it's comfy and you're wrong if you disagree
It's comfy and you're wrong if you disagree
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Fallout 3's a masterpiece
I found it enjoyable after a bunch of mods. Green mod, more npcs, weapon and armor packs etc.
It's only comfy because you were so excited for it.
It's better than 3, I will give you that
it looks like plastic
Not comfy in the slightest
Far Harbor is comfy, Commonwealth is eh minus it's nautical/coastal areas & the glowing sea
I agree, I love it. Its one of those games I play through once every 6 months.
go away Todd
>muh comfy
>muh atmosphere
only if you completely disconnect yourself from the fucking abhorrent story and mod it into a HD minecraft
just because I like something doesn't mean it's good.
3 is a better game to get lost in than 4 and they share pretty much the same suite of problems as each other, the only improvement in 4 is the gunplay. But I’d take a better map than a marginally better combat system.
name a redeeming quality
That's literally it.
Do you think the crashes are comfy, the regular glitches are comfy, the retarded animations are comfy or just the complete lack of atmosphere?
Or maybe the piles of bland trash where content should be remind you of home?
Its not.
Its a big empty world with no defining characteristics that stood out besides MIT.
but it's comfy >:(
Too bad the story of MIT and pretty much everything else was handled in such a retarded way that it still hurts to think about it.
Fallout 4's improvements haven't aged all that well, while the leveling and roleplaying in any of the older ones can stand as good mechanics in the place of combat and crafting
>spent a literal week installing sex mods, rape mods, robot sex mods etc.
>get into a fight
>lose on purpose to get raped
>close game
Just play Wild Life.
No, Skyrim is comfy. Fallout 4 is just... I don't know how to describe it. But it's not comfy.
Well in fairness Boston is a fucking shithole
Whats it like being the cancer killing video games?
good gun play
to the detriment of everything else
not an argument
Bethesda stays in its own corner, unlike Activision and EA.
>furfag tranny has shit opinions
it's mediocre to bad in most areas and not something i'd want to play through ever again. settlement building was comfy for a few hours and while i built several settlements up, i never visited them again. legendary weapons was a neat idea but the way it actually works in the game is really bad.
>Needing to project this hard just so you can fit in
Experience human interaction outside of a computer screen.
76 is comfy. It's a shit game but the map is really nice and building a settlement with friends is comfy.
Can you actually build a "settlement" or is it limited to building tiny shitshacks?
if you have the same standards as a pig you really shouldn't be alive.
>A game that had several years in development and a big budget is more shallow and bland than one that was rushed in 18 months
The world is fun to explore.
the budget is kinda small but I've seen small towns.
76 is better. you all really should try it if you haven't, we already fixed a lot the technical problems.
I really wish they would just make two-part contact weapons. It feels so fuckin goofy to hold that laser musket with one hand in VR. It'd be perfect with two-part contact weapons.
I wish they could design weapons that aren't visual vomit, but we can't always get what we want.
this. this is why i never stay
Just made me sad that I have to balance my wrist onthe crook of my arm and just pretend I'm not holding a sniper rifle with one hand.
only pistol builds and melee are viable. But holding a two handed melee weapon makes me want to cry too. It's just a shame. I wanted to like it so bad.
is it really rape if you wanted it?
>"We approached these designs from the point of view of a resourceful Wastelander who knows nothing about guns but is trying to make gun-like contraptions."
that would be kind of cool if the weapons weren't absolute dog shit and were ugly as shit as well
This would be more accurate.
It was fun when the Robotics Expert perk was actually useful. Bethesda prides themselves in "fixing" a perk in a SINGLE PLAYER game that nobody gave a shit about, yet there's still hundreds of day 1 gamebreaking bugs and texture glitches.
I can’t get comfy when everything looks like it’s made of greasy plastic.
What did they change about it? I only ever played it after all the patches were out.
Bros. I just want a good survival post apocalyptic rpg. Why is that so much to ask for?
I like these junky designs. I don't care how functional they would or wouldn't be.
The loading times in this game are so fucking bad even on PC.
Doesn't exist. Closest is Conan Exiles but that's post-prehistoric-apocalypse, not modern apocalypse.
Leaving aside the fact that they wouldn't actually function at all, we're supposed to assume that whoever made them was good enough at reshaping scrap metal to make weapons out of them, but not quite skilled enough to make something designed to be comfortably used by human hands?
>post apocalyptic
You can pick two and only two
It’s not as unforgiving as 3 or new Vegas because the world is slowly starting to rebuild. Actually using colour makes it more interesting to look at instead of a green and gray or orange filter over everything.
