This is on par with Persona 5 as best jrpg this gen

This is on par with Persona 5 as best jrpg this gen

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best RPG*

on par is implying that persona is a good game. get that trashy weeaboo shovelware out of my face if you want to discuss a proper jrpg series like dragon quest

>persona fag thinks thier shitty series is anywhere near DQ11 because "muh friends and waifus"

this has to be an ironic post.

Persona 5 is the worst Persona but DQ11 is another bog standard generic JRPG like every other DQ game.

Nah it's really, really boring. Doesn't even come close to P5. P5 was goty material.

>Thinking DQXI is any better than P5

the best persona game is still worse than even dragon quest 2 and 6

>recycled game from the past 20 years
omg best game this gen, i'm totally not a dying fossil honest

Yeah they’re both amazing games. I would put SMT IV Apocalypse up there with them as well.

"Hehe i relate so much to futaba because I prefer to be alone and just playing game" stop playing bad games and appreciate the masterpieces put in front of you.

Dont forget final fantasy 13.

I haven’t played FF13 so I don’t know about that. The most recent FF game I’ve played is FFX and that game was pretty good.

I hope you're being unironic about IVA being a good game

This gen meaning 2013 onward has a lot of competition

>Persona 5
>Dragon Quest XI
>Xenoblade Chronicles X and 2
>FFXIV and expansions

Lmao what

You buying the definitive version, bros?
I don't actually give a shit about you, but i need to make sure nintendo is fully absorbing all the fleeing weebs from sony new westernized censorship obsessed direction.
I want all the weebs onto the switch.
They're disgusting little cockroaches but they're going to benefit the system economically massively.

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>thinking nier or p5 is a good game
I didn't know underage people where allowed on Yea Forums

Aren't we naming the worst gsmes in their series?

xenoblade 2 LMAO. forgetting that XI is the only good game you listed there, xenoblade 2 is just hilarious to see anywhere being called good

You’re a retarded 18 year old aren’t you

Many would say the same of XIV

Of course I am. SMT IV Apocalypse is my favorite SMT game. It has everything I ever wanted in an SMT game in it.

Your post confuses me user.

Uh oh someone's mad that they got called out for being a child.

Outside of those listed it's a good contender.

>persona 5


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Having 10 anime girlfriends is unironically based. I suggest you return 2 reddit or whatever normalfag website you came from

Nier Automata is the best but I will never understand why people insist on calling it an RPG. It's an action adventure game.

>Having 10 anime girlfriends is unironically based
That's actually disgusting zoomer shit.
Back in my day people had 1 waifu at a time.
And they would break up with their previous one before moving on to the next, and they would only do this 3, 4 times max in their lifetime, if even that.
Having more than one waifu is reprehensible.

>breaking up with your waifu
This is how I know you’re a newfag who doesn’t understand what a waifu is

Wouldn't it be more accurate to call it an Action RPG?

Nier:A is nowhere close to top games this gen. The game is 8/10 at best with that combat/sidequests/enviornments/lack of replayability

Serena was best girl.

Undeniable facts

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nice try but im still not going to play p5

What exactly does this game introduce that hasn't already been done within the series?

Dragon Quest aims to please boomer RPG fans that only care about rigid, turn-based combat, and cookie cutter plots that are boring as hell.

The series is literally kept alive for nostalgia, nothing else.

Play it. It's the game of this generation.

Fisksouppe girl best girl

Horse riding.
Portable save points.
Pep Powers (aka limit breaks/overdrives but with team combinations)
GIANT towns with no load screens
Side Quests clearly labeled with great rewards

that's a start, I didn't mention Draconian Quest and other substantial stuff

tried 3 several times and could never sit through it, furthest i got was the dog and the kid, 4 and 5 seem like worse settings for me

I should get back to it. Idk why but I often stop playing a game randomly and never get back to it. The OST was annoying me so I installed the orchestral mod then stopped playing like an hour after even though it made it much better.

Persona 5 is so much better than Persona 3 it's not even funny. They're worlds apart. You basically do nothing for 90% of P3 while in P5 it's constant action from the beginning.

Final Fantasy X-2 is better than both

Both have ridiculously inflated playtimes. Whatever happened to short and sweet JRPGs?

mordegon was a shit final boss desu

i dun wanna play it
ffx2 is good premise bad execution, contrary to popular opinion that the combat is good

FFXIV is an MMO retard, you're comparing niggers to white men here, lol.

Most of DQXI playtime is at least proper gameplay. Persona's "social gameplay" is very overrated.

modern jrpgfags need better taste

it's just rereading the same texts/repeat dialogue and bland talk to me dialogue over and over again, that shit really must take up at least 20% of a playthrough

I don't see the big deal. i stopped playing as soon as you get your first party member. it seems like generic dragonshit at least persona has a unique concept.

dude highschool lmao so unique

dude dragons lmao so unique

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thats the point retard, both of them arent very unique. one just has a following of edgelords who think smt is a "deep" series

>Persona 5 is so much better than Persona 3 it's not even funny.

Fuck off. The Persona games have literally been copies of themselves for 3 games, 4 to 5 was the least creative jump.

I think he is talking about the female characters from Sony getting the titties nerfed

>one just has a following of edgelords who think smt is a "deep" series
what is your point? you dragonquestfags seem obsessed with persona

Her losing the spell echo really hurt

Well they're definitely doing it wrong since the producer got so many hate mails that he had to openly request for them to stop.

Anytime he appeals for more preorders he gets attacked.

the whole post game was a wreck. there was no reason for all that shit to go down and make all your efforts feel pointless

Yeah, also, none of the time travel even makes sense

t. P5baby

I played every Persona game faggot. Persona 5 is the best one.



I guess, but it seems he despises the people that plays those games but wishes for them to flock to one console so it flourishes, sounds weird.

This thread just shows how much better last gen was regarding jrpgs.

>This is on par with Persona 5 as best jrpg this gen

to be fair no other JRPGs this gen are that good.

KH3 was average and a bit too easy
FFXV is incomplete, shit combat system, and fell hard with the whole "open world" meme

last gen was horrible. ps2 was the last gen to have good ones in it with bombs on all 3 consoles

Lost Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles alone make it the most precious gen compared to this one.

Hell, Persona 5 is a last gen game too.

P5 was fucking garbage and I say this as a huge persona fan

DQXI was good but disappointing, I'd rank most other DQs ahead of it. Fuck act 3.
I'm also inclined to agree with after having gone back and playing 3 and 4.