Willingly plays a game with a bisexual main character

>willingly plays a game with a bisexual main character
Oh man, that's gonna be a big yikes from me, dawg.

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>willingly plays a game with a loli android prostitute
Oh man, that's gonna be a big BASED from me, dawg.

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Why don't the devs just say hella she's gay instead of bi?

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>willingly play game with
Uh, what was her name again?

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What's her fucking problem.

The fuck is this.
The fuck is that

Mascot character gets to do whatever she wants.

Why would anybody want that

Imagine playing a game where you're female and only want to take dick.

Bisexuality isn't a real sexuality, is just a fetish.

Even if that were true, this is fiction

>Imagine playing a game where you're female
Why I would do that?

Fiction based on real world things.

No, not in the slightest

Ok. She had to pick a side and thank God she did.

There are no bisexual or gay women. There are only women who hide temporary from the one unbeatable foe, to no avail.

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Because they didn't want to alienate the waifufags


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Because being bi is better than being full blown gay.

Reminder that bisexuals are literal deviants. 99% of the population is monosexual.

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Faggots like you are also literal deviants
Where is your point

Ok, 1%.

>implying anyone here isn't a deviant
You're on Yea Forums.

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Hi I'll take one Stella and one P-piano woman

At least I'm not (((2%)))

She is by far the worst part of the game, it's a good thing the rest of it is good.

>a fetish
no its greed
t. bisexual guy

Your class are Jews' best friends.

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You would know, fucking kike

I want to make out with Dana's abs

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who doesnt

me on the right

Porn addict.

Attached: Porn_Bi.png (1080x779, 146K)


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you're just gay faggot

>the muscle definition on bosslady
fucking perfect

Don't dare to associate gays with (((biscum))).

Hentai is a lifestyle

Is that game any looks comfy

Excuse me?

At least the vast majority is monosexual.

You say that like they aren't all faggots

Hence, monosexual.

And how is that significant?

My point is that sexuality is binary by default.

Sexuality is heterosexual by default
Anything else is conjecture

There are records of homosexual behaviour in the animal kingdom.

That could also indicate bisexuality. Your argument is baseless.

Thanks for proving me right.

>not being bisexual mustard race
how does it feel having so few options.
good luck getting that threesome going.


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Explain how homosexuality and lesbianism are not fetishes while bisexuality somehow is.

>unwillingly plays a game
I hope they rescue you from that basement you're locked in, OP; whoever is doing this to you needs to be brought to justice.

Want to play this game because i like VNs but i hate fags. What do?

>filename changed to avoid controversy.jpg
Is no one going to ask about this?
Is there any story related to this picture, especially the filename or did OP just named it like this for no reason?

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Play it so you don't be a fucking political cuck. Only cucks deny themselves something they'd enjoy because of stupid politics in a piece of fiction that don't even amount to much.

>he doesn't know

Hating fags isn't political, it's natural.

Sexuality is binary. Liking both is just a fetishist phase and indeed most people who self-identify as bisexual do settle down in a monogamous relationship (usually straight).

The official answer goes as follows: It was a Facebook filename.

>GFL Japan is getting the Va11-ha11a event some time after the US.
>The Japanese version will have voice acting. So Jill and co will have CANON FUCKING VOICES
I'm cautious.

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valhalla dev is a literal discord tranny
or at least he discusses dilation and gender disphoria with his tranny friends on discordo

You don't know what this word means.

>play the game expecting a comfy experience
>it's sjw shit about everyone being a faggot and fucking children

What did you expected from a game that makes you play as the same (((species))) that created Pride?

>Valhalla with voice acting
I don't know what to make of it

Attached: 23hyu.png (500x380, 208K)

this is corporate bullying where the manager knows the employee wants it, but will never have

>play cyberpunk game
>it's full of degeneracy
Wow, who would have guessed.

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its basically how you sound like when complaining about stupid shit like that, like a faggot children
who would´ve thought huh?

