Is it finally worth it now that its $16?

Is it finally worth it now that its $16?

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only for the plastic case and the controller.
the internals are pretty much useless.

Is the games list still shit awful?

is it really?

It's $24 at Best Buy but if you price match at Target and use a coupon on their app it knocks it down to $16.

No. OP must be talking about a sale. It's $60 without sales.

controllers. it comes with two. and the internals are more powerful than a pi3 which more than enough to emulate ps1 and everything that came before it (except for Saturn of course)

Obviously you fucking idiot.

No because running an emulator on your computer is free and the games on the classic are dog shit.

atleast he isn't a tripfag

Ps3 has ps1 classics already

$16 for 2 ps1 controllers to use when playing mednafen isn't worth it? as a bonus you can hack the console and install retroarch with better performance than a pi3

paid $25 for mine a month after the thing released and I have no regrets

Just remake the PS2
The one with the greatest library of all time.

Release or re-release a console every year, alternating between next gen and 3 generations ago and 6 generations ago.

Hipster b8

T. Zoomee

Not at all. Unless you want it for nostalgia, there is fuck all reason to get one because the game selection is shit.

yo guys what if sony, nintendo, or ms launched their newest console as a classic mini console first, and then later released it as a full sized console

what do you guys think of that carazy idea?

you guys know you can buy chinese consoles loaded to the brim with roms and isos on fucking amazon for like 12 dollars

I think what irritates me more is that not a single time has Sony apologized for how much they fucked up on this thing. Even had the audacity to have a god damn animated commercial and fucking podcast shilling the stupid thing.

The funny part though was going to a game convention in June and it was there; never saw a single person play it even though they COULD for free.

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Yeah that will never happen.
Did Sega ever apologized for 200 shit versions of the genesis they produced?

they're shit

it's seriously not worth it, it takes up space and runs in 50hrz making the games unplayable.

who the hell would run this thing stock? you hack it

Go to Etsy and and buy a modded one with 100+ games loaded into it

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>spending money to modify a product when you can just run an emulator on your phone for free or pc

still shit

Do you have a loose 32 GB usb stick lying around? then buy it, put autobleem and retroarch and play better emulators on it.

They've been upfront about their failings in the past decade. Look what they're doing with the Genesis Mini. It's hilarious how everyone BUT Sony understood how important it was to make something not shitty for those with a collector mindset.

Not really. For an extra $19, you could have a raspberry pi 3, which is better anyway.
> Inb4 the controller
The PS1 controller is utter dogshit, just get any other controller you have lying around and use that.

If you run a game off a regular PS1/2 you get that authentic experience. I can see people liking that.

If you run a game off a decent computer, you have all kinds of options like PGXP perspective correction, simulated processor overclock, and ridiculously high resolutions. I can see the appeal of playing this way as well.

With this thing you just get a shit up version of the game. Not the authentic game, and not an improved game. Sure you can hack it, but even then you are on "pi power". You wont be running 1080p PGXP games on this. There is no market for this.

I'm just glad the Genesis mini is shaping up to be pretty decent. The only flaw is no Sonic 3&K/Ristar/Rocket Knight but it still looks really solid regardless.

>Paying someone to mod your stuff instead of doing it yourself
How are you that useless? You probably call the police every time you clog your toilet or get a flat tire because you don't know how to do anything

Anthem is $5 in a store near me, worth it?

Just get a Ps3, Vita, or PSP.

i thought the ps3 was STILL unhackable

wut? All fats and some slims have been CFW capable for like two years now. Shit takes like 10 minutes. BDEmu isn't 100% but I'm not picky

No, just emulate it.
Even the gamepad isn't worth it, just get a cheap dualshock 3 or 4 off ebay.

If one of the controllers had analog sticks I'd pick one up, it's slightly more convenient than using a DS3 for emulation.

As is, I can't really imagine any use-case scenarios.

>if you price match at Target and use a coupon on their app
which you aren't supposed to do

is the dpad one these any good or is it just a standard sony dpad?

Is this shit even worth it for hacking? Seems like you'd be better off just getting a raspberry pi for emulation.

>Metal Gear Solid
>Dino Crisis
>Resident Evil
>Twisted Metal
>Final Fantasy VII
>Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

PS1 has always been Sony's version of the N64 in terms of kino.

If you install Retroarch.

he has 2 chrono crosses so yes he is that useless

real DS2 or 3 are same price as the PSC or more, usually gunked up as shit or broken requiring conductive ink to fix

i thought this emulated terribly though? or do you have to mod in the good emulation?

its okay just some games are running 50hz out of the box which causes a stutterfest, so yes u have to mod in the good shit.

loading RetroArch is just werks-tier easy, and the controllers alone are worth $8 each

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ive seen alot of people fail to install bleemsync 1.1 for usb otg support they probably just zoomer'ed out when waiting for the custom kernel to install and fucked it up