Nearly 20 years later and still the best dungeon crawler.
Nearly 20 years later and still the best dungeon crawler
Yep that's both a based and redpilled opinion
Diablo 1 was a much better dungeon crawler. Most of Diablo 2 didn't even take place within a dungeon.
And it is even better with mods.
Sacred could've been great. Too bad Deep Silver fucked over the series.
they were both fantastic desu
>dungeon crawler
It's a hack and slash.
Has it ever occured to you that it could be both?
More like, it belongs in the trash
The term is ARPG
A dungeon crawler is something like Grimrock or Darkest Dungeon
>no diablo 1/2 remaster so we can actually play the game in widescreen/high resolutions without making the game worse
>instead we're getting a downgraded version of warcraft 3
I liked how things were fun.
OP whirlwind was fun
Hammerdin was fun
Zealdin was fun
Skelemancer was fun
D3 has no fun
>Darkest Dungeon
Zoom Zoom.
Fuck I remember how broken you could make the Necro in D2. Why are games so restrictive nowadays?
Because they tend to have online multiplayer, and everyone thinks they need to balance around that, and trying to avoid scenarios where people get upset that minmaxed players are walking into their pubs and stomping everything.
Gameplay-wise I would say Path of Exile is a worthy successor. However nothing beats the feel and darkness of this game. I revisit about once a year. Also Frozen Orb is my favorite skill in any game ever
Diablo 2? More like stinking pile of poo
Oh so everyone should have their hands held through any content that isn't the starting area/tutorial to better ensure they won't get destroyed? I guess that makes sense given the current gaming community and trends but goes completely against the one constant law of the universe, which is Survival. Thank you for helping me to better understand user.
it's overrated
He's saying the opposite. People take issue with broken OP builds joining and trivialising the game.
both are great but d2 is far superior
But isn't that part of the fun? Aren't games supposed to be about overcoming challenges? Working the ol' noggin to best your superiors, thus making them realize that they have wasted their lives and will die alone?
>Still no Diablo 2 mobile port
Runescape did it, why can't D2 do it?
No it's called Immortal and it's going to be pay2win garbage.
>imgur filename
>wanting to play diablo 2 on mobile phone
yep! it's a faggot redditor
Fuck I forgot I'm on /v
i spent about 9 years playing this game on and off with friends and it was the best damn video game multiplayer experience i've ever had and i've been trying to fill the void ever since
10/10 game, still the best in the genre it created
>dungeon crawler
what a worthless post
jesus christ kill yourself
>recognizing filenames
That's sad, user.
Icewind Dale is better.
other people have pointed that out, faggot, since 2015.
You can use DosBox to run it, works decently enough to play, gets a bit laggy.
Oh man someone is mad that his filename was recognized. Triggered lmao
I think you might be having some troubles with reading comprehension. Having somebody join your game with an overpowered build and kill all the bosses trivially is not fun, because you don't get to overcome a challenge.
You do know Yea Forums has an official sub-reddit on Reddit right? And that everyone knows about Yea Forums and it's not "MAH SECRUT CLUB" anymore.
Oh you mean like where you leave your game open for randos to join? You don't play with friends?
Exactly! We've moved to the Dark Web. Jeez I wish all these summerfags would just go away.
It has been and this why board culture is dead. heck even this entire website lost it’s uniqueness
>He didn't run mausoleum, pit and ancient tunnels runs
Yeah, I think you're looking for "im14andthisisdeep".
You misunderstand. The point is that others apparently don't appreciate when outsiders join their games and trivialize all content. Nobody is upset about the possibility of breaking games themselves, it's when others walk into their public games and do it when they don't want that. That's the basis of the argument.
Sure, an easy fix is "don't leave your game in open lobby mode" but then this excludes a lot of people from using an "open lobby" mode to begin with, when a general blanket fix for the entire ordeal is for game devs to disallow and nix any form of game breaking and overpowered shenanigans to begin with, this way it's just the way the game is designed rather than a player inconvenience. It isn't hard to understand why people don't make games the way they used to ala D2, and the entire reason for it is online multiplayer being such a core piece of gameplay in modern gaming.
Then just play with friends and don't have a public game set. Then you don't have to worry about some South Korean coming into the game with a broken build. You can just relax and play some D2 with your friends.
So what you are saying is that they should bring back the feature that when creating a lobby you should also be afforded the ability to (at least partially) set the parameters of the game?
You're mah nigga. Used to love perfecting my distance so that it'd detonate inside enemy hitboxes.
this makes me depressed, thanks
I'm still a Diablo 1 guy. I know a lot of people grew up with 2, and maybe it's a lot better with multiplayer, but I just didn't care for the gigantic dungeons they used to make the run button worth its implementation.
PoE is better.
PoE only issue is the game's shitty ass trade system and trading being required to do 90% of the end game fun builds. I don't want to play a auction house simulator for hours looking for the perfect rares for a good price.
You could do that, but I unless you're willing to go through the effort of trying to develop some sort of advanced restrictions menu for your lobbies, I just don't think even that would be enough to give people the means to block out game-breaking character builds and item combos and whatnot, and this is why they just leave it up to "game balance" to cut all the "problem" builds and shit out.
