why don't more video games depict realistic portrayals of women?
Do you think devs are mysoginistic?
Why don't more video games depict realistic portrayals of women?
We already saw this thread op
So should i go and fuck lonely milfs? Is this the way to get them?
Fuck off, I hate women.
I don't understand, I posted it just now.
i prefer the slutty coworker thread to be honest. at least that one made incels seethe
The super market my man, go to the super market.
Wait she’s only 35 why can’t she find a date? I just hit 30 and I also fucked?
? Women don't want to be pursued in person anymore or atleast if they do they don't act like it, not worth the risk in my opinion.
>i prefer the slutty coworker thread to be honest.
I didn't see it. What were they seething over?
>Honestly I've been waiting for someone to say "Yes" when I ask them out in person but it hasn't happened yet... Why don't women do that anymore?
is she cute?
dry balls
It's cus you're a creep. It works if you're charismatic or not ugly
buzzwords like incel and nigger that don't mean anything.
She'll end up with some beta loser, they're always desperate. I wish they'd get some dignity and not settle but it inevitably happens.
Because I don't want to be accused of sexual harrassment/assault
Who actually gives a fuck how tall a woman is? Cute is cute, you faggot nazi.
>get labeled as a creepy stalker loser if you ask a woman out directly
>get labeled as a selfish insensitive manchild and/or a gay pussy if you don’t
Do all women just have really bad cases of cognitive dissonance or something
y u do dis
Oh I remember that thread!
I was seething because if he has a sexy slutty girl obviously interested there is no reason not to pursue, nothing bad could come from it.
I definitely am not a creep I just don't socialize with women because men are better friends and women don't show much interest in me. I'm not sure if it's cause i'm ugly or uncharasmatic but whatever the reason I'm not taking the risk.
>she's only 35
Females are at their peak at age 14 and start to expire and lose their appeal around 18~20 (and I'm being generous). Who the fuck wants to date an old hag when there are plenty of younger girls?
This is retarded i would love to breed with a 6'5 plus woman and have tall children.
Tall women are the best
incel please
Imagine being cucked by this. How much of a beta race do you have to be?
>we'll never now why men don't ask a 35yo slut out in person anymore
>Yea Forums - videoo gamies
Having children with small women results in small men.
>I just hit 30 and I also fucked?
If you're a man, no. 30 is when men start to really gain their appeal, so long as they have a stable job and can provide the kind of security women seek.
You may be a filthy phoneposter, but there's no excuse for not charging your phone. So go charge it. NOW.
>white women prefer to be beaten by alpha black men then to settle with beta bitch white bois
sounds about right
Women enjoy being beaten like legit, they'll outright push you until you do it, especially mexican women not sure why but they love being hit
im willing to bet you're like 5'3. fucking manlet
It's actually more like
>>get labeled as a creepy stalker loser if you ask a woman out directly, get rejected, and then actually stick around long enough after the rejection to be correctly labeled a stalker
Ask out
Get rejected
Move on.
There, problem solved.
white women mix least of any group on the planet ironically enough.
>Who the fuck wants to date an old hag
>Also incels
>It should be a crime that I'm not getting laid!
so does that child get a donkey dick or a shrimpdick
asians are our brothers, this is fine.
Honestly blazians are either extremely sexy {same with mulattos honestly} or dog shit ugly there's no in between.
I have no problem getting laid. Do you even know what an incel is?
Oh boy this thread shure is video games
why is this thread still up
Traps aren't gay.
>another thinly veiled /pol/cuck thread
have sex incel
>Yea Forums is one person
I'm a loser who's never fucked a girl but i would still get with an older lady, just no one wants me.
yo I went to the supermarket with my mom and holy fuck I had 3 fucking fuckable women eyeball me and smile and I was like, "Hey ma can I get these fruity pebbls?"
Of course you don't.
Of course.
actually chinks are unironically colonizing africa.
Yeah, they're the gayest.
they have to settle eventually.
mods are asleep and tranny janny is posting in lgbtq.
There are stories out there of dudes getting security called on them for just asking for a girl’s number once. You’re pretty dumb.
thinly veiled threads are the best kind, pretend janny.
Don't you have some cdpr onions shit to make faces about?
