What happened to tactical shooters like Swat and the Rainbow Six series?
What happened to tactical shooters like Swat and the Rainbow Six series?
Normalfags happened
people are too stupid to enjoy something that isnt ooga booga fast paced bullshit
They don't make 'em like they used to.
This game is so much fun with a group of friends. Is the online still alive?
>that fucking serial killer mission
couldnt have answered it better myself
the normie (console) audience isnt interested in games that make you think hard, or games that take risks agaisnt the player to overcome.
they just want an incredibly streamlined, polished shooter game with big graphics and good sounding guns
Some servers are still up. You just can't use game spy since EA decided to kill it.
I miss Spoony bros. It's not fair what happened to him.
Spoony is what happened to Spoony.
It hurts to see this happen to every type of game genre. Rpgs now suck ass, as their is no difference between builds, skills are removed from most rpg games and your choices don't matter. Happened with tact shooters, arena shooters and now rpgs. Normal fags ruin everything.
If you buy the gold edition on GOG and install a multiplayer mod, you can play with friends and shit.
How do you beat the sewer level in SWAT 3?
The flashlight sucks, it sucks
Never had mass appeal.
They're considered problematic in this day and age. Police are fascists, don't ya know?
Use glow sticks, drop them to mark spots.
If you're not playing this game with voice recognition then you are playing it wrong
I will try that, the AI drops them when they finish clearing a room but I never thought to use them myself.
That's an option? Shit that changes everything.
All of is old stuff is still amazing. I still go back and watch it once in a while. FF8 and SWAT 4 are his magnum opus though.
Speaking of normal fags ruining series, what are some game series you loved that got ruined.
You need to install the Elite Force mod to activate it but it's totally worth it to yell at suspects yourself and watch them comply. Also it makes separating your team and using them to breach different doors much easier. Unfortunately you still need to be looking at the door you want them to breach when you give the order but it still is a lot better than using the command radial thing.
Another good thing is that you can tell them to 'cuff all' and they'll go around and zip up everyone that has surrendered. You can also get them to pick up any and all evidence on the ground which is great because one of the worst parts of this game is after everything is over and you are left scouring the level for a handgun or some bullshit that flew under a table.
It's crazy the mods that came out for swat 4. Shame that the series kicked the bucket after 4. My only hope is that "Ready or Not" game, but I don't trust indie games no more.
Like with stealth and strategy games, the average player doesn't have the patience or the attention span to play these games. And the average player is what makes big buck in this industry.
I hope that game is good but the way they shoved out pre-orders and DLC for a game not even in alpha makes me kind of wary. I guess they need funds or something but I thought they were a lot further along with the game's development then they actually are.
Chaos chaos theory was the last good stealth game. The peak was thief but after chaos theory, it was all down hill.
They're coming back
Let's hope they can actually deliver.
What do you mean? R6 gets fresh content every few months
>multiplayer only ubishit
>tactical shooter
Fuck off. Siege is about as tactical as fucking call of duty with how people play it.
I get a more realistic shooter experience playing fucking red orchestra.
God when I heard they were making a new rainbow 6 game I got so hyped until I saw siege and my hopes went down the drain. It doesn't help that siege now has fucking anime tier characters as the operators.
Elder Scrolls. Sad truth is a game with all the weird shit TES had won't sell anymore. They've even started scrubbing the lore books.
Reminder that if you use tear gas you are a shitter
They even did the same to fallout. No more skills/traits, there is no difference between builds, your choices don't matter. It's either you did bad thing or good thing, no in-between. They did this all to "make it easier for new players".
Siege has absofuckinglutely nothing to do with R6 series or tactical shooters.
Real Chad's use the stringers. But never let your AI buddies use stringers. They throw them like limp wrist faggots.
Swat has a pretty good OST.
if you use any non-lethal weapons you're a shitter
died alongside arena shooters because the tryhard faggots that say they want more of them are the extreme minority, and even then, they don't buy the games.
yeah, it's good. It sounds like a horror movie sometimes
I wish the shotgun was better in this game. Shit isn't accurate.
pretty much this...
Also these games were probably too realistic and not cartoonish enough with microtransactions up the ass like to fagnite and ape legends
>people complained about Patriots having "Shit tier QTE's"
>Instead we get Siege which is a bastardization of the Rainbow Six Franchise.
The book is still one of the best military reads i've ever read.
all of them
[In Bulgarian] IT'S THE PIGS [In English] IT'S THE POLICE
>now has fucking anime tier characters
I wish, then they’d actually be attractive
I think I recall blowing up a meth lab when I threw a stringer in before clearing... needless to say I "cleared the room" of everyone in it before giving criminals a chance to surrender and was penalized severely for that. Not only was I demoted but eventually charges were filed against me, my wife divorced me, I lost half my pension, and the case had been thrown out.
On a side note, the department suggested that I uninstall the program before they deleted my character from their files permanently...
that's just action hero stuff, you're like Demolition Man
The first two months after release when people were still figuring out the game were actually slow and tactical as fuck. More people also used VC for actual ingame communications compared to the 800k player zoomer infested state Siege is in now.
This. Also, Squad is in Early Access and Ready or Not is in development. So the genre is not really dead.
>gets shot in the back from the right
>walls shoot at you
What kind of game is that.
he cleared the right using his peripherals, when your clearing a room you go from your side and do a quick sweep. You clear corners first, then doorways, then walls and secure the room.
t. actual trained SWAT officer
thats just like saying you are a girl
he doesn't have peripherals, he's a video game character in an FPS
unless he's playing in third person somehow the dirty dog
I miss SOCOM.