I don't know why we strayed away from lobby customization to begin with, it probably had something to do with the MMO boom then transition into the MOBA fad wherein we kind of drifted away from lobby-based gaming, but we should go back to that. Though maybe it wouldn't fix anything, and I mean while a possible solution is "just play with friends" I think we're starting to see a bit of a decline in certain game genres BECAUSE they aren't solo player friendly enough. I think if you put too many eggs in the "friends" basket, you begin to push people away. People have to be able to play solo in a variety of ways but still solo, in order to retain a good amount of players.
thats when Imgur blew up, what's your point?
moron, they're all formatted like that.
that's the exact reason why this site has been ruined for years now, we need reddit faggots like you to fuck off.
The creator of Diablo actually regrets the Stamina bar in D3, and it's a big reason why he kinda dislikes going back and playing it, he sees it as a huge mistake.
I meant D2, I'm a bitch.
I recently bought the warhammer chaosbane, an arpg for casual players and too simplified for my taste
> no elemental & physical resistance, just armor
> no chance to evade melee / ranged attacks
> no life / mana absorption
> no damage type modifier
he doesn't have much hope of surviving and not even a patch can save him
I'm glad that we ended up agreeing on this sort of. I really do miss the days of lobby customization. You could just set what you wanted, and even if they weren't your friends, you knew that when they joined it would still be a most likely enjoyable experience. Good times.
Your defense drops to 0 while running so its an interesting mechanic to switch between run/walk when fighting.
>Dungeon Crawler
>pay to win bullshit
>retrded skill tree
>royale mode
Imma pass up on this garbitch
This literally reminds me of (unrelated) when The Division 2 made their first raid matchmaking with friends/clan only. There were so many people freaking out that it wasn't fair to people that weren't in big guilds/ large friend lists/ solo players. Every major MMO has had this happened to them and it could be argued that it added to at least a part of a decline period of the game. Not to sound pretentious but I've heard it referred to as the "causalisation of a game".
Fuck has POE changed this much? Damn.
>pay to win bullshit
Examples please.
>royale mode
That was a April Fools are going to need to try harder next time.
meant for
As far as I know everything in the game is traded with in-game currency, usually other Items (sometimes orbs I think?)
I think user is mad that he got duped into paying actual money for items for a game that has cosmetic-only/quality of life micro-transactions.
user is probably being retarded and thinking stash tabs makes you op
I think a good attempt at remedying this is having solo-only content that's meant to progressively get harder and challenge you as a solo player, forcing you to learn how to handle yourself. Alongside that also maintaining the usual group/clan/friend Raid shit, but allowing it to be pugged if you really want to. This way the solo players more of less have their own difficult content to do, and if they really want to stay solo and try the raid shit, have to pug. With the solo content hopefully teaching them how to be an individually better player. Oddly enough, this is something a Korean MMO called Blade & Soul has done, and I don't fucking understand why more games (western) don't adopt it. Like WoW has the Brawler's Guild but it's made to be some gimmick bullshit rather than be something that teaches. I feel like if you go out of your way to teach people how to be better, the more likely they'll be to want to try the Raid stuff, and pug it if they really need to, so they won't bitch about having to join a guild just to do it.
Yeah I've heard about Blade and Soul but I think it all comes back to people just wanting mountains of loot without actually having to reach out for it. Like one excuse I heard a guy at the shop say for not liking Blade and Soul was that it was "too-time consuming" and "controlled by Koreans just like StarCraft 2" and I'm like dude you literally played WoW for 10 years straight. No gf, minimum wage job as a dishwasher at a bar, no goals for 10 years straight. Dude.
You never had a PS2 did you user
if they are gonna lock the cool armors behind a paywall, literally what's the point in progressing? surely not for the fun and adrenaline pumping combat
I played both and they're vastly inferior, user. don't even kid yourself.
No it isn't, I am a fucking Sorceress dumb ass
They were somewhat impressive for being gamepad-only full-3D PS2 dungeon crawlers, but they're not even remotely on the same level man.
Also their Baldur's Gate ones had infinitely better aesthetics. Everquest's art style is a travesty.
Pre patched necromancer when 1 skillpoint=1 skeleton was the fucking best. My old battlechest for D2 has that version of the game. Only problem is you can't buy mana potions in shops.
Back when blizzard still improved upon and could balance their games with patches. Like with broodwar. Release BW=/=the balanced masterpeice people remeber.
I emulated this recently and thought it was fucking terrible, Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance was WAY better.
Exactly, aiming for the sweet spot was like a little art associated with the skill. I also like how it controls a large area, you can shoot it into a room ahead of you, etc.
I have very fond memories of playing chamapions return to arms couch co op. But still put WAY more time into D2. Don't let your nostalgia glasses fog your vision.
>hasnt played PoE for one solid minute
Grim Dawn and Path of Exile are way better than Diablo 2 at this point
PoE runs on the single worst game engine I have ever seen in an arpg
world event is more entertaining than all other games in the genre
a daring synthesis
Grim Dawn was fun to play once, during their free weekend on steam. Then you beat it again and it gets tedious real quick
I get where you're coming from, but you are factually incorrect in 2019. (Finally)
You didn't beat it though because your builds suck and you didn't kill any of the superbosses, do glad 170, ult sr 75, try different builds to do it etc. etc.
You didn't understand D2 in the first place, and probably followed a guide, poorly.
PoE is garbage but GD is a masterpiece.
Yeah the latest GD expansion was pretty legit. And it added a pretty cool endgame mode.
>implying implications
No other game will let me do this
Moonrune version but it shows why GD cabalist > D2 necro.
