Decide which one for me because i cant

decide which one for me because i cant

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-collectors-edition-1174406-1280x0.jpg (942x925, 301K)

Neither, collector's editions are for retards

bottom because nobody gives a shit about a generic john cyberpunk statue and a pack of fucking stickers

don't you have a girl/girls that come over to your room? Why would you want them to see this? And why do YOU need physical models?

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if your silly enough to preorder a super duper edition of a video game you may as well get both.

Other wise just get the DOOM one. Physical copies of Cyberpunk will have all the stickers and maps anyway, all you'd lose is a tacky motorcycle man.


>blind buying a CE
>blind buying a CE from zenimax
>blind buying a CE and falling for photoshop images where the final product will look nothing like it

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Funny that you post that image. I was just watching old Mazda commercials earlier today.

buy the normal edition and send me the change

i'll invest it for you and in ten years you'll be rich

>not wearing doomguys helmet while fucking a bitch
>not using your hdoom training to exorcise the demon out of her
>not having the boomer casette tape blasting the soundtrack
>not reciting the lore from the lorebook while she screams for god
wut r u, gey?

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fuck off, just because you are poor and can only afford games 2 years after release let alone a CE doesnt mean CEs for retards only, faggot

irrefutably based


How much pussy did this guy get after they showed him to the crowd?

Attached: doomhelmet.png (1631x890, 1.53M)

Top is based polish developer
Bottom is cucked california developer

top has trannies, bottom doesnt

>He buys pieces of plastic at >300% markup so they can sit on a shelf serving no purpose other than being a dusty annoyance when moving

Wanna know how I know you're a virgin? You think girls give a shit if you enjoy spending money on video game related media.

>Still has faith in anything at E3
So naive, so cute.

Who exactly do you think Doom guy is killing in hell?

fuck off, just because you're poor and can't afford to knock down your walls to expand your collector's edition room doesn't mean they're for retards.

They do though.

I want the doom helmet so i can hop around my house like a spaz with my airsoft shotgun and autistically hum The Imps Song or The Demon's Dead at the same time when I'm home alone.

Don't waste your money user

doomguy helmet is the only thing worth extra in either of those

They do care though.
If you’re a megachad with a good dick they won’t care.
Alternatively, if they’re chill and like similar shit to you they likely forgive it too.
If you’re just a normal guy trying to get one night stands, it’s going to make a lot of girls think you’re a joke though.
Moral of the story is that you should probably only be bringing girls you are actually suited to back to your room. If you’re buying toys like this, you probably aren’t exactly a poon slayer to begin with...

bottom of course. kids on sandbox are gonna be super jealous of my knockoff halo helmet.

that halo helmet was trash, you would have to have the skull/brain of a halo player for it to fit on you


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If the figure was keanu Id be all over it.

can you wear the helmet y=buy doom n=other one

they showed a dude wearing it during the conference

were not so different, you and i

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Someone's gonna commit a mass shoting while wearing that helmet

>nothing in-between standard edition and $500 collectors edition with shitty statue
I would easily pay about $100 for an edition with just a nice case and artbook or something.

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are you fucking retarded and did not look through the whole thread to see a screencap of some dude with the helmet on from the conference? my guess is yes, you are that fucking retarded


its true

I bought a collectors edition once. regretted it a day later. never again

Don't buy this overpriced pointless plastic shit, but if you really want to waste your money, DOOM easily because at least we know it's going to be a good game.

They're selling them at Wal-mart for pre-order and I have a 70% discount on 1 item over $100. It's not like I'm breaking my bank account or anything.


The halo reach limited edition with Halsey's journal was pretty rad. It was stuffed with all sorts of fake in universe military documentation and stuff.

I fucking hate statues.

>buys items that have no purpose and do not increase the fun you got from the game.

I always buy CE then resell them later easy money

I don't play vidya anymore though.

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The one for men.
Unless you're a woman or tranny. In which case, get the boring gay one.

id Software, specifically the Doom team, is in Texas, you worthless piece of shit.

take the one that comes with the dilator

if you must get a collector's edition and waste money I say go for the doomguy helmet

This, girls don't care and sometimes go even the extra length to call your things cool

How about you stop buying retarded merchandise you obese mangirl? Where are you even going to put all that plastic trash, in your living room? Why are you such an emotionally stunted embarrassment?

Even if they were 5 bucks, why would you keep those pussy deflectors around the house? Are you 16?

they literally do
I have a friend who's obsessed with collecting promotional items for games and his gf is bitching about it all the time

You'd first have to talk to one to find out, tubby.

None you retard do something wothwhile with your money instead of filling your man cave with more useless shit

The only Collectors/Special/limited editions I enjoy are the ones that come with like an artbook and soundtrack or something.

just buy cyberpunk, Doom eternal is guaranteed to be dogshit

At the very least the chick on the right. Pic related is probably the most aroused person in the building though.

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Me personally, I like the ones that have some huge, retarded toy and don't include a copy of the game. It just makes sense.

Your "V" won't look like that at all. Everyone is going to play as a qt femboy. Get the Doom one, It'll look good on the shelf.

Attached: 13551535_1297610626935477_836843385_n.jpg (1080x1228, 117K)

what a foul creature

some poor robot from /r9k/ most likely

shitty plastic statue vs shitty plastic helmet. fpbp

>collecting plastic garbage at 300 dollars a pop

They don't deserve to be called femboys.

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>just buy cyberpunk, Doom eternal is guaranteed to be dogshit
other way around, stupid nigger

Do you know who that is? I was just looking for femboy pics for references.

fuck off faggot. you deserve cancer

I mean, this.
Why would they bother making a plastic figure of the character in a game where you design you own character? Seems retarded, because that design won’t actually resonate with anyone playing the game, unless they literally just hit done as soon as the character alteration screen starts.
They’d have been better off doing a model of Keanu Reeves character, because more people would probably buy that.

>collectors edition with statues
why do they keep making them?
they always look like trash and I dont think its cheap to make them

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retards keep buying them

This. A complete waste of money.

yes but those do no matter what
look at collectors editions with neat shit like titanfall or the first metro game
even if the games werent that hyped the CE sold out really fast

send a 3d model to a chinese company and they make a lot of them for you relatively cheap. Its minimal effort to make.

Cheap mass produced shit isn't collectible. If you want to drop some cash on game merch, do it, but seek out the good stuff, not this fucking crap. It's not a figure if it's not $100 or so on its own, it's a cash-in.

>If you’re just a normal guy trying to get one night stands
If you've convinced the bitch to come back to your place, she is down to fuck. Unless you have serial killer tier shit, she's not going to leave unless you sperg out like a fuckhead.

Cyberpunk, of course

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