Defend this

Defend this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

you don't have to buy it

You are black

Amazon gave me a free year, its shit but still free, I better get the next one free as well.

Xbox and Ps4 also require you to pay. Nintendo online is a fraction of what Xbox live and whatever the PlayStation online thing is called. There’s no reason why you should complain about this service not being free.

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I can't, literally made me sell my switch and switch then buy a PS4
I only game on ps4 and pc now

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The other 2 do it.

That's the only defence.


>Amazon gave me a free year
For what?

i can't, i've been burned way too much by dropped matches and shitty netcode in splat2

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Paid online on any console is never worth it. NSO literally comes free with my Amazon Prime and I still don't think it's worth it.

Because I have Prime.

The yearly Amazon/twitch prime subscription gets you a year of NSO as well

paying for Prime for like 4 months.

No. Connection-wise it's not giving you anything you didn't already have before it and the NES rom selection is a fucking joke

Except that it offers less features than free online services did more than a decade ago and even last gen handhelds offered for free.

>posts all that shit with a picture of Todd
Seems about right.

>tfw Switch's online is the exact same as the 3DS'

sneed's cope and seethe

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>I sold my console because of paid online to buy a console with paid online
I mean, paid online is still shit but come on

In comparison to better stores, like Steam? It's a lot worse, and they don't do any good sales to make up for it.
Is it justified? I guess, since taking from the profit pool of per-game and system sales will drop off hard when the system gets older. I can begrudgingly respect the idea if it means better support for games that wouldn't get it. If it weren't so cheap, I would not like it at all.

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Nintendo didn't even meet the bare minimum requirements an online system should have had and still charged for it.

>sold switch because of paid online
>bought another console with the same paid online
why don't snoyfags think?
they try so hard to BTFO nintendo, but all they do is BTFO themselves

It's an anti-consumer practice, we shouldn't have to pay for online play. That being said, this is the cheapest service (compared to PS+ and XBL Gold), and while NES games is often derided (due to it replacing VC), I personally enjoy having a slowly expanding library of NES games to play on my Switch (I don't care if I don't 'own' them, I already own some elsewhere). Tetris 99 was a nice free addition, too. My main complaint is that if I'm paying, then the connection quality in games like Splatoon and (esp.) Smash NEEDS to improve. I'd expect better of a free service, let alone a paid one. The fact that people expect this kind of outdated service from Nintendo's online doesn't excuse it. I'd sum it up by saying it's 'the best of the worst' when it comes to console paid online services

>I can begrudgingly respect the idea if it means better support for games that wouldn't get it
I mean, the state of online in games like SMM2 and the lack of dedicated servers should tell you how much support Switch games are getting for this.

then games like splatoon and smash becomes useless.

>I only game on ps4 and pc now
lmao why? Just get a PC and Switch. PS4 serves no purpose if you own a PC.

>tfw never paid it since i got free years with amazon prime and mario maker.
why are snoys mad and jelly

It's the same crap I heard from nintendo fanboys when the online was still free, all about how this means nintendo will definitely be able to keep improving things.

Here we are, the online is still as shit as it was when it was free and the games coming out still have shit online systems.

These people will still be claiming nintendo is going to reinvest with that revenue when the switch is 7 years old and the online is still garbage.

Game on PC, Internet is free to use all day everyday.

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there's no defense for charging for p2p connections

>he can't play local

Its still indefensible when you can't play online.

His argument was that you can't play Smash without online. Note how I didn't see anything wrong with his point in Splatoon.

Not either of those people, but you should realize he's probably speaking from his perspective.

I don't have any local people to play smash with anymore because we've all moved to various places over the years for work. Smash would be literally useless to me without online.

Probably similar for him.

>I can begrudgingly respect the idea if it means better support for games that wouldn't get it
Except after the online service rolled out, there hasn't been a single game with improved online. If anything, they're even fucking worse. Wii U had better online than the Switch. Hell, even the 3DS had better online than the Switch.

You can't really defend it. It would be really easy to in regards to the NES Online shit (You should not feel owed free games for your purchase, since that is not the purpose of an online subscription, it's a good bonus but in the end, it's not the service being sold), but the fact that their online is shit I'd expect from Xbox Hueg back in 04, not a modern console with dedicated multiplayer games in '19. All it would take is using that money to buy some fucking structure, even outsource the development of it if you have to. But Nintendo is and will always be far slower to change than the rest of the industry, sometimes for good (still making games that actually have content and not kneecapping them by becoming "live services") and for bad (Taking a decade to go from the Wii's actually non functioning netcode to having something that at least works, even if it's shit).

I see that point, but I'm merely going for an objective viewpoint. It's not like Splatoon which is literally locked on online multiplayer.

Vita had better online than the switch, and so did the ps3 and both were free.

So many free online systems are so much better than the switch's paid system.
If you're only going to insist on ignoring human nature of subjectivity, you're going to be confused by a lot of posts going forward.

>snoy & microsoft are greedy kikes that will charge you to use the internet you already payed for. so it's ok for nintendo to do it too.
no it was never ok. that's like paying just to use a website. I hope consoles fucking die soon.

I can't. It's an awful service. Unless if they seriously fix it up or at least go up to 64 with the emulation, I'm not renewing.

Oh no I acknowledge them, I'm just using the objective points in my state. Anyway, carry on.

only 5 dollars a year, such an inconsequential amount of money i cant be bothered to pretend getting mad

>Buy $300 console
>Buy $60 game
>Have to pay extra monthly online fee so you can host the games yourself via P2P
>But since the console is Wi-Fi only, please also buy an Ethernet adapter if you actually want to play the games
>And hope everyone you are going to randomly get matched with online did the same
>All meaningful game content is locked behind the service fee in some cases
>No offline save backup so you're forced to buy into the monthly service to protect your save files
>Can't opt out of the extra """"""features"""""", so they (you) can justify the online in the service

>BUT WAIT, you get free NES roms as long as you keep paying for it, so it's all good! :)
>It's so cheap also! So who the fuck cares if it is an actual scam? Disregard everything here, what are you, poor? xD
>Also Sony and Microsoft charge more and do some of the s-same! T-Totally this excuses Nintendo!
It doesn't matter what the other companies do or not, Nintendo chose to do this by themselves. This is entirely on them.

Of course, a good chunk of the other common "points" cucks make in defense of paid online can be debunked just by connecting some of the dots from the points above mentioned, not that I expect anyone who buys online (or worse, tries to defend it) to be capable to do so.
I mean, just imagine living in a world where the publishers have to provide servers for their ONLINE game, right? How absurd!

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The emulation is pointless.

There's over 20 devices in my house that can emulate a good array of systems right now, at least 8 of them are portable.

You can buy decent portable emulation machines for cheap nowadays.

