What's the best looking gaming hardware?

What's the best looking gaming hardware?

Attached: Japanese TG-16 with CD-ROM add-on attached.jpg (500x282, 18K)

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Can't beat the wood paneling.

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I hated how Japan and Europeans got this beauty while we got the kiddy block crap

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closest we got was the model 2 later but agreed, wish we got it over the original.

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I keep forgetting that was a thing

But yeah, it should have been like that since the beginning

God that aesthetic looked so good. I miss it so much.

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Looks like the Gundam F91 in console form.

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i've never seen this before in my life wtf
the purple, gray, and black color combo is cooler

Looks like a modified dreamcast.

This weird thing and the PS2 (maybe in silver) nailed the 2000s / Y2K aesthetic really well. Mirrors, silver, chrome, and gooey liquid.

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Y2K design fucking rules and I wish we still had it instead of the MUH MINIMALISM shit we've got now.

None of these

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I wonder what one of these would cost nowadays. Probably absurd, especially outside Japan.

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Certainly not that.

This is hideous fucking monstrosity. Why did you post this?

The black Atari 2600 is fine, but the wood paneling on this looks like shit and really dates the console

Panasonic Q is hideous as fuck and looks like a glass plastic abomination

N64 looks like shit to begin with

This is okay but what's with the random two tone gray and then random rainbow colors out of nowhere?

This is slowly becoming aesthetic, compared to the others, but the red and yellow and random pastels...

This is aesthetic. Clean. Compact.

No one gives a shit about you're trash opinion, kek

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Helloooo blast from the past. Piece of shit console didn’t work

Nice contribution to the thread, you fucking faggot.

Stay lifeless and irrelevant.


Looks better without the addons

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moshi moshi

I'm better, smarter, stronger, more intelligent, more knowledgeable, able to lift more, have had more sex, am taller, am better than you in any way possible, stronger too. Watch yourself kid.

You can't even compete with these A E S T H E T I C S

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Famicom > NES

Say what you want about how the console turned out, but I always thought it looked nice. Gamepad wasn't super aesthetic, but the actual console was pretty sleek.

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And you aren't even able to contribute to an aesthetic console thread.


That shit looks like something you'd expect to see on a space station in a movie. Fucking awesome.

This has hints of good design, but ultimately falls on the "too big and clunky" end.

This Wondermega is a lot more aesthetically pleasing.

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Have sex, your opinions are contrarian and trash so I know you're coping with your inadequacy by trying to be different

>glossy black plastic
It only looks nice in official pictures or right after you've wiped down all the finger grease and smudges

The Wii U gamepad and system both look pretty decent. The gamepad looks like it could be a game system on it's own.

Great description.

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What are you doing with your consoles, user? Molesting them?

This and the Dreamcast look great.

I'd say game boy micro or neo geo pocket color. Never had any of them two but I find them aesthetically pleasing for some reason.

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>not engaging in relationships with your video game consoles

not to mention scratches like a bitch and is impossible to restore. In 5 years all Wii U's will look repulsive.

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I bought one for 50 bucks about 2 years ago.

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Hey dumbasses, you can't /thread something in your own post that's not how this works. Lurk moar and shut the fuck up more often.

You have to handle the Wii U tablet. The white Wii U looks better and cleaner but NA hates white consoles for some reason.

The integrated unit certainly improved on that, but I still wouldn't call it pretty.

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I understand the tablet, but you should be cleaning all of your controllers and at least dusting the console regularly anyway. Doesn't mean the base console doesn't look slick.

Love the Saturn, some great games there user.

Can 80s utilitarian design ever be surpassed?

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Kek fuck off newfag, learn to recognize bait? Or are you too retarded?

op's mom's pussy

nothing about that is Y2K you retarded zoomers

That's because the original black one is the only good looking one

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No. No modern PC will ever compared to the Sharp X68000.

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only zoomers think this

the PSX. as in, the REAL psx, not the ps1 which suddenly everyone calls the psx even though an actual psx exists.
yeah yeah okay cocksmoker.

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This is how you identify children and insecure manchildren.

The American SNES was far superior, it just had a strange color choice. The brutalist aesthetic of the SNES was fantastic.
The european one looks like a misshapen door wedge.

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looks like some shitty 70's hospital equipment

Large and in charge

>finger grease
found the brit

Only a console this beautiful can produce an image this beautiful.

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>controller not designed for handlets
This image should have used the analog controller.

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This looks hideous. The American TurboGrafx is not great but it looks leagues better than this garbage.

A remarkably comfortable pad that is still being copied to this day.

There's a lot of things wrong with this console.

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Using aesthetic as a noun and not a pronoun = you are garbage and your opinion is void.

PSOne >>>>>>>>>> PS1 = PSX

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i wish companies would copy dome analog sticks


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too soft, too small. it belong on a girls vanity mirror

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>vertical or horizontal orientations
>the logo can rotate to match

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Aesthetic is a noun you fucking moron.

top zoom

You couldn't play Genesis Virtua Racing with the 32X

being able to turn the logo to whichever way you had the console standing is pure aesthetic

I always thought that was badass when I was a kid. I was a poorfag then so no way i could buy all that shit but damn was it impressive to see at a friends house.

