Why JRPG's got to be so fucking easy?

Why JRPG's got to be so fucking easy?

>inb4 a retard names one of the series that has 0 story and the only thing you do is walk around a dungeon killing things.

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Dragon Quest V can be hard. Also DQXI on the setting.

Play SMT.

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It's just a mindless dungeon crawler for faggots

Nearly all RPGs are easy in current year unless it's obscure indie shit like underrail.

Digimon cyber sleuth had annoying difficulty in general. Normal was too easy and hard was grindy unfair bullshit. You've got too much free time if you played that whole game on hard mode.

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This. You don't need to grind, only make good strategies for each area.

This isn't a dungeon crawler thread user

not like wrpg's are hard either

>divinity original sin is so easy you need to go through hoops to make anything slightly challenging

No you don't. You set the game to Tactician which adds new enemies with better AI and different abilities and then play the game normally. This applies to 1 and 2.

Cyper sleuth difficulty is retarded as shit. Either you one shot almost anything and destroy bosses or enemy digimon speed goes though the roof and they get like 6 turns or more before you do anything. Don't get me on flamedramon speed on the hardest mode

I stopped playing after Machinedramon. The game was getting to the point where to keep up with bosses I'd have to grind myself to death.

>he attached all the upgrade items and used lists to fuse his digimon
Way to nerf the game on pre-school mode retard.

Games are always easier in retrospect.

what are the chances we get difficulty mods on PC?

Also is hacker's memory's difficulty better?

SMT isn't a dungeon crawler

It's hard enough to put an actual challenge into a RPG. Trying to put one into a casual RPG genre that's intended to be played by weeb idiots? Of course it isn't going to be difficult.

now that they planning to rellease it on the switch they should fix the running speed and add a feature of teleporting back to where you entered because is too annoying having to face low leveled digimon

be quiet dude

Make me

Casual Pandering

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It's because when a casual dies in a JRPG they assume it's because they're underleved then they proceed to grind for a bit, whine about it, then drop the game. In reality it's usually because they suck at JRPGS and refuse to give a challenging section a second shot.

This, the Press Turn system is one of the best turn-based systems I've seen
No, it's not. You obviously have never played it
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 on hard difficulty was a good challenge. Also try The Path of Takiyah in a year or so

From what I've heard yeah they fixed the balance, but I can't be sure myself. And the 2 pack coming to switch is based on the Japanese two pack we never got which carried over the balance changes and new mons from HM to CS

>Fights matadormon
>Thinks it will be a walk in the park
>Uses panic on all of my digimon
>Digimon attack themselves over and over again for 30 minutes
>Game over without even touching the controller yet

I've never played a wrpg that was difficult in my entire life

Hard only got real bullshit in the extra boss fights



>path of takiyah