The slow drip of games nintendo has is just crap.

yfw a portable console has paid online

yfw 3DS support is dead with no immediate replacement while Nintendo has retrofit many of its IPs to smartphone apps, proving everyone we laughed at for saying smartphones would kill portable gaming were actually right

user the switch is a portable console. And I can't think of a single IP Nintendo made a mobile game out of that hasn't had a new release either announced or already out since it came out. Fire Emblem survived, Mario survived, even Animal Crossing survived and that one was the most likely to become a mobile game forever.

this is what I saw in the thumbnail

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thanks doc

gracias doktor

The Switch isn't a portable in anywhere near the vein of a Gameboy or DS or anything I was obviously talking about. It's a successor to the Wii U, basically the same thing except it doesn't operate on a tether or push a dual screen gimmick. Everyone stacks it up with the PS4 and Xbox. Meanwhile Nintendo is obviously done with the 3DS but has no replacement so much as announced and has been doing more and more with smartphones. Those analysts were right.

Other groups may be comparing it to the PS4 and Xbox, sure, but I was and am still decently sure Nintendo is consolidating their portable ecosystem into the Switch. It still has lower budget games that you would previously see on a DS, shit like Link's Awakening Remake and Monster Hunter Generations XX for first and third party, respectively, except it now also has their console games and that level of detail. And it really is designed to be just as portable as at least the 3DS, just bigger. If you aren't using it in that way, then I can understand your frustration, but that's your own problem for not using it in that way.

Imagine paying to use your fucking internet service.
Imagine paying for nintendo online one of the worse fucking online service for consoles.
Dam console cucks even fucking xlinkkai is better then that garbage.

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I've always been big on portables, but when I want to take a system out somewhere with me it's always hard to choose the switch because the thing is so damn big. I can take my gamegear with about the same footprint and that thing is stupid large.

If I need to bring a bag just to bring my switch, I'm in the same area as if I were just bringing my laptop.

Family plan is so cheap that you can get your year for free by selling the extra subs and it gives you access to game vouchers so if you aren't a brainlet you should actually make money off of it

I can't, it is inexcusable and indefensible.

For how much people around here like to treat one person as a personification of everything wrong about something, I'm surprised more people don't shit hard on Iwata's replacement. The only thing that changed to make Nintendo start charging for their online play was that guy taking the seat.

how is it free then?

Game vouchers suck as a deal compared to just buying stuff physically.

it's cheap and i got a year of it free from amazon prime, and it saves me hacking my switch to play any of the nes games worth playing on it

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I will get it for Double Dragon II, Super Maro Bros. 2 + 3, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1 + 2. Still waiting on the Turtles to show up.

The NES roms they offer is a viable alternative to emulation so far as a hot wheels car is a viable alternative to an actual car.

>t. retard who trades in games
I bet you get mad at Gamestop for "ripping you off" as well.

me emulation gooder than nintendo's emulation, which was why very few people give a shit about retroarch cores on 3ds compared to injecting an nes rom to play it natively through nintendo's emulator

>dude you dont have 20 dollars lol
reminder that anyone that says this was either born into wealth or is a NEET leech. No one gets wealthy with the mentality that you can frivolously blow your money on anything, people like that end up in ridiculous amounts of debt

Careful, don't want to slip jumping to conclusions like that.

Not him but PC is missing Bloodborne and Persona 5. I almost want to get a PS4 for those games but I need a third game to convince me which was supposed to be FF7 Remake but after they announced a Steam release there's no point. Also, after they nerfed Tifa and covered up Aerith's leg, I don't feel like getting it as much now

You're comparing having access to a few dozen nes roms, not even the best nes roms, to having access to all nes roms, plus all the roms from several other systems.

It's stupid.

5 dollars on a family plan. You can easily find 7 other anons and save money together.

the ones i care about are in the majority on switch online or otherwise present on switch in some fashion (ie mega man legacy collections), only ones i'd really add are battletoads and some of the ninja turtles games and both are an unlikely licensing clusterfuck

You literally don't want to emulate anything from any other system besides the NES? Really?

we're talking about two different things at this point

based doc

I've been talking about the same thing from the start.

Literally from the get go just saying that if you were considering hacking in the first place, the shitty selection of nes roms is a garbage alternative to what hacking gives you access to, which included literally everything they will ever offer on their emulator.

They also happen to be fanboy shills who work for Nintendo for free.

>comes free with my Amazon Prime
If you have to do something to get something then it isn't really free.
If it were really free it would just be given to you without having to have Amazon Prime or anything else.

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That's why it's still not worth it.

it's free for amazon users

Imagine being so poor that 20 dollars a year breaks the bank

you can get good cheap games generally for around $20 to $30
but sony are being faggots and letting ethics department control what you can and can not have. you can still enjoy older games that they never got to fuck with though.

every single game is stuck at $60 forever. everything is expensive as fuck.
but nintendo are being based bros and sharing wonderful anime tiddies with everyone to love and enjoy

what do? which console is the right choice?

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I can't. I hope they'll drop some free SNES games soon.
But I know they won't.

Game Vouchers( saves you 20$ on games it pays for itself)
NES games (shit tier but still)
Tetris99(pretty fun)
Nintendo Online(very bad)

Whatever defense xbros and snoyboys used when it happened to them.

Neither. PC has the best of both worlds.

I've been sitting on a fence on buying a PS4 because I have a good PC and games like Memeborn and Dad of War don't look too interesting.
Currently on a rather dry spell with the Switch because everything seems so expensive yet underwhelming like Mario Tennis or Yoshi.

t. living with mommy

>every single game is stuck at $60 forever. everything is expensive as fuck.

PC sucks as a standalone gaming device. Its best as a companion for a sony or nintendo

PC has the vast majority of PS4 games, and is capable of emulating Nintendo's before long.
I seriously can't wait for the day Nintendo goes third party. Nintendo games with free online and superior visuals and performance, no longer gimping their games with their shitty drm boxes would be fantastic.

>try to talk to other people through nintendo online
>can only do it through your phone
>either A, wear a headset connected to your phone with a proper mic and not be able to hear the game you're playing
>or B, use your phones open mic which will pick up your game and the other persons game aswell
I'm not the only one bothered by this right? Its awkward and poorly designed. Not even nintendo knows what the proper set up its just a floating phone in the direct

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Nintendo going third party will never happen.
PC has some good games but all the best PS4 games are stuck on PS4. The emulating excuse is just you promoting piracy on active games. You buy a game console for exclusives, and you buy a PC for multiplats simple as that.

this. I got two years now for the price of one + one month of amazon prime. Big deal.

I wouldn't pirate them if I didn't have to pay $300 for an anti-consumer drm box that only makes games worse

Keeps Smash pedophiles from talking to kids, so I'm okay with it.

how is the Switch anti consumer?

But that's the only thing that'd make the fee worth it.

I was being serious. The amount of shit spammed by trannies, faggots and pedos on kids games like Smash and Splatoon 2 disgusts me. If I had kids, I wouldn't let them play video games. This medium is fucked.

It's physical based drm you have to pay hundreds of dollars for in order to access exclusive content. How is that anything but anti-consumer? People are shitting all over the Epic Store for way less.