This is crucible which is a timed survival mode and slight tower defense elements. The main campaign is 1000 times more detailed and better lore than Diablo ever had.
Shattered Realms is an additional speed run mode.
This is only one of a ton of ways to build a necro or any other class because:
9 classes that can all be combined with each other
9 damage types to focus on
dual wield melee, pistols
2h hand ranged, melee
sword and board
caster scepter and offhand
all that before classic d2 style skillpoints
All to make your build unique. It's not cheese like PoE where most of the constellations don't matter and people focus on a few, it's balanced as fuck and each node matters.
No pay to win or f2p bullshit.
Cosmetic customization.
Old school lobby and LAN peer 2 peer multiplayer.
Shitton more fun and stylish than anything Blizzard has put out in years on the Diablo front. It's what D3 should have been.
Just to show some variety, a dual wield pistol purifier in the second expansion campaign mode
Are you retarded? You can't buy gear in PoE. Only cosmetic items and stash tabs.
Admittedly the stash tabs are massive QoL
the #1 buzzword soiboys use to refer to casualization and P2W aspects.
Stop playing always online, F2P shit, you only debase yourself and video games as a whole.
>he saves images locally
Tablets are a thing. Might be able to hack together decent playability with a controller or a touch hotbar.
Only in median
>However nothing beats the feel and darkness of this game.
>However nothing beats the feel and darkness of this game
With all the evil unleashed in this world, joining with the Bloodsworn made so much sense at the time. At first it was to escape the horrors unleashed by the Aetherials, the death of my family, my wife, my son. But then later I started to understand and believe the words the cult leaders were telling me. The sense of belonging made me feel important. That I was a part of something greater than myself.
Now that I stand in the halls of this mighty place, I feel the eyes of all those that gave up their lives: the Leaders, the great heroes and the countless thousands who followed them. They fought so that we could live without fear of the nameless fiends which I now serve. I can feel the honor and sacrifice of my ancestors and I am ashamed. Ashamed because of the terrors I have left in my path.
For months I have done the most vile and unspeakable things. The deaths of husbands, wives and children are on my bloody hands for no other reason than to serve my own selfishness, to wash me clean of my own fears and the devastating loss that drove me to this madness. Death and murder, all in the name of some long dead god who has no more right to the blood in my veins than I do. Blood that belongs to those who I have killed in its name.
The blood soaked foundation of this forgotten battleground have peeled away the fear and awoken me. There is no forgiving what I have done, no punishment that will ever make it right. But I can give my last breath, my last drop of blood and at last my life to do as much damage to stop them as I can. I do not stand alone. The great heroes stand with me and I do not fear.
Grim Dawn is bland garbage. Uninspired skills, uninteresting, forgettable enemies and NPCs, eye cancer galore. When you hear someone talk about Grim Dawn, they never say anything specific about it because there is nothing specifically interesting about it. They'll never list a particularly interesting skill, or an enemy that was particularly difficult or fun to fight, or items that really made a build work. And every single video or screenshot is just going to be showing colors flying all over the place, because Grim Dawnfags follow the MXL school of thought in that pretty flashing colors somehow substitute for shitty gameplay. How do you expect to seriously keep any semblance of atmosphere when you are running around with a whole fucking constellation flying around you while multiple supernovas go off per second?
Underrated reply, come on now Yea Forums
Watching this makes me appreciate just how clear looking D2 is, you can actually see what's happening.
happens in the regular game too
It also cuts block chance by 2/3rds
Probably my most favorite part of Grim Dawn, and the least of anyone I have shown it to, is just how depressing and meaningless all of the suffering that is in the game is. It's just an alternate steampunk/fantasy/H.P. Lovecraft universe where everything is just dark and dirty and sad. I love this game.
It was better because when you bought a game you got a full game and if an expansion was released it actually added a bunch of content
>still get the urge every now and then to reinstall and run through the game as a summonmancer
>remember that bosses exist
So does decrepify
let you be a tranny ?
Decrepify won't save your skellies from getting one shot by frost nova.
Bullshit, you are only seeing it through the eyes of endgame youtubers that just came from PoE last week and stack on too many procs and get eaten by endgame bosses and modes anyway.
The atmosphere is there in the leveling when you actually play it for yourself.
Interesting skills: My current character is built around multiple mortars and funneling retaliation damage through righteous fury so he has a single target sniper and aoe covered. I'm able to do this while maintaining solid defense through armor.
>shitty gameplay
Apparently you to the wowfag school of pressing more buttons in an endgame suit the devs built for you equals gameplay and you never engineered your own characters which are what RPGs are actually about. You can make characters as stylish and effective as you want if you're any good, I also have an ice based melee shaman/nightblade. You want to stack your chosen damage type in your constellations because the game trends that way, so if it's 'pretty flashing colors' that guy sucks and his build is suboptimal, and probably going to get critted to death by calladagra and the deeper level SR or crucible stuff as he lacks defense too.
The game bleeds atmosphere from every pore, endgame builds throw a lot of shit to handle the sheer amount of endgame death thrown at you so yeah, there are effects, but it is not just a pile of confetti shit like PoE there are things happening that make sense from a 'your character is handling gods now' perspective and a gameplay perspective if you know how to build.
The writing and lore are superb, another one that really got me is Dahlia when you find her sweatie 'fanfic diary' to tease her about it and later find out the real deal about her.
