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Wait, does she really say this in the games?
just played pirates curse and she does in fact say that. i got an achievment titled that as well after beating the first boss
I don't think so...? but still that fucking song is god awful
the animation is good but the song is fucking awful
She says it all the time in Pirate's Curse
that most of their fanbase are weebs that probably love trigger
i just hope this doesn't cut into funds for the actual game
Terrible music, the burning town cover from half-genie hero was better.
Shantae music is great when there's no lyrics. Prove me wrong. If only they had a bit more budget so they could have a minute long video instead.
Litterally good child if you disagree
To be desu I don't really mind the animation, it's just the fucking song. Somebody actually approved that shit.
yeah the music is pretty bad, shantae has always tried to go for that cheesy early-morning cartoon/ slapsticky anime style but the song is just really bad even with that in mind
How many times are you gonna post that shit till you realize no one cares?
Shantae looks like THAT?
it's her catch phrase. she says it in every game.
It literally made the Monster Boy theme song sound good
I just saw it today, I posted it here because I couldn't believe someone OK'd that absolutely terrible song
is it normal i find some of the characters in these games to be real cringy
like twitch and vinegar are pretty cringy to me. Met some one eyed buff homo in pirates curse just now and i hate his guts. not because he is gay but because he is CRINGE.
this is the most generic shit i have ever seen
this looks like a generic anime parody
You idorts would probably love it if it had jap lyrics
Maybe you're realizing how bad j-pop was all along.
I've always hated jap/weeb music
I only masturbate to porn I don't actually watch that anime trash
>"great when there's no lyrics"
>probably love it if it had jap lyrics
You clearly didn't mean to quote that one since that's a dumb response for that one in particular, but you're forgiven. Lyrics ruin this series' music every time.
this shit has more edges than a n64 polygon
kill yourself fucking piece of shit
Never heard her say that honestly
Can't wait to play the collection.
That is just Trigger's general style. Hyperactive animation an lots of angles. Just look at KLK, Gurren Lagann, Little Witch Academia and Panty and Stocking.
It's really sad that this opening animation really sucks
it's not action-y enough
there aren't any parts where you feel hype about what's gonna happen in game
and they probably spent a bunch of money to hire Trigger to make this
here's a few examples of good game openings
they don't even need to be fully animated, their main purpose is to hype you up to play the game
It's either someone at Wayforward fucked up or someone at Trigger fucked up, whoever storyboarded or planned this mediocre garbage
Okay, niggus. Stop.
I love this image, a great reminder for that thread
the actual opening ends at around 2:02
what comes after is the demo reel that plays when you leave it on at the title screen
I actually like this one a lot, too
personally I think they were going more for a Guardian Heroes vibe, but as you can see the Shantae one just doesn't compare
Cristina Vee is a crime against humanity.
I want to suck the sweat out of Shantae's brown bellybutton!
Not him but none of the intros you posted make me want to play any of those games. They remind me of the shitty UI intros from old anime where they didn't have enough budget to animate the entire opening well so they tried to cover it up with CG UI effects and shitty 3D models that don't really move but they pin around a lot or zoom in on the character's face as she opens her eyes slowly. Shantae's intro sucks but not as much since it's animated properly and looks at least on par with a Saturday Morning cartoon/Toonami op.
Is Shantae even that popular?
I played through Pirate's Curse and didn't think it was particularly remarkable. You don't even play as best girl so I don't understand what all the hubub seems to be.
name a more iconic duo.
pic related is why
She was able to piggyback off of smash pretty hard when smashfags thought they "needed" an indie rep
>playing a mediocre at best platformer series because of muh softcore porn
waifushitters are mysterious creatures my fellow user
Weebs don't really like GAINAX/Trigger, the only thing they can tolerate is NGE, Trigger is a Yea Forums studio.
>No one knows how to draw Shantae with normal hands
Trigger has a very unique style.
she's 16
it's not on par at all
first of all it's too short, that it kind of abruptly ends just when you expect it's going to get to THE good part
second, the fucking song is bad. plenty of cartoon openings had shitty animations but the songs salvaged it
thrid, again, the point is not to have super duper excellent animation, but to get hyped to play the game
>none of the intros you posted make me want to play any of those games
of course not, because you're not interested in the games themselves. When I say "hype you to play the game", I mean you're already interested in it or bought it and this is just something extra to pump you up whenever you boot up the game.
