Came back to this game after over a year, thinking there was something I missed. But, same as I remembered, this is just mini-games: the rpg with a 11/10 soundtrack. Not enjoyable enough gameplay to get me to play through over and over however many times to get all the endings. Is that what I’m missing? The endings? This is a slog but I guess I’ll keep going. FWIW only have endings A and W right now, as I only played through the main story once so far.
Fooled again
shut the fuck up and play the game
Guys I literally just want to tape R1 down
Only half the game is good. The second half specifically. Like its really well fucking done, but holy shit the first half is abysmal.
>play the game
sorry 9s route is too fucking trash
If you can cut out 9s part this game would be much better
imagine having taste this bad
I remember really enjoying the soundtrack when I played the game but now I can't recall a single song from it
Much like Firefly, Evangelion, and Jojo, this is one of those things that snowballed in popularity despite its actual merits as an artwork. It would have rightfully languished in obscurity as the 6/10 it actually is had Kotaku, RockPaperShotgun, etc. not produced dozens of paid articles about "OH MY GOD YOU GUYS IT WIPES UR SAVE AND U GET TO SAVE SOMEONE... THE EPIC ORCHESTRA CHOIR... OMG TAKE MY REDDIT GOAL MR. NISHIMURA"
It's text book definition of mediocre game saved by character design.
God, Op, do you, like, suck cock for a living? If you actually played the game, you'd realize you're just spouting a bunch of semen and actually wash your mouth out before speaking.
Honestly using it less makes it more fun. That’s what I had to do.
Would you like me to explain why the ending is artistically interesting to you?
Your reductive caps lock caricature has convinced me, the game is shit.
It doesn't get any better.
I played through for ending A and apparently did not play after that because I’m at the beginning with 9s again. If I didn’t like it enough the first time, why would I put myself through that again? I rarely replay games as it is, and the ones I do have a decent meaty story. For that to be built into the game in order to be rewarded with story that should have been there in the first place is bullshit imo. I love the devil may cry series and replaying missions is a huge part of those games, but it doesn’t hold the story captive until you do.
I'm like you, user. I don't replay games like that.
But the second playthrough in N:A is a breeze compared to the first. And it is worth it.
So you stopped at 1/4? The hell?
>the rpg with a 11/10 soundtrack
the soundtrack is good but absurdly overrated. it's nothing spectacular
9s route is breeze and after that is brand new content and continuation. Holy shit you guys are fucking morons. You dont have to beat game fucking 5 times, its just 9s route you have to play from his perspective
I don't get this game. Combat felt like floaty trash and I dropped it immediately in 20 seconds of slashing as 2B. But it's a Platinum Games game and the combat in MGR:R feels great. What happened here?
You're not missing much. I wish I quit during route C like I wanted to but I plowed through it and it never got better. Babby's first existential crisis and philosophy lesson with absolutely boring combat and a great OST. The original Nier is better but most Automata fags have never played it.
Games that surpass Nier's OST are almost exclusively highly rated Final Fantasy games. I would like to hear what you consider a 10/10 OST.
It's for low power level weebs. It's a decent game. Nothing you're missing out on though.
OP is right - if getting to the good parts of a game is a long chore, then that game isn't very good to begin with.
No shit this game is fucking trash. it's not even really a game. it just wants to tell a pretentious story & all the sloppy broken mechanics were an after thought. there's never even a point in the game where enemies have enough health to even try to do shit with the shitty combat system. just a waste of platinums B team code.
This. Terrible game.
You must have such incredibly shit taste to not like this game.
you must have never played a game before to think this game is good
It's literally the best game of the last 5 years. It is almost perfect. Apologise.
that's half of the game.
and no it'd still be trash because of the constant cinematic shit and minigames interrupting everything, bad combat & weapon system with tiny moveset, horribly implemented RPG shit that ruin said combat system even further, bad camera, bad performance & glitches.
it'd just be less trash.
The combat is spammy at times but it's not bad. It feels silky smooth and is enjoyable from start to finish. What's the point of even arguing about this though. You clearly thing black is white and 2+2=5 etc.
>hear nothing but praise for this game from Yea Forums since it came out
>decide to finally get around to playing it
>spend all day pirating it with my shit internet
>as soon as it's done downloading and ready to go I come to Yea Forums and the first thing I see is a thread full of people talking about how shit it is
I swear this world is a simulation designed solely to fuck with me.
sorry sir
You are a retard, finish the game dumbshit
Don't wanna get all 5 endings? Sucks to be you enjoy missing out. Retard.
>Nier's OST
You mean Automata.
Imagine playing this shit start to end 5 times
You're never getting laid, ever.
The funny thing is that there's only actually 2 endings and you only have to replay the first half. The presentation of "endings" is just a silly stylistic carryover from Drakengard.
So you haven't played the game
Nobody asked you for your disability