>grim dawn
>click button
>attack triggers 6 procs
>screen gets filled with meteors and sigils and flashes and all kinds of shit
>567839587 damage numbers pop up
>cant see shit
>two seconds later room is empty
>go to next room
High level grim dawn gameplay is garbage.
Game is kino as fuck, anyone that says they were a D2 fan and can't appreciate this deserves D: Immortal and other garbage games like D3.
Oh yeah but they kept it going as well is like the best part about it. It's like the devs knew all along what they wanted to make and they did it so well.
That's not a dungeon crawler, it's an arpg/hack'n'slash game. And Path of Exile completely shits on it.
Kinoshots to put blizzfags and poefags in their place. The boss is visible in the background, chained up by other gods.
I couldn't kinoshot him all chained up but this is right after he breaks out.
and the only good one.
he dieded
not him but
>high lvl clay golem
>kelpie snare on merc (or something similar)
>a single cold skele mage
and now Baal moves at 1 frame a minute.
I played the shit out of those games and they remain some of my favorite PS2 games to this day, but they are a long way from being on the same level as Diablo.
This is why hammerdins usually walk everywhere in duels especially -30 req ornate dins in classic. If they aren't retarded.
t. buttravaged GD dev
Has anyone tried pagan online?
>graphics are ugly, blurry and forgettable
>no interesting mechanics worth discussing
>nothing noteworthy about the fight
>bosses need not be mentioned except for their demise, as if they are merely pinatas
>doesn't even bother discussing any items since they are all generic
Again, the Grim Dawnbot reveals nothing of worth. Duriel alone has more character than the entirety of your "game".
I wish there had been more games like D1. The closest we got was the first Torchlight and it was crap.
>Duriel alone has more character than the entirety of your "game".
mmm hmmm
*The notebook is caked in dried blood and mud and many pages appear to have been deliberately torn out.*
Day 3: John holds our Silvie with one arm as he drives the wagon. He is smiling and happy as he tells us that we should reach the mountain in a few days. It's sad to leave our home but I am hopeful for a better life far away from the dangers that seem to be ever increasing here in the north.
Day 4: Silvie is so happy, running along the side of the wagon picking flowers. I was really worried about her being unhappy as we left behind the only home she has ever known. The wonder and splendor that is youth. It warms my heart.
Day 6: The mountains are looming ahead of us and the cold is getting sharp. I can see the worry in John's face as he tries to keep up his spirits. I know he only wants to protect us from the dangers and I can only pray that we make it past the mountain before the snow.
Day 8: We are in the shadow of the mountain now and the days are shorter. Snow has started to fall and the cold came on so suddenly it surprised us. We have warm clothes but the wind cuts right through them.
Looking for Baal?
First Torchlight didn't feel like D1 at all. Felt like something like FATE. And FATE wasn't good at all.
I do agree though, wish D1 was the series standard. It's a much more feasible target for indies to hit, too.
Don't expect nuBlizz to do anything good.
Grim Dawn just looks like poop and plays like poop. Somehow a game that's 19 years old looks and plays better than it.
unironically hardest boss in D2
hold me bros
I don't know if I should be thankful or disappointed they cancelled that Starcraft FPS. Shooting the shit with your fellow redneck spess marines while fighting off bloodthirsty aliens would have been cool, but they would have fucked it up somehow with sterile dialogue and lootboxes for stickers to put on your armour
Why the fuck would you even? Mobile gaming is shit. You and faggots like you are the reason Blizzard is making Diablo Immortal because they think people actually want a mobile Diablo.
Day 11: We have reached a flat at the base of a fort. There are a few other travelers here who have told us the way though to Darkvale is blocked. With our food running low, we were hoping to resupply at the Darkvale Gate Merchant District. Now I don't know what we will do. Turning back is not an option with the snow coming down so fast. John says he is going to talk to the others soon.
Day 16: The horse died today. John is saddened by this but at least it will feed us until help arrives. I hate that we had to make this trip with Silvie. She is only nine and I don't like the way the other men at the camp look at her.
Day 22: All of our horse meat is gone. It would have lasted longer if we didn't have to share it with the others. But John said things could have gone badly if we did not. I don't like thinking about what he meant by that.
why is hit rating so hard to get in d2? playing self found melee is fucking hell.
don't worry gamers we got this *brofist*
Day 28: Gods protect us. We have been starving. I spent the morning searching the woods for nuts and bugs to eat. I can't believe that it doesn't shame me to say I have been eating bugs when I can find them. When I got back to the camp I found that John had killed a man that attacked our daughter.
Day 29: John has brought Silvie and I a small portion of meat. I don't ask where he got it.
Day 30: The other men asked what happened to their friend. John told them that he tried to hurt our little girl and offered them some freshly cut meat. They took it without another word and left us alone. Does friendship mean so little in these times?
Day 36: John offered Silvie to one of the men in the camp. When the man came into the tent to make his advance, John killed him in front of Silvie and I. I am so hungry I don't even care.
That looks like a B grade Diablo 3 and not in a good way. The spell effects are fucking terrible and clutter the screen. I can't believe people actually claim this is the rightful successor.
Day ??: It's so hard to write. Numb fingers and the cold dulls my thoughts. The dark of the mountain makes it easy to lose track of the days.
Day ??: Another man has been lured to our tent. An exchange of food for the promise of warmth. They must know that it's a trap. Maybe they are ready to die. They lie to themselves even as they walk into the butcher's blade.
