Dokkan Battle Thread

4th anniversary celebrating the greatest show, transformation, and fusion in DB history is now live.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>worst gacha features the worst transformation of the worst DB show of the worse of two fusions

Name a worse grind than the Monaka event

46 tickets this is what i got
>ss3 kid goku already rainwboed
>skinny buu already unlocked completly
>agl cell and teq frieza are garbage
and some physical suport, yep here we fuckin go bros

im so fuckin shaking

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>prime battle LRs
>Goku Jr.
>any Friend Point LR

It's all perspective man, last 2 years of ticket banners were jank for me too, this year I got GoFrieza, just give it time.

remember to change your name in game for better luck towards new accounts

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You know SS2 GT Goku is getting an awakening, right?

i could give less fucks about this irelevant who

Alright guys

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If he gets an awakening he'd actually be really good on Representatives of U7.

>got impatient with summoning and spent the login bonus and the boss rush stones on the Legendary banner
>only got one ssr, and it was an unfeatured 10th slot SSR
>didn't even get a single SR TEQ Beerus for SA raising
I want to be mad but I'd bet I'd still get worse on the SS4 banners. I always get shafted until I can't walk anymore.

What's the point, banner isn't live for another 3 days

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Any summoning now is a goddamn waste in the long run desu.

>last copy of Angel Cell
>STR Piccolo
>TEQ 16
>AGL Super Vegeta
>INT Android 13
Tickets haven't been bad.

What are you talking about?
They'll be up in a little more than 29 hours.

I lost my Dokkan save after having the blue Vegito and rosé Black so I just play Legends now

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>I want to be mad but I'd bet I'd still get worse on the SS4 banners
You wouldn't because those have discounts and tickets.
At least, you would have gotten another card more.

>Rainbowed the TEQ Kaioken Goku because he's getting an awakening

Did I do good?

I tried Legends, but after realizing that even after having an optimal God ki team or one with Super Vegito that I was still getting destroyed in the event of that F2P Vegito because the combat system now relies on the card literally reading your inputs and that the combat now is entirely about baiting, I gave up.
Not to mention that having to defeat the guy like 500 times to farm ONE F2P card is absolutely ridiculous.

Yes, he's not bad at all, plus, he's a 120% leader of Goku's Family.

i got LR Cell off of the free tickets which is funny because the last LR i got (Trunks) was also from free tickets

I knew before summoning on the ticket banner i'd pull one of the android 17s. Of course it was the first SSR i got. Fuck those two, stop putting them on every free banner

>tfw only 100 stones and the only ssr I got from the tickets was toppo

Do the boss rush.
Also in about 5 hours we get the Goku Jr. EZA, that's another 30 stones.

We are getting about 900 stones during the anniversary, so that means a 60% chance to pull one of the SSJ4 LRs.

Did boss rush last year lad, and SBR

>tfw reroled on jp and pull 3 lrs in 1 multi once

If you have those units and you're still getting assblasted it seems like you're just bad

My bad I guess, thought it was coming up on Tuesday.

They added a new stage to boss rush a few hours ago.

what did you get for the red stone? i had to chose between gogeta and beerus and took berus for my lr berus combo

>got LR cell
>got additional units for golden ape youth goku and EZA teq cell
pretty good, though for 46 tickets I feel like I could've done better

The NEW boss rush stage.

Kid Buu because I didn't have him and his godly support

Beerus, he was the only one I was missing.

A dupe for INT Ultimate Gohan.
He had no dupes, and I wanted to use him on the LR Gobros team.
The only card that I didn't have in that list was INT Cell, and i'm not spending the red stone on a regular banner SSR. Every other unit had at least a dupe, and some are even rainbowed, so that's that.

I can't wait to continue to sit on unawakened LR Bee Pan forever since this dumb bitch won't drop her fucking card and let me hit SA10.
Probably Beerus for the LR dream team, as much as I also want Kid Buu.

Well, the stone sales are out. Time to get SS3 angel goku finally

>sales worse than 3rd year
What a joke.

There's missions to get dupes and medals.

is this a good movie boss team? i just started playing >

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That's more than just plain good.

>LR Broly
>Just started playing

Fuck off.

They really are. It's like a regular ass celebration. At least the 32 stone pack is on sale 3 times

>fully leveled lr broly
>rainbow cooler
>full eza beerus
>just started
get outta here nigger

I'd say replace LR Broly with AGL Broly.
LR Broly nowadays is only good for the WT and he will get destroyed by everyone due to no defense.

>already rainbowed SS3ku and Gogeta
>need one more dupe for Broly
>don't care about any of the other crap besides PHY Buu
People suck Buu's dick for the support. Is it really all that or would it be better to rainbow Broly?

come on man, not the OG LR broly man

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He's really old and, on top of having a flat passive, it actively removes it's defense.
I wasn't even excited when I pulled him myself.

I despise Legends right now. Fuck LBR Extreme. What the hell is the point in it now that you have to waste resources on shitty units to participate? It's not nearly as fun or varied as last time, everyone is running Androids or God Ki.

do you unironicly use that str broly

In the WT yes don't have LR or nuBroly. I've also been running him on Pure Saiyans lately and also using E.STR.

No, its because the combat is all about baiting, which is boring and tedious as fuck.

my box

its worth it tho f2p vegito is broken

>Only got two LRs from my ticket pulls.

welp this is gonna be a shit anniversy

A phone game isn't worth that much of an autistic amount of effort.
It's absolutely exhausting beating that guy with the latest AI update.
The combat is just not fun anymore.

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Got LR Cell. Already this is better than the 1000 stone shaft from last year.

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Have you tried extreme battle royale? Using EX's has been fun to me for a change.

managed to pull seven fucking units of the sr phy trunks with my tix
is there something going on here with him? why am I getting so many of this guy, he doesn't even awaken beyond ssr

He became a meme when JP dropped.
Everyone pulled him dozens of times.
Oh well, at least he's useful to increase the SA of the AGL Trunks that's getting an awakening.
He's pretty good for an SR too, too bad he isn't an SSR.

feed him into the only good GT Trunks, the STR variant

only featured sr

Still on the fence. Definitely not the Cells, Beerus, or Family Gohan since I've gotten enough dupes to rainbow all three of them.