These op animations aren't supposed to, and can't really sell you on the game. (And they shouldn't if you have any kind of intelligence)
Trigger has produced two shows of worth which is more than Yea Forums has in terms of games.
I hadn't really thought about it until another user pointed it out a couple threads ago, but these games kinda are just blatant copies of Wonder Boy. Which makes me feel like a retard because I played the fuck out of those games on emulators as a kid
Ah I see
fourth it's just weird how they drew the characters in the opening
How good are Shantae's games? Where should I start? Can she block odor for 16 hours?
Which Shantae games are good? I keep hearing fans say to skip x game or whatever. There's like 3 of them on switch and I can emulate the GBC one.
I want to get into this series.
Wait what collection? Shantae or Switch Force?
they're shit
just skip them all, this opening is an insult to all Shantae fans
Pirates Curse is good and a lot of people like to shit on 1/2 genie hero but it's perfectly enjoyable and I honestly find the new style charming
That's only problem in murica. In Europe age of consent is like 14-16
This pic is very comfy and nice
wholesome giant mermaid pics are best
Have you more of these?
why would you reply
waifufags and people who post about shantae need to leave
Some, not all comfy though
rotty best girl
People just want to fuck her
I only played Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut for pc and I enjoyed a lot. I don't know why people hate this game so much
everybody does but that doesn't mean her game is good
It does seem a bit irrational but I this IS Yea Forums so y'know, autism and all that
They're releasing everything on everything, these guys are the best.
I genuinely like this, I just wish it was longer as it ends too abruptly.
>got Imaishi and his crew to animate it
>didn't do an exotic pole dance scene for her a la Panty & Stocking
Shantae makes my peenus weanus hard.
>what is a smear frame
>white owned
the fuck is this trash?
you shouldn't like it at all
it's bad
should have been at least 1 minute
they might as well just not put this garbage in and sell the game for cheaper
The mark of girl who cares about her future.
>you shouldn't like it
I wouldn't fund this.
Not him, but I find is charmingly bad.
If you like Trigger, you like it. If you like trigger and you don't like it, you're a hypocrite.
At least I'm glad they try doing new shit with every Shantae and if this keeps up we'll have an animated show instead of a game.
Given the Q heart, that also sounds like a schizophrenic girl.
You fags really need to let go when that one nigger started plastering "blacked" all over anime girls.
>Is Shantae even that popular?
No, it is niche. If you didn't like Pirate's Curse, you won't like any of the games.
Personally, I like the games and would have even if it wasn't the current Shantae on it.
I'd rather have a 3D Shantae game at this point ala Hat in Time/Ocarina of Time than this to be honest.
People play these games?
I really hope Shantae 5 doesn't have 1/2 Genie graphics, otherwise it's another dropped.
Seem to have lost the pic of what these things are really doing...
I think I worded my thoughts poorly
But have some fucking taste you little faggots
I got your smear frame right here, punk. Now if you really want to test your strength, stay right where you are!
I don't know. I like the 2D style they've been going for and I think if they went for 3D the models would look absolutely garbage.
I like Trigger and don't like the intro. They've animated much better sequences. For something so short, you'd think every second of animation would be smooth and polished. Instead it's choppy, especially the perspective/camera movements.
The absolute state of Yea Forums lmfao
They probably used a smaller team for it. But it still had a lot of the same choppy feeling like some of the trigger shows has, so I don't mind it.
I'm sure the people on Wayforward are still ecstatic for having them making the opening animation. I sure would.
Smears are for movement. That shit is a keyframe. Shantae stops at that pose and doesn't move from it.
You can tell an underage wrote this.
It all depends of they cheap out with Borderlands colors or make a game that looks as decent as Hat in Time. I know they have the budget for it.
The developer skill for 3D platforming, not so much...
Whoever sings these songs, her voice sucks
>you shouldn't like it at all
And then Yea Forums claims there's no hivemind mentality around here...
I wouldn't mind if they went back to Pirate's Curse style instead, but the biggest issue with HGH wasn't the art, that's for sure.
>I know they have the budget for it.
I mean, budget means shit if the people doing it are awful at 3D.
This. Trigger studio is just a meme.
When the game comes out and Yea Forums bombs it because it's Half Baked Shit 2, everyone will say they wasted the budget on the opening and music alone.
No, you actually just genuinely went "stop liking what I don't like." You worded your thoughts perfectly, you just have fucking retarded thoughts.