Day ??: Our next visitor was wise to the attack. John killed him but not without suffering a terrible wound. He is not sure he will survive the night. I find that I don't care as much as I should. All I see is a potential meal. Gods, what is happening to me?
Day?? John lasted longer than we've expected, draining our dwindling food supplies. I took care of it. Now have food for a long while.
Baal isnt hard get your shit together scrub
Path of Exile is leagues better
Stack attack rating. Angelics ammy plus rings go a long way.
>Diablo 2
>dungeon crawler
Well Torchlight 1 followed the descending deeper into a single dungeon model of D1 instead of traveling through a world that D2 introduced to the genre.
>And Path of Exile completely shits on it.
Honestly who the fuck cares about story in a diablolike? Sure it's nice if the story is decent but it doesn't make up for shit gameplay. Grim Dawn feels like shit to play. At least PoE feels better as you get levels and animations speed up but it still doesn't live up to Diablo 1 or 2.
Icewind Dale was always better. Diablo was just more idiot proof but it didn't really matter. Anyone that was nerdy enough to show up to a lan party back then understood ad&d.
Diablo was a game for casuals.
Icewind Dale doesn't really have the same amount of replayability as Diablo does. First few playthroughs are absolute kino though.
>who the fuck cares about story in a diablolike?
Ah, the cockroach of gamers, eats any garbage served.
>Grim Dawn feels like shit to play.
It's because you can't design characters though.
Mine are comfy stylish and powerful.
You're just bad.
>Honestly who the fuck cares about story in a diablolike?
I do, a fair bit. Titan Quest had excellent little hubs filled with historical stories up until the last chapters, Grim Dawn follows suit because it's Titan Quest: Less Skirts Edition. D1 and D2 had amazing stories.
There's a lot going on there. I don't have an interest in a game that doesn't even pretend to not be a skinner box.
>Baal is hard
oh lol
is D1 any good on PS?
PC really puts the "gay" in "gayming"
Day ??: Silvie has become angry. Spiteful. Malevolent. Where did all the tenderness and innocence of my little girl go? Why is it that I don't care anymore? Should care. But feel nothing.
Day ??: There is no one left here in camp. All gone. We must move. Hard to hide blood, frozen snow. Easy for prey to know.
Day ??: Harder to write. Hard to think about anything but the hunger.
Day ??: New place off road. Easy to lure new travelers going south. Looking for safe place. Never find it.
Day ??: No food again. I encourage Silvie to find people to bring here for food. She is gleeful at suggestion. John gone, so I do the killing now.
That's duriel you numb nuts
>D1 and D2 had amazing stories.
Yeah no. Are they okay? Sure. Do they work for the game? Yes. Is it fun to learn about them as you go? Yeah. Still nobody would give a shit about the story in Diablo if the games themselves were shit. It's the gameplay and the atmosphere that leads to the player giving a fuck about the story. These ain't JRPG's where you're forcefed the story in a 30 minute text monologue before you get to even start playing the game.
>eats any garbage served.
>It's because you can't design characters though
No. It's because they can't program the gameplay properly. It feels like shit to move the character and use skills. That's the one thing D3 got right. Yeah I'm bringing D3 into this argument. Because GD doesn't deserve to get compared to D1 or D2. Diablo 3 had rock solid gameplay even if the rest of the game is awful. It had piss poor story and people still played it long after Blizzard had abandoned it. Is it an insult to the whole Diablo franchise? Yes but it's still a better game than Grim Dawn.
And before you do any >D3 memeing. No I haven't touched it in years. It's still a much better game than GD because it actually feels good to play if you can forget everything else about it for a moment.
It's surprisingly decent for what it is but it suffers from the lower resolution and worse graphics. PC version is definitely better.
>PC really puts the "gay" in "gayming"
Consolecuck kys
>lower resolution and worse graphics
not a deal breaker for me
I work in IT support
I spend all day on keyboard & mouse
I spend all day configuring shit and diagnosing problems
Last thing I need to do is come home to vidya only to fix some crashing, graphical glitches, buggy controller etc
>It feels like shit to move the character and use skills
Nah, just set them up right and use controller binds. Move glyphs etc.
D3 is shallow garbage. It was a shmup that wanted to be a gambling interface, got clipped for it by the market, and then pretended it was an RPG. GD has the proper ratio of character building > action.
> No I haven't touched it in years.
I rest my case.
>No I haven't touched it in years. It's still a much better game than GD
>Last thing I need to do is come home to vidya only to fix some crashing, graphical glitches, buggy controller etc
D1 runs without problems on modern systems nowadays. Just get the GOG version.
Hack and slash is a genre, dungeon crawler is another.
Etrian odyssey, Grimrock, Labyrinth of refrain, wizardry are dungeon crawlers, arx fatalis too. Diablo is like path of exile, grim dawn. They are hack and slash
>level 100
>cadance soldier
>permanent buffs on first hotbar
whoever made this should rope themselves
PCs have problems regardless if the game is buggy or not
some shit is always going to go down eventually and I dont fucking like it
Based education of zoomers, Prof.
Gaming heretics must be purged.
>Nah, just set them up right and use controller binds. Move glyphs etc.
Keybindings don't change how the game is programmed. GD doesn't feel good to play. It feels clunky.
>D3 is shallow garbage
Yes. It has shit itemization and terrible character building if you can even claim that it has any. But it feels smooth to control. That's the only redeeming bit about the game. It's still a shit game. The point I was trying to make is that GD is worse than D3. So that's quite fucking bad. I don't play D3 because it's bad. Why should I play GD when it's worse.