Pulled LR TEQ Broly and LR TEQ Goku on ticket banner.
I'm gonna get fucked on Monday huh?

AGL is decent after awakening now. TEQ is getting an EZA in the future I promise dude just trust me

remember to save stones

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>tfw had 9 INT Android 17s ready ever since the event to farm him dropped more than a year ago.
I swear if I don't pull PHY 17 this time.

Not necessarily, it's RNG.

20% chance to pull his featured ass

I only got 2 ssrs from the ticket banner. 1 king piccolo and 1 LR Bardock

fuck off truth I already got the Gohan/Goten LR

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I will bro thanks looking out.

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I got shafted. AGL perfect cell & TEQ 16 and about 20 trunks. Hope that means I'm guaranteed a kalefla.

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JP's anniversary was really lackluster, so don't expect anything magnificent for Global if they copy all the events one for one. Everybody was pissed when we didn't get regular Porunga wishes.

Is it a good time for rerolling? Like how many gems would a new player get right off the bat?

That team will always be a shittier ToP, unless it gets some God tier support.

Yes, best time of the year in fact, but wait first for top grossing rewards.
That way you should get upwards of 100 stones, which means a full rotation of the discounts, 4 multis.
Pretty good to reroll.

>stone sales suck
>Janemba was removed from the red stone pool
oh no no no no

1.6k stones. Theres a bot that automatically rerolls for you and finishes all ezas, story, and boss rush. I can give it to you if you'd like.

I'm waiting to to see if I can get MVP 17 and SSJBE Vegeta from the banner. If so, Gohan. If only 17, Cell, if only Vegeta or no nobody Buu. I did use my purple stone for Cooler though.

Nah i already now where to get the reroller app and a modded game, but thanks

I'm gonna try my best to rush the LR fusions, than get Transforming Zamasu, than pull nothing else until he comes. I legit rhin Super Saiyan is in the top 3 best teams right now.

It's good, but you need a very specific set of units.
Only one left for me is PHY 17, hope I pull him.
It's too bad that Golden Frieza is one of the strongest, but he also hinders the entire team with his passive.

FighterZ 16 is actually pretty good. And he's a pretty easy farm due to him being a Strike unit.

>3 pulls

im on a roll baby

The problem is that there's almost nothing to do in the first half of the anniversary.
Just farming Giru and Goku Jr.'s EZA.
They saved all the shit for the second half to avoid giving people too many stones while the 3+1 was active.

How's LR Bardock?

first SSR is ribriane

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there is no new fucking banners....................

where is my amazing 15 banners, assholes!?

Worst of the PHY LRs, which are pretty blah as it is.

As far as LRs go he's okay.

Anniversary banners never come the first day of the anniversary, it's always the next day.
And stop typing like a spastic idiot.

Should I get Gohan, Cell, Freiza, or Buu for my red stone?

I'd say Frieza is the best of all those.
If you have a team for him, that is.


He's okay, but he really gets overshadowed by high competition in both Pure Saiyans and Goku's Family. He's a beast when it comes to battlefield though.

He's really really lackluster. Basically just a generic SSR under a shiny coat of paint. He can tank pretty well under dual LR SSJ4 Goku leads but that's all he's good for.

what is that team? LR beerus and teq beerus, who else?

Got LR Black off the ticket summons, never felt so lucky. I've been chasing him since he released. Going to save as much as I can for AGL Zamasu so I can go full ningen extermination.

I can (kind of) build wicked bloodline, but I also have Movie Bosses. I was really hoping that I could've gotten EZA Janemba with the red stones, so I could tech out Omega Shenron and run it pure, so every could benefit from F2P Golden Frieza, but plans changed on that.

oh great i just wasted 50 stones on the shitty beerus banner beacuse they kept it on the first place instead of the 4th aniversary one

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stone banners are usually always above ticket banners

He probably thought it was the LR SSJ4 banners.

Rainbowing this man.

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It's a must now too, since he's getting an EZA.

>vegeta flies in on the summon screen
>doesn't fuse

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Anything good at Baba's shop?

Well, you have a red stone, and you have the anniversary coins.

Should I scoop up SSJ3 Vegeta with my red stone? He's the only one that I don't have.

LR SS1 Vegeta

Yes, always go for units you don't have.
He's a great tank, one of the best in the game, so he'll be useful in battlefield.

>45 tickets
>1 SSR
I am so fucking mad

cool beans

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Getting a Barlot

>Took that long with that team
>Needed to use an item

>tfw have all of this but rainbow cooler and frieza
i should really go do the boss rush and things i don't think i've done any of them

my girlfriend toook the phone out of my hand and wanted to cuddle

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He has no sealers, so he needed that to beat UI Goku.

Who are you gonna pull for first?

I want the LR, PHY 17, TEQ Frieza and at least a dupe for SSBE Vegeta.
In Goku's banner everything except the LR Goku would be a dupe for me.

LR Vegeta

first you do the discount summons on both banners then you dumb everything into vegeta

No items needed, their active skills insta killed that 1 hit ko faggot.
This is probably my most OP team just because of the LR and PHY Vegeta.

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can anyone post the pic that shows who will be on the banners

Unless they change them, these are the banners.

I should probably go for Vegeta then, right? The ones crossed out are what I have, and I already have a good Goku's family lead.

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I am, that's why I'm not going hard on this banner.

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You have two potential LRs as opposed to one, and TEQ Frieza is better than AGL Goku.
Jiren is meh, and Golden Frieza is okay. but with SSBE Vegeta, Turles and LR Vegeta you could make a great Pure Saiyans team.


fuck this nigga, seriously

I have a somewhat decent pure saiyans team right now.

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Do the discounts on Goku's banner anyway, but aside from that, yeah, go hard on Vegeta's.

guess i gotta go vegetas banner

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You should increase the SA of Broly and Paragus.
If there's a pure saiyans enemy team he can hit hard since he gets pretty much 170% ATK.