Ironic, seeing that's a decaying zombie
Why are you angry at him?
Animation style is fine.but nothing stands out as amazing.
There's no action scenes or any choreography to mention, so we don't get hyped to really play anything. It seems like more of a... teaser for an opening?
It really feels like they've got their B-Team doing animation (which is... fine) and they decided to give storyboarding and director role to entirely new people and this is their first try.
The song's beat is catchy, the lyrics are boring, and the voice sounds about as annoying as I imagine Shantae or Rottytops would sound.
The main reason why this intro is more choppy and out there then the usual trigger animation is cause this one is mainly done by Ikarashi.
Think the rest of the staff were busy with promare I guess.
Personally I really like his style of work, but I can understand why some people an't too hot on it.
Cristina Vee wrote the lyrics and sung them.
She was okay but she's batshit insane.
Would still like to see her cosplay Shantae if she hits that 100k followers on twitter
That's the same singer for the River City Girls trailer. The song's beat is just all over the place, adds an Egyptian cue near the end, and doesn't match the animation cues at all. You can tell the song came after the animation and it still sounds shit on instrumental.
go ahead, keep eating of a garbage dump since you like it so much
That is a static pose you dipship.
Shantae and Risky shouldn't have had voice actors to begin with, they don't sound hot or match their look.
>But have some fucking taste you little faggots
So you say and post worse shit.
Shantae would be better with pubes
That's like trademark Trigger shit.
What if she was fat?
what I posted actually motivates me to play my game
whatever this is for Shantae isn't even good enough to be a TV commercial
We don't mind the choppy style so much, but rather that the opening appears to be more of a slideshow than an actual opening. There's nothing of consequence that happens except for the cannonmine landing and that only has 1 frame of animation that reacts to it, and then all the action shots from the characters have no frame of reference for anything else so it looks like we've been transported to a void.
THIS is trademark Trigger shit?
>what I posted actually motivates me to play my game
Didn't motivate me, but neither did the Shantae one. Sorry I didn't like your shit either.
>THIS is trademark Trigger shit?
100% yes.
Well FUCK me. I have legit never noticed it in their other works.
Where did I say I wanted to motivate you?
I just wanted to show something better for me than Shittae
These artists are just shit. I saw the design sheet Trigger did. they couldn't even draw hands right in that. they have no idea of how to do stylised anatomy right & don't even seem to know how animation works.
Imagine the farts she could make with that ass.
Because each episode is 20 minutes with shit happening all the time so it is harder to notice compared to a half a minute music video.
Kill la Kill non-BD release is a gold mine, but it is hardly noticeable because it kind of fit the style.
And I'm telling you you shouldn't like whatever you posted.
A thing of beauty. I'm a sucker for roughs and sketches
What about her burps?
Me too.
I have taste, you don't
I have earned the right to like what I like, while you guys haven't
people wank off to them.
That's essentially it..
Who are these "you guys"? I said I don't particularly care for the shantae opening animation.
Now begone underage.
They're normally fine with doing stylized anatomy, but they have most of their animation team working on Promare at the moment, so they only pulled the least important people for this.
trademark Ikarashi
that's just showing off the new "antlers for hands" mechanic. trust me it'll be in the game along with the "broken zigzag body parts" mechanic. you'll totally get it when you play.
how did these fucking people get jobs t. I could draw & animate better when I was 13.
>run out of things to say
>"U-u-underage you!!!"
Doubt but now I'm curious to see animation you've made.
I mean, you're the one started out "you shouldn't like it at all".
You fucked up by lowering the bar from the very first comment you made.
Why couldn't they get the same studio that did Monster Boy's opening cinematic? That actually looks good
I can give you two reasons.
1. They were fully booked and didn't have time to animate for Wayforward.
2. Wayforward wanted trigger style opening.
Eh, I don't know why, but it really seems like the studio is actually shilling for it.
Monster Boy's animation is fine. It's generic as fuck and absolutely nothing to write home about though - it looks like every anime you've ever seen. I much prefer the style of Shantae's opening, even if the content of it was fucking balls.
Because that looks boring as fuck?
that feels very specific to a late '90s children's show. why couldn't battletoads get a decent art style...
The new battletoads looked absolutely garbage at E3.
You're thinking of Power Stone.
Except that Power Stone has a much better song.
