It's too fucking hot outside

It's too fucking hot outside.

My laptop is making noises and is melting.

I can't play any video games.

Attached: goodbye_i'm_out.webm (1920x1080, 2.97M)

>gaming laptop

you should have listened to us asshole!

There is a big party some floors below and I cannot sleep, I hate myself and those shitters who have zero consideration for other people fuck them.

Build a Desktop, user, it's not that scary, and you can look up how to wire everything in your case and with your particular motherboard on youtube. If you can do it just once, you will never be scared of it again.

the fuck is this shit

Go grab a bag of chips and head downstairs to join them.

At least get some alcohol off of them

northernhemispherecels btfo

just saying the last 2 world wars were up there


Whats this from?

Attack on Titan, the Linkin Park of anime

I think you mean the mein kampf of anime.

Impossible. Mein Kampf was entertaining.



>too poor to afford an Alienware laptop



This looks horribly paced and the zoom outs are cheesy

Why does he re adjust and still have it pointed going out the back of his mouth rather than his brain. Also she doesnt react at all to his re adjusting. He had the gun in his mouth for like 3 seconds and she did nothing while starring the whole time

Wtf was she supposed to do? He had a gun.

React a bit at the least
She didnt even do the stereotypical
"Wh-what are you doing?!" Or anything like that. Just stares the man down while he puts a gun in his mouth and adjusts it for 3 to 4 seconds before shooting it. Also its kinda gay how happy and chipper he is about it, talking as he does it, then i guess its supposed to be a bait and switch because it was actually a suicide. But again the pacing of the scene ruins that

Damn, you're so intelligent you're making me wet.

Because people go into shock and have states on confusion, user. Sometimes the people who make this stuff understand these human behaviors better than others.
>Also its kinda gay how happy and chipper he is about it
Are you 12? Honest question.

>not being happy when you're killing yourself

man this summer is fucking HOT

tell the local fire authority to put the sun out

re-paste and clean the dust off of that shit. Sounds like you've never done it and it makes a hueg difference.

How come you weren't invited?


>playing botw on cemu on my shitty laptop

Feels good man. I can feel the pounds sweating off my fat body as we speak.

Attached: gun.jpg (800x450, 70K)

i agree with you

because normal people only invite others in their circle.

This kills the global warming.

how can you kill something that doesn't exist?

Convert to atheism

I hope he didn't shoot, if the bullet is fired at the right angle it enters low orbit and poses a serious threat to satellites, or worse the ISS

Bullets spin too fast to be affected by gravity user

Why didn't he shoot the thot?

Why would he afford her that mercy?

the only thing that bothers me is the really mild blood splatter

>mfw ausfag
>comfy winter

Attached: 1562080804704.gif (600x286, 893K)

are you a cuck?

It's summer here in central slavland, 18C.

Watch out for the ice spiders

cute dorks

Attached: 1562358928485.webm (1920x1080, 1.67M)

It boggles my mind that there are still places on the earth without air conditioning. How do you endure 90 degree days? Just endure it?

Yep, this is a 100% retarded scene. It's like 10-year-old me writing the script.

>"He put the gun in his mouth. He then pulled the trigger. Blood sprayed everywhere. It was loud and the girl was very surprised."

Not that user, but I wouldn't even know where to start. I know next to nothing about graphic cards ram cpus etc. Been wanting to build a decent desktop for a while now, but as I said, I have next to no idea how to begin.

Its pretty easy desu. Just look up motherboards scheme, it will show you where to connect wires and then look up how to properly apply thermal paste on cpu. Thats it

Wow, you're almost boiling?