>All these free PHY SSJ4 copies

Guess I have no choice but go HAM on the Goku banner when it drops

Those are mostly to SA10 the card itself, but from what i've read, they give like 20 or so.

Does he actually do decent damage? I've just had him around for the support.

any jp chads here? how were tanabata/gobro pulls?

My JP account is way behind and I can't be fucked to awaken any of my decent units.

I imagine he has better things to spend Kais on than Paragus

>almost 600 stones
>nothing to spend it on
Fuck these gay ass trap banners, I'll wait for another guaranteed LR banner

I never get the newest cards
always shit I already have or dead ssr no one wants

>335k battlefield points on global
>moded jp apk doesnt work

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If there's an enemy in pure saiyans, he can go up to 1 million.
Pretty good for a support unit.

>spending stones on the next guaranteed LR banner when the one after that will be even better
lmao @ ur life choices

>doesnt work
That's because the creator quit working on them, it's never working to work again.

We are only getting one more, and it won't come until the Zamasu and Trunks banners.
There's no reason to have more than 200 stones saved.

Goku will forever be best DB boy. Nobody else can match his sexiness.

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I wish I had a gf to cuddle with.
Only girl I cuddle is my sister.

what do you mean he quit? where am i supposed to get client 2 apks now?

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Nowhere, the dude's done.

but there's a big picture of beerus on it

You mad, lucklets?

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>waiting to get shit like LR Bardock or Trunks

Boy if you don't splurge on this banner and pull these featured LRs

Too late, he's already been surpassed.

Am I the only one who is pretty indifferent about the SSJ4 LRs?

nice photoshop faggot

when do the banners drop?

In about 26 hours.

Two days from now. The banners are set to go live in the Mon/Tue transition.

I feel like if this LR had come out a few months later he would have an active skill and would be a dokkan fest LR.

Not even Broly can defeat these.

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Can someone explain to me why wait?
Why not put the banners and the events already?

BuY 'eM


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Server overwork. They've been through multiple Dual Dokkan Fests and Anniversarys to know better.

>Drop everything at once
>Servers keep crashing from everyone trying to get in
>Bad reviews up the ass
>"wtf y can't i get in? this game sux"

I'm not even mad considering I spent zero stones on him

Look at him seethe hahahahaha

Do you get erections during this?

Same. Going to try to wait to SA10 a second copy too.

No, i'm used to it.
Ever since we were kids we watched movies together while cuddling on her couch.
It's a weekend tradition at this point.


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>only 5 summonable LRs
Not really.

t. lannister

I hate people who don't instantly max level all units.

my jp client lags like crazy, how come


Not much to talk about until the banners drop.
We'll get WT rewards in a couple of hours and that's it.

I thought we were getting the WT rewards tomorrow night

It's always 48 hours after the WT ends.

Nevermind I read the post wrong

LR Vegeta = LR Goku
Super 17 > Jiren
Frieza > Goku
SSB Vegeta > UI Goku
Turles > AGF
Gogeta = Vegito
I like Goku more but his banner is trash compared to Vegetas.

Fucking garbage pulls. Bought LR SSj4 Vegeta with coins though so it's not a total loss.
I was originally saving them for LR Vegetto but I can run mostly the same team besides Z Vegettos and Kefla on my Zamasu led RoG team.

I don't have Kale and Caulifla but in every other regard my account shits on yours.

>been saving for a while
>have 700 stones ready to go
>haven't even cleared the boss rush yet for another 35 stones
Can't wait to summon.

Picked up Gogeta, but fucking hell I wish they hadn't shafted us by leaving off Janemba, because I would have prefered my 3rd copy of him over Gogeta. Anyway opened top left path for Gogeta since I have multiple dupes into most of the EZA units.

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Mine peaks at 3.7 mil

not really

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At this point, a timeline for those who didn't read the notices.

-LR Bee Pan
-Freebie SS4 Goku
-Giru w/ campaign
-Old Man Satan (more tickets for 4th Anniversary banner)
-All GT stages
-All Hidden Potential stages

-Goku Jr. EZA (bring Vegeta Family)

Mon/Tues transition:
-SS4 Dual Dokkan Fest
-Old Kai Banners

7/13 - ALG Banner
7/17 - TEQ Banner
7/21 - STR Banner
7/25 - PHY Banner
7/30 - INT Banner

>GT stages
And suddenly, I'm reminded that I could grind the super on that GT Frieza I pulled a while back.

>-LR Bee Pan
Technically not, since you need two weeks to get all her medals.

Also, TEQ Kaioken Goku, PHY Saiyan Saga Vegeta, STR Majin Vegeta and AGL SSJ2 Angel Goku get awakenings, the 4 of them turn into 120% Goku's and Vegeta's Family category leads.

Note that if it's anything like JP's banner history, this will be the last time you see the mono-type banners for months as JP still hasn't gotten them back yet unless they are going to spring them at the tail end of the Tanabata event.

Yeah, not sure why they are so scarce now.
Last one we had was the PHY banner in December.
Maybe because of the amount of LRs.

Those will go live with the LR SS4s

For the record from a JP player, the Vegeta is fucking FANTASTIC and worth getting if you've got the unawakened one lying around.

I really think it's because they're way too good for pulling LRs. I also feel like they're secretly planning something in the future for the support units and want to keeps them scarce until they spring whatever it is on us.

What should you use the god dragon stone 6 on?

Gogeta's easily the best unit among the red stone units since they omitted Janemba.

It's real bullshit now because they made the mono-type banners use blue coins but also on JP the Heroes banner uses blue coins too. Yet when the Heroes banner was up the didn't add anything to the blue coin tab besides the 10 coin Elder Kai that's always available. The only time the blue tab has ever had anything else on it was during the JP anniversary when those mono-type banners were active.
Coins should have just been one color or at least just red and yellow.

I think they are realizing blue coins were a mistake.