This game is based and somehow slips a lot of shit past the gamejourno radar.

It's refreshing to play after 2064, which was good but has a pervasive sterile feel like the devs live their lives in constant fear of inevitably getting "called out" for misrepresenting trans otherkin or something.

>fucking children

>Being in a relationship with one person means you are no longer attracted to other people
You are retarded

probably Dorothy but shes a robot

I was thinking that too. user is probably a kneejerk retard who's never even heard of the game.

I don't understand how anyone could not like cute bisexual girls. Imagine having two of them as girlfriends? That would be amazing.

Only butthurt lesbians and the most uptight of purityfags.

>vallhalla thread will forever be gacha shit now
Why cant you retards stop spreading your cancer around?

At least we still have Nirvana
until gacha also gets a hold of it

What about bi boys?

Equally as patrician as bi girls. Maybe moreso because they're more likely to be a little sexually repressed than bi girls.

I should suffice for my partner and my partner should be enough for me.

Yeah, the vast majorities of the cases the bisexual phase it's just a funny, irrelevant story.

Bisexual men literally have more AIDS than gays and not even bisexual women like you.

Is Jill really bisexual? The one time she had a chance to get some dick, she laughed at it and the dude left.

Imagine spending your free time LARPing as a fundie on Yea Forums.

I don kinda wish you could establish your character's sexual orientation during character creation. Have options for straight, gay, and bi/ open, sure, but make it there. Getting tired of playing Bioware games and picking dialogue options like, "Nice day, huh?" and having my character tell the burly warrior man, "Nice day for 69ing each other in a sweaty manpile, huh?"

No one except that group that they think might buy it but actually not will buy it.

She's equally attracted to both sexes. Dicks are just funny looking.

Theres's also Sukeban's Next Game (yes. its currently being refered to as Next Game)
The protag for that game is a QT and an absolute dork.

Its paying off since your retarded ass cant stop replying.

How it was in Fable? I think it wasn't unclear until you begin to have s- I mean fornicate, right?

>have a fight with your gf
>she fucks herself with a cucumber
>makes a salad from it and feeds you
>then tells you what she did
Jill's gf never appeared onscreen and she was still best girl.

This is my first reply to you, but I'm still happy to contribute a (You).

You underestimate the powers of yuri pandering user.

never heard of it
got art of the qt?

she shows up if you count the picture

I think Fable 1 was hetero only, though I could be wrong. Fable 2 was definitely completely bisexual.

Fable 3, on the other hand, was literally a game about nonstop gay flirting. I'm so fucking serious right now. You had to dance with men and kiss them to make them like you so you could take the throne and defend it. Fable 3 was an honest-to-god gay game.

>girlfriend gets revenge on you by making food from vegetables she put in her vagina
"That's disgusting," he said, taking a swig of Gamer Girl Bath Water.

>Maria-sama ga Miteru was decades ago.
Oh God. Also, I love yuri, and borderline yuri stuff is right on my alley too.

>I think Fable 1 was hetero only
You could be fucked by that guy that owns the whorehouse while being cross-dressed and he drunk.

>To usurp Grope, the Hero must acquire the Bordello Deeds, which can be dug up from under an old tree down by the lake. Grope will disclose their whereabouts to the Hero if a) the Hero gets him drunk by giving him beers, in which case Grope will go upstairs to sleep it off, or b) the Hero clothes himself in a dress and wears the Redhead Wig (which can be obtained from a dresser on the second floor of the Bordello), then proceeds to sleep with Grope. In both scenarios, Grope will divulge the Deeds' location whilst muttering in his sleep.

It's okay, when I wear the wig I'm a girl.

>I think Fable 1 was hetero only
I absolutely remember all the dudes in Bowerstone that spend all day moving those boxes having floating hearts above their heads from my Hero's sheer alpha aura, but I never tried fucking them.