Why build a pc when you get can get a ps4 pro for much less? it just doesn't make sense to me

why build a pc when you get can get a ps4 pro for much less? it just doesn't make sense to me

Attached: 138763-games-review-sony-ps4-pro-review-image1-gcolf3ytme.jpg (1200x800, 383K)

So I can play Insurgency Sandstorm in 110 FPS

PC actually has games

I don't play games at 30fps.

It only plays PS4 games and multiplats at worse framerate. I guess you can browse internet with it.

So you can pirate games and play anything from any system from any decade. Also for better performance.

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cringe image

You play spideman and last uf us 2 at 0fps you pc cuck boy so shut the fuck up

>framerate above minimum (120)
>no square display ratio
>actual games

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there isnt a single game on ps4 that interests me in the slightest
to be fair its the same with switch and xbone

cause I can finally talk about numbers instead of games

Fucking roasted lmao.

>two bad games
you could give me a ps4 with those shitpiles for free and i would sell that shit on craigslist to a beaner such as yourself without ever turning it on

I have a PS4 for exclusives, fighting games and a PC for everything else.

cope poorfag

You're right, those girls are too attractive for the PlayStation audience. They must be censored immediately

Nice ghost princess

I have both and the PS4 is literally a bloodborne machine now that the Yakuza series is being ported to PC. I almost feel bad for you fanboys but then again being dumb as fuck is probably for the best since you have no idea what you're losing on by being a console pleb, so enjoy it I guess.

Jelous ass mother. You ain't playing game on pc you play spec sheets and walmare fighter. Get

>playing console ports on PC
oh no no no no no no no

I have a Switch, PS4, PS3, Vita, 3DS, and PC with a 1080 gfx. Took me 3 years of working a minimum wage job to get them all

Eat shit exclusive-fags

Attached: Mike Matei thinking of cocks penetrating through his sweater.jpg (2136x2360, 1.82M)

>muh pc masterrace
>brag about console ports decades later

Nice desu ne.

>playing games on a machine where they play better
Wow what a mystery

Whats it like being 36 and living with your mom and step dad?

Wheres the Xbox?

>3 years of minimum wage
is your time worth nothing? thats basically an admission you are still your parents dependent

>playing games on a machine where they play better
not entirely true. especially with japanese games

Playing on a controller is a fucking nightmare unless you really want to relax on a couch. How did I fucking tolerate this when I was a kid.

In its grave obviously

Actually 23 living the bachelor life alone in a major city thank you very much

No games. Was thinking about it for halo and rare replay but I can easily play those on pc now so who cares

Because when you were a kid you played games to have fun. Now you dont.

Yakuza PC ports run at 4K144 with dual 2080s

you are either 12yo or dumb as a brick

Better performance mostly, playing games at 30 FPS with dips is torturous.

He's probably a spic.

On PC i can raise and lower settings as needed, and when the machine is having a hard time, i can just put a couple parts in it at a fraction of the full cost of the system. Consoles are bolted shut and require me to pay for an entirely new system each gen.

>keyboard mouse master controls for 90% of games
>does actual PC stuff
>Huge library+near infinite amount of games due to emulation
>games look and run better on PC
>dont have to pay twice for internet

money isn't an issue.
why would I settle for worse performance, less options and a smaller library of games?
I would buy a ps4 if it still had exclusive platformer games like the ps2 had, but it really doesn't.

I actually own a fairly high tier pc and a ps4 pro. Lately I've come to the conclusion that the ps4 pro is useless. It has a fraction of games PC has and it runs them poorly. Also no high fps variable refreshrate gaming on the ps4.

I got a PS4 to hold me over while I saved up for a PC actually. Still play it daily. If it had 4x games, City Builders, and RTS titles I would have no reason to own a PC really.

im not for consoles or anything but we can't keep making the excuse
>dont have to pay twice for internet
and then say
>it doesn't matter that PC is more expensive

I have a decently specced PC and a PS4 Pro, find myself playing more on the PS4 because it actually has new games and just use the PC to encode videos from PS4 mainly now. And shitposting.

>own a ps4
>allready played all the 3 games worth playing
>ps4 is in the corner, gathering dust
The fact that i own a ps4 aside, i'd rather play on a plattform with actual games

There's no point pirating games if you can't earn steam achievements or play online

I don’t wanna pay for online

>muh skinner box
lmao you can't make this shit up

Id rather pay upfront, same reason subscriptions for games are cancer.

No, controller inputs are just shit for anything more than simple games.

Jesus christ, people care about achievements?
I remember seeing them pop up on 360 and wondering how to turn them off.

I like having my games uncensored.

Because most games are FREE on PC... and NO censorship.

Fun fact: PC is more prominent in spic regions.

what do you do on your laptop?