1000 stones here, how many do you guys have? You did save all those stones right?

This is the one thing that makes me glad I play global. Getting tickets on these banners just drives up the value so much.

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coming to these threads only to see people flexing their accounts make me jealous. being a lucklet is suffering

unironicly you have better pulls on jp then on global

And dont forget that it's a 3x30 +1free so 4 multis on each banner for a total of 180 stones


>1200 or so stones on JP anniversary with only one Jiren dupe and one Angel Golden Frieza dupe to show for it

Can't wait to get pissed again on Global's version.

dont we get those tickets for every 50 stones we spend durning the year

was thinking of rerolling. is it worth it or should i do the story and save with the 72 stones i have.

does the banner have a discount or something about it?

you are talking about the dl anniversary tickets, they come out in august/september

Reminder we aren't getting Janemba's EZA for another 2 months.

You should've rerolled earlier to farm all the stones you can, you'd easily sit at 1500+

>modded the WT
>didn't get ding dong bannu

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won't i be able to get them if i do the story to get the stones?

user they ban in waves not individual im affraid to tell you but this means goodbye

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Yes, and they typically do them immediately after the WT, as it says in the news

Well yeah you can, it's just that with all the events and celebrations going on you might get overwhelmed with stuff to do

will the banner for them be 25 ect ect?

will it have anything special about it. if its just a 50/50/50 then even with the story gems i won't get it prob

No LR but I did somehow get 5 brand new ssr, I'm pretty excited about the toppo so honestly not to bad for my 41 tickets

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I pulled literally all the new units from the anniversary and suddenly lost interest.

It's 3×30 + 1 free, every step giving tickets that you can also pull on the banners with

Same but I got west kai instead, really surprised

Bro are you me?

Luck Chads report in.

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It's been a long time since I've been cost cucked like this. Got droids and saiyapeople on standby but it won't let me. I don't want to rank up to fast. It's unfair!

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how is it possible to be excited for this?
they already did the fucking super saiyan 4s two years ago
they just recycle old units and powercreep the shit out of them, it's impossible to actually be excited for anything in this garbage game after movie broly/gogeta released and one of those already got fucking replaced by yet ANOTHER old broly card


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ah yes magnificent

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>how is it possible to be excited for this?
The LR Pan-chan is pretty exciting. I really don't care about the anniversary units other than that. It's more stones to save for the better stuff that comes out literally right after.

I guess.

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>have every good card on both banners
>AGL Bluegeta needed for optimal pure saiyans team
>want SS4 Goku LR more than anything else in the game
Okay so what the fuck should I roll on? the more likely Bluegeta pull or the dream card?

also didn't know teq KK goku got a dokkan, time to grind since he's rainbowed

Why aren't the banners dropping today?

I'm missing 2 units from vegeta's banner and 3 from goku's, including the new SS4s. I don't think i'm going past the discounted summons desu. I'd rather save for the best unit in the game

>best unit in the game
yeah zamasu is great

give me your best truth impression

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"This unit is good but isn't as good as Caulifa and Kale so don't spend a single stone"

ALL RIGHT how's y'all doing , i4th anniversaryu is HERE, let's pray together that ya boi here gets all the luck because OH DAMN these banners are busted , The ss4 are the BEST cards in the game right under LR KALE AND CAULFILA
Okay we got 5000 stones, ya boi is gonna try to rainbow the ss4's hopefully we get lucky

Alright guys, this new LR Gohan and Goten are trash as you can see...oh wait they on jp now nvm, they're the second best unit in the game!

45 tickets and I got 3 SSR that are complete garbage. I can already feel the shaft on tuesday

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remember to not awaken any of the new cards you might get because of the free SA you can farm for goku and frieza and gohan and android17

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you get 3 tickets a day user, you cn do it

guys do you mod? did you remove your whole friendlist aswell so nobody can snitch on you

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I only modded on SBR and that was before they updated it to show everybody your time records.
Now when I mod I only do HP and try not to rush it so I don't end up on top with less than minute time.
Anyway it appears Renzy isn't going to update the modded apks anymore and I don't trust other places so my modding days are pretty much over it seems. Even now I can't get the latest JP APKs on his site to boot on either emulator or tablet. Probably because the program switched to 64-bit recently while his apks are still 32.

other modded apks than renzy work too, as a matter of fact the last 2 modded version i played were the first time i ever used renzy's apk.

Whenever i start a new account i mod shit to awaken all my characters and farm the stones, never got caught, as long as you don't do WT you're fine

Kefla is ___

getting power crept.

I started very recently so I'm thinking of just waiting to see what I pull on the anniversary banners and pick something to complement my rolls. So far I've mostly been coasting on my Pure Saiyans with SSBE vegeta so if I don't know I'll just get some good pure saiyan I guess.

Never modded. Pretty happy that i managed to beat all SBRs legit. Only took a bunch of money to do it

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dumb paypig

IMO the best choices to get since Janemba isn't available (and seriously have no idea why Global is dragging it's feet on this EZA) is Gogeta and AGI SSJ3 Goku. Even if you can't put him on Pure Saiyans Gogeta is still one of the best cards in the game now after his EZA and can be used in Movie Heroes under the free leaders. SSJ3 Goku might cause ki issues in Pure Saiyans without a bridge since he lacks Prepared for Battle but he's a great tanks and heavy hitter.

Thanks for the advice, that's very helpful!

LR Goku/Arale

Because you have to do it twice for 20/20 SA!

Fuck that shit, I used Kais.

Oh yeah, and you still probably want to do the first half again anyway just to keep a SSR Kid Goku since he's still a good unit on his own and links almost perfectly with the LR in Dragon Ball Seekers. DBS is one of the best F2P teams for Prime battles.

And i did it a third time!

To get TUR Goku/(Krillin?) becasue they link very well.

With another friend LR Goku/Arale + my own + the TUR and some free Ginyu Force cards i have a f2p extremely viable team to farm LR Vegeta and Trunks medals.

Pretty neato.

1200+, I started about a month ago and haven't really used any. I'm farming through story with the x4 as well for more.

