Well this is different
Other urls found in this thread:
the show must go on.
pass is vee
I was bored, what can I say. Sorry I'm not much of an opponent.
I forgot what day it was, looks like you did too lol
Fuck off, make a general already
We need another player, I can't eat and fight at the same time.
>People playing videogames
>Yea Forums tells them to stop
I forgot Yea Forums doesn't actually play videogames
How many millenia have you spent in this game? This is insane, I can't get a hit 70% of the time.
I'll join for a bit
a month after jp release, so about 2 years. I technically tried uniel for like a week but gave up on that game pretty quick
Well shoot, it's paying off.
I want to cum on Mika
literally, I usually place high enough to win money at locals.
This is why I always ask them to hold the sour cream.
PC lobby?
How many people in the lobby right now? I might join since ranked was dead earlier.
>made 4th at UNIST monthly today
>knocked the guy who won it all into losers (was the only person who took a set over him)
Feels good man
nice work
Congrats. Took my time off today to be unproductive and watch Symphogear S4. What a ride that was.
I keep forgetting I'm playing with the big dawgz. Does anybody here end up at Evo or something?
Damn, is S4 good enough for me to start S1?
That first time out was mine and you know it.
I've placed top 8 at a smaller tourney and haven't gone 0-2 at a major in over a year so I guess I'm like mid-level. 1 guy at our local consistently places top 8 at most majors though.
That makes these crushing defeats a little less bitter, I guess.
It's more of the same after Season 2 so if you like that you'll probably enjoy Season 4 too. I know I did. The transformation sequences are also great for magical girl transformations if you're into that.
Those are pretty important.
Aw geeze I dunno what this is. If somebody else has to host, I won't put up a fight.
Man I enjoy playing Unist but the netcode is so shit.
Then I can say that it's a solid recommendation as a show that you don't have to think too hard to enjoy it.
The singing while fighting is an interesting take on the genre as well and there's alot of hot blooded action too so if you're down with that it checked all the right boxes for me.
Does the dog's roar not do damage? I thought it was a Tigrex type thing.
at least it's not samsho's
The lobby system looks fucking terrible, how are you enjoying the game though? I'm looking to pick it up.
Dang, finally caught the timing on the FF for once hahaha.
Still gotta learn to not just hop in the air and get 6C (I believe that's what that is)?
The roar doesn't damage. It's actually when Ahzi's most vulnerable since I can't do anything during that time which is why I usually rush in.
Well shit, good to know. I'll try and look for that.
Pardon me, I wasn't aware that /vg/ DIDN'T play video games and are just there for no reason, please carry on.
lobbies suck, but the ranked system is sf4 style and works well. It's pretty fun but I'm still getting to grips with how commitment heavy everything is. there's very few hit confirm situations in the game and I'm not used to going back to neutral or not having advantage after landing a crouching jab or a jumping heavy attack. Definetly worth a look, but it is somewhat unbalanced, the top tiers have crazy mixup options, ironically enough
Damn, Mike almost had it with that diamond explosion.
God how did I fuck up that combo.
I hit standing C instead of down C.
seeing as we actually have some aspiring vat players in lobby today, here's some interesting tech I found recently. twitter.com
You can also trigger gem explosions with VO iirc.
I'm used to anime fighters so playing a slower more neutral paced game is definitely gonna take some time for me. I'll probably end up getting it anyways.
other characters do have post VO combo's so that's not that weird. the fact that the combo doesn't just stop after the guard thrust is weird since that's how it normally works.
What the hell, how is anyone supposed to use this?
Damn it Sairoux! How're you gonna out do my main, AGAIN?
You almost had me there though. You're getting better by the days.
well depending on how close they are to you when you guard thrust, the better confirm you could get I would imagine. at the distance shown in the video you could probably get a second gem explosion or at the very least a flashkick.
I hate just how well "just run under bro" works on me. It's so dumb yet so effective.
It's truly a curse against characters that have easy access anti-air options.
You should try catching me using 5C when I'm in the air too and right below you. I know Lamp does it all the time when I'm playing Linne and am trying to get the jump on him and it's quite effective against me too.
God, Merkava and Gord just fuck me over with no issue.
Seems like nothing I do is safe.
Heh, I was thinking of Lamp too when I was whining about that.
Other note: Does the clock in that Mall level go to 15 hours? What the hell?
I wouldn't question the logic in a series about vampire-like people fighting at the dead of night.
rebeating to 5A or 2A is always a very safe option.
I was wondering if the Japanese made their own time measurements at some point.
That and they don't seem that vampiric to me. Not Romanian enough.
For those Matchups you're going to have to get in. Trying to zone those characters doesn't work so well especially since they have tools to punish your projectiles.