>black sun
Almost good but you had to go and /pol/ it
it astonishes me how badly they fucked it up. especially now that series like Shantae are riding on '90s vibe.
Battletoads as a mid '90s 'tude era cartoon was a no brainer.
Is this one ultra-triggered person constantly spamming this exact same thread multiple times a day?
Is 2 gonna be in HD this time?
I thought every thread was created by a single, autistic, constantly springing entity.
Speaking as a professional artist, the way the boobs are drawn physically pain me.
>white owned
It's not like Shantae has particularly good action, their fans are in it a lot for the adventure, story, and visuals/music. If the song was better (mostly in that it didn't suddenly end), it would be good.
Also Grandia has a more hype opening than all the ones you posted combined.
She would have trouble belly dancing without wobbling everywhere.
i thought this was a game for kids???
Most games are for kids.
"we want the ironic weeb audience"
And it's clearly working.
Trigger was always an overrated animation studio, they got a lot of traction with Kill la Kill but their shit has been subpar ever since
What the fuck does this "ironic/unironic" thing mean?
So last year?
>exagerrated tits, hips, butts on every character
made for man-children.
Shantae's tits, hips, and butt aren't that robust. She's just very confident and perky.
Full blooded weebs don't like shantae because it is Western anyway.
These games are boring but the porn is fucking god tier.
She is in.
thanks vee i too hate video games now
>Wait, does she really say this in the games?
Yeah, she says it in every game.
Story is that Matt Bozon (Shantae creator) knew someone who said that in real life, and everyone thought it was stupid and adorable, chiefly because the person saying it did not realize how stupid it sounded. So they put it in the game as a tribute.
100% this
Shantae is, at best, tolerable western crap
you won't get stuff like this from western IPs
>Is Shantae even that popular?
Yeah, the games are mediocre at best, but Shantae herself is popular:
(I asked for that pic in the drawthread originally, it was based on a Pandyland comic)
shit just look at how smooth the animations are
fuck fuck fuck this is beautiful
are you actually 12, a retard, or both?
superior rottytops.
pubes, yeah, but only if they are neat and match her hair colour. Armpit hair wouldn't work though - if for no other reason than that she is a belly dancer living in the desert.
Deen knows their shit. I mean, when Destiny came to be, Deen had existed for 20 years already.
It's cute shantaefags think this is triggers' big project or something
I thought it was okay-ish. Little cringey.
Hearing it and reading some posts got me thinking though.
Why are there so few decent female vocalists/VAs? It's like 1% godly, 1% okay if the character was from your puberty, and 98% trash. Like they just get some attention whore from a random discord that has done no vocal training. Who's only experience is poorly singing the OPs while watching Inuyasha.
It's cute how you people project, assume, and then act like those are reality so you can fuel your ragefits over a game series.
Why the hell are these games mediocre? Are you really so much of a miserable fuck that if a game doesn't reinvent the wheel you think it's shit? A game is good if it's good, don't act like it's shit just because you didn't feel it.
it's common games becoming Anime. go on Shantae
man just knowing this was made more than 20 years ago and then comparing it to this crap we got now from Trigger, it just shows that things get worse
>KLK is really popular with weaboos
>So is Darling in the Franxx
>shit my hips
>two companies do things in different ways
>"Waaaaaah everything in the universe is so shit now compared to my childhood!"
The Creator is Smart. To make this character popular. When you make she with this skin color you please the white girls and the black girls. And the tanned girls, as the character herself is tanned.
Women are not expected to be good at anything
She saw the Smash logo in her window, of course she did.
>This company isn't making crap, it's just doing things differently!!!
Almost 1 million views in two days, yeah.
thread tells me otherwise tho
exactly, the fanbase also thinks shantae is a shoe-in for smash or something
Funny, I thought women were expected to surpass obstacles no man ever had to face in order to do the exact same things men do.
>different is bad! all people must be and do the exact same things in order to placate my fickle demanding self!
>a few people think something
>"hurp de burp the entire fanbase thinks hivemind we are legion boogity boogity!"
this thread sure is a few people huh
Overall, animation is way better today than 20 years ago. It's just that we remember the good ones, but even during the 80's and 90's there were tons of shit too. But the shitty ones today are better animated than the shitty ones back then.
I still think completely hand drawn most of the times looks way better than animation made on a computer.
Which of her games are even worth getting off of steam? I was thinking of trying them out but the half genie hero with dlc was what I was gonna get instead of the remakes.