Only 350.

Tried to get LR Bros, -250
Tried to get LR and EZA Beerus got neither, -250
Rolled on LR Broly, -50 because i got him in the first pull
Rolled 3 or 4 times before but forgot which banner that was -200 or so

All f2p, if the stones were 1/4th the price they are i would actually buy some every now and then.


360, I did spend stones on a couple banners in between though.
Luckily, I did manage to pull stuff like transforming Vegeta and LR Gohan and Goten with a dupe.



Whatever happened to LivingIchigo? He used to do Dokkan videos but I don’t see much of him anymore

He was outed for just reading off guides other people made and taking credit for them.

>LR Metal cooler
fuck off, you are playing for atleast half or a full year

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Is Giru worth it?

>100 % chance to seal SA
>+60/60 ATK DEF when you have a hybrid Saiyan
>DB Seekers allies Ki+2, ADK/DEF +30 %

Put him into your LR Goku/Arale + Ginyu Force team, rape face.

Almost done
Whoever thought this grind is a fucking maniac, took months to do this because everytime i did one i got so bored that i quitted

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I got 2 ssj teq gt trunks and that's about it :)
why even bother having this tickets events? Feels like i summoned on the friend banner.

>Shitty AGL #18
>Waifu Mai
>Int Zamasu
At least I didn't already have the last two.

What should I spend the anniversary coins on? Are any of the units good?

all of those units are fuckin garbage and you use it only on the kais to raise SA

That's what I figured, thanks for confirming my suspicion

>tfw I hate SSJ4

Not sure should I summon at all, I also got LR Bros on my first multi so I don't need Goku's leader skill.
I have 736 stones.

Trunks and Zamasu are next, right? Maybe I will save for that...

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And then do it again for SA 20!

Don't be a retard, user.

Also, this is what i've got from the tickets.

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NAH his gf cucked him and he had a breakdown


well you can use it on the this blue god goku aswell and then UR him and then feed him for a 100% chane to SA other blue god gokus

Why would you bother with that when the best SSB Goku is f2p?

It is

Gogeta because I already rainbowed SSJ3 Goku and have 2 dupes in all the other EZA units

I guess a gogeta dupe since they removed janemba. Guess he'll EZA on global before the next red stone is given out

Having a Gogeta dupe is pretty useful, getting additionals in there is going to make him much better.

Probably my first TEQ Cell dupe. My ext TEQ could really use the help in Battlefield

fuck, I don't ever want to see UI Goku again. pulled him way too many times.

>Can't use my boost because the game claims I have insufficient reward boosts

Only 100, threads told me saving was a meme because we will get over 100 stones for anniversary right? can farm some more, but I've been lazy

I am more jelly about the 16 because my Toppo is maxed out.

What are you guys spending those 4th anni coins on? Kais right?

>people luckshitting LRs and shit from the anniversary tickets
>this is my haul
Caulifla and Buu are dupes too, at least I use her sometimes. What a letdown though

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Kais obviously. don't need orbs since I can always farm them when nothing is happening.

Its alright because we get a shit ton more during the anniversary.

I'll have to see how many in total we'll get, but kais and orbs are top priority. Iwanna get the anni 1 and 2 gokus too since i don't have those

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Shit's more jewy than whatever EA can come up with. Too RNG, grindy, expensive.

Pretty sure you can beat everything with F2P units.


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>that fucking metalcoola


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be patient user, the coins are here, you'll get your revenge

Max your LRs, idiot. You're one of those faggots who don't max who they put as friend supporters and somebody picks them and the friend supporter hits like a wet noodle instead of a truck.

They need to fix Majin Veg. He's too fucking weak, even in events (Dokkan, etc.) where he could be strong in.

>Need to get 4 more copies of Goku JR to feed into him once EZAd
Fuck, why is this drop rate so shitty?

all he needs is self-sufficiency because his links suck major dick.
defense isn't the real problem.

I gave up after an entire stamina bar without drops.
His EZA gives 11 INT kais, i'll just use 5 of them.

>Not saving those in case you get GT Trio

I'm not summoning on that banner, i'm going all in on the dokkan fests and, if I pull everything I want, i'll save for the 300 million download celebration.

>that banner
They're a legendary summon, they'll be in all future legendary summon banners. That includes stuff like the LR Caulifla and Kale banner.

It's a long ass farm, I'll do it slowly.
Besides, there's nothing else to do in the first part beyond that and awakening whatever units you pull.

How are you gonna cope when you don't get the units you want once the banners drop, no matter how many stones you spend?

I only have 180 stones right now after doing the boss rush. Never gonna make it.

I did this TWICE during their campaign when I was still new to the game and I had to keep using stones to continue because my best units were INT Super Gogeta and the non-awakened INT UI Goku.

i droped the game after the broly banner fucked me in the ass

I went 1100+ into LR Gobros and left with 4 dupes of the SSJ gohan

I've done worse

unless he gets absolutely broken no one will do it

I just got two copies of LR Gohan and Goten from that, went around 400-600 stones on that.
Couldn't get a single copy of the new Gohan, just like how I got transforming Vegeta quickly but couldn't pull the new Super Vegeta for the life of me.

from what i read on here you guys are some noobs

people using kais to up a ftp unit people do multis on beerus banner 2 days before the ss4s drop
facebook tier

I have 1200 days on my account

>actually saying noob
Just call them retards or niggers, user, this isn't reddit.

youre right these retarded niggers are some noobs ;)

So vegeta has the better banner no questions. And I have better cards for his team including a 2 dupe vegeta and bulma.

But I still don't have LR vegito. If I pull LR gogeta while going on vegetas banner I'll lose my shit.

What do.

Fellow Bojack bro

>trying to do boss rush 7 f2p team, no items
>spirit bomb goku goes first
I'll manage it sometime. That bit and Jiren's last stage are the tough ones to do

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coins my nigga

yo the thing is for me
i have every card on virginas banner with at least 1 dupe(the new years banner was godly to me) but i need lr gogeta
and i have lr vegito rainbowed so i will probably kill myself if i get a useless dupe of him

Again, coins my nigga

>tfw already rainbowed him for shits and gigs and can now just boost his EZA

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Gogeta is on gokus banner. You don't have an issue. Go hard for goku.