Damn Sai's got a pocket akatsuki now.
Oh no he's bringing out Goldstein!
Not sure I would consider it a pocket but playing him lately with Huo and the others in Lobby 2 has given me some ideas of how his basic kit works. Lots of fun things to mix and match with.
>actually managed to Wag a Wald
Buster no, you scared a pink away!
So you can't hit azhi when he reveals himself?
Are you telling me I created this monster?
GGs if that was it for the night Merk. Solid performance as usual.
Dash did great there too.
I'll take it. It'll probably be my only accomplishment tonight anyway.
He was my only friend, before we even had a thread! That was impressive though.
>messed up the last combo
You can, but persistent stuff like Mika's rocket or Wag's drill thing doesn't work
>Sei has a pocket Seth
News to me. Those were some nice combos.
>A saturday thread after a friday thread
Let's not push our bounds here
I didn't make the thread! I did make the lobby but I tried to fight it!
Seth's a cool character but unfortunately a lot of his stuff is too execution heavy for me. I do enjoy playing him from time to time though.
What characters have the fewest command normals?
We'll just have to skip Sunday and Monday to balance it out this week.
I didn't mean to ruin anybody's schedules! Forgive my greediness!
Other than her. That's why I use her.
I can do it, I have a chance!
>4.9k damage
Linne also has very few.
Gordeau has only 3
Chaos Mika and byakuya have 4 each
Was that 236A > 5A or 5B for that starter Basta?
Looks neat.
Forgot to ask as well but does it require certain spacing to land it?
>always up against the big boys in the lobby
People on my level when?
when you reach the level of the big boys
Next wave of players I guess, which means a month from now unless people pick it up sooner.
I may auto-combo a lot as her but she still is my main. Once I get a better handle on Chaos I'm probably going to go back to her and solidify some more optimized stuff.
Either work but I mainly do 5B. Also there's a bit of spacing but it's super lenient. So long as you're more than halfway with missile it should be alright to use.
How big of boys do you mean? If anything I'm probably lower than your level. Rockin' those 0 wins in a lobby I made.
Speaking of, if I took my lobby and went home in like 20 minutes, would you guys be able to safely migrate to another one? I'd feel awful leaving a full lobby.
So never?
I'm no pro but surely I'm not newbie level... right?
The closer I get to victory the more it hurts when I fall.
I'll beat Gord one day...
>So never?
If you avoid playing them and stick to other lower level players then it might as well be never. Take the Ls and claw your way up.
Don't worry huo, you've been improving. Just remember, I'll always(sometimes) be there to Wag at you.
Cool, thanks tor the tip! I'll have to give it a test out in the lab and get a feel for it here.
But of course you're better than a masher. If you've managed to get even just 1 win in these lobbies, that's more than the average level player I'd argue even.
Don't have to worry about that. The only time I don't play a match is if my connections dies or something.
GGs everyone, good night
Ggs my dude.
GGs m8. Have a good night!
You remember back when I had a chance? Oh how I long for those days!
bye have a beautiful time
>360 optimal combo
Noice! Gonna save that replay for posterity.
Seriously though, I'm kinda trying to exit here. Am I going to give 7 people abandonment issues if I close this on the half-hour mark?
I always love getting Wagged at. That shield bash still confuses me.
Yet another 360C by whiffing the j.A? Awesome playing.
It wasn't really optimal. It's easy to deal upwards of 5k with a 360c starter so I just did an easy one.
Looks like I've still got alot to learn because all of that chaining of specials was pretty awesome and did some mad damage still.
Sounds fine to me. Thanks for setting this up. Got to have some fun fights and learn quite abit too.
>That shield bash still confuses me
Don't feel too bad, hippie smacks me with in mirror matches pretty often and I main Wag. Funny how you see something coming and your body responds in slow motion compared to your mind. And by funny I mean sad.
If you want a better representation of her 360C combos, there's always this.
Thanks for this. I'll mess around with it for fun in training and see if I can do at least part of it haha.
>And by funny I mean sad.
This made me chuckle quite a bit.
If one of you ever hits me with six-and-a-half-thousand damage, I will quit playing this.
>that CS out after hitting Wagner's guard point
Holy shit that was nice
I think the best part about it is everything between the starter and ender only adds 600 more damage. You can get 6002 from 360c > IW alone.
Nice IW there Clawz! I got read good.
I wasn't expecting that to even work to be honest. I'll definitely have to pay attention to if I have GRD now if I wanna escape the grip of that move haha.
Ye gods, that almost isn't right.
Does it scale up that high because of how hard it is to land the 360C? Either way that's some stupid damage.
