Why do we hate gacha again?

Why do we hate gacha again?
I just got best girl for free (1 meme ticket)

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Ask me how I know you're a soulless chink

Bit I'm not

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This inbreeding weebcel game ruining industry with brainless gambling. Also, indirectly supporting snoy.
I fucking hate retard like you

>best girl
That's not Ren

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Gacha in itself is something I can tolerate existing. But when it becomes the path of least resistance solely towards making money, overriding any desire to develop proper games or make good use of the IP, then it can rightfully fuck off. It's the anime CGI of video games. Why bother exerting effort when this easy alternative exist.


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cuz i like money not being wasted

google Skinner boxes man. Put a rat in a cage and give him a lever that dispenses a treat if he pushes it. He'll push it for a bit, but eventually get bored of the treats and stop. Give the rat a lever that has a chance of giving him a treat and giving him nothing, and he'll press it compulsively, never stopping. It's basic psychology, and gacha games are designed to make you compulsively push the lever, paying some money each time.

I still fucking love PAD though. That game is legit lmao

congrats on your free png file

>Why do we hate gacha again?
shit gameplay
terrible grinding
forced grinding every day just to get anything
shit rates
stuff you want locked behind a gacha that you need to invest time/money to get

Seriously, any game you could play is going to be better than a gacha. About the one thing I could say is that Madoka doesn't have a video game but that's not a good excuse for killing your brain cells spending half an hour a day earning gambling tickets.

Can you name me some waifu collectors that aren't gatchas? 50+ characters that each have their own story (even if short) and can be developed and used in a team.

FE is basically this

Nintendo has more gacha games than Sony has.

The various Musou games can act like this. Warriors Orochi 2 let you have a team of three and so you could pick up and level the characters you like. The new Fire Emblem games (Awakening and Fates) let you put together teams of characters, and you can focus on just using the women if you want. There are a few RPGs where you can choose your party, and can just kick the guys out if you prefer. I guess a lot of them ended up on Vita for recent releases, although if you want to play some earlier titles then check out some on PS1 or PS2.

Rune Factory 3 would let you build up a relationship with different girls, and you could take them (one at a time) into dungeons with you. I don't know if RF4 let you do the same. Lord of Magna is a questionable tactics-style RPG but you get seven female companions with their own stories and you bring three of them into fights with you, with the main character always being in these fights.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 still has the gacha system but instead of money you have to farm some core crystals for an hour or so which you can easily do while watching TV

King's raid has no hero gacha(just gear gacha), lore for them and some have substories which are pretty long(like 1 hour)

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I might check out emulating some FE games, but probably not just because it's such a large franchise, on top of that it's nintendo. Xenoblade Chronicles is also also nintendo, If I can't play it on PC, I'm probably not gunna play it. Buying a new device to play some kusoge seems like a really fucking dumb idea. Also the cast in many of these games still seems fairly minor in comparison to most gatcha games.

>gacha players are as dumb as rats

pretty much

Because if I wanted gambling and asian whores I would go to Macau.

good for you. You got your favorite girl with unlimited rerolls since this was the first banner event. I hope you don't have a 2nd favorite girl, because now you have to play "legitimately"

Waste those hours collecting stones, goy

Jokes on you, my favorite girl is gunna be free.

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Kill yourself insect

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>playing this trash
>supporting shaft whoring out madoka

This. FGO is a behemoth that has essentially eaten the franchise.

This is why I prefer gatcha original games like Granblue Fantasy, Dragalia Lost, or Epic 7. I don't usually like gatchas that just exist as fanbase exploitation.

I know the monogatari gatcha characters are in 2 separate events, with 2 characters each. Do each have their own banner or are they in the same one?

wrong thread..

I'm at the point where I pop boners from the mere sight of anime girl legs.

when is kirara fantasia going to get an EN release bros

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I hate gacha because the characters that make fights bearable are either limited behind an incredibly long grindwall costing you most of your resources, or are so incredibly rare that you not only have to draw at a certain date, but have to roll against the entire cast of other potential characters to get that particular one.
I hate that no matter how dilligently you save your draws or how much you grind, you will be overtaken by someone spending money to achieve meta builds.
I hate how the endgame revolves around finding the newest hottest meta that requires tons of new ultra rare weapons that you need multiple copies of, and new characters that further dilute the evergrowing pool of shit you won't get.
I hate that even if you do somehow strike it lucky and roll something close to meta, it will only remain meta for so long and any account-limited resources that you will never obtain again that you used towards your build will be obsolete the second a new meta shows up.