Why shouldn't a manlet want a better chance at having non-manlet children? Would you prefer he get with a shorter girl and have the child be a manlet?
I get this feeling too. Every single girl I talk to makes it sound like any guy approaching them anywhere makes them physically sick.
>just asking for a girl’s number once
That's never the whole story.
Unless the husband is short himself
yo I had security called on me once for that only the number I was asking for was how many fingers she could fit in her pussy
Whatever helps you sleep at night, my insecure friend.
Kind of like Indian women, they're either goblins or godesses, absolutely zero middle ground.
*YOU'RE* terrified of approaching people, but *I'M* the insecure one. That's hilarious.
yo if two midgets have a kid it's usually a fucking giant. like when two retarded people have a kid it's like the next Einstein and shit
Now fuck off.
Sounds like I hit a nerve.
manletism has to do with diet not genetics you fucking weak nigga
this bitch is just sad she doesn't get to reject people anymore and that now she feels like the one rejected.
Let me explain a very simple concept for you incels
Ugly: asking her out is not okay
Attractive: asking her out is okay
Its very simple. I hope this lesson has been useful.
>b-but i was born ugly life is unfair wahhh!
You're a man. LITERALLY all you have to do to get girls is get fit. Im sorry you're so fucking pathetic you refuse to admit this and would rather shitpost on a Mongolian horse taming website rather than fucking PICK UP SOME WEIGHTS YOU LAZY SHIT.
Bonus points if you get a fucking job, move out of your moms basement and learn what 'hygiene' is.
Nah, Imma stick with the shitpost image that says even girls are getting to be 7ft tall nowadays
why dont go out and fuck a girl instead of wasting time with others like you on here?
As a girl yes. It's harder to have kids, your looks are turning, and you are always desperate to settle down and men aren't nearly patient enough to put up with you like they would have 10 years earlier so you have to be perfect until they are too far in to get out easily. The only upside to being that old is you are generally much better at sex than some 20 year old and you are probably super horny so the sex can make up for your looks if you can put the effort in. At least at first.
>pretend janny
Yes it does, dumb nigger.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen so much projection in one post, holy shit.
meu deus nosso senhor
Because it's fucking stupid. It's all so fucking stupid. Why does it matter? Why is this all we're talking about these days? It's driving me mad that people have chosen to care obsessively about something so stupid.
Middle top looks kinda cute.. too bad shes 3dpd
looks about all the results I get in my town and I'm in new england
Height is the second thing your genes dictate after skin color
This was made by a literal 5'6 dude and it's so obvious
>tfw no model gf as tall as I am
>am fit, attractive and wealthy as fuck
Yes, im projecting me getting laid and you going on another date with your hand.
>be introverted incel
>only match with introverted femcels
Jokes on you i was only pretending to be mad i was actually posting in the earlier thread
stop being old and barren and have sex
So do tall women like guys shorter than them or do they also like taller guys?
To be clear, it's not really ugliness that turns women off, it's a lack of cleanliness and being a lardass that immediately convey deep rooted personality flaws that turns women off. Same for men, really, only I'd say men care more about immutable physical features and simple appearance, rather than what that appearance might convey.
>middle top
I really believe everyone deserve at least one (You) now and again.
It depends on the girl doesnt it.
At least the bald chick has a sense of humor.
Only Chad's over 6' can do that stuff, user.
>the fit wealthy attractive guy is on Yea Forums shitposting instead of getting his dick wet
That’s how I know you’re lying.
Shes 35 (which is hella old for Bumble or most other dating sites) and obviously no tits and no face pic so ugly or average face at best. Gee, I wonder.
Its not gay if i keep telling myself its a she.. r.. right? Haha.
I think it is due time we discuss women in vidya as Anita intended :^)
No all women like the same things
Im 6'1, and I love short girls. 4'10-11 is the type of shit that im talking about. Best when its asians. If I ever happen to knock one up, which I wont, but if, I better hope its a girl, because if its a boy he would resent me for the rest of my life. Might as well just move on and abandon the kid at that point, like my father. A mans gotta do what he has too.
If you ain't attractive, you ain't shit. Nobody cares about uggos, nobody wants to look at uggos.
