Buyer's remorse thread, extra points if you paid full prince on launch
Buyer's remorse thread, extra points if you paid full prince on launch
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Fuck this trash that calls itself a video game. Biggest waste of money.
it took me a week to accept that i wasn't liking it
what do extra points get me?
I dont regret buying KH3 as much as i regret ever caring about KH after playing KH3.
Not even going to post an image because then some poor bastard will think it's worth trying for the pixel art. It's not. Do not fucking buy it, it's garbage.
>marathon the entire series in a year leading up to kh3 release because the whole internet was hyping it for years
>everybody hates kh3 and stops talking about it in less than a month
Hundreds of hours well spent.
>he fell for the anime girls
The only thing I liked about this game was being able to buff onix to the point of actually being useful
>being poor enough to feel buyers remorse
That said, I don’t feel remorse, but the worst purchase I ever made was probably the Wii U. Shit console and every single game I own for it except W101 has had an upgraded switch port.
This, the combat just wasn't fun.
And the food kept making me hungry
>everybody hates kh3 and stops talking about it in less than a month
Kh3 sucks but you don't have to lie user
My only remorse is getting into this shit industry in the first place. I blame my stupid parents for buying me games instead of anything else.
All the money in the world can't fix your shit taste, user.
>buying a game just on other's hype
Retard. Also people will start talking again once DLC drops on december.
Not to be XV kun but I think if played in a specific way it can be fun
>turn on wait mode
>use magic spells and royal arms instead of standard weapons
>camp and make dishes
>unlock the ability to play as your party members to change it up
>reading is hard
I think the DLC will make it better. Hopefully it comes with some balancing tweaks.
This. I fell victim to the pixel art allure. Do not buy.
>do the big super dungeon
>"man that was a fucking waste of time"
>get into flying car
>clip tree or something and go blasting into the side of a cliff
>you're dead lol
>realise hadn't saved since before dungeon
>no checkpoints
I mean, I wasn't enjoying it much and I'd done most of the content but it was a good fuck off moment
>paid full prince
i waited in a gamestop line for the special edition on launch night
Best game in the franchise, tho
Ok then what are some fantastic exclusives for Wii U that haven’t since been ported to Switch or other systems.
I owned Mario Kart, Smash, Pokken, Zelda, Bayo, Donkey Kong, W101 and NSMBU (came with the system). All of which have received superior versions on switch bar W101.
The Surge
>floaty combat
>unreal engine looks cheap
>cares more about the retarded timetravelling darkness shit instead of being a FFxDisney crossover
>feels rushed at times i.e. didnt give Phil any voice work, left plotpoints in Frozen unexplained
>Ultra Sun
Every week I think about how I could've spent the total $100 on something else.
did you enjoy the games, at least?
what does it matter that they had a later port?
Theres a cool mod for this that makes it a bit like the B2/W2 difficulty mode. Doesnt make it amazing but does redeem it imo.
>feels rushed at times i.e. didnt give Phil any voice work, left plotpoints in Frozen unexplained
Phil doesn't speak because his Japanese VA died and Japan has this weird thing about not replacing VAs. The entirety of Arendelle's problems is because the Frozen team is a bunch of retards regarding their sacred cow and they ahd a bunch of stupid restrictions regarding Frozen's portrayal in KH3.
Similar situation to this. Honestly it feels like the wii u shouldn't have even existed. Just go from wii to the switch.
I enjoyed most of them to some extent although none were amazing bar Tropical Freeze.
The problem is that the system just collects dust now and I will never ever touch it again because there is no reason to unless I want to replay W101. I can’t say that for any other console I own (every other Nintendo console since SNES, every PlayStation).
This shit turned out to be really boring. It was fun only when I was playing co-op with my friends, but has a middling value otherwise.
sounds like you could sell the console, then
and that's ok
>implying anyone on the planet actually wants to buy a WiiU now.
Star Ocean 5 was so bad. It's basically 1 small planet to explore, like 2 scifi space areas near the end. It's also absurdly short for an rpg.
Worth picking up on the switch for $20-30?
Not that user, but yes if you like DW and Zelda. It’s exactly what you would expect.
I really wanted to like this game because I hadn't played a new FF in so long, but I hated it.
Only if you intend to play it with others. Other than that, no, unless you get it for anything lower than 30 or so.
I'm not the biggest traditional mosou fan. But I managed to pick Fire Emblem Warriors up for $20 bucks the other day and I'm having a blast.
actually, keep it
the gamepad is going to become a collector's item, because Nintendo will stop making them soon
It’s been a year & a half, and despite what I keep telling myself, I haven’t got over Dragon Ball Fighterz.
>molasses-slow action
>worse autocombo shit than Blazblue normally is & CTB was
>everyone plays the goddamn same
>arcade mode was easy trash that fucked with you & the enemy attack power the more you won
>story was a shitty fanservice-devoid slogfest
>lootbox color unlocks
>metric fuckton of overpriced DLC
That’s the last time I ever let my friends & massive boner for a media series ever convince me to buy something Day 1 again. I still want my fucking $65 back for gas money.
my friend and i got KH3 on release night. i bought a used ps4 slim that day and traded in my xbone for $70 that i put towards a new ps4 controller because the one that came with the ps4 was grimey as hell.
the controller i don't regret, since i like it better than the xbones.
the toy story level gave me buyers remorse hardcore; the plot sucked major dick and there was no reason to come back.
there was no reason to go back to any of the levels, major let down compared to KH2. out of the 30 hours of gameplay, 15 were just sitting through bullshit cutscenes.