>tfw games will never be sold physical only again

>no game genie

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The japanese version of the console is surprisingly cheap

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Hideous as fuck

I've always been curious in human behavior. What I've noticed is:
>Whites/Asians tend to gravitate toward PC
>Minorities and trashier whites tend to gravitate toward PlayStation
>Kids under 18 tend to gravitate toward Xbox
>Pedophiles seem to be enthralled with Nintendo.

Why is this?

What is hideous about it? At least it's compact unlike the turbografx.

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Asians are mostly console gods. PC is huge in mexico.

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The OG GBA in glacier, the Dreamcast, the DSlite, and the PSOne.

Gamecube and PS2 also look great.

never seen this model of the saturn before, sexy as fuck

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The Famicom on it's own looks good. But the ram adapter and disk system ruin it.

That's why the Sharp Twin Famicom is the best looking Famicom.

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IMO, the PlayStation One is the best looking system. I just love the sleek redesign.

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We need to go more utilitarian.

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It looks like a mangled, misshapen box with indentations all over it with words.

>pedophiles and nintendo
probably because its a childish icon and a lot of the games are from their childhood, idunno
>kids and xbox
xbox has been the most popular console in the west for multiplayer and multiplayer shooters, kids just want to play with their friends, so xbox is an obvious choice
>minorities, white trash, and playstation
to me it always seemed they grabbed playstation because ps online used to(or it still is?) be free. Or, since most didnt have internet, because a lot of the games were single player heavy.
>whites and asians towards pc
less whites generally and more white hobbyists. white nerds and asian nerds know what they like and they like options, PC is the way to go

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I remember you. You must really love your systems, and taking photos of them.

Good for you user.

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The vita looks okay.

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hope you like 3 power bricks

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Looks better than the plain, cheap, black box of the turbografx. The logo looks nicer too. Nothing looks mangled about it and most consoles have words somewhere.

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If it wa sblack it would look a lot better, but it still just seems like it's too small for its own good.


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Why does it have to be big and black, user?

>Whites/Asians tend to gravitate toward PC
Poorfag slavs/SEAmonkeys rocking toasters meet richfags building top-tier battlestations

>Minorities and trashier whites tend to gravitate toward PlayStation
Dead simple operation and traditionally had the most varied lineup

>Kids under 18 tend to gravitate toward Xbox
Reputation for edgy military shooters make the tykes feel super cool and mature

>Pedophiles seem to be enthralled with Nintendo.
Serious mental issues.

bought one during my trip to japan, love it

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then why are games still being made for it?


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I love my handhelds

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Looks like a rice cooker.

So does your mother but I don't see a need to point it out. Chop chop, and bring the chop suey along with the fried dumplings.

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>super turrican director's cut and ultracore isn't dumped yet


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Is that what I think it is? A TV with built-in SNES?

The 2600 is still winning this thread, in case you guys couldnt tell. Maybe next to the gameboy/pocket.

PS2 Slim.

Older ones look better. It isn't just nostalgia

yeah, I'm thinking Atari is back.

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Not happening now or ever. That thing was literally a scam.

Gamecube is up there.

unironically the fortnite xbox one s. I would never buy an xbox one though

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>The black Atari 2600 is fine, but the wood paneling on this looks like shit and really dates the console
It dates it but that's part of the charm. 80s is chic right now after all

It'd be interesting to see a DS or 3DS design that took more from the OG GBA, while still having the clamshell second screen.

I love this console.

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These are great.

Personally, I really like the PlayStation TV. Makes me really wish Nintendo had done something similar for DS/3DS.

The Vita itself is also a very aesthetically pleasing piece of hardware.

I also like the New 3DS model and the DSi model.

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This has to be sarcastic. It was a purple box with a handle!

I bought a boxed one for $33 4 months ago.

I have the NES equivalent of this. A friend of mine asked if I could store some of his dad's shit in my attic because his dad's place got flooded. His dad fucking died and I inherited most of the shit he had brought over. He came and picked up a few things and didn't care for the other stuff so said I could keep it

something something final form

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If everything in that picture was actually functional and had a purpose that was commonly used, it would be my favorite in the thread. It doesn't waste space while not being overwhelming. It has kind of a cockpit look to it. For simple designs, Sega Saturn and Dreamcast are awesome. Why was Sega so good at designing consoles?

It was an aesthetic cube. The default purple could have been a better shade, though.
My black one looks great.

this joystick is really shitty

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psp slim / vita 1000

>jap 80s/90s computers died because of windows
Gates and Embalmer were the real little boy and fat man

nothing like eye-blazing blue led that you can't dim when you watch a film

>Virtua Racing

>& Knuckles

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These for me. Always liked them both. Especially all the colors you can get for them. Slim PS2 is up there with these as well. Consoles should be tiny little things you can carry easy.

>Why was Sega so good at designing consoles?
They've had lots of hardware experience with their arcade games.

Why tho?


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People of a different age group would think the curved SNES looked like a kid's toy, and the blocky SNES looked like it belonged next to your TV, VCR, and the rest of your entertainment system. Same with the PlayStation redesign .

Was having only one controller port NEC's gimmick? All their hardware has this shit.

have it

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You right

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Is nobody mentioning the neo geo AES so far some kind of fucking inside joke I don't get? what's wrong with you people.

Everything about this look has aged amazingly well, it looks like a sleek piece of Hi-Fi equipment, it looks upmarket and luxurious, restrained. Even the script on the logos is perfect.

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and that's without mentioning this work of art.

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Nobody fucking owned one back in the day richfag. That's why.

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