How do we fix the Harvest Moon/Story Of Seasons franchise? Some things off the top of my head

How do we fix the Harvest Moon/Story Of Seasons franchise? Some things off the top of my head
>You keep unlocking content past the first 2-3 years
>Town management
>Child grows and you can New Game+ like in Tree of Tranquility
>Make things less tideous, complex mechanics can be good but having to carry 20 tools for small things is unnecesary

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Is it just me or are all of the modern entries of these kinds of games horribly buggy and poorly optimized pieces of shit?

How is Stardew compared to the most recent SoS games? I'm considering picking it up while it's on sale.

Harvest Moon yeah, the two Story of Seasons games are alright

I'd kinda wish the artstyle would return to how it looked around the 64/PS2 era instead of what it is now.

>You keep unlocking content past the first 2-3 years
A New Beginning tried that and it sucked. If you want to rush, you should be able to.
>Town management

The 64 and the PS2 eras have wildly different styles, if anything the FoMT remake is closer to 64 than the two Story of Seasons are.

How's the doraemon one? From the PV it seems comfier than ever.

farming and ranching is good
characters, combat and everything else is shit

1)Don't treat the players as literal babies. Stop the "Do this" tutorial. Just let players figure things out, And learn from villager's dialogues.

2) Stop outsourcing the art to some cheap company. The art style is still a very important reason players love your game.

3) Don't make some useless gimmick minigames, nobody appreciate that, nobody wanted that. Leave those to the festivals. Not normal daily life actions.

4) Stop making the farmland smaller, look at BTN/FOMT/Stardew Valleys. Players wanted a huge enough farmland to farm with.

5)Fast walking speed, like BTN/FOTM had. Walking around is the most boring shit ever, speed it up!

Just more character and family events is what we need. A reason you're married besides the one or two farm upgrades that are time gated.

But other than that I'll say that the Bokujou series is in a good place. We get regular releases and regular localizations.
Trio of Towns shows that they can still put out good farming games nowadays despite what the whiny nostalgia posters claiming that x game that released on the n64/gba/ps2/etc was the last good one.

The days of bug riddled natsume localizations are behind us.

The first SoS game ran horribly. However the second SoS game, Trio of Towns, runs great.

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What are the quintessential, must-play games in the two series?

Another 3D game would be nice

1) sexy waifus
2) make gameplay like arma 2

How about not making the game look like a mobile game for starters?

Story of Seasons is the successor anyway. There's no saving Harvest Moon cause publishers fucked over the original devs or something

story of seasons PUKES CUM

Fix first winter, seriously, fucking fix first winter. It's insanely fucking boring in every single Harvest Moon, including the fucking copycat Stardew. First winter needs 3 times the fucking events to make it playable. Literally every time I go back to any of these games I can't make it past the middle of winter, because it's so fucking mind numbingly boring.

honestly the whole genre has gone to shit. nothing the new games do come close to the old ones.

>Harvest Moon
Back to Nature/Friends of Mineral Town/More FoMT
>Story of Seasons
Trio of Towna

I got the game for my Vita a couple years ago, but haven't played it. How do you play this type of game? It seems pretty comfy and different from what I usually play, but apparently it's super long?

just take your time farming, getting married is the endgame desu

Are Harvest Moon DS or Sunshine Islands any good?

Its neat
Comfy atmosphere, nice farming with decent depth from Doraemon’s gadget. The townspeople are nice. The main selling point is the highly customizable farm and your house. Framerate can be better, esp when you make a big farm. They are fixing it tho

I could not get into Trio of Towns at all, such an ugly game. Harvest Moon is not meant to be 3d

They're okay, nothing really great or bad

>not meant to be 3d
>when like 80%, sans the gba games, are 3d

Bring back rival marriages, have children/wives be useful by helping you out instead of just being there and bring back child customization from AP.

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yeah and that 20% was the best

>How do we fix the Harvest Moon/Story Of Seasons franchise?
Basically the opposite of all the things you suggested. Put the focus on the farming and some time management. Rather than give the player some stupid town management mini-game because clearing the entire farm is that piss easy, make it a choice to the player if they want to spend all day farming + bathing, spend all day running around socializing, or just spend one day of stamina on farming and then socializing in the evening.

The biggest problem with the newer games is that they let you take care of the entire farm in half a day, then try to give you so much busywork that you then have to choose how to spend the rest of your day.

Is the new SoS they announced a while back the remake or is that another project?

Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is a remake of the GBA title. They're probably going to remix the characters a bit, and might add a few things to do in town, but it looks like a "based on FoMT" game. There's an active thread here.

The Doremon SoS game looks to be something original. Apparently there's no marriage, but otherwise it looks like a SoS title. Not much information about that one yet.

I hope that remake will come out soon.

that one's released in jp alr. 33/40 score

I haven't played Trio of Towns, but Story of Seasons on the 3DS ran like a slideshow and had plenty of glitches and even crashes.

They actually optimized Trio of Towns to run at a good framerate.
The 1st SoS is pretty much obsolete now that trio is out. Unless you want to pursue one of the marriage candidates exclusive to that game that is.