>GD has the proper ratio of character building > action.
It's not about the amount of action. It's about something much more basic than that. If you strip out all the features of the game. Just leave in movement. D3 feels good. GD feels bad.
See above.
I might play it next week and make some webm and screenies out of it, so anons here don't have to pick old ass pictures from google to post here.
Calla is no joke, I can understand a HC 100 going on vet for her at first.
The skill ceiling on GD is way higher than diablo ever was but it's an engineering/RPG type of ceiling more than twitch so retards don't like it.
I tried to enjoy grim dawn but I just can't
UI looks so fucking bad
the colours are ugly, everything feels fucking dirty
Why, take the nostalgia goggles off and it's pure pixelated eye bleed. Its time is over.
Not suitable for chinese market
>it's pure pixelated eye bleed
Have you actually looked at D2 in the last decade? It holds up amazingly well. It's actually readable unlike Grim Dawn.
>arx fatalis too
It's just an ARPG set in tunnels.
Can't argue with that one XD
Also not suitable for china
Day ??: So hungry. Don't even bother to cook food anymore.
Day ??: Talk to woman today. Still alive as we eat. Blood in mouth. She ask why? Only word I say: "hungry". Silvie laugh that she talk while we eat her.
Day ??: Hair falling out. Don't care.
Day ??: The men won't be lured no more. They know what awaits them. No matter. We chase.
Day ??: Silvie good hunter now. She likes kill. Me too. Should feel bad. Know it's wrong. But it feels so good to feed.
Day ??: Don't feel cold no more. Shards of frozen blood cut lips. Split gums. Don't care.
Day ?? Chase men. Terror makes flesh taste sweeter. Good.
Day ??: So hungry. Must find more.
*The rest of the text is impossible to make out.*
There literally is a completely reverse engineered open source Diablo 2 out there. All you have to fucking do is compile it. There are already ready made binaries for fucking Nintendo Switch.
How the fuck is Arx Fatalis a "dungeon crawler" if those other games define the genre? It's nothing like them.
do you ever find them out? I couldn't find anything in that place that resembled them
Wasn't it D1 that got reverse engineered?
>do you ever find them out?
They are the wendigos you kill where the last part of the text is.
Oh fuck you're right. I guess it just happened in my dreams.
No, and neither have you without removing your blizzdrone goggles, you're mostly just nostagliafagging.
I get it, I loved D2 just as much, but blizzard sucks now and GD is the D3 we should have gotten.
Anyone that actually appreciated D2 for what it was is a fool not to give this one a fair chance. I mean now with both expansions, yes it had some eye bleed issues at release.
This is also a 6 man team wiping the floor with blizzard which is fucking hilarious and what all these 'devs' with no passion for the genre hiring offshore pakis and soccer moms to to fill their company with SJW useless fat deserve to be shown up by.
Yes they are both there, two named wendigos in the middle of asketarn, the thing is you usually kill them too fast before you notice because they are just regular trash.
Nothing unreadable about this in the slightest. You've just been conditioned by marketing for a different color scheme.
Calla and reaper are a fucking joke on vet. They don't even remotely give an accurate scenario on how the fight would be on ultimate
>this motherfucker thinks I'm talking about the text
No shit you can read the text in the game.
What's your ult time and what build?
Did you copy paste a warlord from your favorite youtuber? Or maybe a bergo BM?
The skills are readable too, and it's no more of a colorfest than d3. You sound like a tool.
this thread made me start medianXL
my eyes hurt
>skeleton mages
>Fire golem
And that's a good thing, diablo 2 was superior to diablo 1 because of it's variety, each act had it's own soul and flavor
A1 felt like you just wandered into a campground of refugees because the countryside got taken over by demons and you were helping reclaim it
A2 felt like a mystical desert you found after a long journey and it's sands are hiding more and more secrets as you go on, once you go into the palace you really feel that sense of comfy mythicality
A3 immediately feels like a lost, forbidden world of savages and natives that you have to wade through the swamps and rivers like an explorer
A4 feels desolate, alone, isolated, like you are in purgatory, the last vestige of peace before walking into hell, you feel constantly uncomfortable because you feel like you are leaving humanity behind into the endgame
A5 feels like you are a legend of legends, people will write of your coming and deeds for generations, you have become the world changer
medianXL is terrible
Tried enjoying medianXL, everything felt insanely OP and boring and way too easy, could of been amazing.
Neither has the lasting appeal of D2, PoE just gets boring to look at after awhile and grim dawn feels like a prequel to a better game that might never exist
>Right click
>Chug potions
This is the strategy for every enemy in the game including bosses. Diablo is the true brainlet game.
This is the exact opposite of kino, grim dawn is so bland
>comparing blizzard north fans to blizzfags
>right click
>he needs potions in his right clicking simulator games
yeah, level 1 spell will literally one hit bloodraven. what a dumb expac
If you were in charge of designing a spiritual successor to Diablo 1 how would you handle skills for weapons? I think that was one major part where D1 was lacking and D2 improved upon. Skills for weapons. But with the D1 model of no skill trees I feel like it would feel weird if weapon skills dropped as books like spells do. What if you had a couple skills based on the weapon you had equipped?
