You know honestly, I think nowadays, videogames shouldn't have boss-fights. They're

>You know honestly, I think nowadays, videogames shouldn't have boss-fights. They're

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Other urls found in this thread: fights are too video gamey


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It's true, though. It's one thing if it's a light hearted fantasy and you encounter a dragon or whatever, but when the game is otherwise taking itself seriously, bullet sponge human bosses are awful.

How unfortunate. You're missing out on one of the best games of this decade.

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Give ONE example of anyone saying that.

OP just said it

no one thinks this

Any game that takes itself seriously is a joke.

you are a big soi

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/thread fights are too video gamey
Occurrences going back at least to 2012 on the first page alone.

>no ears

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Do yourself a favor and stop posting wojak, it only devalues your arguments, if you had any to begin with.

i guess a lot of people must think that huh

The faggots literally don't want to play the games, they just want to write about it. Unfortunately for them, you have to put effort into games to see all of them. Hopefully things stay this way.

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Huh, well I stand corrected then, what a bunch of idiots.
Btw, are zelda games action rpgs? this Schreier guy said they were.

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>Unfortunately for them, you have to put effort into games to see all of them.

No you don't, just youtube it.

the day they come out? or a week before that because you need to write a review?

No, I wouldn't say so.

How would you feel if games started having optional settings for every new game to come out on next gen consoles?

Keep in mind, any and all of this is optional, and does not effect the way you would normally play a game, it is there soley for the people who want changes, and would instead be given them in a simple manner rather then ousting them and allowing huge corporations to be swayed by the majority voice, affecting everyone.

A. Have optional Dialogue/Voices in its story
>If left on, characters will speak in text boxes/voice dialogue, and advance at your own pace, while fleshing out the games story further for people interested in it.
>If turned off, events will be told through the actions of the character models, and events without the extra use of exposition and or completely abolish cutscenes, giving you just enough story to digest and letting you continue the game unhindered.

B Have optional gender switching
>If left off, the character will either be the established male, and or female protaganist the game has designed the story and world around.
>If switched on, will change the gender of the protaganist to allow players to identify better. the protaganist will be exactly the same, same story, same goals, only more suitable for the players tastes. This means Guys could play as girls, and girls, guys. and nobody would feel the need to complain about representation.

C. Have optional Fanservice/Extras
>If left off Events will progress as the game dictates, Any form of fanservice will be viewed and will happen as normal but will be regulated to ESRB standard depending on the age rating of said game.
>If switched on, Will censor all fanservice based scenes, or any scenes with heavy amounts of sex, blood, gore, and violence allowing you to toggle what can be viewed. This allows those who feel "offended" to toggle off the choices themselves, and take the duty of censorship away from big name companies, and put it in the hands of the user.

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I think games should just have a supreme faggot easy mode that you can get by dying a lot in a single encounter.
You can accept to keep trying or to go into faggot mode. After faggot mode is activated you cannot up the difficulty and you unlock a hidden tier of trophies separate from the typical ones for bosses &c. labeling you a faggot and not counting towards completion.

Sooo you've never played DMC have you?

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I would feel incredilous because it feels the devs are wasting a bunch of time on censoring themselves, or makes it look like they dont have a clear vision of what the game want and are trying to pander to everyone. The only thing I feel would be acceptable is an unlockable "debug" mode, in my ignorance I feel it wouldnt take too long to program into a menu, and everytime the player exits that menu, it resets the settings.

>bioware literally said this to excuse the fact mass effect 3 didn't have a final boss fight, despite being full of bosses the rest of the time

>bioware also started the entitled gamer argument, as well as the "call of duty audience" meme, and "my face is tired" meme
what a useless fucking company

In videogames, at least, you can talk to them and they will talk back to you. But when it comes to actual enemies, well, it's just an awful bunch...just as annoying as the ones in the movie of the same name. It's frustrating because it's not only the same game every time, but it's literally every scene in it, and I have no motivation to actually come back for more. I'll probably be dead by then anyway. It's even more confusing when you're trying to understand why there's a problem for the first few scenes of one level because you don't know why you're seeing one scene and the other has changed. The game never takes itself lightly. It's a videogame that's made for the first six months of its life, if that, though the gameplay has been in beta a little longer than that. To put things simply, the game is pretty awful.

I don't think it's at all like what I'm talking about?
My thing could be automatic input but other games have that. Something like
>Neir A easy mode chips
>Chicken hat
Unlocked via failure, the same way many games will ask you if you want to lower the difficulty upon multiple failures.
However, it also locks you out of trophies and gives you a second set of trophies serving to berate you.

DMC literally berates you if you die more than 10 times and offers you easy mode, if you take it you cant switch back to normal
Alternatively, if you don't die more than 5 times you get offered hard mode, but if you take it you can't go back down to easy.

Again. that's largely not what I described.

>tfw boss fights are the best part of your game
special mentioned to Luna Nights which I just finished. really short but fuck the music slapped hard as shit and it was super fun overall.

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but back then it was confirmed that boss will just be a boring cut scene or a boring bullet sponge

Personally I think it is really strange when a video game is filled with combat from front to back but there are no bosses of any kind, not even a final one. The Sinking City is like that.

>Their next game is nothing like furi
Fair is fair i guess but still the fight with Bernard is one of the few things that is still fun no matter what

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