Really? I used discord.

Only thing that would make it decent would be online play being free, and the extra discounts/NES games being $20.

It's been an industry standard since the late 2000s, really. Why expect them to be an outlier?

The NES library is a cool throw in.

It would be much better if they treated it as its own Netflix like service but with a huge backlog of their old games instead while still offering each game on the eshop individually, without making it a mandatory purchase for online play.

>I only game on my PC and my weaker PC

But why?

I expected them to be better than that. And I expected the fans who laughed and shat all over microsoft and sony's paid online not to be raging hyprocrites.

>If I had kids, I wouldn't let them play video games.
Exactly, user. This sort of thing should be left alone to only be the responsibility of the parents, not a company.

Absolute retard

Persona 5 is on PC.

Why expect that though?

Sony games drop in price because they are garbage that don't hold their value. Buying them for their msrp of 60$ is highway robbery, everyone knows this, and that's why the price quickly corrects itself to the real value of 30$ a few months after release and then drops to 15$ or less by the next holiday season.

By comparison, actual quality games, including some sony games like Bloodborne and about half of the nintendo library, are actually desired enough to hold 40$, 50$, and even 60$ price points (sometimes even higher with quality niche titles) a year after their release or even longer. Famous for its price stability was Mario Kart DS, which, due to its amazing quality, as well as features such as local multiplayer for up to 8 people on only one cartridge, resisted consistent print runs for over 3+ years to maintain its release price of 40$ throughout the entire DS lifespan.

I'm not paying for it, but I'd never be caught dead playing an online game anyway for it. There is no excuse to make anyone pay for shit like this.

how to get this shit for free without card shit?

its a console made with features to enjoy nintendo's games with that logic everything is anti consumer fucking idiot why cant i play video games on my cactus? thats so anti consumer

>what is infrastructure

Other consoles also make you pay for online, which is also bad.

I was a hopeless optimist.

It's features also gimp and limit games. Nintendo doesn't make consoles so you can enjoy its features, they make consoles so they can force you to give them more money in order to play their games.
Also, don't try to pretend it has any redeeming features beyond portability. That's the only thing that makes it marginally worth existing.

>what is p2p

I personally love to pay to use the internet connection I already pay too much for

What’s wrong with that?

I can't.

Tetris 99 is great, but not enough anymore.

HD rumble, gyro aiming, You are litterally being autistic right now with your logic every device in the world is physical DRM. My penis must be physical DRM to prevent me from having a vagina. Please cancel your subscription to your ISP

Why are you even mad? Because you can't buy Nintendo games on steam? Fucking retard.


i need a stronger dose doc

how do i get that? i already pay for prime

>HD rumble, gyro aiming
Do you even know the difference between a controller and a console?
Also your arguments are asinine for not being able to recognize the difference between a multimedia machine that you have full control over and a locked, limited system that exists purely to peddle games via exclusivity. Again, people are shitting all over the Epic Store for far less, and rightfully so. Why people stick their neck out so they can get fucked over by consoles is beyond me.

Why aren't you mad? Why do you condone Nintendo treating you and their games like trash purely for the sake of profit?

I mooch off it someone else to use it. The only positive thing I can say is that it's inexpensive and the family plan allows you to share multiple accounts but paid online is cancer.
>Entire friends system is pointless since there's no way to contact them within the system
>Can't modify or hack your switch in anyway without getting your money stolen now
>Few worthwhile online titles that aren't already on PC which can be played online for free
>More bare bones than both the Wii and Wii U
Everybody pretty much came to terms with it and bought it already so there's no where to go but down.

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The people playing on the Switch are probably more nostalgic for SNES and N64 games then NES games and not to mention NES games are just a terrible value proposition in general, so it's really sad and shitty on Nintendo's part to throw out 2 NES games and a "super special edition" save state to a NES game that was already included. It's really not that hard for Nintendo to make the subscription seem more worth it.

Microsoft was at fault first, and Sony and Nintendo are equally at fault for following suit. They're all shit for doing this.

actual autist people are shitting on the epic gamestore for taking games that were supposed to be on steam. People play console games because PC has very little good exclusives and is really only good for multiplats

Xbox's Online was ahead of its time and worth the money. The shit we are paying for now isn't. ( I meant "we" as Hooman. I am not paying for this shit.)

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Imagine being such a deluded Ninten-toddler you unironically shill high game prices.

Especially games that are Wii U ports intended for toddlers.

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They're shitting on Epic for forcing exclusivity instead of proper competition. Competition is a good thing, forcing you to use both services because one of them is buying up exclusives is not.

No, I don't want to. I pay for it, but that's only because I can't play online if I don't.

>buy console
>buy game
>pay for your broadband
>pay for electricity
>still have to pay a fee for online access

I get better value buying a Sony game at $25 than a Nintendo Wii U bing bing toddler port at $60.

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then you should be shitting on steam for also having games that are not on epic

Okay that's cool but not everyone wants to buy a bunch of "decent portable emulation machines" and just want the actual Nintendo box to play Nintendo games.

PC is hands down the superior platform. Exclusivity is an anti-consumer blight and shouldn't be lauded. If people didn't condone consoles, everything would be playable in its ideal form on PC.

You don't have to play them.

>boring garbage
>boring garbage
>an actual fun game
great pic

if you want such a realistic car driving experience go out and drive your fucking car

Steam had nothing to do with that. Epic is new. It's up to them to build up their library. It's not Steam's responsibility.

nothing beats mario kart in racing game user
nice try

Either complain about all online subscriptions or none, you little faggot. Why’re you singling out Nintendo unless you’re just a baiting cunt?



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Anyone see that leaked character list?

Think that's all the characters we'll get?

I'm sad there's no Moneybags on it.

Nothing beats you being an unapologetic manchild obsessed with Nintendo's toddler-aimed bing bing Wii U ports.

Probably because Nintendo's is even worse than the dogshit the other's provide.

Because Nintendo charging for online is like a criminal charging you for him beating you up.

I guarantee you masturbate to cars

This isn’t a fucking argument. This is you saying “I don’t like service that’s provided”. You’ll never be fucking satisfied so it’s irrelevant. They’re all shitty services.

This is the saddest example of defending Activision-tier prices for video games I've seen yet.

There are only two publishers jewish enough to charge full price for 5 year old games; Activision and Nintendo.

Nintendo is even worse than the scum at Activision. They shamelessly resell Wii U games, then put them at full price and keep them at full price because they know full well Switch is terrible for third-party games so they have platform monopoly. Nintenfags are sad fucks for somehow bragging about Nintendo taking a bit more from their wallets than even scum like Activision.

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I guarantee you masturbate to kids you mentally stunted Nintenmanchild.

It’s still a service, still provides infrastructure to play online and gives complimentary games each month. Same as the others, varying quality, cheaper price.

I was satisfied when it was free you cocksucker.

It's still a better deal than Google Stadia.


>peer-to-peer online
>requiring anything past the most basic matchmaking server
PC games have been able to do this shit for free since the 90's. Why can't Switch?