I'm curious to hear your ideas. I'm working on a prototype of a diablolike based on diablo 1.
just make a skyrim mod of diablo 1, that's all
>skyrim mod of diablo 1
That sounds horrible. Skyrim has absolutely shit tier combat.
defensive much? Go back to gdforums autentist you stupid smirnoff faggot
Thank god I thought I was the only one who felt like this, tried playing and was literally one shotting everything in the first and second act, when I asked if there was a way to make it harder people told me "HURRR DURR THE GAME GETS HARDER AT MAX LEVEL"
Not going to hit max level and beat the game before I can start having fun, if I wanted to do that I'd play PoE.
Every time I play d2 I think "wow this is better!" Then I play d1 and think the same. They are both amazing in their own way.
Diablo 1 had worse combat, any indie diablo like will have as bad combat as D1, what diablo 1 does well is atmosphere and loot, which is what you can mod fairly easily
Hey, i'm just telling you what would net you patreon $$$, if you want to make a indie diablo clone that less than a dozen people will buy, go ahead
they both have their charm points, if diablo 2 was completely just the A1 cathedral, it'd feel like a lesser game even though it'd feel similar to D1
Sell a person on this game that hasn't even played the genre much Yea Forums. What is it that makes Diablo 2 so special that people still play it to this day? What should make someone play it?
Sadly doing patreon is a pain in the ass in my country as you're not legally allowed to gather free money without giving something in return. It's supposed to prevent scam charities but it goes beyond that.
>literally every single fight is standing in one place with mouse button pressed, don't have to dodge any attacks, even boss attacks with patterns that was clearly made to be dodgable, don't have to change targets, don't have to stop attacks, don't have to use different spells, don't have to use crowd control, don't even have to use potions
Great gameplay.
>b-b-but it's supposed to be powerful
So endgame supposed to be completely braindead? Woah, what a great game.
This. Keep seeing people praise this mod but its like some flashy Chinese rpg shit. When you put too many light effects, they become boring. When a level 1 spell looks like legendary one time move with bazillion of projectiles and insane damage, you lose interest in leveling up. And ofc they do the same sin that almost all other mods do - increase chance of rare and epic equipment by hundreds of percents. No, I don't want to complete 5 sets by level 3, I want to fucking work for it.
MedianXL is like a cheap cake where the main ingredient is sugar. Next one is oil. Absolutely shit taste.
Steam Early Access then. Constant updates. You can be like Exanima but without running off with the money. Or Overgrowth without being the work of one who consorts with beasts.
>starcraft remastered wasnt good
ok nerd
What's your favorite act, Yea Forums?
Mine is 3, but 5 (lod) is also great.
have someone else run the patreon outside your country, make an LLC or business license, have that person funnel the money into the business, use funds from said business as an employee
That wasn't a question
Don't even try PoE then. It's even uglier, by far the ugliest diablo-clone ever.
Is that a random diablo encounter during baal fight?
Poe as in pillars of eternity or path of exile? Haven't tried pillars but exile is pretty nice desu. And have kino voice acting and lore
>quest list takes 1/5 of the screen
>using "kino"
just fuck off
I remember Baldurs Gate on GBA being decent
Random in what respect?
You can spawn Uber Diablo wherever you want. Whether someone was hunting for him here or not is hard to say, but maybe they did and decided to spawn him here for style points?
Pillars of Eternity is not diablo-clone iirc.
you want crushing blow on the merc, because it cancels animation. you can literally permanently stunlock baal with decrep + clay + cold + crushing
Not quite wherever you want, of course, but in place of any unique monster, e.g. Baal's spawns like Colenzo.
Hah, me too.
Reminds me how Ultima had a Legend of Zelda clone on GB. That was just the trend for a while.
>go to reddit to talk about Yea Forums
sign of a faggot, right there.
>arx fatalis is an arpg
Thanks for the info I played single player d2 (back then I was pirating) and missed the whole world event thing, though diablo could spawn randomly to fuck you up.
Good atmosphere, 7 classes and tons of different playstyles, getting good loot feels rewarding as opposed to other games in the genre, hardcore mode can be turned on for a character at creation which means they die permanently when killed so high level hardcore characters are a direct testament to your skill
PoE is literally a subpar copy of D2
Matter of taste. I put more hours into d2 but I enjoyed poe very much. Only finished the game with the marauder though, and skipped the end game which is just grind
>not playing with a pad
>whining about 'muh superior d3 movement'
>oh I can't make this build, that ability won't go on the other mouse button, lmao
Get gud.
>answer: hasn't
>answer: sucks
>answer: is not even in the position to judge gameplay because he sucks ass at arpg
People don't actually call it that, do they?
>the best dungeon crawler
That would be Elona.
>that ability won't go on the other mouse button
Imagine being THIS retarded. Even the most degenerate animal or even insect with it's brain completely removed would be margins smarter.
>Hasn't even tried the hardest content
>Knows jackshit about kiting and dodging in the first place
>ahaha I am glossing over a limitation that's been imbedded into d clones for decades by calling someone stupid
user, just stop.
Are you still suggesting to go with a first person diablolike? In a way that could be interesting. Definitely takes care of the melee combat if I'd just implement a skyrim style attack+power attack.
That sounds like way more trouble than it's worth. Would need a trustworthy person to run the Patreon and still would need to explain to the taxman where the money is coming from.
Why are you showing completely different build? I was talking about that one video user used as example of GD endgame gameplay.