The fuck you're talking about gogeta is on vegeta's banner

Did you farm up the SA5 copy?

bruh are you retarded
majin vegeta is one of the strongest og lrs
the only thing he does is damage

Yeah, he usually does 2-3million on a 150% team.

Not that dude but I never use my mageta. He offers too little and links like butt. He's gotrunks tier imo. Coincidentally I haven't even awakened my gotrunks.


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link him up with SS3 bardock get under 80% hp on pure saiyans and gg

>mediocrity off 45 anniversary tickets, except for a dupe of TEQ SS Vegeta and a 2nd dupe of Champa

That said, I did pull LR Majin Veg off a Weekend Summon Banner, so I can't really claim lucklet status

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Int Bojack
Phy Cell
Teq Goku Black

Well my 45 tickets gave me 2 Super Saiyan Vegeta and Bulma dupes. I'm happy with that.

>from ss4's design to ssblue
WHAT the FUCK happened, bros?

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Manchildren who refuse to have something slightly different

now youre triggering me

Lr majin vegeta is good on revived warriors with Broly/SS3Bardock
or Pure saiyans with SS3bardock
i agree apart from bardock and broly he doesnt link well but his damage speaks for himself
also hes essential to beat ext agl sbr

random broly needs to get out

2 more days, hang in there a little longer

>also hes essential to beat ext agl sbr
Nah a Turles + EZA Broly Movie Bosses team will tear through just as well

>Toriyama had a chance to make SSJ4 main timeline canon and revive best design of the series, but instead said
'what if super saiyan, but red'
'what if super saiyan, but blue.'
'what if super saiyan, but white'.


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I don't know who to switch him out for. My only other good units don't really link either

did you actually try? because i sure as hell did and even with lr majin vegeta the agl broly and turles the team is shit because every other ext agl card is ass


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Super Saiyan 4 looks like shit.

ok i never said its not possible
but you can just stop actling like it was easy when you used alot of items

You look like shit

Holy shit you sound so beat the fuck out

I'm a Super Saiyan 4?

good comeback
sure as fuck is hard to be this contrarian
acting like an lr is shit but uses the worst lr in the game


Why are you so fucking mad?

Does it make you feel better if I tell you that was my first try with Turles lead?

>worst lr in the game
>not LR Mr. Satan
>not LR Gohan (Youth)

Sure if you have broly he's a decent card. But he's not even brolys best partner and then you have two LRs hungering for ki.

I'm not saying "omg worst card in the game" but when you start getting many many cards that can fill out the same team, there's just never a reason to bring mageta.

Easily one of the worst gacha LRs.

lr gohan youth is usefull for the hybird saiyan sbr
i forgot that mr satan exist desu

He does shit damage, his passive is worthless and you need to do SBR to get him in the first place.

What are you talking about?
It's Toriyama who insists on making transformations not change much.


Do you even know what that word means?

>because every other ext agl card is ass
Metal Cooler exists now, and he just completely shits all over Extreme AGL SBR.

I'm pretty sure at this point his videos are just auto generated with a soundboard
>Alright guys!
>That's uhhhh... huhu... that's pretty good haha
>So Lr Cale a Kaulifla...
>Thanks for the donation. What is that euro? I don't know currencies
>Your boi...
> boi
>So Lr Cale a Kaulifla...
>I always prioritize defense
>Eh, bellow 2 million, maybe this unit isn't that good
>Remember to, save, your, stones
>*pause to swallow saliva*
>So Lr Cale a Kaulifla...
>Lrs are the best units in the game
>Even Tur C&K are better than blue gogeta

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youre right metal cooler
add him to the list of the 5 good ext agl units haha

Does it really matter what team you take into Boss Rush 7? Was leaning towards Movie Heroes/Fusion but feel like any could do it.

I can't believe I made you this mad by showing you that you don't need LR Vegeta lol

fucking kek, he has such a raging fucking boner for kale and caulifla it's ridiculous

Any can do it easily if you're talking about items. I went movie bosses.
Who are you even replying to? Reread your post and who you replied to.

The quick reply on what I use is a glitchy piece of shit and sometimes doesn't properly register on what I've clicked.

I used Gobros.
The active skills were clutch to avoid using items.

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>That fat retard tried to claim they're the worst DFE LR
>Turns out it's actually better than the LR SSJ4s
>All that "they'll have ki issues!" ranting has been long since proven to be bullshit
Why is he so fucking stupid?

>nothing will beat my waif....I mean LR Kale and Caulifla

>Blew all my stones trying to get the Int Goku Black when his banner dropped on Global
>1.25k and didn't get a single Goku
>During the Weekend Summons never managed to pull anything worthwhile that I could use, just trash SSRs
>45 anni tickets got me trash only

I can almost smell the fucking shaft from here. I'm back to 1k stones but I don't even know if I'll be able to pull for a single LR Goku. Not getting Vegeta doesn't really matter that much right now since I can just buy him latter, but if I don't get Goku I'm gonna be fucking pissed. Please bless my account dokkan I need it.

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i too used them but it was a bad decision because i took the lr and teq beerus rotation with me and thus i took ages to get throught the 2 int stages lol

>Why is he so fucking stupid?
Because he's just trying to justify his addiction by saying it's a job

You know INT Goku Black is a shitty card, right? You'll never get that transformation and he's mediocre as fuck if he doesn't get it.

Eh, he's okay.
I use him in Potara linked with LR Black and his first attack already does between 800 and 900k, and from there he gets stronger.
Could be better, ssure, but I think people exagerate.

