So, do you think the remake is going to be any good?
So, do you think the remake is going to be any good?
no because they aren't making one
and even if they were it'd still be shit
>they aren't making one
he said he'd like to not that they will. it's not even his fucking decision
I want Mania 2.
With current Sonic Team? Not in the slightest no, it would have to take one hell of a trailer to win me over
Let Iizuka direct and let him hand select his team, and don't let the interns who made Forces anywhere near it.
>It's not his fucking decision
Doesn't mean it's not likely. Sonic always follows the trends. Sonic Adventure happened because all the other 2d mascots were going to 3d. Sonic 06's style happened because Final Fantasy was cool at the time. Sonic Colors happened because people responded positively to the day time sections of Unleashed, and the story was in response to people asking for Sonic to stop being so serious and story based. Everything they do is in response to what people say they want or a trend. Right now, remakes of pass games are trendy, and they keep dropping hints like crazy of Sonic Adventure shit. Even if the next game isn't a remake, it's going to likely be Adventure related.
God, you're a moron. Iizuka is part of the problem, if not the problem itself. He's past his prime and needs to be axed
It would take a complete overhaul for it to be good, and I don't know why anyone would want a remake over a new game anyway.
What if
user hear me out
But what if
They look at Mania like "hey that shit was successful as fuck" and take it as a hint that we want even more classic pandering and so the next 3D game will pander even more than Forces and Generations did?
Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog are good games.
Why does Yea Forums get excited about remakes? Is it because you're underaged who never played the game?
maybe if you're a fucking faggot sure
Any thoughts on this thread that was here not too long ago?
Well it's possible, but I don't think they'll stick classic Sonic in any more 3d sonic games considering literally everybody is telling them not to.
please be true
Wish fulfillment, 100% not real.
I ono, but I've always really liked the art style from Adventure 1 and 2. Something about the smooth curves looks really cool
100% BS
>posting images from other, better timelines
Stop bullying us
Without the original voice actors, no.
Adding cut content, extending stages, or throwing in SA2 as a remaster, then yes.
Playable Chaos or Tikal in their own story, hell yes.
Super Sonic cut content in-stage transformation, pre-order confirmed.
Online multiplayer races and chao garden remaster rpg, FAITH IN SEGA RESTORED
People are boring and like experiencing the same shit over and over again out of comfort.
Maybe it's because good games deserved to be remastered. That and nobody wants to buy/emulate a PS1/GCN/N64 and play old games in a square resolution.
Remasters are one thing; remakes are something else entirely. I have no qualms with games being remastered for the sake of availability on more platforms.
It's nice when good games that aged poorly get remastered, sure.
It's not nice when good games get remastered because the company is incompetent and needs the extra cash to fund their next flop. Instead of an actual good game, we get something we already had years ago and then another slap on the ass..
I honestly feel optimistic about most of this being true.
Oh...I agree then. Modernizing games like Ratchet and Clank made it lost it's charm.
At this point, remastering Sonic Adventure 1, 2, or making a Heroes with a better physics engine would be decent enough. That's all I want before Sega goes Konami on us. (They already have the machines and don't need Sonic)
>Only Team Heroes required for Perfect Chaos
>Mod Support on PC
>Flight-simulator Tails
E-102 has the most story out of the Adventure characters and they leave this out? OP should've included VR compatibility for maximum bait.
Why the fuck would it be
I want to believe, despite this being too good to be true. If this were to be real, how far along do you think it currently is? Christmas 2020 release?
Why on earth,would somebody bait Sonicfags like this? This is cruel, unironically. Just giving them hope, for nothing. This is the work of a true, hateful person. I'm not memeing or baiting. Do not fall for this, anons. This is just straight up lies to hype you. Actual evil.
lizuka said the next big year for sonic is 2021
>will feature official mod support on PC
annnnnnnnd you lost it.
>60fps on PS4 and Xbone
I love how Sonic fans are so desperate right now, that just posting something like this, would hype them, and they would blindly believe it. The worst timeline.
But user, nobody believed it.
What, in SEGA and Sonic Teams track records as of recently, makes you think they're capable of something that heartfelt and effortful?
You did play Forces, right?
here's the thing. I fully do believe a sa1/2 remake is coming, however
I also believe they're going to tarnish it forever, and it's going to be terribad. We won't not only be the laughing stock of mascot games, we'll now be the laughing stock of remasters. I can literally feel it. I can just TELL the future when it comes to Sonic nowadays.
fake as shit but i wish it was true
There's no remake of this garbage being made you dumb faggot. There isn't going to be one just because you post the same stupid shit every day.
Goddamn diaperfur retards.