Yeah, except Nintendo is quite literally charging you to use your own fucking internet for garbage p2p while only offering shitty NES games you've already bought a thousand times before because they intentionally killed the VC in order to peddle this giant middle finger of a service. Fuck you.

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Reminder that Nintenfags have unironically claimed in this thread that it's fine that Nintendo sells overpriced games because those games are so much better than everyone else's.

Don't forget how deluded they are.

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PC in concept is the best platform. The biggest most cutting edge games these days are exclusives. If you like video games you are going to want these games. So ideally you want the most or best cutting edge games for your dollar so buying one console is ideal. Exclusivity exists so most of these games can be funded in the first place without a big money backer like sony, microdick, or nintendo these games cannot be made. exclusivity exists out of nessasity and isnt exactly anti-consumer.

It's P2P. It costs Nintendo nothing. Paying for the games covers the work required to play that game online. The really annoying thing is games like Splatoon are worthless without their online, and they're $60 games.

Course you were. You’re a nigger.

Again, singling out Nintendo and ignoring the others. You’re a baiting faggot. They’re ALL shit but they’re optional services.

Then don’t buy it? Why are you struggling with this concept?

As a nintendo fan im gonna say that no its not cool for them to sell 1- 2 switch for 60 dollars. However if people are going to buy it for 60 dollars you cant do anything about it.

PC lost all relevance when the western AA scene more or less crashed in favor of conglomerate publishers and trashy indie games.

Now it's just leeches of consoles for games and the occasional F2P game intended for Brazilians with Intel HD 3000. The best thing about the platform is full backwards compatibility going back decades, alongside emulation. But PC gaming in 2019 is a joke I won't even bother with.

>y-you're just poor
Meanwhile Steam is a million times the better service with a million times more features ALL FOR FREE

Fuck you.

The save backups etc. all require server maintenance, whether you care to admit it or not. I retreat: it’s a shitty service but costs less because it delivers less.

I can’t. I don’t know what they were thinking. LAN adapters don’t help as much as you think they should, but I got it anyway because 25 bucks for a year ain’t that bad.

Then enjoy your free handouts, nigger

You get three months for like 23 euro or something on ps4
You get an entire year for 20 on switch
I think the price drop justifies the difference in quality. They'd have never done this if xbox live never started this shitty trend in the first place.


Because I shouldn't have to buy it in order to play a significant chunk of the content in the games I own and I should have access to the VC games I've bought previously instead of having them be ripped away just so they could be used as an enticement to subscribe to a shitty service. The cherry on this shitsundae is it hasn't even improved the quality of the online. The games that have come out after the service launched have all had completely unacceptable problems. The free online offered by the Wii U and 3DS should not be putting the new console and its paid online to shame.

>The save backups etc.
I'd have a little more sympathy if they hadn't removed your ability to create your own backups, just so they could tack that on as a feature. Even so, it would cost them next to nothing.

I cant but blame microsoft or sony

they did it first and can have the blame.

$20 and I can play online. Whats the problem.
Its better than anything on the market. Steam is the only alternative but doesnt have the games.

>I shouldn’t have to pay for a service provided to me because I don’t like it

Well, arguably, you do. You don’t have to LIKE it, sure, but the best you can do is cry about it like a little shit on a Tibetan papercraft bulletin board and get called a little faggot.

Who the fuck cares about your sympathy?

>cost them next to nothing
Like they’re charging

Least I'm not bending over for papa nintendo. Buy your shit if you want, but don't be such a faggot that you try to defend it.

You brag about paying for something that's objectively worse in every way. This doesn't make you superior. It makes you a fucking retard.

Why are nintenfags so on edge all the time? Calm the fuck down, Nintendo doesn't need your protection.

I don’t need to defend it, little faggot. There’s nothing to defend. It’s optional.

>i can't be held accountable for the crime i committed due to reason that sometime in the past someone else committed the same kind of crime

>It's optional to access up towards half the game's content I already paid full price for

Sony and microsoft both have dedicated servers, nintendo is just peer to peer,

>actually paying for p2p

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Point me to a “brag”? I think it’s a shitty service too but but I need the save back up, want the online, and the VC games are a small bonus. I’d rather not pay anything either but I’m an adult and I recognise the whole “payment for goods and services” part of adult life.

>I have nothing else to add so I’ll just make something up.
Hang in there, champ

If they had my sympathy they might have my money you dumbass
And it wouldn't cost them anything at all if they didn't take the ability away from consumers to begin with

>but I need the save back up, want the online
You get that for free on Steam. Nintendo removed the ability of local backup so they could instead hide it behind a paywall. They also removed VC so they could put shitty NES games you've already emulated a million times as part of their "service".

You are a corporate cocksucker of the highest magnitude.

You've been doing nothing but defending it. The fact that you're trying to justify it as optional is literally an attempt to defend it. I hope Nintendo pays you well.

>but other people do something different!
Good for them? A prostitute might stick her tongue up your ass during a blow job but it doesn’t mean you can expect it from all of them.

Son, I’ve said repeatedly in the thread I think they’re all shitty services - I own all three consoles and I pay for the devices I’ll get some use out of and ignore the ones I don’t. Like an adult. Your adolescent fuck-the-system attitude has no bearing on this.

Don't buy Nintendo games then you fucking troglodyte. Jesus Nigger Christ how entitled and pampered can one person be

Stating the fact that it's optional doesn't mean anyone is justifying it. You being a massively obnoxious faggot is optional too. Cry more bitch nigga

>mindless consumer calling anyone else a troglodyte
the irony

Attached: consume.jpg (1024x960, 115K)

>Son, I’ve said repeatedly in the thread I think they’re all shitty services
But that's literally not true "son". You can remove Nintendo's cock from your mouth any time now. Steam does everything Nintendo's piss trashy service way better and all for free. And here you're defending Nintendo charging for p2p multiplayer as some sort of absolute must in business.





they pay me very well for every comment i post here i get 60 dollars

I’ve been saying repeatedly it’s a shitty service. I’ve been saying they’re all shitty. I’ve been saying this is the cheapest of the shit services. Ive been saying it’s optional. None of that it a defence: they’re just facts.

No one unironically defends paid nintendo online, and when they do it's so obvious that they're just shitposting for yous that it's not worth even entertaining them.

Yet you use steam, the greediest offender of them all.

There is no defense, the service is shit and the only reason to have it is unironically for Mario Maker 2. They obviously knew it and offered it with the game for a reason.

Steam isn't bending people over to use their own internet connection. Steam doesn't take your games away from you and make you rebuy them over couple of years. Steam provides basic services like cloud backups completely for free. Steam has constant massive, storewide sales where you can get relatively new games for less than ten bucks.
Steam is not perfect, not even close, but don't even try to compare it to this shit.

Stating facts does not preclude you from defending it. You're only stating the facts that support your narrative while conveniently omitting the facts that paint it in a much more negative light.