Not him but not everyone cares about damage or top tier teams, sometimes you just want a card because it's cool or you like the character

guys i dont know why you care about truth
just watch nano dude is always positive never says a units is trash unless he tries it out and even then he always finds the positive
truth is a fat neckbeard who get mad when global gets a good card first

>Implying I care about e-sports in a gacha game

Not only did I like the card a lot but I have a great Time Travelers team that I could run him on. Also

>You'll never get that transformation

With the soon to be released Zamasu you will be seeing his transformation quite a lot more ofter. LR Goku Black heals plus the Zamasu will allow to get it pretty easily.

He can be useful somewhat on the Goku event that's coming out in the future. The phy is probably better desu, but if they make more events like that he'll be a good unit

The PHY is better with the EZA, and seeing INT Janemba we can't rely on those coming soon anymore, it seems.

All of the cards of my favourite character are either shit or of the wrong version of the character.

>INT Janemba
I am a patient man. My rainbow Janemba is waiting to be unleashed.

It's more the redditards that take his word as fact that piss me off.
I haven't watch dokkan tubers in a month or two, and it has honestly been pretty liberating

Not even redditors care.
I use the dokkan subreddit for news about the game and from what i've read his obsession with LR Kale and Caulifla alineated everyone against him.

i bought int janemba with the red dragon stone last year when jp got his eza and we still dont have it on global its insane

Same, though I think it was also because he called some unit bad even though it clearly wasn't

It's because he said stupid shit like no dupe LR Kale and Caulifla being better than a rainbowed LR Goku and Frieza, and saying that their TUR was better than any dokkan festival card.

anything in treasure cruise

Quit after Movie Gogeta & Broly, anything important I missed? Also what do we get tickets for this time around?

Waifu fags. Not even once

Yes we do. LR Gohan and Goten are pretty good. New LR Broly isn't bad. INT Black, AGL Metal Cooler, and INT Kid Goku all came out. A couple of EZAs as well.

You missed the weekend ticket banners, INT Goku Black, PHY Transforming Vegeta and a dokkan fest LR Gohan and Goten with an active skill.
Also, a new transforming LR Broly. (the old one)

thanks fellas

You get them for a ticket banner that's up now.
You get tickets daily, and the banner has all LRs in it, but it's not GSSR.

Still no EZA on INT Janemba though. Hell we got EZA on TEQ SSJ3 Gotenks which came out AFTER Janemba's EZA in Japan.

>Vegeta comes into a ticket summon twice in a row
>Doesn't fuse
>Came in at the last second on one where it was just Goku and Krillin
Fuck this stupid nigger.

he STILL isn't out? what the fuck, I got this nigger rainbowed. surprised they're still niggers with releases like this

Cool it on the anti-negroid remarks

You're not the only with that nigga at rainbow status and just wasting away.

This nigga here

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shut up nigger

Not gonna lie I really want LR Baby more than either SSJ4 LR

but why
i understand baby is cool i really like him too but hes not in a good spot. he has no team where he is good on except his own and thats a 120%lead i think

LR Vegeta
>LR Vegeta
>Rage Vegeta
>SSBE Vegeta (fucking desperate for him since he always evades me and I need more teams)

I already have perfect Potara and pretty much every category lead including LR cat leads. I just want units that I like

Same here, I really wanted to pull for the GT Trio and Baby but my account isn't that great yet so I get much better value from pulling on the SS4 than the LR banner. Sucks too because if I pulled LR Cell from the banner as well I could make a pretty fucking good Baby team.


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Consier throwing in the movie Str Goten if you haveit, great synergy with the LR. Otherwise it'll do

Put Bra and STR Goten on.

>I just want units that I like
God I can't wait to get to that point. I just need a good ext agl and ext teq leads for battlefield and I'll finally be able to stop giving a fuck and just summon for what I like too. It's how I started, I didn't even reroll, just went for the then new UI Goku and got lucky.

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Who are your 'NEVER EVER' cards?

I have literally every original type lead except for INT SSJ3 Bardock; i pull every time he appears and I still can't fucking get him

Int SSJ3 Bardock is a cat lead not a type lead

SSJ3 Broly.
I have every single 120% other than him.

your floaters should be supports not random dokkanfests

definetly the phy kid buu which is why i got him with red stone

what the fuck is up with those faggots over there

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>4th anniversary celebrating the greatest show, transformation, and fusion in DB history is now live.
But its not DB, SS and Super Gogeta.

Unironically SS4 Gogeta
Every time he's on a banner I get everything I want and stop before he shows up.
>3rd Anniversary
>Lr Gogeta first pull
>Blue Gogeta banner
>Got Blue Gogeta second round
>Transforming Vegeta banner
>Only did one multi where I got Bardock
I know everyone complains that he's on every banner and people have pulled enough copies to rainbow him 5 times over, but I somehow just never landed on him

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reddit is garbage

You must have some shit luck if you didn't get at least 2 on the Gogeta banner.

Never knew Yea Forums played dokkan wow

Got 2 str vegeta's and blue gogeta from it. I only regret not going hard on TVegeta's banner. Could have used him, gogeta and full power ss4 goku

TEQ SS3 Angel goku and INT Angel golden frieza. Every fucking banner they're on i can't pull them. I just decided to say fuck it and bought the purple stone for goku. I'm more than sure at this point my account is flagged to never pull those two

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We only do threads during big events

What's the chances of threads happening during the 300m DL celebration?

Very likely

r8 h8 masturb8

I really love Str Future Trunks

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Future Gohan, the leader one.

JUSTed every single time.

How is goten and trunks?

Pretty stronk

Their active ability has such an easy activation and they get free ki the longer the fight

Hybrid sayians gets no ki its fucking annoying

ignore I read that as Goten and Gohan.

They're okay, they hit hard but they can't take a hit.

They're only worrthwhile if you're hitting 18ki every turn but they can get a shit load of free ki at random so there's that

hes shit dont worry you are not missing much

What rank are you guys at and when did you start playing? I just got to 500, started on 200 ml dl celebration. I remember my first pull being phy broly and being super happy at that

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>running hybrid cucks
>not running CHAD bloodline

Still need the leader. There's a lot of overlap with Time Travelers, i've got Trunks/Mai, but it just doesnt work.

