Some guy I met on steam hasn't been on for 456 days, only friended him from one game we played and didn't talk much

>Some guy I met on steam hasn't been on for 456 days, only friended him from one game we played and didn't talk much
>Never considered once why he left, thought he just moved on in life
>Earlier this morning get a message from that account
>Easily could tell that this was a completely different person, probably his parents
>Dude apparently hung himself in his closet and his parents are going through his accounts trying to get the message out
Anyone else had this happen to them?

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Other urls found in this thread:




Didn't happen. Someone's boomer parents wouldn't give a fuck about their son's fake online friends.

ThiS Needs to stop

i still miss her

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No he had surgery to make himself hung. His parents are so proud they didn't want to wait for him to recover before letting all his friends know.

I think about my old steam friends all the time. Miss ya bunnie, we had some good times, man.

So what differentiates sneed from a meme from reddit aside that it's an in-joke "we" spout as opposed to, say, some twitch emote shit? Does an echo chamber go that far to make you guys feel involved and entertained? Is it the irony of how stupid it is that does it for you?

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Yes i just said replied "lol"

I just got off work let me have some fun, Bobby


i have a friend that hasnt logged on since '07

>wah wah abloo bloo
nobody cares autist have sex

It's Saturday night user, ATLEAST just play some vidya.

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Well pardon us, Mr. Gucci loafers.

Yeah I know. I worked 1pm-9:30pm and I work at 8am tomorrow.

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Formerly 455 days

>have sex
POGGERS, you sound tilted familam. *dabs and hits juul pod at the same time* That's a yikes to me. The horse shoe theory is real and you faggots are just as bad.


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The problem with Reddit is they don't let memes die. They're supposed to have a life cycle. When Yea Forums does the same shit, it's just as bad: i.e. wojak & pepe. Notice how Baneposting, a well enjoyed, although forced, meme as mostly died. People don't really get mad about it because people aren't forcing it anymore. Sneed is still being forced and it will continue to be reviled until it stops.

So what differentiates anime with other normalfag shit that Reddit watches? Why do desperate incels still cling to it as if its unique and special?

Baneposting and sneed posting is funny because part of the meme is making the jannys work and reddit doesn't have that

i bet this guy is a lot of fun at parties

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how did this sneed thing become a meme anyway? is it that people are too stupid to understand the (incredibly simple) joke, so people use it like a code word and think theyre in some secret club of smart people?
or is it that it was quite a rude joke to be in a primetime family cartoon? i saw the joke, chuckled, and forgot about it. why do you fucking zoomer dumbfucks spam SNEED SNEED SNEED when you see a simpsons picture?

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>slightly political posts get you shit canned
>can't say the word s_Y without it being changed
>But people can spam sneed and break the rules
fuck this place


Sneed is unironically the closest thing to a web 2.0 era Yea Forums meme in a while. It's only funny to people on Yea Forums, spawned tons of OC, and it confuses/angers normies and redittors.

It's more about forcing the reference as often as possible because they still find it funny, even though it's unfunny to most others at this point. Or maybe even because it's unfunny.

Reading "sneed" always makes me chuckle.

I think the word you're looking for is "filtered".

I think it's largely because the word "sneed" just makes a funny sound and it's amusing to say and think about

I mean, I got a chuckle out of it when I first encountered it, but I get tired quickly of the same posts all the time. It's much easier to keep the "in" people "in" and the outsiders out when you come up with new memes instead of always forcing something that will have some fucking knowyourmeme page or some garbage written about it.


Onions got filtered because it was a shitty buzzword. Sneed is just a joke. Also, buzzwords getting filtered is old as shit, and if you're mad about it you are new.

Sneed posting has been going on for about 2 and a half years now user.
>So what differentiates anime with other normalfag shit that Reddit watches? Why do desperate incels still cling to it as if its unique and special?
Well, if it's something Yea Forums regards as good and reddit regards as good, there's no head butting over it being 'reddit' because of affiliation. That's what I'm saying, The collective autistic hate boner Yea Forums has over reddit transcends how 2006 Yea Forums felt about shit like ifunny or ebuams world. You fuckers are just nega reddit, and all you can boast about is your anonymity and lack of karma system. Don't get me wrong, that's a perfect thing, you don't get egotistical faggots thinking their opinions have merit over e-points but rather the points in their post. However it's all the same retarded but at q different spectrum. Rage faces were proto Wojaks, except they were OC at the beginning and were everywhere on here, and then reddit posts them and people dissociated with it and claimed it was always "reddit". It's a song and dance of meme hipsters on here.

TL:DR Yea Forums and reddit are just message boards with autistic tribalistic rituals to save face and feel apart of something bigger than themselves.

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Based and redpilled

Mods ban you for reporting sneedposts, not for sneedposting




>Or maybe even because it's unfunny
this is why I do it every now and then, sometimes I like a bit of anti-humour memes

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>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
get a job

have self-awareness

Well, la-di-da, Mr. Park Avenue Manicure.

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why did you spoiler these posts?

autistic emphasis on my part.

Yea Forums and reddit exist, perhaps you can discuss your shitty Flash cartoon at those places.

Apparently it started on Yea Forums as just a way to troll simpsons threads. Later it just became its own thing that memetards repeated for its own entertainment.

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I feel like you're replying to the wrong person because I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to say.

>Why yes, i do reply 'sneed' to literally any The Simpsons related picture i see posted, how could you tell?

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