The best Colossus in the game. Fight me.
The best Colossus in the game. Fight me
Only because it incorporated aggro the best of them all.He wasn't just a tool for getting close, but was active for most of the battle.
Technically, starting with Phaedra the Colossi were pretty aggressive overall during the battles. Basaran, Dirge, Celosia, and Cenobia especially were really aggressive and determined to kill you.
He's talking about the horse being an instrument for the fighting.
Oh, Agro. He sued one too many "g"s.
>God Tier
5, 13
>High Tier
2, 3, 6, 9, 10, 12
>MId Tier
1, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16
>Low Tier
Switch Phaedra with Pelagia and that's my list, too.
4 is just kinda a drag, 50% of the encounter feels like waiting
12 has some fantastic "oh shit" factor when he exposes the heart on top of being one of the more interesting colossi with the whole blind thing and being probably the most uniquely designed colossus
I honestly disliked Pelagia's fight, it felt like the one with the most waiting and also bugs. The teeth rarely steer him correctly and it can take forever for him to climb up onto the towers.
Fuck you op. This is still one of the worst boss fights ever. The fucking clunky horse controls coupled with the faggot boss's unwillingness to follow you and when he does the timing on the geysers miss
Fuck this shit fight
You seem upset
This one gave me trouble in time attack
>epic orchestral boss music
>huge, elaborate enemy
>tense climactic atmosphere
>keep falling down or can't work out how to damage the colossus
how are you not perfectly comfortable with agro by the 9th colossus
even if it might be shitty you've had plenty of time to get used to the controls
It's just a big turtle though.
Top Six Colossi:
>#1: Avion - Jumping onto Avion as he flies straight towards you feels amazing, and it's exciting trying to stay on while flying.
>#2: Phalanx - Most depressing fight, and very majestic looking.
>#3: Pelagia - The design with the teeth like objects on the top of the head and no eyes is visually disturbing.
>#4: Dirge - The eyes, also a fun fight.
>#5: Gaius - He's just cool looking, especially his arena.
>#6: Hydrus - Pretty catfish vibes.
Avion and Phalanx always scare the shit out of me because I'm terrified of heights, in real life or media.
I'd put 7 a little higher, and 15 & 16 in Low Tier, but basically same for the rest.
The flying one and the one under the sand are the most memorable to me
Oh man this was my first time experiencing vertigo in a game. It got so bad I had to stop a couple of times. Especially on the final boss. Fucking standing on his hand almost made me sick.
The dramatic wait for him to hit the ground, combined with the music stopping, made for one of the best moments in the game. The tortoise was relatively fast for a colossus too.
>music fades after you hit both feet and he starts to topple
>silence as he groans and nears the ground
>the moment he impacts, Revived Power starts playing
One of the major hype moments in the game for me, absolutely love that theme. And the first time I fought him the fact he had a ranged attack and how fast he ran took me by surprise.
>run out into the field to get away from the energy blasts
>hear a bunch of stomping
>turn the camera to see him emerge out of the mist at lightning speed and stop to power up another salvo