What is the best open world game for ps4?

What is the best open world game for ps4?

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Fallout 76


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I want to fuck xena

red dead 2, if they have a virtual console type thing like xbox then oblivion

I love black haired cuties

selling your meme console and buying a PC is fun.

Are we talking PS4 exclusives or no? Gravity Rush 2 and RDR2 are probably the best open worlds this gen

gtav unironically

Fallout 4 is good.

Days Gone.

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I enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn

I got bored with it about halfway through.

PS4 doesn't have exclusives anymore.

Second this. Fun loot shoot game and exploration is comfy


Can't even say it's good. I like your honesty.

“Good” is subjective. It’s a garbage rpg. It’s a good looter shooter.


Fun and comfy aren't?

Horizon Zero Dawn, Spidey, or Days Gone.

Of course they are. We’re being asked about our opinions here, aren’t we? This isn’t a science class.

You're not wrong, which is why GR2 was said since that's pretty much the only one

>We’re being asked about our opinions here, aren’t we?


Life must be hard for you, I'm sorry.

>grew up watching xena
you younglings missed out

OP asked for good games. Not what is a good game in your opinion. Fucking summer, I swear..

Boooring and pretentious.

>good games
So, subjective.

Xena came out while I was going through puberty, but I never really thought of her as hot at any point during the she's run. Pretty for sure, but she never really did it for me, and I can't tell you why. Lucy Flawless aged like fine wine though.

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Horizon Zero Dawn, of course.

have to admit i sunk a lot of time into Fallout 4, even without mods.


As someone who also grew up watching Xena, no they did not, that final couple of seasons was absolute shit.

Yeah...and since “good” is by definition subjective, we’re being asked an opinionated question

I stopped watching after Ares put her in an ice cave. What did I miss?

did this nigga just call a Rockstar game pretentious...

>aged like fine wine
Even better than that. Watch Spartacus

>Fallout 4 is good

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Why do you think i posted it

I've never seen it, but have heard it's good. I have rubbed a few out to a couple specific scenes though.

"wait a minute... Xena can't fly?"
"i told you i'm not Xena, I'm Lucy Lawless."

I was amazed that GTAV ran on PS4/360 in 2013, and I'm blown away this runs on consoles (albeit horribly).

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watch ash vs evil dead.

yes summerfags are actually that stupid

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this user knows whats up
try not to bee too disappointed about no season four Mad Ash v Evil Dead

There actually rebooting this why?

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>no season 4
>the ending to season 3

oh the fucking possibilities.

Because they've been tapped dry of original ideas for years, and girls who grew up watching the show are at the age where they can spend a ton of their husband's money on shit now.

They are?

Couldn't care less, I still have the original on DVD

Xena will be cast as a black

Nah you mean Asian?

They have been saying it for years, and have had no forward progression. It might still happen, but it's been in limbo for a long while now.

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girls watched xena? lol

Xena, Buffy and that one tv series about a hot asian teacher looking for treasures in ancient ruins were probably both my first "real life" waifus.
The Lost World had some cuties as well and that series was amazing.

Why don't you suck their dick a little harder. They might actually feel it and make you a character in their pretentious bullshit.

Sliders video game when?

While way more guys watched Xena than girls did, women spend way more money than guys do, so even if just a small part of the fanbase is women, it's often more profitable to cater to them than it is to go for the men. Only reason I mentioned girls, and not guys.

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Relic Hunter I presume? And Buffy will always be kino. Even got some decent games out of show too.

Best scene in both parts of Sin Trade

I didnt know zena was so thick

Yeah Relic Hunter.
Really wanna rewatch all of them, I bet they still hold up.

I did think Xena was hot, but I know what you mean about finding a woman pretty but feeling no attraction to her. That's how I feel about Jennifer Morrison. She's an objectively gorgeous woman, and yet I don't really find her hot.

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I rewatched Buffy a couple of months ago. I think I appreciated it more as an adult than I did as a teenager.

If they're hurting for ideas that badly, they should do that Sam and Jesse Burn Notice spinoff I heard rumors about years ago.

U ever thought its because your not white and attracted to women of european ancestry but rather attracted to Ch!nk cartoon girls instead?

Hell yeah but what could they do with that? Weston off the grid and that Irish chick is too i think she was hot but skin n bones

holy fuck when is this coming to PC


I'm still amazed they managed to fit 1's map in with the current map.

>Hell yeah but what could they do with that?
Same thing they did with the original show, just without Mike and Fiona. At least not as regulars, anyway. They could show up occasionally, but I think Jeffrey Donovan is totally against playing Mike ever again. But they could just stick to client-of-the-week stories like they did for the first few seasons of Burn Notice. That was when the show was the most fun, before everything became about The Man Behind the Man Behind the Man Who Really Burned Michael.

>Jeffrey Donovan is totally against playing Mike ever again
Guess you can't blame him the guy

I imagine it's the same for a lot of TV actors. They don't want to be stuck as one character forever, they want to branch out and do other stuff. Totally understandable. But then you've got Patrick Stewart coming back to play Picard again.

TW3 or RDR2