>party member betrays you and becomes the villain
Party member betrays you and becomes the villain
>Party member screws you over, but the situation a so stacked against him that you honestly can't blame him
>boss tries to cast charm on you
>party member cucks you so hard he makes your girl braindead
>party member keeps getting more feminine
>you betray your party and become the villain
Is there a game where you betray your party members?
not gay, but i'd fuck 3 and raise 4 as my daughter
devs are scared to make us the bad guys
>cutest character is not the protagonist romantic interest
>party member does nothing wrong
SMT 4 Apocalypse. Shit's pretty cash.
Soul nomad kinda. You get power at the beginning of the game which you can then choose to use for evil instead. It's a ng+ only path iirc though
IIRC Breath of Fire 4 not only lets you but you become the Final Boss you'd be fighting otherwise and get to play out the fight from his perspective.
No so much party members, but you are the bad guy in Nier.
People shit on this, but the 2016 version is nearly identical to how he looked in the manga.
I know it had severe budget problems and the director wasn't suited for the genre, but I really like Berserk 2016 for what it is. When they COULD do 2D, it looked mostly fantastic, and it was also very accurate to the manga. The director has said he owns all volumes of the manga, too, and that this was his dream project. If only it had gotten more money, it would've been fantastic. The director did the Devil May Cry anime with a big budget, and it was alright.
1 is the best and the quality steadily goes down the tube from there, they remembered how Griffith was a fucking male and not a tranny
Griffith going full evil mode is Guts' fault.
Guts is a fucking idiot.
I want to buttfuck 2016
“Sir Sigurd, this is an auspicious day! We’ve greatly anticipated your return to the motherland.”
>they remembered how Griffith was a fucking male
No adaptation to date has managed to make Griffith look as feminine as he is in the manga. He's almost indistinguishable from the female characters at points. He's not supposed to look like some chad knight, like he is in the 1997 show - he's supposed to look androgynous.
Not like Guts had much of a choice in the matter.
>fishing minigame
>antagonist anally fucks your party member
Griffith doesn't look like a chad in the 1997 show, he looks like a feminine guy but I can still tell he's a guy.
It's a better design over the trap version in the manga anyway.
You should add recent chapter
It's hilarious how berserk become idolm@ster itself
>party member mysteriously gets a lot of money
>guts made griffith get caught fucking charlotte
>game have a permanent damage
>The anal was so good that the antagonist becomes obsessed with meeting the party member again, which the party member predicts and exploits to win a difficult battle
>The party member makes sure to kill the antagonist to ensure that rumors of what they did never spread
Yeah, remember when guts locked griffith in with the princess and forced him to fuck her?
>guts made griffith make a hasty decision with not a 100% clear head because he was still emotionally fucked over by guts being a retard and leaving because "durr i gotta be on the same level as griffith"
Yeah, he did make Griffith do that you fucking idiots.