We don't want classic pandering, that's what Forces did. We want good well designed Sonic games with a clear focus on what they want to achieve and enough time, skill and budget to do it.
No. And I honestly don't want one. Playing enough fan games proves Adventure is outdated trash. The atmosphere of the game is fine, but the gameplay is outdated trash and I don't mean "it's 90s tech of course its outdated". The gameplay style itself doesn't appeal to me anymore. The boost era gets the speed right, it's the lack of momentum that makes boost trash.
Literally everything good about the Boost style games is entirely replicable in Adventure style games but with far more capability to add the things fans of the Boost style games want more of.
I can't believe someone screenshot this bullshit. It hits every point of "a fan's wet dream" so it's not fucking happening. It's retarded.
The only part I can see being real is they will look at Mania and try to "copy the magic" and the part he's reeeeeeeing that based Taxman BTFO'd Sonic Team to oblivion and wants to beat him at their own game (as in Sonic Team's own game) but everything else is fake. They just STARTED development literally half a year ago. As in, they stated they STARTED working on this shit, twice, less then a year ago. If they couldn't even make Forceshit look decent in a years time, how can they magically have "BEAUTIFUL" art design/graphical levels in less time than that?
>actually liking boostshit
I'm only on board with an SA1 remake if they keep the voices out of sync with the mouth movements
Yes. This is true. But it wouldn't BE Adventure styled anymore dumbass. It would be "Boost-venture" or some shit some YTer coined months ago.
Let me just be blunt here, playing this fan game Sonic GT has proved to me why I cannot see 1-to-1 Adventure Sonic being appealing anymore. Because modern fans aren't making 1-to-1 remakes, because it's outdated. The speed cap alone is boost tier fast compared to Adventure by miles. The movement is faster and tighter than Adventure. Everything about Adventure plays more like Mario but a bit faster than Sonic going boost tier speeds.
>>actually liking boostshit
Never once said this, fuckboi
>boost would be good if there was a bit of momentum
there's a lot more wrong with boostshit than just that. The fact all you think is wrong is momentum is evidence you like the rest.
>there's a lot more wrong with boostshit than just that
Then explain yourself, gremlin. And no, the "lonk" length stages aren't the problem. See Seaside Hill/City Escape in Generations.
How can we go in a sonic thread without pic related, c'mon i thought i trusted you.
>still thinking Iizuka's words mean anything
Iizuka claimed that the reason the moon doesn't have a chunk blown out of it after SA2 is because it was simply turned around.
Iizuka claimed that Sonic 4 was using Rush's engine so they could implement "new" abilities like running on ceilings.
Iizuka claimed that classic Sonic in Generations was going to be a one time thing.
Iizuka claimed that Forces was going to be "entirely new" and not a sequel to anything.
Iizuka claimed that they had no plans for Mania dlc.
There are probably other instances, but this is just what I can recall off the top of my head.
Stop listening to what Iizuka says in interviews.
No one expects or wants a 1 to 1 Adventure game, that isn't what Adventure style refers to. Obviously everyone expects them to evolve and refine it to a degree like they were trying to do with each game they released back then, except more in line with the core Sonic tenets of earning fluidity of course. That doesn't make it fall outside of the scope of that style or turn it into some weird other term, especially because the only games similar to this that exist are the old Adventure style games.
So, what makes Modern Sonic (SA) and Modern Sonic (Unleashed) different other than a go fast button? Is that the only different based on your argument?
Or, is the other thing you're complaining about that makes Adventure (Adventure) is the literally system shilling elements that was forced into a series about momentum platforming that only niggers actually think people liked about Adventure? Because forgive me if I'm wrong, but no one cares about any other style of Adventure than Sonic/Shadow gameplay.
The leak is clearly fake, but why is that unreasonable? Forces ran at 60 fps on consoles, as did Lost World. modern Sonic Team clearly has priorities when it comes to performance.
Largely different core design philosophies reflected in the mechanics and level design. Adding and changing things with Boost games to improve their faults (wider denser levels with more scope for exploration and replayability through using speed and expanding momentum) will ultimately draw them more in line with how the Adventure games played, even though they weren't quite there themselves. The Adventure and Boost style monikers are just shorthand referrals, not guides set in stone. Though yes, the boost mechanic as it is in those games does have it's fair share of issues.
The boost games don't really need momentum because they're more about high speed obstacle avoidance than physics or even platforming. The Adventure games were more involved when it came to their physics, but not in any way that actually felt interesting to control. Most of the level design is just platforming-devoid spectacle running anyway, especially Adventure 2.
As for the numerous fan projects: maybe I'll care when one of them actually produces a finished game. I agree that several of them feel more fun and interesting to control than Adventure, though.
All the dialogue will be rewritten by Pontac and graff.