Why would that matter?
He isn't wrong though. Though, the Shantae opening is one of their worse.
And I see very few people saying she's in smash with a serious tone.
you do realize most computer animation are still hand drawn right and supposed "traditional animation" entries are actually digitized (see The Little Mermaid)
Yes, but when I mean hand drawn I mean without tablet and excessive amount of computer tools.
Just play them all underage. Stop forming opinions from others and think instead of being an NPC.
>insult to all Shantae fans
Here's your (you).
what's the difference, your hands are still being used in the same way you'd draw. it's not like CGI.
Honestly the opening looks like shit, I'm a trigger fan but this looks just bad,I would choose the luluco style instead of trying to rip-off the KLK style because "muh tits"
Only the first 3 seconds looks decent
which game should I buy from this?
god I want to fuck her genie pussy and suck her genie nipples
I'm so damn lonely
it's not fucking fair guys I just want somebody to hold and love
It's been in their other works. They're known for the smooth animations because it's more western. PSG is an amazing testament to this
So are the Shantae games any good?
it'll be like that
Yes and no.
GBC? yes, Pirates curse? Yes
so just the original and pirate's curse?
the old ones are fine. the new ones are shit to mediocre.
the latest one isn't bad, but it just feels low-effort.
So is this.
Man this song is trash
holy shit why are you staring at her hands when you should be checking out that ass and legs you fucking shit
Pirate's Curse is by far the best one. Risky's Revenge is too short and more like a prototype for PC, it was a DSI downloadable title so it's really short and padded out with obnoxious fetch quests. Half-Genie Hero is mediocre, it has Full HD graphics but it's far too easy and boring. Also short, can beat the whole thing in 5 hours.
103 IPs. Out of 1 fucking million. Dude, you people need help. You really fucking think more than 1% of the fucking population of the human race uses fucking Yea Forums. Holy fucking shit get help.
There's only like one great Shantae game. And one good one.
>he thinks everyone in the world plays shantae
>Literally moving goalposts
Take the L and kill yourself.
You're the one who brought out the population of the world as a modifier you mongoloid. I'm not the one who moved the goalposts.
Sounds like this person may have been Japanese and had a heavy accent
In Japanese they pronounce "two" as "tsu"
And of course the difficulty for them differentiating L and R sounds
So "let's go" transliterated into Japanese is "rettsu go"
>Take the L
even if you're right it would be appreciated if you didn't bring mouthbreather lingo into this site.
Trigger is utter shit
>it's an eroge but also a card game but also a rpg but also light novel
Jesus fuck
>You're the one who brought out the population of the world as a modifier you mongoloid
I wasn't the original poster idiot. (You) posted implying fucking ~100 is a fucking ballpark example of opinions against this user's saying people actually liked it. You idiots are fucking masochists and it's best to treat this place like you treat it: with shitposting, like it deserves. You people deserved to be shit on just like you shit on other things you don't like. "Not a hivemind", fucking topkek.
that's why it's better than Shittae
>People were actually hyping up 30 seconds of sub-par animation
Are Shantaefags the biggest retards in existence?
>he thinks youtube hits are unique hits
>he thinks that amount is tantamount to the discussion here
it is the reason why you fags are delusional with regards to representation
the purpose of an opening is to give you an idea of what you're in for in the most streamlined and easy to understand method as possible. Most well made openings understand this idea and you can even take 1:30 openings and edit them down to 30 seconds and it will still work. Here's some examples of various openings(both anime and not) made to be the same length as the shantae opening, notice how literally all of them are done better than this because they all still give a rough idea of what's going to happen in broad stokes rather than Shantae's approach of just going through as much shit as you can.
my issue with Shantae's opening is that it doesn't really feel like it did what it was supposed to do, it feels like it was supposed to go on for longer despite being the average length for a cartoon opening.
>>he thinks youtube hits are unique hits
So it's likely it's just one autist watching the same 30 sec video 1 million times and not at least half of that being original. Got it.
>>he thinks that amount is tantamount to the discussion here
I could say the same for this post
>his only argument is hyperbole
again, thanks for proving point about shantaefags
Trigger aren't that good, and Imaishi's best work was with neither Trigger nor Gainax.
>>his only argument is hyperbole
Again, the same can be said about you, cretin.
Paris Saint-Germain ??? (Neymar)
>example is literally the thread
>Using basically claim as fact
>Not hyperbole
The issue is game flow
Pirates curse felt nice because you could do everything at once.
