Would you play a Jojo Arcsys fighting game?

Would you play a Jojo Arcsys fighting game?

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I hate jojo and arcshit so definitely not

yeah i'd probably try it

ASB's autocombos bothered me and eyes of heaven is a dumb arena fighter

>Bruno gets a level 3 ARRIVEDERCI super

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Jojo hasn't been about fighting in years though

There are no fights, it's just "REALLY HARD TO BEAT VILLAIN APPEARS WITH completely bullshit loophole WEAKNESS

arcsys games have bad gameplay, so no

Absolutely. Then drop it after 2 days because arcsys is all flare no sustenance

Jojo is the most intelligent shounen ever written. Can you name a better shounen than this? The answer is no, you can't. The fight scenes are so much better than any other shounen fights. These fight scenes are written with brain and intelligence. They're very original fight scenes and don't follow a traditional fight scene formula in any way. Dragon Ball can go fuck itself. Also, the JoJo fanbase are some of the nicest and most intelligent people you will meet on the internet. We just want to have fun and share our fun little memes. I want to marry Araki, but that's muda for me unfortunately. Also, I like gay guys.

totally. I marathoned jojo for the first time a year ago, and tried to watch dragonball super after... it was really hard to get back into watching something so mediocre

Who'd you main?
For me, it's Ghiaccio.

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Kill yourself, secondary.

Based AVGN

What was his name again?

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dirty deeds thunder cheat

amoral atrocities at an affordable amount

I'd play it forever


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foul feats at a fair fee

Funky Feats at a Fair Fee

>All these buttmad babies that can't get into GG or BB.

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Thirty thieves and the thunder cheif

Pecaminous Plays For a Pretty Penny

Yeah lol
>Yo guys, Arc Sys should totally make a fighting game based on X series!!!!

Who fucking wouldn't lets be real here

To be fair Arcsys went full casual with their games nowadays, have you seen crosstag and fighterz?

I just wanted to let people know that this is a game that was developed by Arc System Works

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Dastardly Deals for Diddly Squat

>watched Part 1 before Jojo became really popular in the west, thought it was okay, part 2 was too gay for me
>Part 3 seemed like it had way too much filler, and the fanbase was getting really obnoxious
>eventually I started hating Jojo and Jojofags
>the friends that I introduced Jojo to (all Jojofags) beg me to watch Part 5
>It's literally worth all the hype surrounding it, every praise it's well deserved, holy shit

I hate Araki

Fuck off animeonly

Woeful Works at a Wilted Wage

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I don't like watching anime that much, actually. I started reading Part 4 because lol I ain't watching Part 3 now, fuck that. I like the manga more, I feel, no matter how good DP is, the animation kinda takes away the crazy, Araki-branded flare of his art. I've heard Part 7 is really good, even better than 5, so I'll probably read 4, 6, 7 and 8 and leave it at that.

mucky activities on a sale


>ywn be blessed by jesus himself
Feela bad

7 starts a little slow and there are some lame fights before it picks up bit when it does, it's probably the biggest adventure Araki has ever written.

Their own IPs are still great but ArcSys simplifies the shit out of any crossover stuff they do because they know they need to cash in on babies who don't play fightan. See: BBTAG, DBFZ, GBFV


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get fucked loser

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You think part 2 is too gay but not part 5. I got nothing else to say

Funny Valentine says always make the first n̶a̶p̶k̶i̶n̶ move when going after a 14 year old

I guess I said it wrong. Part 2 is in the closet, while Part 4 and onwards Araki goes full fashion mode, and it's awesome.

it was self-defense rape

Post shitty stand ideas.
The stand of a Joestar who's slowly dying of an unknown illness with no known cure. It's ability is that it can effect objects so that they're uneffected by shit that should change them. Say, for instance, Blackstar slams a bad lad into a wall it made unchanging, it doesn't break the wall but makes the villain hurt like shit.
The ultimate form of Blackstar. It's power is that it literally weaponizes the status quo. For like 7 seconds under it's control nothing matters besides what it does. Nobody can make any true decisions, nobody can die, nobody but the user.

Make up a power for the following stand

「Kids in America」

This is one of the stands I came up with, it's supposed to be emo on purpose because it belongs to a school shooter, please don't bully me.
Stand name: Nine Inch Nails
the stand looks like a shark, but is completely black. The stand can smell blood, and will target the closest person that is currently bleeding, there is no limit to the range. The stand can also fall into the ground and swim through the floor, with it's fin sticking out like a shark. This allows it to move under doors and pursue its victims faster. It attacks by biting off whatever is bleeding. If you get attacked by the stand but survive, you will suffer from a fatal heart attack until the user dies. Anything that hits the stand will come out of the user, and anything that hits the user will come out of the stand, like a portal. The main weakness of the stand is the fact that if the user bleeds, the stand will target him, and his insides do not have the stand's protection.

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The stand's main ability is that it slowly drives the user and everyone else in proximity insane until it's effects are stopped by the user itself or the user is killed. That's it, just Survivor^2.

>little to no waifushit
>people play purely for the characters and not "hurr drr me benis hard"
>would attract the biggest audience, since unlike dbzfags, jojochads aren't that normie
>0 waifuposting in threads
what's not to like?
I only watched till Diamond is unbreakable but I would 1000000% get this game

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part 6's main cast is like 50% waifu


>jojochads aren't that normie

Maybe, but braindead casual nerds know and parrot all the overdone jojo memes without even knowing the context.

Just like I saw some dudes going "omae wa shindeiru xD" and not recognizing a picture of Kenshiro.

「Virtual Insanity」
A punchghost with the powers from the music video to Virtual Insanity

doubt they would get the game but what you're desribing is just redditors in general

It's an autonomous stand bar that summons people who've gone to it to kill people who get in bar fights.

>would attract the biggest audience,
lmao jojofaggots don't know how to play videogames, like 99% of the retards that bought it would drop it in a week.

Want to know how I know how you suck ass at fighting games?

「King Rat」Able to control rats and disease

go ahead mr.user, if you're talking about how I mainly talked about chars, if its anything like GG or BB then its in good hands

Because of how much you care about "waifufaggotry", at high level you don't care about that gargbage.

Go on a blazblue thread user, even getting lobbies is difficult with all the waifufaggotry. The reason I'm worried about it is because I know that any fighting game older than 5 months turns into non stop waifu spam by sperges who don't play the game, its called foresight user.

Who tf would actually waifu any of the part 6 girls besides Anasui

The anime expectedly falters with Araki's more crazy detailed designs.
Part 1-4 was much simpler, but they did decent enough for Part 5.

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>Trying to discuss fightan on Yea Forums
I've been here for around 12 years now, ever before the /vg/ split it's always been the worst place to try and discuss fighting games.

and that is largely due to waifuposting, a Jojo game which has relatively little waifushit would be our savior

You're retarded if you think that, it'd be only animeonlies talking about the anime at best, with nobody ever discussing tech or matchups or whatever.

Arcsystems is all flair and no gameplay. We NEED a jojo game similar to HTTF fuck this 3d shit

dimes 4 crimes

The stand emits a gas that, when you breath it, affects the chemistry of your brain and the balance of your glands, making you fat, dumb and willing to shoot up the nearest school

Where is this coming from? I only played blazblue and a little bit of gg and those games were god tier, is dbfz that bad?

It's a meme.

dbfz is a gorgeous game but it has such a stale meta, almost no defense options, superdash, and how slow they are with dlc just any hype for the game. God I wish it was good it was supposed to be a replacement to mvc

just kills any hype*
Plus all you have to do is look at the Evo 2018 numbers to how it's doing in evo2019