EA didn't kill Gamespy. Gamespy killed Gamespy. Or are you too young to remember this
t. sub 150 FOVlet
ironically they can't handle games that are TOO fast paced either
Rainbow Six Siege is practically a cartoon
he cleared the right using his peripherals, when your clearing a room you go from your side and do a quick sweep. You clear corners first, then doorways, then walls and secure the room. Besides, usually he'd have 6 other guys entering behind him to clear the rest of the room.
t. actual trained SWAT officer
can not wearing the headset where the indent is reverse it
The genre died down while the years passed and men started to get more emasculated, most only like weeb shit with waifufagging now.
t. actual trained SWAT officer girl UwU
Do you actually? It looks so weird
>GOG version
FUCKING DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GOG version doesn't have any fixes or patches. It's the same version everyone has with no widescreen support and proper resolutions by default. It's just a blatant cashgrab and they don't even give money to devs because studio is dead. Here's a proper way to get swat:
so much for cutting the pie...
>clears right but sticks his rifle out before clearing the left
At the risk of sounding like a shill, I'd like to mention Police Stories. It's sort of a mixture of SWAT and other tactical police shooters and Hotline Miami. You get HM's overhead view but you need to try and minimize casualties using non-lethal weapons and save hostages and shit like that.
Probably doesn't scratch the same exact itch but I thought it was worth mentioning.
I played that, it's not bad. I don't think it's finished though.
Rainbow Six
Fuck siegeniggers
What do you think about Daniel
Shaver's case?
>sniper screen
>can see what your squadmates see
>multiple ways to break into a building
>different kinds of ammo, grenades, weapons and armour
>magic stick
>voice commands
this game is fucking amazing
Based Alabama police.
Wasn't DayZ huge a few years back?
This. I'd love to get a sequel. What happened to that sort of spiritual successor somebody was making?
Its nothing to do with console. Gaming has taken a sharp decline across the board, arguably PC gaming is the worst right now. 1998-2004 was literally unrelatable to ‘gamers’ nowadays. There was such a surplus in soul and no handholding that will never be matched again.
Tango down
Cutting pie is for corners.
Release is next year. Maybe closed beta for backers this year. Current state is unknown, but I have high hopes for it.
Deus Ex
Operation Flashpoint
* Shock games
Basically every instance of "let's take a PC franchise and make it multiplat".
R6 was killed by Ubi.
No clue why we haven't seen a Swat like game since Swat 4 though. Seems like there'd definitely be room in the market for one.
It's also the most fun coop experience I've ever had.
You got me.
When the FUCK is Ready or Not coming out
>shoot bad guy in the face
>say hands up then shoot bad guy in the face
Heroes of Might and Magic
Ubisoft will pay for this one day
just like in real life
His work was over anyways. Finished up Ultima, Swat 4, All of Reb Brown, and pretty much Final Fantasy.
And now he gets to do SWAT in real life when they drag him to jail soon.
The beginning was glorious. Then Ubisoft caught on that they had made something good and quickly acted to fix that. Last I heard there's now a character that heals your entire team no matter where they are and even picks up guys on the ground.
>Q4 2020
There was that weird period back in like 2008-2014 when like every game company decided to casualize and make their games for a "broader audience" chasing those cowadooty bucks. A ton of my favorite games got affected. Ace Combat, Hitman, DMC, Resident Evil, etc. Most of them have actually recovered after every company realized burning away the goodwill of your dedicated fanbases isn't the smartest way to do business, but I still feel like those effects have remained on the industry as a whole. The majority of companies are never going to go back to the pre-casual 00s where there weren't button prompts and quest markers everywhere. Although, I have to give Bamco some credit because Ace Combat 7 was basically a PS2 game with modern visuals since they went ultra hard trying to get the fans back.
You are penalized for killing the suspects in any case. They only way to get 100% score is to save everyone.
Never played original ace combat because I was A Nintendo 64 fag then a Xbro and xbro360 fag. I picked acecombat 7 up on steam and like it alot. Reminds me of rouge squadron 64 or starlancer for the pc. Its alot of fun.
Any of you fags remember novalogic and tehe delta force series for pc? Map making was bannanas on that shit. I remember joining an online server where you parachuted out of planes and Fucking had to shoot wampas that were doing the same and had rockets that were shooting at you
This game is fun but it's kind of annoying that it often crashes on exit because it makes your progress not save.
When is Ready or Not coming out?
Right after bannerlord and stalker 2.
Games like SWAT 4 and the original Rainbow Six never played well on controllers and a PC only FPS with anything resembling a budget would be fiscal suicide. So consoles killed them is the short answer.
Chim was stupid bullshit and you know it.
tfw no RE:SWAT where you do comfy USS operations with my man HUNK.
did anyone use the snipers in swat 4? i never did cause murder = lower score
I think they were supposed to be used for tricky shots (people holding hostages), keeping an eye on sentries and generally wasting people opening fire from concealed spots (instead of trying to lean out and challenge/shoot them. But if you didn't take some grenades with you you're doing it wrong.
Nothing. Siege is fun as fuck.
Splinter Cell. Mark and fucking execute. Jesus Christ what a shame.
There's also the fact that the industry has matured and most genres have been fleshed out to the point where similar AAA games all start to feel the same because the devs follow the conventions of the genre so tightly. There's a lot less experimentation and weird wacky games nowadays.
Nah, just beanbags and pepperballs if you want top score.
If useless operators with recycled weapons is your definition of fresh content.
I don't even remember there being any maps where you could actually use a sniper properly.
>Rpgs now suck ass, as their is no difference between builds, skills are removed from most rpg games and your choices don't matter
you are also probably one of those people who draw the line at games like LoX or PF:KM because "they're too niche" and "janky"