Harvest Kino is back in town lads

Harvest Kino is back in town lads

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And now you can pet capybara or penguin!
I'm buying it

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Im not too keen on the art style compared to the OG but i'll buy it.


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Same. Original art style was top-5 best art styles ever. This looks fine, but some of the character models are atrocious, especially comparatively.


kill yourself nigger

I'm surprised they managed to keep the Friends of Mineral Town name. I'm surprised that Natsume didn't copyright the full title like they did the Harvest Moon brand name.

The Doremon on actually looks better. I might pick this one up as well just to see how it turned out, but I think that I'll likely end up playing SoS or ToT if I want to play one of the games again.

I am happy Harvest Moon is back but I hope it has better changes than the previous ones.

>shittier design
>shittier art
>that fucking character models
>God only know what will they change/add/remove from the game
I like SoS and HM (in middle of playing Animal Parade in fact), but Marvelous really made a bad first impression.

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>Not what I grew up with therefore it sucks
>It will suck because I played the game in my head before anyone else
You can play your old games user. But allow us new people to play the newer versions while you live in the past.

i have both story of seasons on 3ds and havent even played them yet......

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the models follow their OG style a bit too faithfully, true
im liking the new art tho. still evokes the old chibi style, while making things fresh. the marriage candidates look great, and i dont mind the more wacky townspeople

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It's the remake of the OLD GAME.

While I can still accept the redesign, the artist isn't as good as the previous was.

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get on it, bro
3oT is better, although the beginning is a huge fucking slog. You can just forage and skip spring entirely if you want. Once you hit summer the game picks up. And boy is it fun

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Do it for Elise

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I'd love for Lillia's husband to come back eventually, even if it's temporary. Same with other unseen characters, like Duke's daughter and May's hoe mother.

Eh, it'll never happen.

Story of Seasons: Friends of Chipmunk Village

I'm open to design changes, but she looks like a whore now.

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Which 3DS harvest moons are worth playing? I already played the shit out of rf4.

They could have at least gave those bangs highlights...

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I don't really like the art style
Which is a shame because the doraemon one looks like the most effort they've put into something in years.

Neat. I hope my phone can run it.

I always wished Harris was a bachelor. They made Rick and Kappa "hot", so I doubt the new, goofier Harris has any chance of being marriage material.

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Both Story of Season are great. I prefer Trio of Towns
see for waning tho

This is literally all I want from the remake too user.

My wife Kasumi.

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I liked both Story of Seasons, but Trio of Towns was definitely far better. Both have major difficulties in the beginning, and SoS does run like ass, but once you get going you'll have more stuff to do every day than you can handle.

I don't say this with any ill intent, more out of curiosity from someone inexperienced with the genre.
But what makes this game better than Stardew?

Nothing. Everything. It depends on various things.

Worse NPCs, if anything
Pretty much the lifeblood of the genre beside the farming aspect
I like SV’s seasonal events tho

I mean SV has worse NPCs and socializing system, if it wasnt clear

If thats actually Karen, Im gonna be pissed.

>he cant read Katakana
yes, thats Karen

This looks like Igusa Matsuyama, who also did the art for the original.
(And pretty much every HM/SoS except the Wii ones.)

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thanks, I hate it

They can always add the option to switch to older portrait.

Its the same guy.

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A game with the opposite gender MC as a villager when? just like pokeyman
i want to marry the feMC. shes top cute

We both know that wont happen. They will also erase the little personality she had left (compared to her HM64 counterpart) in favor of the "beautiful pure cinamon roll" personality all girls in SoS have.

I mean, I'll still buy it.

Kasumi is a cunt at first

Please understand, kids and women play this game and we can't afford drunken slut behaviour in game.

I'm sick with twin, when will they add triplet or quintruplet waifu?

judging from her official description
>a defiant older sister. work in her parent's grocery shop. like cooking etc
and the dialogues are pretty sassy too.

Go back to your shitty series Fuu

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>no drunken girls but Popuri still has the eyes of a crack head


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I need to see Elli
I get why they are saving her but cmon.

She'll be fatter to comply with fat acceptance standards of the west.

Wait they literally copied the original harvest moon man design? kek

It's a remake you dumbo.

next month bro. 2 per months til release in October. just enough to milk the drawfags

Well Im glad its releasing. I got entertained for a little while with My Time at Portia but almost broke my Switch due to the constant crashing.

Anyone else devastated that we'll never be able to rub a loli's moist inner thighs?

>no drunken girls

Every day I get more disappointed that my fetish keeps disappearing

I love these games but hate them because I never get to do everything I want and I'm nervous trying to get as much as I can done each day and the uncomfiness makes me stop prematurely.

"Story of Seasons"
It's Harvest Moon Godamnit,

Either way, doesn't that IP and the design belong to whoever the fuck now

The eng name belongs to Natsume, just that.

There's no IP confilct.
They're remaking the game that they own.