What she actually means is she's waiting for Chad Thundercock to ask her out. If some random user came up to her in public she'd be calling the police.
Too bad for her at 35 her window for Chad has long since passed.
Check out this hoe
When you can get it whenever you want you dont immediately just spend 24/7 doing it faggot.
nice jewish pedophile thread
>introverted "femcels"
They all want a taller guy, but not all of them voice it because in some cases it would be unrealistic for them.
Then you have the 6'4" girl who absolutely demands a man that's taller than her while wearing high heels
what if I told you some of the best pussies are on uggos?
Absolutely based. Would fug like a slug.
What is there to discuss? The rules are simple. They must be:
1. Strong and independent.
2. Ethnic where appropriate.
3. Not pander to mens misogynistic pig fantasies.
Gurl gaymers RISE UP!
This is some of the gayest shit I've ever read. The shame manlets must feel being dwarfed by women is hilarious.
Because a realistic depiction of a woman would be heterosexual, and most players are straight men who would be put off by having to romance men, therefore they'd lose interest in buying the game, therefore lowered sales.
It's going to be a long time before strictly (and significantly) heterosexual female PCs are a thing. Their sexuality will continue to be gay/ bi or irrelevant.
>that shy guy
I wish i couldn't relate to this, i'm not even shy i just have no friends
>why don't men ask me out or flirt with me anymore ):
Women. Not even once.
>5'7 - 5'8
you can tell a manlet made this image
>Then you have the 6'4" girl who absolutely demands a man that's taller than her while wearing high heels
So her options are Shaq and...nobody else.
Wrong, I'm 5'6 and haven't had a negative rep because of it
t. have actually asked out a woman before
Nope they prefer taller men still
>shes trying
>hes not
Thats pretty much why women get more sex than men. They know they are worthless, so they try to improve themselves and put in the effort to be better and get laid.
Weak men just stay weak, and there is a lot of them. They think their issues are insurmountable and never improve or try. This whole thread is just filled with sad bitter incels who refuse to admit they are flawed so they never improve.
Fuckin hell. This is why I never once touched a dating app and never will. Bottom left is a fuckin tranny, too. Jesus Christ.
>21 year old cumslut
how can older women even compete with this?
>been running past a woman in her 30s a few times a week while jogging
>stop up one day when i see her approach
>she stops too and we talk a bit
>surely she must be in a relationship and be a mother, etc.
>no such thing, single career bitch
>back to her place
>blows me under the shower
>rides me like a stolen horse afterwards
>get her number and return home
>call my virgin brother and tell him about it
>he hates it
How is "nigger" a buzzword?
If you are a woman, yes.
If you are a man and not a neet. No. In fact it's just the opposite.
What happens then? Underflow and the baby comes out 8 feet tall?
>surprise career bitch
thats the good stuff
Because without the benefit of a cropped photo anyone walking by can see he's a guy in drag.
30s women with no kids are the B E S T.
To hell with teens they are a fucking mess to deal with.
>Ugly: asking her out is not okay
>Attractive: asking her out is okay
This is true.
>You're a man. LITERALLY all you have to do to get girls is get fit. Im sorry you're so fucking pathetic you refuse to admit this and would rather shitpost on a Mongolian horse taming website rather than fucking PICK UP SOME WEIGHTS YOU LAZY SHIT.
This is cope. Girls don't give a shit about muscles. It's all about face and height.
t. gymcel
but the pussy so tight
Well, average female height is 5' 6", so anything above that is tall, for a woman.
Are you incel, if you have almost no experience with girls (if you do not count 2 prostitutes), but only hate yourself for that and do not blame other girls?
You should pick up that standard. It's on the floor.
worthless degenerates will fuck a goat. You're still ugly trash and no one will ever love you.
You're doing a great job at paving the way for more of this.
>This is cope. Girls don't give a shit about muscles. It's all about face and height.
Lol no. You're just ugly as fuck and fell for the SS meme retard.
I'm facially a chad and I have an 8" dick, but I'm 5"9 so I didn't get laid in 4 years.
Agreed. They need to keep their finances in check against them desperate gold diggers.
