Complains about the reselling of Steam keys

>complains about the reselling of Steam keys
>only sell his latest game as Steam keys (besides Discord)
Really makes me think.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-07 Tyler Glaiel on Twitter g2a is like the main reason that I don't put my g (600x1001, 66K)

nobody cares about your discord drama, tranny. go dilate

Why do gamers hate game devs?

If you don't want people to resell your Steam keys, don't offer them anywhere. The DRM-free version of TEIN only can be obtained in the Humble Trove. If you buy it in the regular store, you only will get a Steam key.

I would think a dev should expect the bundle sales to be the only sales they would manage to get. Discounts and such are the tools of last resort aren’t they? Trying to get the last holdouts and or in the case of physical, offloading the rest of your stock

give up

It’s not my fault your game can’t sell at regular price

Why do I have to subscribe to a fucking shitty service to get a DRM-free version to which I will lose access once I drop the subscription?

Why not just have it so the bundle keys can only be redeemed within a month.

They fear it only may hurt legit customers.

Attached: humble very positive bundle 2 2019 07 07.png (1400x781, 85K)

probably illegal

this dev already got paid for putting his keys into humble bundle. it's humble themselves that lost money on their 1 penny bundles but they stopped that long ago. so what's his bitching about then? that no one wants to buy it off steam?

Eh, Humble offered giveaways with Steam keys that were removed from the download page past a certain day. Not sure if they were deactivated, but that's close enough. They did the same with Outcast Second Contact, but that one was DRM-free. Shortly after the giveaway, the DRM-free version was removed from the Humble Store too. Now it's just a Steam key.

yeah so?
only thing i'll say about people who buy from keysellers is you're a fucking brainlet just pirate it if you're such a poorfag

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giveaways aren't the same as a transaction

True dat.

I just checked his claim about Closure being sold at a higher rate than on steam. I don't know about that but he put Closure at 99 cents right now on sale and on grey market, it's 79 cents (plus whatever fees I suppose). I don't know if it's always at 79 cents on grey market, but I don't think many people buy games not on sale anyway. So he's upset people buy his already on sale game for 20 cents lower on the grey market than he puts it on sale on the steam platform?

Attached: closure.png (586x642, 231K)

He gets a percentage of the 99 cents if you buy it from Steam. He gets jack shit if you buy it from G2A.


don't steam take a 30% cut so he's crying over a 70% amount of 99 cents

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He already got his money from Humble Bundle though when he sold them the keys in the first place, so a grey market sale doesn't make him lose anything. And there's not an infinite amount of those keys, unless he or someone else that has the ability to generates more keys of his game to sell and they then sell it to a grey marketplace.


Why do game devs hate gamers?

A Steam code by definition can't be sold used.

He got paid when he released it on Humble Bundle.

>He got paid when he released it on Humble Bundle.
man you're gonna look real stupid when he transitions to she/her so he can pay the bills since you're stealing his precious 99 Cents

>everyone I don't like are trannies
Based retard.

i was just trying to make a cheeky joke

Attached: 1505150765873.jpg (640x480, 37K)

You'd think Steam or their systems would have some sort of system to invalidate keys where the transactions have been later declined.

This is ultimately on Valve's head, as much as G2A is currently the indie world's whipping boy. Valve is the one losing money from this apparent epidemic of key theft, and controls the systems people buy through them. They're the ones with the incentive to fix it.
G2A is right on this one. They're just a middle-man, they can't magically prove the keys were stolen.

>cries at someone making a joke
Are your parents related?

He says that aren't stolen, but he wish the Steam keys for bundles never left the bundle scene.

>He got paid when he released it on Humble Bundle.
I think he's saying that a bunch of people paid like a penny for the bundle multiple times so they could resell steam keys on g2a. So he's not really getting paid, except for that one penny.

They do, what is he complaining about is about the huge number of keys gifted being sold for cents.

And this is what the Dev is going to do.


Only make a limited number of keys available for a bundle then?
Why bitch about people getting your game for cheap when you're the one who made it available for cheap?

Yet, he only sells the game on Humble Store as a Steam key, despite having a DRM-free version literally available on the Humble Trove.

Oh, pft. That's on my head, my eyes glaze over when indie devs start whining and I assumed he had a better argument than he did.

Nah, fuck him.

You can from what I hear.
Not like buying direct from Steam gives you a key though. Which means Valve isn't actually losing a buck, they get 0% from keys sold offsite.
The fraud meme is stupid as shit anyway. Devs like the one in OP are clearly showing their hand, they just don't like their "hard work" being "devalued". G2A made a post recently saying they'll work with a dev/pub and an independent third party auditing agency and refund 10x the amount lost due to fraud. An extra digit of cash that is already being claimed to be significant, sure is a good chunk of change. But for some reason I doubt we're gonna hear about a single company taking that deal, because then they risk the news of minimal fraud keys being sold and that hurts the narrative.