Look, lad, I know precisely what I’ve posted. Yea Forums isn’t just two people. I think it’s a shitty service and I’d rather not pay. Actually I’d rather they paid ME to use it. Sadly, that doesn’t seem to be an option. Yep, steam does some things differently, like: not having Nintendo games on it, for example. If that’s not a factor then why are you whinging about a price point for a service you’ll never use?

I’ve said, repeatedly, it’s a shitty service. Which part of that is not in a “negative light”? I think you’re the one being selective with commentary.

I also want to sell my ps2-graphics game port tablet and buy a ps4 instead.

Then why are you butting heads with people criticizing it? Why are you attempting to put it on the same level as services that, while still shitty, are heads and shoulders better than it? Why are you trying to make it sound acceptable because sony and microsoft do it and because it's "optional"?

Look nigger, you can remove that Nintendo cock from your mouth any day and just admit that Nintendo's "service" is literally worse in every way compared to one that is completely free.

>steam takes a massive cut from each sale to provide barebones services and can bully publishers into uneconomic sales but don't mention all that because Nintendo costs $60 per year
You steamshills sicken me, at least only use GoG. Price reductions don't automatically mean better consumer relations. Every dollar steam siphons from publishers is paid by customers with Day 1 DLC and microtransactions.

You’re terrible at following comment chains, sport. I’ve said that it’s the shittiest service but as a result it’s the cheapest. The only world were you get to decide what’s “acceptable” is the one of your own concoction. Don’t want it? Then don’t accept it and don’t pay for it. All power to you. You’re also free to come stand on a soapbox here but you’ll have to deal with being called a faggot. Just one of life’s little trade offs I’m afraid, lad.

Isn't this like 4 times cheaper than snoy's and Ainzbox's memberships? seethe elsewhere

Attached: 1526652173185.jpg (747x747, 30K)

Not really a comparable service though is it, you know,if your criteria is “first party Nintendo games played through legitimate means”.

>I’ve said that it’s the shittiest service but as a result it’s the cheapest
That's not true though. Steam is not only better but also way cheaper in the form of being completely free.

>completely free
You can't be serious you actual flaming cocksucking faggot, Valve gets billions for providing shit, why do you think microtransactions and season passes exist? Because valve is sucking publishers and developers dry. There's no free meal anywhere, you're just too dumb to realize that non-steam services are operating cost-neutral.

It's only not really comparable because it's superior in every way and also completely free.

>Steam is not perfect, not even close, but don't even try to compare it to this shit
You know what the comparison was. Don't try to change goalposts.

>Every dollar steam siphons from publishers is paid by customers with Day 1 DLC and microtransactions
I'm sure Steam has some small part in that, but don't try to pretend it isn't pure greed from publishers knowing they can get away with it, especially when gachashit is raking in billions.

>DLC and other jewery doesn't exist on Nintendo
LMAO look at this deluded cocksucker. Enjoy paying $60 for a Wii U port, $20 for Hard Mode DLC and then a subscription fee just to access the peer-to-peer multiplayer that has been free on PC since forever.

Attached: Nintendo Online.png (800x1452, 431K)

It's significantly cheaper than the other consoles.

Following the reply chain leads to the first post calling people cunts for "singling out Nintendo" followed shortly after by "they're all shitty services". Why are you lying?
And you are still defending it.

Damn nigger you're a bunch of dumb faggots.
DLC was always inevitable but steam actively pushes that shit by demanding a 30-40% cut on every sale on top of mandatory sales.
$60 is just not enough when comparing prices from the 90s and adjusting it by inflation.
Steam eating a huge portion of the whole cake just begs for a huge cut into development costs which negatively influences the quality of games and makes additional sales like DLC and microtransactions more attractive.

it's the cheapest online out of all consoles

Every single Kart games have been a better Mario kart than Mario Kart. CTR is better, Sega all star transformed is better etc...

And? It's still not worth that price considering you're paying to use your own internet. Even if it were free, as it should be for p2p, it still would be unacceptable in 2019.

be in a family plan and you don't have to pay for it yet you reap all the "benefits"

Haven't console's done this for over a decade? Why is only a problem when Nintendo does it (at the cheapest price)?

Is that why Nintendo is going all out with dlc and mobileshit now? Because Valve is eating into their margins with all those Nintendo games hosted on Steam?

It was shit then, and it's even shittier now. For the love of god, don't defend it. Nintendo does not care about you.

Nincel getting cornered, feeling the heat

It's called the free market little commie. If people didn't want to pay $60 for Nintendo games, they wouldn't sell. Meanwhile most Western AAA shit is all HYPE and designed to make all the money in the first 2 weeks because none of them have lasting appeal.

>only nes games
>no snes, n64, gamecube, gbc, gba, or ds games

Attached: monkey sees something it shouldn't have.jpg (656x349, 25K)

And yet somehow the biggest offender when it comes to dlc and microtransactions doesn't have any of their games on steam. How odd.

1 2 Shitch is even worse than western AAA titles you deluded bing bing tendie

Look at the stupid child completely misunderstand basic shit.

It's shit but it could be worse.
Not much more to say.

There's no defending it
There's no defending this either, paying for online has always and will always be retarded
>muh but I get free games
Every ps4 owner I've met tells me this no you're paying for those games, you aint getting anything free. I have to wonder how did we let this happen? basically owning a console means paying for online

Keep defend Nintendo's cock ramming up your ass, tendie.

Yikes, slow down on the assumptions there.
I'm not defending I just find it interesting how fans of other beep boop boxes are saying all this while they pay 3 or 4 times the price for the same thing on their own console.

Who has defended other paid services here? It's just that Nintendo is objectivelt the worst service. Rid yourself of that victim comples tendie.

>It's shit but it could be worse
How? There's really nothing they could do to make it worse. And before you say they could take away NES games or online backups as perks, keep in mind that the only reason the Switch doesn't have a VC, you can't transfer over VC games from older consoles, and there's no local backups is so they can push their online service.

You're making the assumption that anyone is defending paid online period. Nintendo is an easy target because theirs is hands down the worst, but that doesn't mean its acceptable elsewhere.

It has the worst service, and it's also the cheapest. Seems like that balances it out if we're comparing to other companies.
So why didn't you make a thread questioning paid online services in general, instead of specifically targeting Nintendo?

No it doesn't, because it doesn't offer anything and instead only holds features and your own internet hostage.

It could be $60 a year instead of $5

>it doesn't offer anything
>it only holds features

Attached: 1537143171885.png (211x244, 72K)

>So why didn't you make a thread questioning paid online services in general, instead of specifically targeting Nintendo?
Probably because Nintendo is by far and away the worst of the three if I had to guess.

EA and Rockstar are the biggest offenders you illiterate cumstains.

Should have been SNES games. I don't think that there's a single NES game that actually holds up in comparison to the the things that were released on SNES
>But SMB3

I knew a shitposter would latch on to that while intentionally ignoring what those features actually are. You can thank the online service for taking away the VC, all the VC games you had on older consoles, and local backups so they could butcher them and push them as "features". Or do you enjoy the tradeoff of no VC and being dripfed the NES games you've owned multiple times already? All so you can pay for your own internet with laggy p2p online.