I mean I swiped right but I'm not the kinda guy who can just fuck a girl with enough options to just put those thoughts out there. I'll try for one tier below; just enough ugly where you have to have personality to compensate. Wish me luck bros
Yea Forums - /r9k/
look at this pathetic coping gymcel
>This is cope. Girls don't give a shit about muscles. It's all about face and height.
i don't know if i live in some fucking bizarro world but at my gym the shredded guys are single MGTOW autists while the DYEL normies have girlfriends and work out with them
fuck off to Yea Forums
>no one will ever love you
look at that projection.
I've had sex with 4 30+ year old women, 2 of them had really tight pussies. I dont think thats exclusive to teens.
I'm a 6'2 female and I honestly hate my fucking life
Ahem. Personally i cant get off unless the girl is atleast 100x taller than me
Yes but they dont know how to use it, its like giving a rubix cube to a monkey and hoping it figures that shit out.
>short women have short vagina
>literally no room for fun
>tall women have deep greedy vags
realistic doesnt mean good
realistically everybody has shit stains on their ass cheeks because the human body wasn’t mean to reach back there yet in art and on tv it’s always clean.
because people dont want to see it
I like tall girls because tgey have big feet desu
>You're just ugly as fuck
Proved my point retard.
The criteria for being an incel is simple: do you blame yourself for not dating women, or do you blame women? If you're the former, you're normal; latter, incel.
Probably. Im asexual so what do i know.
Ive found anecdotally that funny girls dont fuck as much as I assumed.
I think its their cope.
my fucking nigga I'd fist bump you irl
What's your build? Are you a bean pole or do you have some meat on you?
95% of real womans are ugly
I prefer super tall girls like you
I'm only exactly six feet but I wouldn't mind dating someone a few inches taller.
There are a lot of tiny asians in the world bringing that average down, manlet
>25 next month
>depressed as fuck because I feel like I am getting old and how I missed my younger years
fuck, if at 26, my life is not somehow better, I am killing myself.
If she is not virgin and feminine is not worth it.
Stop being a retard who looks like a bloated t-rex, do a real program and get fit you fucking virgin
weak men dont try to improve themselves but women always do. has that fucken retarded poster even heard of rape . theres a reason powerful women arent fucking or raping a bunch of beta males. its because women are always going to be chased. and the ones chasing that 'perfect' guy are losers and will lose either way.
but to think men chase women because women put more work into it is mistaken on a level that goes beyond delusion.
Think about what you just wrote buzzfeed user.
>so they try to improve themselves and put in the effort to be better and get laid.
Women don't have to do an single thing to get laid, just have a vagina and men will fuck you when ever you want. Your reality is flawed and brain is rotting.
>do you blame yourself for not dating women
Is it blaming myself if I don't feel like I'm good enough?
It's nice in a lot of ways, but as a guy that wants to settle down and have kids, I'd be lying if I said that dating a 35 year old didnt worry me. I know guys that date for 5+years before getting engaged then not have kids for another 2-3. I literally cant have a family if I start that song and dance with a 35 year old woman you know? And no woman that age doesnt want to settle down.
Where can I read more of your blog? PLEASE let me subscribe
Look at how pic related isn't normally distributed. Women want men taller than themselves, period.
I wonder how much these guys get paid to play the part of onions boi.
>tfw i'm the TSA who asked out Brie in Chicago
I'm even decent looking and she turned me down very politely
>realistically everybody has shit stains on their ass cheeks because the human body wasn’t mean to reach back there
>the human body wasn’t mean to reach back there
what the fuck is this nigga talking about?
Only thing you are missing out on is meaningless dating. If that is something you want, then yeah, go for it now. In a couple years you will be dating to settle down, which is more stressful but more fulfilling if it works out.
Post a picture with her face.
Fitfags are obnoxiously high maintenance. Most women don't want to deal with a guy who counts his every calorie, and whose only hobby is going to the gym
There's fucking older women, and then there's trying to have a relationship with one. And that's pretty pointless without the intent to start a family. That takes time to build into.
Sadly, it's time those types don't have, and God forbid if they are already over the hill for having kids to begin with. Not everyone wants to adopt a Darfur war orphan from Detroit, or just to compensate for that lack of a genetic offspring and lovechild with pet store dogs and cats.