Humble didn't pay him a penny per key, that's what THEY used to sell their bundles for until they realized that wasn't sustainable. They paid that dev (and every dev) a flat fee for selling them a bunch of keys first, like any wholesaler does. He's apparently mad and saying that his keys for his game are still selling for pennies. They kind of are, it's actually more like 79 cents, but he's not getting any more of that slice of the pie. He wants to keep getting a slice for no reason other than it's his game, yet he already got his money out of the first sale to Humble Bundle, and he's mad no one's buying it on Steam directly anymore.

Devs putting their games in bundles is a good idea if no one buys their games anyway, or if they want exposure for their next game. That's why you see Humble doing giveaways sometimes, it's usually for an old game that sales have all but stopped for.

Yeah, that figures. People are buying keys at their cheapest and selling them at a mark-up, and he's mad, then?

You'd say it's a case of "Boy who cried victim" but indies have cried victim so fucking much over the years, while shovelling out shit, that I doubt G2A is getting dogpiled by anyone other than journo outlets that have also cried victim 200 too many times.

They are already backpedalling hard saying it's a waste of time and money, if it's such a waste of money guess there were almost no fraudulent keys then, 10x right? That's big money there if this shit was rampant like they want us to think it is.

The economics for a bundle work fucking fine, just not the economics of a penny bundle. Whose fault was it that he allowed his game to get sold for a penny, exactly?

I'd assume this is only true because the cost of the game in the bundle is significantly below regular cost. Most games lose value over time so you'd think someone buying 500 copies early on would be a positive

Humble had the 1 dollar requirement for Steam keys when Closure got featured in Humble.

Nigger, why would I buy a video game?

I mean the real issue with fraudulently obtained keys is that chargebacks are basically negative sales right? Also if the buyer was naive they might consider the dev the faulty party for deactivating their (unwarily) fraudulently obtained key.

Why has Humble Bundle stopped giving a drm free version in their store? I'd love to get Pathway both in Steam and drm free (for use withouth hassles in my laptops), and it's just not there... :(

Also, koikatsu. I'd like to buy that DRM-free in english.

>g2a shills

I didn't even know they existed haha nice

>Comparing prices during a steam sale

>Offer game for a cent
>People buy it for a cent

>Get paid to put game on bundle
>Made cause people paid for keys and are reselling them

Well the easy solution would be to not do the bundle. How the fuck are these people crying that people won't buy their game when if they wouldn't have taken a fat check all at once it would have been paying off in the long run. This is G2As fault how?

>g2a shills
Who gives a shit about G2A.
This is about seeing indie hacks cry little bitch tears.

>Very Humble Positive Bundle 2

why the fuck is G2A in the news again? its like people dont understand the concept of the grey market and every time they forget within months of having a discussion about G2A

This guy got called out by G2A that less than 50 keys for the game have been sold through G2A. I think G2A is scummy but I actually kinda believe them on this

The more I hear about G2A the more I find myself doubting the narrative that they're evil fraudsters making a quick buck of poor, innocent devs

welcome to the cycle thats been repeating for at least 5 years.

>AAA shills


The zeitgeist needs an other. If there's no other, they're not the victim. If they're not the victim, you might actually start wondering why the indie scene is such a shitshow of terrible, derivative games and scams.

G2A are just the whipping boy of the now. They're barely matter. They're a grey market for cheap cawadooty keys. Indies can afford to shit on them, tell their audience to avoid them at all cost, say that they're the devil because G2A barely deals with them.

G2A itself aren't evil fraudsters. There shield shit is a scam and they try to sneakily subscribe you to it anytime you purchase a game but they aren't overly evil.

G2A does have a problem with the fact that they don't really do much to take action against the actual fraudsters and getting verified is piss easy.

That#s the rist of putting keys on humble. It's almost as if there fucks don't understand what they're doing when they give away keys like that. Putting your game on a humble bundle will always devalue your game since you make it available as cheaply as possible.

>its like people dont understand the concept of the grey market
Because of that coupled with the inability of indies to understand that nobody buys their game since it's shit. So they look for any other possible reason to explain it.

Shield's been gone for a few months apparently, now it's just a free money back guarantee. About time

Why is it always g2a though, what about all those other resellers like kinguin. Is g2a gettint shat on because it's not in US of A?

It's G2A because people recognise the name G2A.

Is he too fucking retarded to know how a sale works?
If you put shit for sale and you have an infinite stock you should expect the product to lose value for a very long time, if not ever.

Yeah I don't quite get it. These games will always be easily pirateable anyway, and focus on steam keys messes up sales/bundles. Having a DRM free version in bundles makes a lot of sense.

>boy who cried wolf
these little fucks just want attention.
i've been watching jim sterling's channel for a few months now, and i more or less agree with a lot of what he puts out. the jimquisition was a good series about shitty AAA practice and how it's fucking over vidya in general. i do not agree with him attacking g2a, however. it's a bad narrative. if he's not going to let bobby and randy get away with their shenanigans, he should call out these faggot indie dev's as well. they contribute just as much to the problem by not even making an attempt to work with g2a and solve the problem together.
g2a is correct. there's going to be a grey market somewhere. g2a is offering to help correct the issues at hand and all i see are blatant refusals to this treatise.