Exactly. And guess what? They have their own store. Maybe you've heard of it. It's called Origin and they control everything on it.

And you can get over 50 EA games on steam making your argument invalid.

Tetris 99.

Attached: 1561807167505.png (2450x1472, 3.38M)

Once again, you're comparing Nintendo online to others. But user I thought they were aaaaall bad? Isn't that what you keep saying?
Let me say it again
Nintendo has the WORST online
Nintendo has the CHEAPEST online
Therefore it's about as fair and as bad as every other paid online system
You're free to call paid online shit in general. I believe it is too. But it's clear you just want to shit on Nintendo and picked this as your angle.

Don't games on Soitch have DLC and Season Passes? That's new to me.

The family plan actually makes it really good value for money.

>All 8 slots filled
>£4 each for a year's subsciption
>We play Mario Kart online at least 3 times a week together
>Smash Online is "good enough" (it seems to only be when I'm playing against people with shitty internet that I get any lag)
>I'd say I've gotten at least £4 worth of enjoyment from the NES games
>Put mad hours into Tetris 99 (won £10 eShop credit in one of the early Grand Prix or whatever they're called)
I would happily pay an extra £20 a year if I knew other people could hear my horn in Mario Kart ;_;

I can't. Their online infrastructure has always been garbage and now they're expecting you to pay for it. Fuck them.

>over 50 games
>half those being Sims 3 modpacks
EA has removed all the relevant money makers and hasn't put any newer games on steam in years, stop being disingenuous.

There's no point in arguing with braindead retards like you, as soon as you've been proven wrong you shit out a non-sequitor.

Can't, it's a terrible service. At least buy servers for recent games you fucking assholes.

Defending Switch online is hard. I guess I can do it, but I still fucking hate the service and only begrudgingly pay for it for Splatoon and Smash and Arms.
It's cheap, and they're apparently putting games from future consoles like SNES and GBA games on their streaming service, which is cool I guess.
Switch Online still has way more issues than benefits, and I legitimately believe that they only added it to shut their shareholders up.

>the biggest offender is EA
>yeah that one isn't even on steam
>yeah it is
>uhm yeah it is but it's not relevant
So you knew you only talked bullshit and now you're calling me disingenuous?

No I'd just want to shit on Nintendo you fanboy. I have only ever owned Nintendo systems. The difference is I recognize them as a corporation who gives zero fucks about me so I'm free to criticize them all I want.

>Therefore it's about as fair and as bad as every other paid online system
No, it's not the same because they don't provide any value for your money when it comes to the online as it's p2p, and those other features are not only not even remotely worth it at face value, but actively insult consumers by screwing over anyone who has bought VC games on previous systems, and there's no excuse for not allowing local backups other than to hold your saves hostage behind the service. That kind of shit is not worth a dime.

>Smash Bros online
They'd have to pay me, not the other way around.

*No I don't just want to shit on Nintendo

lmao nincel got real assmad now

But it is the same value for money as other online services.
>No I'd just want to shit on Nintendo you fanboy
at least you've finally admitted it
this is how it always plays out
>"Nintendo online bad!"
>"but other consoles have paid online too"
>"But nintendo's is the worst!
>"yes but it's also the cheapest, making it the same value for money as the rest"
>"But ALL paid online is bad!"
>"Yes, I know"
>5 minutes later...

Unfortunately that's just how things work. You can firmly place the blame on companies like Sony and Microsoft for making paid online an industry standard.

Yes, because you are. Games that came out roughly ten years ago are irrelevant and you know it. EA embodies the very worst of dlc and microtransactions and they've had full control and exclusively offer their games on Origin for nearly a decade. How could steam be forcing that poor publisher to pump out so much shitty dlc and microtransactions if they haven't even been offering their games for almost ten years now?

And no it's not the same value as other services. Other services provide dedicated servers and a variety of recent games, not dripfeed 30 year old titles while removing the ability to buy the ones you want, and add discounts on top of that. And that's not including Steam, where all of it is free.
You're too hung up on trying to defend some poor precious corporation to see that they're fucking you over.

EA started Origin because they saw how much money Valve made and EA is/was one of the few publishers who can actually offer a broad variety of games.

19,99 bucks per year, you disgusting poorfag.

>while removing the ability to buy the ones you want
And the ability to transfer them from previous consoles.

Ok, but that has nothing to do with the original point, which was valve forcing everybody to resort to dlc and microtransactions in order to stay afloat.

For now. If people keep slobbering all over Nintendo's dick screaming how much they want to be treated like shit, it's only a matter of time before they pump up the price with nothing to show for it. What's stopping them? You want to play online in that $60 game you bought and can't get anywhere else, don't you?

>original point
Meant claim

At least it's not l*otboxes.

And Super Mario Maker 2 being completely locked behind the paywall instead of only the multiplayer is complete bullshit.

My original claim was that the higher the cut from steam is, the more publishers will resort to other money making schemes like microtransactions and DLC. There's nothing like a free lunch, not even for gamers.
Let me pay $80 but at least give me a full product in return.

It is impossible to defend. Very few games have vast online functionality, and most importantly, I refuse to belive fucking ANYONE can defend the fact Nintendo didn't bring over all the Virtual console shit from Wii U onto Switch. Literally if they can't start adding those games onto Switch within a year there needs to be more noise, at that point the system would've been out for 3 years into the middle of its life with no real world on this issue.

>Playing Smash online.

Attached: 1537200595851.jpg (832x868, 86K)

Delaying it was a sneaky tactic. After the Wii U, they needed the launch to be as successful as possible, not marred by paid online. Then once everyone had settled in and become invested with all their games, slap them with an online paywall.

imagine not experiencing smash with friends

If only my friends own a switch


I literally fucking can't

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Nobody can. And sadly there's no way fans will collectively tell Nintendo to fuck off, so the real question is will it ever get any better.

>sony and Microsoft have dedicated servers

Look it up

>they have servers
>I-I can't prove it though
eat shit you stupid sony cocksucker
imagine paying $60 a year for p2p LOL

How many games didn't become ghost towns after this paid online? Pretty much every online game that wasn't a big Nintendo game. For fighting games, it became community poison. Nintendo has no regards whatsoever for online communities.

They do for their own games. They make other host their own servers. Shitty, but at least they have servers.
Xbox and Steam both provide servers or pay developers the cost of hosting them.
Now fuck Nintendo shill.

Miraculously, even Arms still has a decent player base after online got a price tag slapped on it.

Yeah but that's a Nintendo exclusive. What happened to games like Dragonball Fighter Z, Street Fighter Collection and so on? Those games got hit hard by the ghost town syndrome since those communities were already very small even when it was free service.

>still no source
ps4 has fucking dogshit online connections
good thing they definitely for sure have severs through I trust you buddy LOL

i won't defend Nintendo OP

Attached: Nintenproud.png (629x716, 591K)

I won't.