Transforming constantly was a chore
I get that's what shantae does, transforming and all, but Having all my arsenal at all times without having to literally pause the game every 15 seconds made pirates curse way better for me
>this thread
Panty & Stocking, grosse merde.
honestly seeing the western cartoon openings in comparison to this makes the whole thing more jarring. Shantae's opening feels like it lasts 5 seconds despite being the same length as all of these while the western cartoon ones feel like they go on for a while despite only being 30 seconds.
>every 15 seconds
Nice shitpost. However the issue isn't the transforming, it's just the need to transform for one oddball point of the game to progress. The original game was more like a puzzle platformer. People didn't grow up on something like this so they reac against the ununsual.
I'd suggest AHiT hat selection wheel instead for one thing. Then make it where you have basically movement options in the form of animal suits instead of full blown animal transformations. Fill animal transformations to get into unreachable areas, with basical battle suit transformations for platforming/movement options.
Again, a real fan of Shantae wouldn't remove the identity, just tweak the execution of the idea.
Yes, user, that is a claim. It's what you did and refuse to admit to.
Let's post openings better than this Shantae shitshow
>he tries to hide quote
this thread is a living example, not merely a claim
>But have some fucking taste you little faggots
>Posts porn + dubstep + super cliché
That's it, I think I'm done with all this fanservice, all this GENERIC anime moe blob crap, all these high pitched voices & violin, all these weird neon colored hairstyles,all these high school swordsmen...
this one is unironically better than shantae's opening and I demand anyone in this thread to prove it wrong
* sniff * AHHHHHHHH I want to smell that ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks normal. what is a big deal. weeb game with a japanese animation?
that guy is literally not a swordsman
>Is Shantae even that popular?
NIGGER, are you even for real?
It's been a renown worldwide-accepted CLASSIC for DECADES. Sheer notoriety in the video gaming world-wise Shantae series are right there on par with Disgaea, BIOHAZARD/Resident Evil, Tekken, or Ninja Ryukenden/Gaiden.
now THIS is shitposting
>Is Shantae even that popular?
No, but she makes peoples dick hard.
The franchise survives on fanservice.
the animation moves so fast that you don't even have time to process little deformities like that
animation is filled with that kind of stuff, you could cherrypick a single frame from any show and find jank proportions
but this poster is probably underage so I don't know why I bother
that screenshot is a still frame
wow something you could only see for a twelfth of a second, man that is really bugging me
god I miss this show
you can literally see it for like 2 whole seconds retard
Go back and grow up, kid
only actual underage faggots like you keep spamming underage accusations
>no u
>didn't deny he's underage
Yeah I know that, I was referring to all these ad nauseam clichés we get with these anime stuff. They're really becoming creatively baknrupt. The western stuff (comics,etc) too.
I don't really know what the next refreshing step will be, but it needs to happen soon.
All they needed to do was have a little more animation as she ran out out of the house.
>This post was deleted for the following reasons:
>Both have bad hip:waist ratios, and grotesquely large asses. - about 1 year ago
>Unapproved in three days after returning to moderation queue - about 1 year ago
only an underage would actually be bothered by schoolyard name calling
Weeb here, fuck trigger for what they did to LWA, they had something great on their hands and then they through it away on that fucking trash TV show
But in that case the animators aren't to blame, the writers are.
cliches are nice if done well
they provide something comfortable and familiar for us to anchor ourselves on
The whole video is just a slideshow
>underage actually admits he does schoolyard name calling
you can't make this shit up
retard keeps digging that hole deeper
Wait, was this real? What website?
>you can't make this shit up
you can, cos you just did
i'm talking about you giving out schoolyard insults, you fucking dunce. we're you just born slow?
throw another seething reply at me, it's obvious that I've rustled your jimmies :)
The song could be cute if it was in Japanese, it's the english voice actors that make it cringe.
Jesus fucking christ where am I meant to focus my eyes in any of that video
>fumbles writes a longer reply ending with a SMILEY
>tries to accuse someone else of being triggered
Why is it so choppy?
total eyesore and the music doesn't do it any favors.
>cute bush
>underarm hair
>Why is it so choppy?
how much money do you think Wayforward can spare for something like this?
