Gta v online

Is it too full of cheaters to play?

I only just this week took a look at it and was having a little bit of fun, but some douchebag just gave me $1,000,000,000, granted me 100 levels and maxed out all my stats. Kinda no reason to play any more.

I filed a Rockstar ticket, but I can't imagine anyone is still paying attention.

I know I'm many years late to the party, but is it a known thing that GTA V Online is unplayable except as a sandbox where everyone is teleporting around and blasting each other with tanks?

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>I filed a Rockstar ticket, but I can't imagine anyone is still paying attention.
Haha, enjoy your ban.

it beats having to grind nonstop honestly, they did you a favor since you still have access to everything and don't have to be inhibited by shitty gear/stats

Great, now you can afford the same bulletproof car and just all get in it and cheese every mission. Shit was so tiresome when everything was the same layout in mp.

But I don't want 100 levels and full stats, and it tripped a ton of achievements as well. I didn't mind ignoring their bullshit, but this is annoying.

There's no point in playing any of the missions now and I don't give a shit about racing or car fetish gear.

in that case, you could always create another character. from what i remember, you were given three or four slots for it. check out your in-game menu options, it should be around there somewhere

Also not to make this a blog, but they should call it Grand Purchase Auto. It's pretty lame that they want you to buy cars. And really stupid that you can't sell cars in single player.

Just had to say that. I'll keep my decade-old bitches to myself.

Still, the question is, is online playable these days? Is it possible to have a decent experience or is just a cesspool?

Right, but how I do I know this won't happen again tomorrow? I've only played for 3 days and this has already happened.

Also I've been repeatedly teleported to a location and blown up. The penalty for dying isn't a big deal, so I didn't mind that so much. This new thing can't be undone.

It's fucked. V's multiplayer sucked ass anyways. Everyone's an asshole who cares too much about their K/D. I've made a lot of friends at the Liberty City airport. Hopefully 6 will have lobbies with friendly fire turned off, because I made hardly any friends in V, because everything turned into a fucking deathmatch.
>is online playable these days? Is it possible to have a decent experience or is just a cesspool?
Dude, they added that dumbass jet bike from Saints Row 3 to the game. And the kiddies who use it will suicide themselves instead of letting you kill them. Watched some guy on youtube fight a bunch of them, V's a cesspool.

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>V's a cesspool.
I thought as much. I pretty much hate everything about GTA anyway, except the maps. I love exploration and finding hidden stuff. The old games were good for that, but single player GTA V doesn't even have the thing where you have to find specific car models, which was always one of my favorite bits.

Is there anything to playing Online purely in Solo mode? I assume you're safe from hackers there, but is it actually any fun?

You're way too late. The golden age was 2014 - 2016.

>Is it too full of cheaters to play?
Pretty much, every session has at least one cheater. It's either cheaters, or tryhard Oppressor MK2 griefers.

>I filed a Rockstar ticket, but I can't imagine anyone is still paying attention.
Waste of time, just delete your character and start over. Rockstar abandoned the game a long time ago and only give a shit about making money from shark cards, which is why they keep adding bullshit no one wants. Reporting literally does nothing, I've reported people hundreds of times and they're all still playing.

I said fuck it and downloaded a mod menu, if you can't beat em, join em. I got tired of playing legit and getting fucked with. I never go out of my way to fuck with people though, I mind my own business until someone comes along and tries to grief. At least now I can fight back with modders kicking me out of my planes, or freezing me so I can't move, and whenever some 12 year old turd comes along and spawn camps me with his new Oppressor MK2, I can jack all of his weapons and money, blow up his ride, and put his ass in an infinite loading screen. Going passive means nothing to modders, they can still kill you over and over. After a certain point there's no point in continuing to play anyway, so might as well fuck around.

Is this bait? Fuck off

>Is it too full of cheaters to play?
The EXACT opposite. Aside from your first time playing through the heists, GTAO isn't worth your time unless a hacker gives you a billion dollars.

Also, I try to help people. I like spectating low ranked people, and if they get fucked with by like griefers blowing up their ride in the middle of nowhere, I'll spawn them a T20 or a tank, hook them up with some armor, weapons and snacks... shit like that.

That sounds like fun

It's literally more fun than playing the game as intended. Like some poor dude is getting harassed by a Oppressor MK2 shithead and is basically just standing still, taking it like he's given up, then when the MK2fag leaves, a fucking Rhino magically appears in front of him and for a moment he just stands there, obviously thinking about it, then he jumps in it with light speed and he's off blowing the shit out of everything in his path. Then I'll spectate the MK2fag and wait. When he is right about to attack someone else UH OH, ORBITAL STRIKE SPAM... I always see low ranked people getting fucked with so I like to help those guys out

The only time I had genuine fun with GTAO was with the stunt races. Not sure if people even play them anymore. I haven't touched the game in a couple years.

