost all sense of meaning.
Pale, all black attire, and the punk necklace.
It's not like you can have much when you are in a bikini.
hah, i wish user
Bee yourself m8 ;)
How do I get MatPat’s wife Stephanie to flirt with me?
Remember when bans meant something?
based larkin poster
where did this meme started?
I'm only 5'10 with a 7", should I kill myself? I think it's over.
OP has autism
The meme started because Stephanie is a cutie pie.
Then my question is why are you paying here instead of killing yourself right now? Minimum height to post on Yea Forums is 6'4"
You're extremely retarded
Girls only flirt if you flirt first, otherwise they're just looking to get laid just like you and don't want anything more.
Besides if you don't put on a smile and be open/charismatic you have zero chance in the first place.
As part of the Height Society, we raised the bar back in November 2018. The cut-off for not being a manlet is now 6'6", anything lower and you are a manlet.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and remember, stay tall bros.
I'm not the same person.
Git gud.
He didn't say you were the same person, he said you were retarded.
Go hire an escort
I'm not retarded, he is.
What if I have no money
And I'm the Stone Emperor of the Sword Dynasty of America, nice to meet you.
Imagine punching her in the stomach haha
Larkin is ugly af without her makeup and wigs tho.
>of America
so you are retarded too