EX-Starters > CS in general tend to be the highest damage combos, especially in vorpal.
I gotta leave, thank you all for joining on an off day, and thank you Cold Cuts for checking without even a thread. Have a fantastic night all, and many safe in-births.
So that's it for the night? GG then.
One day I'll land that veil off combo online...
Thanks for the weekend lobbying Huo. GGs everybody!
If anyone else wants to play some more, let me know and I'll hook it up with another lobby.
GGs. Wasn't expecting a lobby but it was fun.
Mika's always really nice to play as even on off days.
Oh were you hosting Basta? Didn't even notice, haha.
Tonight was quite educational.
GGs everyone, just forget about that cs-ing Wag's FF thing. It never happened, just a mass illusion I assure you.
It was all a dream!
GGs guys
In that case I'm gonna go lab absolutely nothing at all right now.
Nah huo was hosting. I came in late.
Glad it was interesting at least though.
Nah, I guess I shoulda used a Yuzu image.
if you learned no other lesson this weekend it should be not to do that
Nah, the Mika images are greatly appreciated. Keep it up!
Leave the threadmaking to the guy who usually does it
and let's not make more threads than necessary. go fight some randos if you need practice on off-days, huo. Or make a lobby but just not make a thread
Curse you Sairoux, even in ranked you haunt me.
This might be the comfiest thread on Yea Forums and I am no way a part of it.
Life sux.
Why not pick up the game?
>it should be not to do that
I think he means don't open the thread with Yuzu since it invites some off-topic posting.
I'm not very good at fighting games, and unless I can talk to opponent while playing, or at least after the match then I don't think I'll enjoy it all that much.
Not to mention that everyone here seems to be americans up late at night when I'm a Yuropoor, so there wouldn't be anyone to play with anyway.
They dont tho
Well we have one dedicated EU player so as long as you're willing to learn I won't shun you.
Part of the fun is posting in-between fights in my opinion.
I started out as a masher with this as my first fighter to take seriously and after many months now I'm able to put up a pretty decent fight so if I can do it you can probably do it too as long as you stick with it and have fun learning.
Look, as much as I respect Mike's cadence to play with us, I'd rather not have more 8-frame matches
I had zero fighting game experience before picking up UNIST and now I'm a bonafide sandbag. Don't let your dreams be dreams.
if we get any more regular EU player they need to start making their own lobbies
having more than one person with 7+ frame lag in lobbies would be hellish
We have a EU player who plays regularly with us. We have people of varying skill levels in these lobbies as well so it's never a bad idea to pick up the game.
Is UNIST worth getting with CLR coming?
>Part of the fun is posting in-between fights in my opinion
I agree, but I'm used to talking with my opponent either over a mic or just having him next to me. I'm sure sticking to posting between fights would be a massive downgrade. Not to mention that I like to do some playful taunting and other expressions while the match is going on.
>One EU player
Unless he and I are a great match then I don't think it'd be worth it.
CLR most likely a patch so yes
What's the connection like from America to AU? It's about 9f in Guilty
Chaos's Last Reward
Carmine Linne Revival
Completely Lacking Relevance
10 frames
And anything above 4 tends to play like shit
Anywhere between 5f to you will not connect.
I hope one day I'll be known as something other than that one guy with shit connection.
Is it really that bad?
Pls get the game so our EU player has someone other than us to play with.
Abysmal don't even try
I already have other EU guys that added me. We're few, so we add anyone with 3+ bars.
That's what I did this time though. The thread isn't mine.
the day you move to america maybe
nothing fixes distance in fighting game netplay
Last year, we had a strong EU gord player named Higachu play with us and he was forced to use basic bitch combos in the horrendous 8-10 frame lag.
Yes, it's a bit annoying to play since being expected to dashblock in the lag agaisnt your vat gets really annoying.
Then whoever made this thread fucked up and he seems to have realized it.
Let's try and avoid making this a norm
>Game is only 25% off
Got it. Wouldn't want to give the "go to /vg/" shitposters more ammunition.
>7022 as Mika
Nice also will probably never manage online since I forget IWEX exists.
Sounds crazy, hahaha.
Is this the point at which you just put the controller down? Is it okay to give up in the face of 7022 damage?
Only if you die, never over til it's over
If you're still alive you'll have the advantage so no
Am I too late to join
It ended awhile ago but some people here are still playing ranked (including myself). Feel free to set a lobby up if you'd like.
Nope you never give up.
>Completely Lacking Relevance
Definately the most accurate to this franchise
Lobby died an hour ago.
So maybe.
Hopefully it stays that way and keeps the annoying masses out. Becoming mainstream in popularity and ruining the doujin feel of it would be the worst outcome