"Not that guy...but-"

>"Not that guy...but-"
>actually am that guy

>know full well that it isnt the same user, but out of comebacks

>*End post with "lmao"*
>actually seething but I cant let user know

>"I have that certain game and its shit"
>I actually dont have that game and never played it

>user asks me why said game is bad
>I google issues with the game because I know literally nothing about it besides that it makes me seethe

>I win the argument due to my Yea Forums mastery
Every fucking time.

Can I get a based and dare I say...Redpilled?

Attached: DX-V2JjU8AAbLin.jpg_large.jpg (567x426, 34K)

hitbox lol. updoots to the lest.

lmao cope



>remind a Stevefag that his mineshit character is never, ever getting in
>he seethes so hard that he makes an entire thread about it with some imgur filename jimmy neutron picture

Attached: proto headmates.png (1255x849, 1.13M)

>cashier tells me to have a nice day
>have a bad day instead
Who /mischief/ here?

Attached: 1421732642147.jpg (250x329, 15K)

>internet is full of liars and false flagging faggots
Wow shocker

Attached: 1534158878648.png (951x1400, 472K)

Have sex.

>see two anons having a back-and-forth
>reply to one with something mildly relevant like "okay dude, I was just trying to help. fucking fag"
>leave thread
the ol' hit and run pot stirring. DEVILISH

I made a dude so mad once that I got him to make a strawman oc of me that I saw through pure coincidence a week later. It felt pretty good

Post it

Is that supposed to represent their hitbox?

>start losing an argument
>someone else backs you up and proves you right
I owe you anons my life.

Attached: 1562384809038.png (960x947, 1010K)

have sex

>That one user who will keep arguing anyway
>The whole thread could be calling him a retard, and he'll still be replying and defending his stand
Some people will just die on any hill

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Nothings better when you semi-know what you're talking about but dont have enough facts to prove another user wrong, then some random encyclopedia user comes out of nowhere, backs you up with obscure facts that literally nobody fucking knew, and ruins your opponent.

Attached: 20190704_022911.jpg (423x530, 132K)

>ad populum

>winning the argument
>debunking every counterpoint he's trying to make
>thought there was no way he could possibly refute my arguments
>get a reply notification

Attached: 1553662714857.png (326x305, 150K)

>no mention of the word "shill"
go back. you also forgot "go back," fag

We got you covered Yea Forumsro

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This whole thread.. yikes.

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>typical ironic zoomer newfag
Man i would love this if i was a newfag and young but im old and jaded.

If there multiple people blowing you the fuck up with well made arguments and facts, no one else is backing you up, and your still convinced your in right you're just being stubborn at that point

yes lmao

Attached: 1560702893205.png (1157x1078, 1007K)

I'm not a newfag. I've been here since feburary of 2018.

I really love this when someone does this for me. I love you helpful user :3

This is me and I'm not ashamed of it

Attached: 1460776452489.jpg (680x591, 89K)

fuck this fucking retard thread full of niggers

Epin maymay

>with well made arguments and facts
This is the key though. If it's just people calling you wrong, then they aren't deconstructing your argument. You can't be aren't wrong just because a bunch of people are saying you're wrong without backing it up, that's argumentum ad populum.

no problem pham

Before you guys get ahead of yourselves, just remember it doesn't even matter unless a thread in question where this happened was being observed. At this point anythings hypothetical so who gives a shit

To this day I still have to understand what constitutes winning an argument.
In theory it would be defending your points and attacking the opponent ones, but here we just have people giving one word answers or ad homs, expecting the other user to answer them despite literally providing no argument.