Also, Hybrid Sayian leader Gohan.

Seriously Gohan...

Hybrid sayians is my fav team tho

Why? I has tons of dated cards and Gohan isn't a good leader.

what i hate about the sub is no matter what if you pull something good and mention it 26 downvotes
but say hur dur i got shafted +1000 they are more toxic then Yea Forums

>Gloating vs schadenfreude

hmmm I wonder why people respond better to the second

I'm at 280. Started playing in January.

Rank 334, this account is from the SSJ3 Bardock banner last year, but I've been playing on/off and had been losing accounts since around Super Vegito or Gogeta first came out.

rank 400 yesterday i farmed exp to get those sweet 20 stones
started a new account on the 3rd aniverary and got my boy lr vegito rainbowed

hybrids are just beast

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spoken like a true spic

Rank 521

Been playing for 2+ years now

rank 410
moded durning the 4th anivesery in story mode and farmed piccolo 27-3 with a nox macro and modded client

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STR Goku Black.
Must have spent a total of 1500 stones in banner's he's been.
I pulled LR Goku Black and INT Goku Black before him.
On a lower note, SSJ4 Gogeta.
I went for LR Gogeta's banner, pulled an LR, and kept going for SSJ4 and pulled an LR dupe, but up to this day still no SSJ4 Gogetas.

Rank 401 almost 4 years now

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Any JP players

INT Angel Golden Frieza, AGL tansforming Goku and TEQ Transforming Frieza.

Was in your boat with SSJ3 Bardock but have since rainbowed him on the past few banners he has been on.

Atleast i have my 1000 day LR goku, where's yours???

428 started right when PHY Vegito came out. Took about 6 months off between 2nd and 3rd anniversaries.

Getting close to 1200 stones, i can't fucking wait anymore

>tfw have a few decent units on JP, but too lazy to get used to playing in a different language

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rip thread :(

Rank 468, began with the TEQ SSJ3 Angel Goku and Masked Saiyan banner almost 2 years ago.
Unmodded, btw, I only used mods twice, for the first two EZAs since my box wasn't too big back then and I needed the stones.

There is a translation mod, you know.

Can't you get banned for that?

This is the first of many in the up coming days/week

No, only thing that is banned is using hacks during the WT, and that's calculated by looking at attack stats and health amount.

They only ever ban for their precious World Tournament

Not really,
i have also seen color counter and lineage of evil

>just started playing
>old lr broly
>lr metal cooler
>555 character slots
I play in and off half a year and i have 300 slots

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Hercule isn’t so bad since it’s just buying one thing a day.

You go for the LR and this guy slaps your summon. What do you do?

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Wonder what the fuck it's happening because I'm summoning only on Vegeta's.
I have all the cards in Goku's banner, and I have LR Gobros with a dupe, so there's literally no reason for me to go for him.

I really hope the old SSJ4 Vegeta shows up in my summons. He's literally the only 120% lead i'm missing and i've been playing since way before the 1st anniversary. I for the life of me can not roll him nor the AGL Vegito.

are you me

Same here.
I have every other 120% lead with at least one dupe, but no SSJ4 Vegetas.

>Only one ssr from my ticket pulls
Why don’t you stfu nigger

anyone else here saving the tickets so they can go full retard when the banners come and use everything at once?

I'm just rebuilding the stock upuntill last day and pull everything then, we'll probably get more of those tickets through top grossing

I just need more good GT characters in general so welcome it I suppose.

Are you me? 515 here. Started on the 200M celebration and I was overjoyed that I pulled phy Goku Black

I really wish they'd update the GT events already to have drop bonuses or something. They're easily the most painful shop currency events to farm.

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the sjw on the dokkan wiki banned me bros for commenting on how hot towa is and how big the milkers are of this time travelers bitch

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here is the summon simulator if you feel itchy

>do a multi
>no guaranted ssr

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you can change that above the banner you idiot

>Start right when Kefla gets released
>Get a boner and go for waifus instead of God Damn SS PHY Vegito
>Never get her
>Pull on every banner she's been on
>Never get her
>Even burning through hundreds of tickets and guaranteed SSRs I still don't have her
I pulled on the Goku and Frieza LR banner and got them before fucking Kefla

>got both LR vegeta and gogeta in 5 multis
no way will i be this lucky with the ingame banners

Who else here is picking up 1 copy of Majuub then saving until Freeza and King Cold?

better question is where do idownload a moded apk

Nah, I'm just saving for Frieza because I need my Frost demon team.

Wish you could actually see what the units are, some LRs are really hard to tell from their SSR

The guy who made modded APKs quit.

I'm not looking forward to the legendary Goku event at all. It looks like the most boring game mode added the game in years.

370, been playing since day one with a few breaks here and there. Started off with Burter and didn't get a remotely decent unit until INT Perfect Cell first dropped.

Imagine if you'd saved every stone until GSSR

What happened to the 1-turn insta win mods? Are modders just unable to do that anymore or are they hiding it behind "pls give money for mod"

I started at the third anniversary and I hit level 400 yesterday. What the fuck

If only. But I've had pretty great luck for spending maybe ~$30 total over the years on this game, so I'm not too upset.

That art is so fucking terrible jesus christ. Why is his face so small compared to the rest of his head?

how's that for a movie bosses/fp hybrid team

Attached: villain fp team.png (988x815, 1.06M)

pretty good but maybe put a Janemba in instead of omega shenron.

Just baba those Broly units, they're trash

>baba good tournament clearers

Shut the fuck up Frieza

Attached: unbelievable.png (313x260, 45K)

That kind of defeats the entire point.

>AGL Broly
>PHY Broly
Nigger, you retarded?

Whats the HP and Attack stat for that team? What are showing in events?

A large monkey is still just a monkey

A large monkey that hits harder the more you hit him and also the more he hits is a pretty strong monkey. Monkeys can rip your face off effortlessly anyways.

>beat Frieza in his strongest form while only in base SS
>just a monkey
Star mad Frieza.

Before the threads gets archived, i want to wish ou all good luck