I can tell you it isn't much
I noticed that too wtf, I guess the Shantae's music really does fuck with the pacing
I see what you mean but when it's overdone to death, when all the protagonists are the same sword & shield knights/samurai with a katana, black girls are afro sassy persons, when all the villains are explaining their plan to the hero instead of just killing him... It was okay the 99th time.
well if the writer doesn't shake it up it really is boring except the uplifting and feel-good cliches, no one's gonna disagree with you there
That entire pose takes up 1/15 of the entire video, 2 seconds, fucked up hand and all. I mean, it's definitely trigger, but it's not good - how in the fuck can you be functional enough to actually use a computer, while still defending that?
Or you're just baiting and never actually watched the video.
It used to be decent, now it's a cesspool of feelings and acceptance.
Danbooru? You gotta be shitting me, that's the stupidest shit I have ever heard.
It's basically become the neogaf of all the booru's. Use literally any other one.
I don't know why it's so hard for you faggots to differentiate a heart and a spade.
Literally any other one.
>tfw danbooru turning neogaf and gelbooru pulling those stunts made me unironically start using sankaku
I stopped using Gelbooru after the ads got really obnoxious - what else did they pull?
Oh, were you just using it ironically before?
Fuck Danbooru, they're so snobby and still don't let you search more than two tags.
anons... what the fuck is the appeal of shantae games other than the visuals of the characters? All the gameplay I've looked at is fucking shallow slow as shit. Even Kirby offers more challenge..
Seriously, they're the worst. And they ended up removing a bunch of their content when it was too "extreme", but their definition waffles between guro (which is fair) to panty shots (what the fuck) depending on the mod of the day..
At one point they started playing a video with a bunch of fat neckbeards if it detected you were blocking ads or certain scripts. This was an additional layer on top of some other anti-adblock stuff that was already in effect. That and one other thing I can't remember, think it had to do with thumbnails, was the final straw for me, figured I may as well just use sankaku instead and then just dig through the artist's pixiv if I liked any.
Yes. I would even recommend it to my pleb friends for a laugh if they asked me for a good site, of course I wouldn't let know it was a jest.
Mostly the visuals.
Pirates curse is a great platformer with fun mechanics that's built for speedrunning, but all the others get by on pic related.
Superior Basara opening coming through!
>At one point they started playing a video with a bunch of fat neckbeards if it detected you were blocking ads or certain scripts
Jesus fuck - I mean, that's actually a fantastic april fool's joke, but holy hell I can't think of a better way to make me stop using a site than to do that.
You know what rot smells like? Farts. But 10 times stronger.
The song grew on me in being a cute little tune I could see Shantae liking herself.
It looks good overall, the colors are great, but the direction is so damn generic, it is the absolute most cookie cutter "Trigger/Gainax" animation you could do, almost to a soulless degree.
But I still love it simply for the idea of Shantae actually having an opening from Trigger and that generic or not it's still not outright bad.
I want Shantae to shrink me and smother me under her feet.
Alternatively, we could NOT discuss farts, in any thread, ever.
Besides, Rottytops deserves your love, even if you might need a noseplug.
>This is bad animation
>Points out something that is not animation
O I'm laffin
IMO it makes Rottytops a more fun character. When shes the perkiest and most sex-happy, yet at the same time she's also a walking bag of disgusting green pus and would smell horrible.
The song sounds like something Shantae would straight up sing, annoying voice and all, so I actually don't mind it.
But the animation is more than just boring and generic, it's straight up lifeless. Sure the style looks good, but the entire thing is basically a slideshow. It really feels like they either didn't care and just wanted a paycheck, or they put their newest hire on it and they just wanted to play it safe.
hot as fuck
Does she get a love interest at any point?
Honestly the biggest problem in this OP isn't the animation but how bad the song is
Always nice to see a black sun, the heart is too artificial and clearly made as a response to the spade whereas a black sun or swastika is a real life symbol.
Closest she gets is Risky Boots. They have some fun little back and forths in Pirate's Curse.
Not interested in romantically or sexually, but finds his quirks amusing.
Infatuated with Shantae, but Shantae treats her like a little sister (who's in love with Oni-san)
Sky treats her like a little sister, and she looks up to Sky.
Treats him like a retarded puppy.
I love both
No, it's both.
If the song was actually catchy, it might help us get over the slideshow of an opening. But while it's something Shantae would legitimately sing, it's not very fun to listen to.
too much soul
No, it was someone he went to highschool school with.
Western highschool.