It is piece of shit, just like any Nintendo online service.

Where the fuck is the chat system? Where the fuck is the stream service? Where the fuck is the menu music? Where the fuck is the themes!? where the fuck is xbox/ps4 like mic system? WHY IS IT SO HARD TO UPDATE THIS DAMN ONLINE!!?? GIVE ME A GOD DAMN CHAT SYSTEM!!!

get better internet

I can't. i got the year nintendo online and they abducted my mother, raped my sister and beheaded my father. don't fall for the online sub
trick, you'll regret it.

Sorry bud but you got NINTENJEWED

Attached: Nintendo.gif (409x254, 83K)

How many of you fags shit all over this but still pay for it?

Avoid Splatoon at all cost! It's the only way to escape Nintendo Online.

I got a free year with twitch prime which I got for free with student prime due to being in college. I only use it for Smash and to play NES games, but the service is pretty shit overall.

I have both Splatoon 2 and Ultimate, but I have abstained by playing Splatoon and Smash 4 instead. I ain't supporting this shit.

Looking at the few games I have right now, about 16 of the games I own for the system fully require Nintendo Online to actually experience its contents they have to offer, Splatoon2 and Mario Maker 2 have single player stuff but the selling point is the online content — and it's worse with games like Doom 2016 where they have the story mode and that's it except you can replay the same missions - cause you need Nintendo Online to play offline bot battles alone with everything unlocked.
The Switch beyond garbage, and the fact that it's required for many games is baffling. If they had features that have been standard for two decades now maybe this wouldn't be so bad, but they have less features than the Wii.

They only stooped to it once every other company had, acting like nintendo doing it for much cheaper is worse than other companies doing it is absurd and faggots should stop doing that
The NES games are neat
Other than that it's fucking dog shit and I'd gladly murder the man that made the decision
How the fuck is the netcode worse than the wiiu god fuck

and you for adopting it with open arms when it came to your console of choice, you filthy corporate cocksucker swine.

>But Nintendo is and will always be cheap as fuck

Paid online was the minority until gen 8

I'm not the user you responded to, but man I experienced Smash Ultimate both online and offline for a decent few weeks, and wish I could get my time and money back... honestly.

>lack of any meaningful single player content at launch (patches don't count and only cucks think patches are acceptable for non-service games)
>gameplay having an awful input buffer system AND native 8 frames native input lag
>adding easier inputs like short hopping and reducing lag so Little Jimmy can have a fighting chance
>harder to punish players for spamming because of the new 'parry' system when you have to put down your defense when it doesn't even work correctly
>online mode is so abysmally bad that it makes me sad that people are still playing it
>Piranha Plant is fucking micro DLC
Imagine still playing it past it's first week, like holy shit.

Ideally that would be true but PC also gets the worst DRM by an absolute longshot generally speaking

I can't

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Embarrassing post.

300 IQ

>The NES library is a cool throw in.
No it fucking isn't. Not when you realize no VC and no transfers from older consoles. And that's ignoring the fact that we've all likely paid for or played these games countless times already.

>legitimate criticism
>But snoy microsoft is worse!
every time.

>-300 IQ

How? Consoles are literally hardware based DRM that cost hundreds of dollars and directly stunt the quality of their games.

The free market ideal thrives best when the consumer is critical. Did you learn what communism is just this week?


everybody else does it is all the justification they need as a company.
you can thank all the shit for brains that supported paid online on the other consoles.

Attached: 1552416606850.gif (500x387, 175K)

because the idea is that you already have Prime because you use Amazon quite a bit, not that you get Prime to get Switch Online you brainlet

>industry standard
>has less features than Wii, PSP or Dreamcast which were all free
>you don't get anything extra other than to just play online with poor P2P infrastructures
>You get Tetris 99 for '''free''' with no control options, graphics settings or even audio options, but don't worry you can pay for Offline Bots for the low low price of 9.99!
>They include NES Classics for '''free''' but you don't own any of the games as they can take them away easily at any time they want, and you have to be logged online once a week to play them offline

>they except you to pay for it

muchisimas gracias, doctor

Consoles are so locked down that companies don't have to use methods that get in the consumer's way, like online checkins.

>tfw can't get the Switch Online free with Prime because I have a family membership with my brothers, my sister and a friend, and the Single doesn't stack with the family one

Attached: xd.png (244x310, 124K)

Is there anyway to tie my amazon account to a family member who has prime?

Link your amazon prime account to your twitch account and then redeem it through twitch.

And they offer perks to make it worth it, like free games. ACTUAL free games, and not fucking NES titles.
Any amount of money for online that's worse than the Wii U's, which was free, is too much. It's a scam and you know it.

Attached: 1513506540.jpg (525x525, 22K)

Based Moe poster

I completely agree that Nintendo's online is dogshit and easily the worst of the bunch, but let's not insinuate that paid online is ok in any capacity.

>he can't afford $4 a year

isn't playing games online the perk you're paying for?

Get an ethernet adapter you peasant.


Attached: 1536862450823.png (640x392, 219K)

No one with any sense would, it's pure greed. Not any better than the free online on Wii U, if anything it's somehow a downgrade. I can't believe Nintendo has made me nostalgic for the virtual console, that shit was already lazy.

I got a year free with Amazon Prime so no. I wouldn't pay for it otherwise.

Accomplishes jack shit if it's the guy on the other end, or the distance.

>paying for prime
good goy

I like this guy

I can't. I own a PC+Switch+PS4+Xbone but I never paid for online for the consoles. If I want to play online, I'll do it on PC. I have my normalfag friends anyway if I want to play games like smash and fifa in multiplayer.

Attached: _64145060_.jpg (1000x1200, 807K)

I won't, but I'll say the same thing every time NSO is brought up.

Unless you have a time machine so we can go back in time and make it so Xbox dudebros never made paying for online acceptable, then it's way too fucking late to complain about it.

Attached: 66d.png (500x647, 243K)

Except the Xbox came out 16 years before the Switch.

cheaper than its console competitors by $40
sales not taken into account, but even THEN its still $10 less because XBL is always $30 on sale.

fuck you
its the ONLY way you are playing games online, you can't fucking stop others from buying it, faggots. you can't "educate" people into not buying it.

i like playing my shit ONLINE, not hax LAN bullshit either, neither emunand bullshit where i can't install NSP and use them online.

your all fucking faggots

PC being "free" doesn't matter
one day, even you will pay for a fee to use your internet. don't say no, children, epic store exists and that is enough to piss you off.

paid online on PC is next, faggots.

You really can't. On the plus side, it's way cheaper than Xbox and Playstation's online, but since everything is P2P, it's unbearably slow (SMM2 Multiplayer is garbage). At least it's cheap, but it still is infinitely more than we should be paying for fucking P2P. If they had servers it would be fine though.

why do you fucking retards keep thinking sony or microsoft have servers

Ignoring your shitty rant, this
>paid online on PC is next
will never happen. PC is far too open.