I mean it's not like i had super high hopes for it, Joint Assault was already a huge downgrade compared to Ace Kino X on the PSP and from the videos i've saw this one seemed to be following the same path, but even so i was at least expecting to be provided at least the most basic fun that AC can give, but i really was not expecting the shit poor handling, briandead A.I, weak soundtrack and no story. I have no idea what the hell happened with portable ACs, they started so fucking well but just got worse and worse
Pretty much every ds game I bought seems like shit most of all luigis mansion and paper mario for my dsxl. That it was going to be like the gamecube versions ended up being boring for both of them. No uniqueness to the ghost , blue and red ghost sheet type ghost. Paper mario for ds was just boring all around they should just of ported the old ones.
If they balance some stuff I unironically agree
You must be retarded if you bought this desu
Skyward Sword.
Enough said.
Play critical mode.
Only game I can say I was thoroughly disappointed in, bought on release and everything.
I did actually have fun playing it (call it Stockholm syndrome if you will) and the DLC's were alright, but it isn't what I had wanted.
I knew in my heart it was downgraded to hell and butchered all the stuff from the reveal trailer but man I still had hope.
This game could have been great if this is what we got. The setting itself sold me the hardest.
No that's not enough said user, get it out of your chest!
I hate my friends for duping me into buy Overwatch.
They still play it even now but I got bored after a week of playing
Preordered the Collectors Edition of Kingdom Hearts 3, booked off launch day to play it.
Traded in the game but I keep the included pin on my messenger bag as a reminder.
Never love anything if it goes away for a long time. It'll only come back to break your heart.
But 3D World was GOAT and it doesn't have a Switch port. It was worth it for that alone
Easily this game.
Worst day 1 purchase of this console generation
This. I'm still mad.
It needs more than that, some bosses are still too passive.
I got the collectors edition, and the only reason I'm not butthurt over it in general was because the robo arm is still cool as hell. The game itself was a piece of shit of course. Hell, I should sell the game and just keep the arm
I dunno...I...
Ok fine the wagglan should have been obvious but I was 20 and got straight out of playing TP at the exact right age to do so and was expecting GOOD SHIT!
And I'm a man of various taste. Nearly every single Zelda game since left me breathless.
Then SKYWARD SWORD just strut by waving it's fucking origin stories and new interface and as awestruck as I was with it's potential the fucking game just left me frustrated with how that potential was dragged through the dirt by the neck tied to a damn pickup truck.
GOD DAMMIT that Zelda was charming and Groose had the best fucking character development ever and it STILL left me not wanting to touch that shit ever again.
I gave Nintendo the benefit of a doubt with A Link Between Worlds. And they fixed that hole Skyward Sword left. But the scar will always be there.
Imagine ever thinking this was going to be anything but garbage.
Fucking This. TeamFourStar shilled so hard for it.I want my money back
I don't get how you can ruin a concept that's so simple
I tried going in with low expectations hoping it wasn't as bad as people said, but it was just so lackluster. Its hard to believe it came from the same studio that made DR2/3 with how much it felt like a step back, it didn't even have side content at launch outside of looking for pointless collectables and those worthless respawning NPCs.
I still hope the series gets a proper sequel after this, because this was far worse than something like DmC/RE6 in terms of how boring it is.
Dragon ball Xenoverse cured me from buying any other Dragon ball games of my life, i spent $70 on steam for that garbage. Even today i never bought FighterZ but it's because of the price and the number of dlc that will ask you to pay ever more.
I will never trust those game again, it's easy to understand DB is making at least 1 game each fucking years and you know it will ask you to buy dlc.
Same. Last FF game I played was X and that was when I was like 10. I thought a decade and a half of aging would help refine it, damn was I wrong.
>swings the shovel under his waist and not in an arc so you miss all the time
>moves like a fucking brick basically everything is faster than you
>horrible dialogue trying to be quirky and funny but its just cringe
>bad spells that barely do anything
refunding this bad boy asap even though I got a good deal on it, I hate games that think difficulty should be based on making you slower and weaker instead of the enemies themselves being difficult....
t. brainlet
Why is that almost every successful indie game has some sort of le quirky reddit dialogue
Because every successful indie game has a subreddit full of faggots that browse it trying their hardest to get better at said game.
What were you expecting
Nothing and I was still disappointed.
Feeling like ending it Yea Forums, what are some games any of you really like, that I must play to see beauty in life again? Recently played Days Gone, Death Mark and they were okay, Rune Factory Tides of Destiny and Fifa19 in career mode that made me want to kill myself, and Ever Oasis and Digimon world next order but I stopped playing them right before the end.
God Hand
Kid Icarus Uprising
Metroid Prime 2
Etrian Odyssey V
ZeroRanger will kick your suicidal mindset to the fucking curb.
Don't look up anything about it, just trust me.
These games made me lose any faith I had left in square enix
The art is good, music is great, but the gameplay sucks, maybe I'll play again just to see the ending
7.5 out of 10. Ok but needed more stuff and the story to not be bad.
Didn’t buy but looked bad.
Ehh it’s ok. Not terrible like XIII but not great. Very comfy though.
People bought this game? I expected it to flop. Seems ok but shallow fighter, dead due to switch.
W101 will get a switch port someday user. I unironically hope it does since that means new people will play it and it gets a second lease on life.
It’s a dynasty warriors game, what were you actually expecting. It’s a dumb mindless game that you play through mowing down hordes of enemies. Fun with friends or to unwind but not a great game.
I actually liked DBFZ but I can acknowledge it’s huge flaws. It ain’t that technical, story mode is ass, and the DLC is overpriced. That being said, I still had fun with it myself even if I would prefer something a bit less easy. Team I like to use was Tien Piccolo Yamaha.
Everyone liked overwatch for three months. Now most people are disappointed. It’s like an abusive relationship where they don’t know how to leave.
Big disagree. While the new art style is ass, this is still a blast especially with friends.
Disagree but understand.