Tall girls are awesome though. Don't let manlets get to you, just laugh at them like the rest of us do.
>stacy is born with great looks
>begins to suck and ride dick from the age of 14 or 15
>rides the cock carousel for 15 years
>nearing the age of 30 the orgasms are further apart, empty and dry
>"i feel like settling down now"
>just laugh at them like the rest of us do.
most men are taller then most women though so thats not really a fair conclusion
Surprised you didn't get more (You)s
can we be honest for a minute and just admit that women are literally the worse people on earth
>thinks you are either a fat ugly lardass (like you) or a retarded roid abusing freak
>cant comprehend the middle ground at all
Yup, you have autism.
>no man asked me out
>except for those 2854721759 guys I blew off tehee~
Females are fucking cancer.
what video game is this thread about anyway?
fuck you buddy I'd kill for a taller chubby gf with nice big feet. I even shagged a couple, but I'm too self conscious to date them, they look ridiculous next to me
t.5'8 manlet
>in person
>while posting that in a dating app
What the fuck is their problem?
>teacher teacher the class was talking while you were in the hall
I like girls that aren't normal height, so either really tall or really short. Short girls are easy to throw around during sex though which is fun. Wonder what cool things you can do with a tall girl.
Well no shit. You'd have to be Helen Keller level disabled with downs syndrome as well to not notice that.
She is using a dating app because she feels men are no longer approaching her in person, aspie.
nothing says sexy like a germ mask declaringvto the world 'air will kill me'
no you're just a pathetic gymcel
>complains nobody asks her out in person
>goes on dating app because no one asks her in person
gee wiz i wonder what her problem is
>t-theres no reason to look after myself i cant be fixed life is so unfair!
Okay you just stay a virgin, no one wants your DNA spreading.
of course you hate your life, you're a tranny
why do Asians wear that shit? are they cosplaying as doctors?
shitimbald looks like a party animal. I bet she does coke. Would hang with.
yes and no. they get on my fucking nerves but nothing beats having your fetishes satisfied. for example, having two women take turns putting their feet on your face is literally heaven and nothing comes close.
Why are women always lying and making up bullshit?
Incel just means involuntary celebrate.
You're attitude towards it is irrelevant. It has literally nothing to do with hating women.
some video games portray both men and women as different colored blobs so you cant tell what they look like at first
To stop other people from getting sick, you have to be from a civilized country for this to make sense.
>Constantly overhearing my classmates talking about how guys come up to them and compliment them and how they hate it
>A strange old man asked if I worked out on the train last week and I'm still getting confidence from it
>Scared to tell people they look nice to give that confidence back because I don't want to be talked about later
I hate this
I think I'm reasonably fit. And no, I don't browse /fit/ because it's gay as hell.
ok gymcel keep coping
Does anyone have the really tall black girl picking up the short girl and hugging him around? it's cute as shit but also gay
>they don't to catch sick people's sickness
>they're sick themselves and don't want to get others sick
you the same one that posted the unreachable shitty ass cheeks post, aren't you?
what are you, Indian or AI
>talking to women face to face when you can just request a hookup on a phone with a message system made for that expressed purpose.
I felt the same way at 25. 28 now. Accept that you’ll never be 22 again but thats okay becauss you’re a man now, and move on with your life. Your best years are still ahead of you, while women’s aren’t.
other video games all have the women as mothers already, which that isnt the thing for me though. i dont play those kinds of games
We were doing pretty good until we gave them the right to vote. Been downhill from there.
>a 2/10 is demanding all this
lmao that chick needs to be about 400% hotter for that, she's delusional.
Is tidner a botnet? I want to try it and see what type of girls like me but I'm worried that I'm going to get datamined or some chucklefuck is going to screenshot my profile
Reverse traps are just ugly women.
wtf that bitch is legitimately a 3/10 and wants at least an 8/10 guy. what is wrong with females?
>Try Okcupid
>Just act like a human being
>Getting laid pretty constantly and need to turn women down
>Thought it would make me happy
>I hate them all so fucking much and I always forget how boring sex is until I'm having it
I think I might be depressed
That's your average female. And saddest of all, most also get that, fueling their entitlement to incredible heights.