The only thing that was lost was the name Harvest Moon which is why we go by Story of Seasons now, and also Harvest Moon became a shovelware name.

I don't know why I'm finally seeing how young Popuri looks compare to Karen. I know that she's supposed to be the young and naive love interest but it feels like how young Lumina looked to compared to the other love interests in AWL now than her not being that far in age from Karen.

>Independant hunter who'll keep rats out of your house
>Bird that shits everywhere


"Harvest Moon"
It's Bokujou Monogatari Godamnit,

Not anymore it isn't.

Yes and they are doing a fantastic job butchering the series.

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"Bokujou Monogatari"
It's Doraemon godda- wait a minute...

I would be surprised if they keep the elopement path she goes with Kai if you dont romance her.

>Doraemon game
>FoMT remake
>RF4 for switch
>RF5 news coming next month
>There's still a non-remake SoS game coming
Is this the good timeline?

Depends on if the new SoS game looks more like Doraemon in artstyle. Becuase that Doraemon game looks beautiful with its backgrounds.

Yes, except that now I'll need to buy a Switch.

"Story of Seasons" has nowhere near the weight of Harvest Moon.

They probably gave up SoS in favor of this. Although I wouldnt be surprised if they launch both at the last minute.

Only game to do that was the DS Islands games.
The opposite MC eventually moves in and can be married.

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Everyone that knows Harvest Moon enough for that weight to be relevant, know SoS is the new Harvest Moon.

Harvest Moon will lose all the "weight" it has now that it only is attached to mobile games.
It's a good thing that the community for these games was relatively niche and the name change was something that spread around quite easily.

I honestly hope the original game is just a base with a shitton of new content and not just a 1:1 remake.

The events desperately need to be overhauled.

What perspective is this supposed to be?

Well at the very least we know we're getting one more Bachelor and Bachelorette

Just look at the first posts of this threads user, they're adding new animals

You lived and worked with the opposite gender MC in Harvest Moon 3 GBC
Although, in that game they were the only love interest you could pursue...

We already know there's a couple new characters and animals.
I'm just hoping the shit that got cut from Back to Nature in the transition to Friends of Mineral Town get added back in.

That's 2 games with a capybara now.
Maybe more than 2 since I'm not familiar with the phone games.

Maybe Capy will become a series staple animal.


Capy is the new hotness in Japan now
they are great

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Whats so great about a giant guinea pig?

>he doesnt like giant fucking guinea pig

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Damn, Karen looks like THAT?!

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Useless for farming.

except meat farming.

Which would be kind of hilarious if their events are fleshed out and in-depth like modern HM while the originals are the same barebones 20 second interaction.

Also it seems like they hate rival marriages nowadays so I wonder if they'll even bother this time.

I really hope they keep rival marriages, it helped make the town more lively by giving others some sort of progression in their lives. I think maybe making it so no rival marriages take place until you get married first would be a good way to sate people who might feel threatened by it but idk.

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How about
>Rival marriage
>But you can cuck someone during their wedding day

>Also it seems like they hate rival marriages nowadays so I wonder if they'll even bother this time.
This is bizarre, rival marriages were neat because they meant extra events and relationships between villagers. You would get invited to their marriage, even.
You were also such a massive farmer gigachad that even though rivals started with a whole heart level of advantage, you would blow past their progress in a matter of a two seasons. Maybe less.
Git gud, rivals.

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What about casual that's so bad (or patient) at playing the game, they actually spend 3 years doing everything?

Nobody forcing's you to plant pineapples all over your farm you know.

Can i marry kappa in remake?

Did you mean Rune Factory 2, though if it would work then why not I guess

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>RF2 intensified

You could marry Kappa in the original MFoMt user. Unless you're making sure it's still possible to marry him, we don't for sure know yet.

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For me it's Elli

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I hope the remake is kind to her for you.

Considering he looks like this now, I assume so.

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IIRC, rivals trigger two events quickly, but that's it. The third event takes a very long time to happen. You have to purposely sabotage yourself not to win. Or maybe not even know marriage is a mechanic.

This is creepy, holy shit what are thinking allowed something like this in kids game

Rival can only marry after 3rd year



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It has fps issues even on a new 3ds. I'm in the same boat. I started it but I couldn't stomach the fps drops. I went straight back to rune factory 4, the most superior of all the farm games

>the most superior of all the farm games
Not with those bullshit rng events

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I don't remember doc has goatee.

Holy fuck my sides

The first SoS runs poorly. However Trio of Towns runs much better.

>Be carefu who you make fun of in middle school

>ok we need to make this ugly bastard look cool in remake, ideas?
>let's make him an emo
Bravo Japan


It's even better when you do with the priest's daughter.

That fucking dialogue got me good
>if you’re a man you’ll move on and pray for her happiness

>classic HM girls in new style
They're going to butcher my perfect redhead, the bastards.

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