>Now I'm going to meme dismissively haha I win
So, there have been several abilities since D1 you could not put on the left button. Even with taking off the restriction option in D3 it still limits what you can do with a mouse and keyboard in that game that is comfortable and effective. If you don't know these limitations, it is because you sucked, and your builds never pushed the limits of the game in the first place, you just rode on other's work and read it off a forum.
Adding to this is the fact that these games are much better played with a control pad in the first place. Only neckbeards that can't let go of their deathgrip on misplaced blizzdroning argue otherwise.
Triggers, long presses, multi binds everything can all chain together and you'll run rings around mouse and keyboard players if the game allows for any targeting from controller, which GD does.
>other post says 'campaign mode'
>this must mean endgame
Are you illiterate?
Why do plebs say this, PoE is nothing like diablo gameplay wise, and certainly less so than grim dawn.
If grim dawn didn't suck at end game i'd have much more than my current 1.3k hours in it.
That's not Diablo 1
user, please. Stop. Even dead fetus would be capable of finding a single checkbox in settings that allows to bind anything anywhere. Just stop. Don't make GD fans look even more retarded.
>If grim dawn didn't suck at end game
You don't like the shattered realm or what are your issues with the endgame?
Now this is rosetinting
>diablo 3
>tfw when you just want a HD remaster but you know nuBlizzard will fuck it up somehow
Also funnily enough Diablo 1 still just looks fine to me
You're oversimplifying what I'm talking about because you don't play at the level I do and don't understand certain skill combinations. Yes I knew about that checkbox before you did.
I have a steam controller profile that allows me to play D3 on PC with a game controller better than you can with KBM also. Because blizzard couldn't write a controller interface for their own game and outsourced it to console plebdevs.
That's my point, all these fatbeards in here defending a shit game like d3 and nublizz is lol.
What went right GDbros?
That anniversary dungeon in D3 should tell you everything you need to know. They'd fuck it up. There's no doubt about it. I can't wait to see what hilarious fuck you to the community they have in store for the 20 year anniversary of D2.
POE is garbage, looks garbage, feels garbage, the lore is garbage, and only succeeds as a 'game' because people just want to have niche builds gatehoused by hours of trading and p2win so they can stroke epeen. It's more of a trading card game than an actual arpg.
So is Curse of Tristram any good? I hear a lot of mixed things.
Pretty much everything, they didn't spend any money on marketing to casual blizzfags being the main selling point.
Not for long though. D4 will be announced this blizzcon. In Diablo4 blizzard combines all the gathered knowledge from d1,d2,d3,various mods made, and all the competing games like poe and gd. With this massive wealth of data and activision-blizzard's unlimited resources there is no way this game isn't not only going to be a massive success financially but also a game everyone will recognize as one of the best ever made.
>gotta appease suits, china, sjws
>D: Immortal lol
It'd be nice to see them throw off decades of bullshit and political creep to return to pre-nublizz but it's not going to happen.
I'm not even trolling, I'm legitimately sad about it.
Comedy gold post.
>With this massive wealth of data and activision-blizzard's unlimited resources
>unlimited resources
The best part.
4 even thought it's short. They did a great job making it look like hell.
Also the dread that kicked in every time I broke a seal in Diablo's basement made it very memorable for me.
3 Is also very solid but only once you get past the jungles. It's dungeons and Khurast look sick.
"I am your doom."
Ok Zantai
wow exactly like D3 huh?
Eh i just don't enjoy it, i find the loot a bit TOO random (so much of it and 99% drops completely randomly). Also, a lot of build-defining legendary items are level 94 - you have to play through the game with a cookie cutter build you've probably played a dozen times before. You also have the builds locked behind the specific item/legendary set.
I absolutely LOVE the levelling experience though. And I think the devotion system is really top tier.
D3 sold well but was a disaster in many ways. They know not to repeat those mistakes now.
Elona is more fun.
>They know not to repeat those mistakes now.
>Shallow gameplay
>Crippled control schemes
>All action, no RPG
>Appeal to chinese market because fuck you long term fans
Wow exactly like D:Immortal huh?
They've learned from immortal as well. Immortal announcement was undeniably one of the most embarrassing events in blizzards history, everyone working there knows it including the top brass. It's fresh in memory.
>They know not to repeat those mistakes now
Modern Blizzard also don't know how to make a good game so yeah.
They learned nothing and can do nothing. All their games run on fumes now, everything reports lower income. Hearthstone has minimal budget, WoW tries to scam people into buying store mounts as a last resort to have them buy subscription time and generate some revenue, all other games get pitiful updates. Blizzard is done. Diablo 4 will be rushed and terrible, they only started actually working on it because of Immortal backlash, Blizzard has no idea how to make a good game anymore because they got rid of all competent employees (or made them quit when they saw shiw going down in the company), and have no budget, Activision is taking everything they can. Not to mention they are more interested in mobile market and china market now, that's why Immortal even exists, and why all their games get progressively censored now to cater to china regulations (like recent Hearthstone art changes for classic cards where they got rid of blood, tits and asses).
>and p2win
See this is how we can tell you never really played poe and just shit on it. You can't p2w. The only functional thing you can buy is more stash slots and you only need it if you're a hoarder that never sell sells anything ever.
Only on first time when you're not prepared for it.
A man of culture as well, I see.
>tfw Grim Dawn is the best ARPG on the market
you're in a single dungeon, you're exploring a complex map built around a number of floors. Arx fatalis is a modernized ultima underworld which is a real time dungeon crawler. The tile movement is not what defines the genre.