Should this really be allowed n games?

Should this really be allowed n games?

Attached: Ass.jpg (1714x1961, 281K)

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Absolutely not. Tattoos are degenerate.

No, tattoos look like shit and shouldn't be in games.

Fucking of course not. All nude models should be anatomically correct. Where's her fucking nipple?

No making characters that ugly should never be allowed. Lady was such a turn on in DMC4 & now she's so disgusting even her naked still looks awful.

Everything should be allowed in games forever.

cute butt

Yes, I do believe Ass.jpg should be allowed in video games.

Female nipples are verbotten on japanese vidoegames

No because she should be on my face instead.

Now that's problematic!

Sony does not approve of this image.

Anyone else love when girls get these whore marks? Saves me the trouble of having to get to know them and then finding out they are trash after a few dates. Can skip all that and realize they are trash instantly by the whore marks they have inked in to their skin?

have sex

What does the n stand for?

Capcom fucked up all their girls between the REmake 2 goblina and the DMCV meth whores. I still laugh every time I see nu-Trish's tiny titties completely fail to fill out her corset.

Play video games.

I still can't believe Agnus had sex..

Wheres her areola and why's her ass so flat?


dat ass is phat

Flat asses? No.

Attached: Meowriza2b.jpg (960x1280, 155K)


god damn what a huge fucking faggot.
games are about gameplay, not fucking tits, if you want tits then literally have sex

Why the fuck do americans use german words out of context when probably no one even understands what they mean by it ?

And it's "verboten"

you have never seen an areola or an ass irl

kys degenerate tranny, man asses are disgusting.

No, tattoos are shit

As if you've ever gotten to know any women.

>knowing that its a guy
lmao the only fag here is you

Calm down you fanboying cock sucker. I never said the whole games were ruined, now did I?

Yes because nudity exists in real life.

Realism? No. Realism in video game is fucking gay.

Sony did nothing wrong


didn't even know it was a guy

no u


So is anime

Neither should anime

The only """women""" you know is from anime

So is anime

Why do you like anime so much?

This is a video game

DMC5 is definitely not about the gameplay because they fucked that up to pander to casuals. it was about making a game that looks like the last of us hoping it would sell to the normie "snoy movie games" audience.

>DMC 4 Lady
>turn on
lmao have sex incel

i bet you also complained on the lack of inertia and the removal of reversals in the game

What better way to make a fashion statement that with Hep C.

you have to go back, tranny

Attached: 1549006774499.png (842x137, 16K)

lmao what a fag

Attached: 329050_20180314005902_1.png (1920x1080, 1.33M)

T&A is only OK on HBO

she looks like a potato

More men need to be sexualzied in video games so it will be fair on both sides.

Attached: butt.jpg (453x634, 32K)

You shut your mouth, Claire is lovely

Attached: 1561827163231.jpg (1226x1080, 321K)

Trying too hard.

Attached: 329050_20180314003346_1.png (1920x1080, 2.45M)

You will never pass

Solid butt right der'.

Attached: butt 2.jpg (334x308, 29K)

Her face looks like some kind of fucked up fish mutant.

Do you spend a lot of time looking at fish mutants?

I'm not seeing it

yes now kys

Not yet, since I'm currently doing my first playthrough as Leon. I've only seen Claire a grand total of two times and I'm already in the lab.

Come on now.

Attached: remake claire.jpg (1200x675, 54K)

Botted in Japan?
So they programmed bots to censor female nipples? How can they tell male and female nipples apart? Do they do nipple captcha on futabachan?

Because mo-caps are exclusively done by men.
That ass is a man's ass, baby!

She's just got fucked up animations in some of the cutscenes. Just because Leon is capable of having his face animated to look like this, does that mean he is actually an ugly freak? No, it means an ugly animation distorted his attractive face in an unnatural way, much like what happens with some of Capcom's cutscene animations for Claire. Being able to make an ugly expression does not mean you are ugly anyway

Attached: leon face.jpg (2400x1256, 141K)


give me 1 (one) good reason why not

>Because mo-caps are exclusively done by men.

Attached: 1556142269230.jpg (500x500, 77K)

Of course not.
Those tattoos aren't that good.
Never seen a female mo-cap actor in my entire life

If the goddamn director wants that shit in his game, he should have the creative freedom to have that shit in his game. No "ethics department" should have a say, only members in the dev team.

Attached: 1535306077112.png (638x647, 819K)

>female character model
>male motion capture
is this a new classification of traps?

Attached: 1554837366179.jpg (682x662, 93K)