Car hunting online was kino when it was new, then they ruined that too.

Speedrunning Pacific Standard was fun once I had hacked money and didn't need to repeat it for hours.

Even the stunt races aren't even fun anymore, because no one is interested in having a clean race. As soon as the race starts, everyone slams into each other to cause people to wreck. If you tell the host to turn contact off, everyone cries and if the host turns contact off, everyone leaves.

Shame. I personally didn't mind contact on, but I don't remember people abusing it too much.

Yeah, before it wasn't an issue at all, but it's bad now. It's the only way they can gain position. It's either that, or some shithead will run the track the opposite way and run into people

>try GTA5 online when stunt races came out
>spend 20 minutes watching the top down city
>finally start a race
>guy who spent $50 on shark cards speeds away in his maxed car
>every track is just 20 mile straight lines then a 40 degree corner so it doesnt even matter because straight speed is always better
>can't even search by no customs and have to go for obscure tracks and hope nobody is playing to become host
my god i fucking hated everything about online

Am I the only only person that prefers the duke of death and the buzzard to the cancer that is the karuma and opressor mk2?

Man, I've lost count of the times I've smoked maxed out cars in custom races. You have to pay attention to how people race, they might have fast cars, but they always take turns all the way wide, showing that they're newfags who know nothing about racing. Always take turns as far inside as you can, as it's the shortest distance around the turn. Then, they'll leave catchup and drafting on so their maxed car's speed is gimped if it's leading so people can catch up

well the only real point of playing online was to grind for money with friends

You’re not. Every motherfucker and their grandmother runs an opressor mk ii.

I know what a racing line is, and I've not played gta for a long time but I remember the maps just having huge straight lines everywhere so cornering barely mattered

>$50 on shark cards
The funny thing is, I'm 100% you made that number up because it sounds like a lot of money a p2wfag would spend, but that's barely enough to buy and upgrade one single top end vehicle when they're on sale. Maybe it's not even enough anymore, I haven't played in a while.

The races are a lot of fun imo, especially the wacky ones with flying cars and shit.

There's only a couple tracks with long straights, there more of a variety now.

>Always take turns as far inside as you can, as it's the shortest distance around the turn.
It's not a game to see who can get from point A to B by traveling the shortest distance, but a game to get there the fastest. Hugging the inside will mean you'll have to brake harder than everyone else, which will put more time on the clock than the extra distance you saved yourself from traveling often would have.

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you got me, I didn't once check the page for buying shark cards
im a monster

braking hard is fine as long as the next corner is close

>but a game to get there the fastest
And in order to do that, you use the track to your advantage.

correct but hugging either corner is never ever the ideal choice

Hugging corners is always ideal, which is why literally in every car race they all do it, unless it's a S-curve where you can just gas through in a straight line most of the time if it's not too tight where you have to use brakes. Taking turns too wide means you're losing time, which means going slower than someone hugging the turn.

>Used to enjoy dicking around with CEO shit and doing other stuff with friends
>Eventually R* had the brains to make getting your foot in the door for new DLC shit cost at least a million (Bunkers, Nightclubs, etc...)

So when will R* decide to add helicopters to RDR online?

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>Waste of time, just delete your character and start over.
That doesn't sound worth it either. If I've been compromised after 3 days, there's no reason it wouldn't happen again. And this character would be super fragile, since it could be permanently broken without warning at any time.

Sounds like the game is just ass and I should play something else. I haven't actually finished single player yet, I just got bored with it and thought I'd give online a try.

It's kind of stunning that these games get such praise heaped on them given how awful the interface is. Ladders everywhere and it's super easy to fall right off a building trying to get on them. The cover system blows and always feel like you're running through molasses.

All that is basically tolerable in single player, as you learn how to deal with the rock stupid but omniscient AI, depending on what kind of goals you have. I liked exploring underwater, for example (despite the shitty submarine controls).

All that work of the map designers wasted. Oh well, I got my 5 bucks' worth.

Why play GTA V: Online when you can play Five M and do everything without forking out $$

in cars that have infinite grip, true, but spherical cows and all that

The main mission things are the most interesting.
The sandbox stuff is pretty meh.
Honestly shooting is the only important stat and you can grind that out in like an hour with pvp game modes.
Then if you suck, then the next important stat is lvl for the 1+3 extra shots to take you down.
The tracking rpg is op and protects you against most stuff other than OP as crap vehicles (which only other op vehicles can fight) or really good pilots.
Then the 1 shot sniper rifle is the worst pvp enemy.
Everything else is pretty pointless.
Especially since the op vehicles can instarespawn and rpgs cost tons of money.

