Is The World Ends With You on switch good? Im looking for fucking anyrhing to play on this video game devoid machine
Is The World Ends With You on switch good? Im looking for fucking anyrhing to play on this video game devoid machine
Yes it's fun. I beat it exclusively on the shitter. Get a pen to play with it though, using your finger sucks.
It's nothing like the DS version if you care about that at all
So you HAVE to play it on handheld? It's unplayable on docked?
DS Version is still superior
Once you adjust the gyro sensitivity and get used to resetting the pointers Solo Co-op is pretty good albeit not quite the same as the DS version.
I was torn between spending a small fortune on the DS game or just get the Switch version digitally but fuck playing on handheld with touch controls, I'm not leaving fingerprints on my Switch.
Sadly we don't have those special here and had no idea if there was a game mode for docked or not.
The webm posted was from docked mode. You can play using gyro pointers.
The touch controls are way WAY worse than the motion controls. The motion controls have a very steep learning curve, but once you master them, it's impossible to go back to touch controls. Make sure to play in co-op mode so you can control both partners at once.
>Is The World Ends With You good?
I forgot to mention that yes, the Switch version is worth it and a lot of fun. As long as you play with motion controls and ignore the touch controls.
t.zetta slow
Best GM.
>isn’t even that good at math
Where were you when you realized that Sho is best boy?
The World Ends With (You)
>Is it good.
>Is it worth it?
Do you have the DS version?
Do you have the mobile version?
Then yes.
Otherwise, just stick to the other versions, and watch the extra content on Youtube Or pretend it doesn't exist, I personally feel it detracts from the original game.
Ok user il prolly get it eventually
Is it me or does Neku look kind of buff in that pic?
Joshua is the best faggot.
$20 right now at gamestop. Anyone who tells you they loved it on DS but find it unbearable now are ass backwards faggots who broke themselves defending DS controls. Beat the game in tabletop / tv mode and the gyro controls are super fucking serviceable.
He really is.
>Anyone who tells you they loved it on DS but find it unbearable now are ass backwards faggots who broke themselves defending DS controls.
Gameplay on the DS was way more fun and engaging. Anyone who sucks at them just can’t git gud.
lol bet you can't play Kid Icarus Uprising
DS control scheme is head and shoulders above the mobile version, which is still better than the gyro controls on the switch, which are, as you put it, "serviceable". That is the absolute best quality you could attribute to the swtich's controls.
And I'll admit, they're definitely workable, and if it's your first time playing TWEWY, they'll work fine. But if you have the option to play it on a DS Lite or even on mobile, those are the better options.
>Week 2.jpg
Tin Pin Slammer is the best minigame of all time and anyone who says otherwise is a faggot.
My negro.
The mobile version is the worst, how is it above Gyro on the Switch in any way?
Gyro controls on the switch are shit, which is understandable, as they use a sensor equivalent to the original Wii remote's sensor, and not the Wii Remote Plus. You can play with them for convenience if you really want, but you have a lower level of control than every other method of play.
Touch controls are fine, which is an okay way to play the switch, but with a fast game a bigger screen can make it a little difficult to reach areas when playing on the switch as opposed to the smaller screens on mobile or the DS (or a computer with a mouse and higher sensitivity).
TWEWY x Danganronpa crossover when?
What would their ultimate talents be?
Dude what I got the DS TWEWY for cheap
>Neku: Ultimate Graffiti Artist (assuming Mr.H teaches him and shit)
>Shiki: Ultimate Seamstress
>Beat: Ultimate Skater
>Joshua: Ultimate Dick
>>Joshua: Ultimate Dick
Hee hee...
And I just now realized what I implied. Fuck.
>spending a small fortune on the DS game
Dude don't be retarded when R4 exists.