How does she intend to have any kids if she cant find a boyfriend?
It lacks coherency
It changes tone too many times within just thirty seconds
Risky can use Dark Magic, and Shantae is a literal genie.
They'll figure it out.
4chans current trend
I want to cuddle with Shantaes ass so bad!!!
Don't we all?
That animation is fucking awful.
Didn't even bother to listen to the music.
so that's how you fit in
It's not awful, it's just boring... which is worse when it's supposed to be entertainment.The song is equally as boring.
Just, the entirety of Monster Boy is the most generic anime shit I've ever seen.
can i get this without the bad meme?
nice a retarded meme free version
It's smooth, but flat. There's nothing dynamic about it at all.
thanks man
cope and seethe harder
>Sounds like this person may have been Japanese and had a heavy accent
It was a normal person, and this happened before animu was a thing, in the 90s. Shantae was mostly designed at that time.
a whole new era of porn. this is good.
I want to see Shantae be endlessly bred by burly white colonizers!
Man fuck off with this shit. Doesn't matter if blacked or bleached both are cuckstuff in the end of it.
>that pussy peek
Every thing MaryZyruKun has about shantae is god like.
lmao fucking delusional weeab
>muh japanese in EVERYTHING
>he didn't play with jap audio/eng subtitle
Both song has just as dumb lyrics.
user, try and make it less obvious your just trying to shitpost next time.
You know, the whole world doesn't revolve around the Japanese language.
That's cute.
Utterly weak and bad shitposting. You should have your license revoked.
She's indie popular, which means to say she's popular enough to be recognized by those who care enough about games to follow the indie games but is generally unknown outside of that, She also has a following in Japan and gets plenty of fan art from there for some reason.
Gonna be honest with you here, this only sounds better than the original by the virtue of me not being able to understand Japanese, but it's still not good.
Shantae was never too popular, but her games were always acclaimed by both critics and normal people.
They are good for what they are. If you want a simple, colorful semi-metroidvania at times, Shantae is a solid one and doesn't take too long to play either.
Keep the bottom bush and I will agree
I want Shantae so that that one shitty model by Rafaknight can stop being the only 3D model of her to exist.
>You will never have Shantae dance in front of you in her Djinni outfit
>She will never shake her hips just for you
>She will never give you lewd smile while she dances for you
>She will never sit on your crotch and hop around on it
>You will never have 1/4 Djinni children with her...
What funds.
Braindead, there is not need for a mark when is the default state.
Yeah but that would make it a 7/10 at best, assuming everything else in the game is perfect. But it's not. The controls can be a bit wonky sometimes and there's a ton of backtracking and some annoying puzzles (the one where you turn into a mouse in the desert tower in Half Genie Hero was so annoying). And the music isn't that great either - well, it used to be good, but they are making it worse and worse with every game.
>that that one shitty model by Rafaknight can stop being the only 3D model of her to exist.
Here you go, mate.
edits by insecure beta males on /pol/.
I always find it funny.
>being this unable to grasp white dom raceplay
you do know it's existed for years, right?
I don't know why you would tag me when I clearly have the image
Yeah but it's lower res
lmao because just having a sequence of still images with crappy 3DCG and a shitty nightcore track is such an indication of your good taste
>why you would tag me
>post tags
>on Yea Forums
nice I don't want to bait when I repost this
>american whites don't only have smaller dicks, they have smaller images too
>movie gif
Please fuck off with all this falseflagging bullshit, none of you americans will effect any change in the world other than ruining the internet for the rest of us. Both the nazis and communists are wasting their time
Let's see some then, baby boy.
>le radical centrist
Kill yourself
what is "tag me" from?
>download the half genie hero because why not
>kind of apprehensive at first because muh female shitskin protagonist.
>It's the most fun that I had with a game since 2015 and I've fapped to r34 of this game like 4 times today.
>don't even like platformers all that much.
What the fuck?
Play Pirate's Curse now.
In seriously worry for the music if they don’t get Jake to work on it. He didn’t write this despite doing great work with Rescue Girl and Dance Through the Danger.
This is so good
Half Genie Hero is shit. But I’m glad it didn’t scare you away from the rest of the series.
best boy coming through
WayForward knows their audience is a bunch of thirsty retards that don't care how shitty a game is so long as it has fanservice.
you can stop shill this shit now
But Yea Forums hates Shantae.
Bolo and Shantae make a cute couple.