Filming things is fun.
Theres a lot of filming mods you can mess with.
This video has a lot of the mods in the description.

heres some stuff i made

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Because most of the servers have a queue / only let you in if you're a big name streamer.

Just buy sharks cards.

>mfw I'd set stunt races to first person
>nobody knew how to drive except for me and at most 3 other people

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>set it to the suped up mini's that spin out easily
>lap the entire server even though its your first time driving it too

True, tires in GTA games never go "bald", but having infinite grip? I wouldn't go that far, as all cars that are used in the races are quite slippery if used incorrectly while racing. Again, it's about using the track to your advantage, knowing when to brake, let off the gas only, and when to accelerate out of corners.

I think we're misunderstanding each other. By hugging corners I mean staying up against one side of the track and staying there from beginning, middle, and end of a turn, as described
>Always take turns as far inside as you can, as it's the shortest distance around the turn
and that's just not true.

>Taking turns too wide means you're losing time
Wider turns = less braking = more speed = less time
I know "more distance = less time" seems counter-intuitive, but watch literally any actual race. F1 is fun to watch once you learn about it. Hell, even some go-kart tracks have shit like pic related on their website because it's effective no matter how fast your cars are. Going too far inside slows you down too much, going too far outside covers too much distance, the best route to take is -always- somewhere in between.

you missed the entire point of my post, its only a solid rule to always take the corners as close as possible if you had infinite grip


GTA has always been janky people on this board hate it but Saints Row has always been a better version of GTA

>Hell, even some go-kart tracks have shit like pic related on their website
forgot pic related, track is counterclockwise btw

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I loved playing in first person. I also had 3D Vision then too, it was nuts.

>and that's just not true.
Incorrect. Literally every race that has ever taken place proves you wrong. You have two cars, pictures here by red and blue. If both cars kept their line and made the turn as they're positioned on the track, the red car is going to make the turn faster than the blue car, because it's shorter distance around than going wide. The inside is always the shortest distance around a corner. You cannot argue this no matter how much you try. The entire history of auto racing proves you wrong. Ask anyone who has ever raced.

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>Saints Row has always been a better version of GTA
Yeah, I really enjoy SR games. They strike the appropriate tone for the stupidity of the games and are just more fun.

A serious plot is always stupid in these games, even those completely unlike GTA. You kill literally thousands, many of them innocents, with no penalty or remorse, and then suddenly there's drama about killing one person and the only reason you're supposed to give a shit is because they have their own voice actor.

Also the attempts at humor in the GTA games are deathly cringe. At least A-list actors aren't stooping to do this shit any more. That was embarrassing.

GTA V is fun just to fuck around in to kill an hour or two. If you want money just join one of those money lobbies, buy all the fun vehicles you want and trick them out, drive em around for a while and then go do something else if you want. It don't matter, none of this matters.

ok takumi

Which line is longer, Red or Blue? Take your time.

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I've already addressed that point. You can keep being wrong all you want user, you don't have to argue anymore. I've done all I can, the rest is on you. Have fun racing.

GTAV has on-foot races?

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The last time I played GTAV online it was still only on Xbox 360 and PS3 and even by then it became an unenjoyable grindfest

Quit bitching and reset your account if you want to play the game pure. You're going to regret it; Rockstar makes earning money legitimately a full-time job.

yeah I hate the TV tier crime drama story lines in the newer ones all players ever wanted to do was to steal cars, reek havoc with the tank and find bigfoot SR nails that perfectly

And you can do all that, but there's also a crime drama story line if you want that. At least this one doesn't block off 3/4 of the map until you've progressed in the crime drama storyline first.

When I heard they were adding some sort of structure to the online portion of gta I was ecstatic. Now I just want to load up a quick lobby and ram my car into a swing to make it fly across the street. Gta 5 and gta online ruined gta for me desu.

No, you made a blatantly incorrect statement and I proved you wrong, several times. You've claimed that you know what race lines are, but you proved that you don't know shit. You're the one who's wrong here, which is why you never win races. Keep on thinking the inside isn't the shortest way around a corner.

Running, driving, it does not matter. The inside is always the shortest way around a turn, whether running, driving, flying, sailing, etc which is why in every single race that ever happens, everyone tries to get as close to the inside as they can, often penalized for cutting corners too much.

ffs, Yea Forums really is nothing but newfag zoomers

I like heisting we need more heist games now that payday's dead

Yeah, that's literally the whole reason I bought GTAO. The racing and stuff was a fun bonus, but the multiplayer heists were exactly what I want out of a video game.

I had hoped that was what rdr was going to be but with cowboys.

go post on /o/, they'll love you