Star Citizen



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Best money laundering scheme of all time in the games industry

The game was fucked as soon as they introduced on foot stuff.

>on foot being more the a walking simulator lobby and maybe simulating stations and hangar bays on larger ships

it was fucked from the get go

>new patch on the test server
>it's absolute ass
Every time

imagine getting dabbed on by fucking No Man's Sky

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I keep forgetting about this game. Five years from now I'll say the same thing.

Their newest brilliant idea is that as soon as you're flying in atmosphere (or over a landing pad) and go below a certain speed, which you'll have to for takeoff and landing or due to their ridiculous amounts of atmospheric drag, the game forces you into an alternate control mode that makes the ships handle like fucking helicopters, with 'pitch down to go forward' and all.

damn i wish i raised a billion dollars to make a glorified walking simulator

Idiots say its not NEVER EVER, but even if it ever comes out, it seems that the game is/will be completely broken before it even starts, the only ones who will "enjoy" it are those who are already nose deep in the sunk cost fallacy.
>made his wife a board member after buying a new mansion for 4.7mil

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Its seems like X with an unlimited budget.
And multiplayer.
So complete jank that is only good for the people roleplaying some manner of trader with maybe a pirating slant but mostly all in the head of whoever is playing.

I just LOVE seeing morons who sunk so much money into this shit defend it.

That would be true if there was actual gameplay, but it's all fucking nothing.
The only things you can do are an extremely basic bitch version of trading that yields almost no profit, picking up boxes and moving them somewhere for almost no profit and shooting braindead AI that switches between being stationary or glitching around in circles for ok money.
Croberts has no interest in making the space part of the game playable, he's just obsessed with making planets now.

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Why is everyone so obsessed with
in video games these days? It's not that interesting. It wasn't interesting in No Man's Sky, and still isn't even with the updates to that game. The entire model seems really interesting, and after a few hours of exploring around it quickly becomes soulless and repetitive and devoid of any meaning.

I cannot believe people have spend tens of thousands of dollars on this vaporware too. For fucking what? What the fuck are they getting out of it, or is it all just a sunk cost fallacy?

Give me a well structured, sensible story driven game with exploration, but highly detailed smaller landscapes / environments any day over this shit, you know, something that people will actually remember and appreciate.

is Scam Shitizen the biggest scam of human history?
unironically asking

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I see the parts about how mass effect andromeda and cod:iw are dominating the space game genre have been removed from this graph

i can't wait for the documentary that will cover what a fraud this whole thing was, where all those millions upon millions of dollars went, etc.

People wanting this want escapism or another roll at life. They fall for the same marketing bs again and again. "You can do/be whatever you want" only brings disappointment or isn't feasable. Look up "30 things I hate about your game pitch", Store citizen checks the most important points.

I hope Binky's not dead by the way, can't wait for the next episode of Sunk cost galaxy

At this point you'd have to be retarded to think that they're actually going under anytime soon. There's a reason Chris had the company valued at almost 500 mil when he sold the first round of shares.