Don't give money to Amazon.
Neither Nintendo, buy your consoles used, hack them and pirate the games.

fuck off lmao

>30% attach rate


Because they do. Of course there are some games that use p2p, but on the whole, they have dedicated servers for the bigger games that benefit from them, especially first party games.
If it were just indies or some rando 3rd parties that used p2p because Nintendo was unwilling to host servers for them or pay the operating cost for hosting their own, it wouldn't be that big of a deal, but these are first party Nintendo games that suffer massively from p2p purely because Nintendo is too cheap to use dedicated servers for the paid online service.

>they do because I say so
how do sony and microsoft provide the "servers" for those same games on PC hmmmmmmmmmmm?

Sony doesn't cover the cost of dedicated servers for the 3rd parties, that's up to the 3rd parties. Microsoft does for the Xbox. Valve does for Steam.
Either way, the only reason you're trying to argue this is in an attempt to justify Nintendo trashing their own games because they're too cheap to use p2p. Neither Sony nor Microsoft (or Valve), treats their first party games so poorly.

*too cheap to use dedicated servers.

you have literally not once proven that they actually use servers
post a source or fuck off, you pay $60 for jack fucking shit

You can do your own research, I'm not going to baby you.

>implying I've owned anything other than Nintendo systems and a PC, let alone paid for any online services period
I'm going off of what I've read, not any fanboyism like you are.

I can't. I'd rather pay $60 for xbox live on my switch than $20 for Nintendo online. And I already pay for xbox live on my xbox.

NSO has paid cloud saves. On XBL they are free.
NSO has paid NES ROM RENTING. On XBL back compat is free.
NSO has voice chat through an app and requires an accessory to mix chat and sound to a single headset. On XBL I just plug in my headset to the controller audio jack and it just works.
NSO RENTS you NES ROMs. On XBL I am given 6th-8th generation games to own, and often good ones too like NHL 19 recently.
NSO is all P2P. On XBL there are dedicated servers. I've had countless times where I run into an error or lag with NSO. Never happens on XBL.

I could go on, but my point is that NSO is unacceptably bad compared to other online services

>You can do your own research
>I'm full of shit, please believe me

If you're going off of what you read and not your own experience then how do you know that other fanboys weren't lying to you?

I know for a fucking fact that Sony doesn't have dedicated servers.

Don't care if you believe me. Nintendo using p2p for games that clearly suffer from it as a result is shitty for a paid service regardless of whether other companies use dedicated servers. I shouldn't have humored an argument focused around deflection to begin with.

Because I wasn't just reading random posts on the internet.

That's incorrect. You only need NSO to download the NES app, once you've got it, it's yours forever.

I won't.

I loved my ps3 and didn't buy a pisspoor because of online service costing money. Same with the switch.

Attached: sony fanboys.png (878x1235, 36K)

Yeah but you can't play it without checking in once a month.

Nope. You need to check in that you are still subbed to NSO after a while to use it

>it's yours forever
That's what I thought about my previous VC purchase. Those NES games will be yours until the Switch is obsolete. Then they'll likely just start the whole thing all over again for the next console, only maybe with some newer games added to the mix.

But seriously why are people always so up in arms about lootboxes and microtransactions when the past DECADE has had paid online platforms for no discernible reason

Better than VC, you don't have to spend 5 dollars on "tennis" or "volleyball".
You're not buying internet, you're buying nes games.

Attached: DEDEDELET.jpg (250x300, 16K)

I unironically can't. There is a reason Ninty jumped on the online band wagon. Pic related. They want a piece of that pie.

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Because people have been duped into thinking it's worth the price.

>for no discernible reason
It's an easy way to milk money out of your fans. That's all the reason they needed.

You literally played yourself

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I don't get it. What online games are on the PS4 that you can't play for free on PC?

>this random faggot said it on twitter so it must be true
fuck game "journalism" and fuck you

Everything about this post is so wrong.
The VC was certainly overpriced, but NSO is so much worse in every regard, and you can thank that service for not simply being able to buy the games that you want or transfer those games that you already bought from your older systems. They're holding those random NES games hostage, not giving you a deal. Also, you lose those NES games when you end the service, so you're not even buying them, you're renting them.

I can’t. Putting aside the fact that it’s an underpowered gimmick Fischer price tablet for children, the online is terrible.

Aww thank you doctor

PS4 is a normie machine. Most people don't like PC because they think you can't just turn it on and sit on the couch, when you can easily do that if you know anything at all about a PC.

Yeah, so? I would never buy Tennis for 5 dollars.

What are you exactly paying for? Are the hosting game servers? Also, did they really introduce it after people have alreay bought multiplayer games? What the fuck?

You don't have to buy those, either.

>Are the hosting game servers?
No, and that's a big reason why people are pissed off. The other is taking bare minimum basic features away and holding them hostage behind the paywall.

I can buy NSO, a Yea Forums pass and a box of chicken with a drink for cheaper than 1 year of PS4

Well let’s see
20$ it’s bad but it’s cheap > 60 it’s decent but costs 3 times as much

That’s why

Ok? You're not buying any NES games period with NSO, so good on you I guess.

It's cheaper to get a PS4 in third world countries than a PC, and that's where FIFA sells the best.

Why do you condone this? I'm sure you've read all the arguments and yet you still defend them, so why? Honest question, because you know it's not about the price.

Thank you, have a nice day.

Attached: Happi wojak.jpg (196x250, 7K)

This doesn't make sense to me. Why not compare to PC where I don't have to pay extra for online and I still get more features? I want Nintendo platforms to actually be good rather than slightly less bad than another bad option.

A company makes a low cost subscription service that's more palatable for parents who buy their kids Nintendo products. It's literally a way to get more money at a "better" price than "those other guys".

Makes perfect sense from a business standpoint.

Imagine being a SEETHING nincel desperately defending cucktendo because “muh nostalgia muh bing bing wahoo 1up”

Makes perfect sense form a fuck the fans standpoint as well.

Nope, can't. Worse services for a price. Still brought it though, Mario Maker 2 was too good to pass up.

Really? I pirated the app and it didn't check the subscription even once.
Hackfags win again, I guess.

Attached: psplus.png (1223x1235, 130K)

When I made this thread, I was actually referring to Nintendo's garbage online and not the 'paid online' part of it.

Next you're going to be telling me Yea Forums isn't one person you colossal fag

That's valid too. Forcing people to pay for it just makes it that much more unacceptable.

It's pure deflection. I don't care which is the worst of the bunch when they all do the same bullshit at the end of the day.

It's never too late to complain as long as you stick your money where your mouth is.

Dumbest post of 2019

You bet your ass if people gave Nintendo the finger instead of buying into it they would've changed their stance. It's never too late to do that.

I can't.

>oh my god 20 bucks a year is going to completely break my bank account!

Obviously it depends for each person. I make 6 figures and don't have kids so it's a non issue for me.

>and don't have kids
or a moral compass