You could hack any type robot that you aimed at. You could shut them down, initiate self destruct with a huge explosion, or command them to attack others. It was very fun. If you played as asniper you could hack robots from any range. It made sense to use the perk as a sniper because you're weak up close. For some reason they "patched" it, so now you have to be right up on an enemy to use it. It's only useful if you're playing as a stealth melee character. Even then, assaultrons, sentry bots, etc can attack you during the animation where you pull up your pip boy. You'll constantly get ass raped at any attempt unless you're playing on an easy difficulty and/or have points in endurance. It was a great perk for the automatron quest line too, but now it's fucked.
It's almost the equivalent of what Bethesda did with the oghma infinium book in skyrim.
They also nerfed ninja and sandman without fixing the obtainment order multipliers
I set up those artillery cannons everywhere possible it's like the Boomers on steroids
This particular screenshot is a perfect display of almost everything I hated about this game in the couple of hours I wasted trying to turn my brain off so I could mindlessly enjoy some modern bethesda garbage.
To be honest I don't even know where to start. Just look at the picture and notice how everything is roundish, everything looks plastic and toylike. It's almost like you're this big dumb kid and they made you a big playground so you could safely run around and have fun without hurting yourself. Everything looks harmless and unthreatening. The lighting also adds to this sterile feeling, it even turns the dumb color palette into this vomit inducing shade of pastel. Your character also looks like an action figurine, not the cool ones but the cringey one, it looks dumb, look at his fucking outfit and the way they modelled him, omg he's the "Fallout guy!" woah! "cries in basedface".
Sure comfy is accurate.
But comfy does not equal good. Even the shittiest VNs are comfy.
I don't think a gas station is supposed to look threatening at least until you put some gun turrets down yourself
The environment is great. I love how colorful it is, and I adore the vertical exploration of downtown Boston.
It's just that because of their changes to loot, weapon balance, character progression, and the lackluster storytelling that exploration is completely fucking uninteresting outside of the visual aspect. What's interesting about stumbling into a bank on the 25th floor of this massive skyscraper if you know that there's going to be literally nothing worth looting in it? Oh wow, some pre-war money, some fucking staples I can break down for parts, some bullshit terminal entries I can't give a fuck about, wow.
F4 was mad comfy when I downloaded a stylish sam fisher type sneaking suit, modern silenced weapons and cheated so I had every maxed out perk and just played a stealth power fantasy where I killed everything in 1 head shot in vats.
i'd say 4 has more than just better combat over 3. the map and quests are the only things i'd say 3 does better. 4 has better gameplay, graphics, weapons & armors, player housing, and updated engine (allowing for more and better modding).
Where were you when he killed Fallout?
Its devoid of meaningful content, and your normie brain thinks that's comforting.
I think it'd be foolish to say 3 does most of what it does better than 4, and yet I still prefer 3 over 4. Part of it is just nostalgia (11 fucking years ago, jesus christ)
but part of it is that FO4 lacks two of my favorite parts of fallout's progression, the scavenging for cool unique items and butchering the skill system in favor of all perks. Perks are supposed to be neat traits that compliment skills. Mashing them together ruins the point of both. The lack of uniques makes dungeon crawling feel even more meaningless than it usually does as there's basically no point to continue doing it the second you get a gamebreaker legendary from the RNG system.
Fallout shouldn't be comfy. It's supposed to be uncomfortable deserts, cryptic life, pure horror and awful nightmare noise. Fuck all of you for wanting Fallout to be le west virginia stupid prepper bullshit.
You sound like a cringey faggot
Is there a more punch-able face?
I've been playing it again recently with mods this time and the gunplay is fun, the PA feels great, and some of the dlc is okay but the fucking dialogue and main quest are so bad
you're right, i did forget about the loss of skills and uniques (havent played fo4 in a couple years), that is a huge thing 3 has over it. i'd still say fo4 is a lot more replayable than 3, nostalgia aside.
This game is only enjoyable if it's one of your first Bethesda titles. If you've played more than one of their RPGs the allure is lost and they all become samey and boring.
The comfiness and mods are pretty much the only things it has going for it.
Neither element is present in 76
I agree with the first part, especially since Bethesda games force you into taking quests even if you don't want to so being able to interrupt the dialogue and walk away is nice
I didn't hate it near as much as a lot of people did, but I also made A LOT of my own balance mods, mostly specific weapon damage adjustments, and cleaning up the unmovable shit in a lot of the settlements to make them look presentable. I tried making my own settlement from scratch on top on a lone highway bridge but the pathing was a nightmare.
looks like shit
Why is it so spooky though?
Did they ever fix the azerty keyboard bug in the constuction menu ?
Sounds like FO4. My favorite storyline was the robot dlc in the Robobrain research facility because the entire story and lore was told through text logs. It was genuinely interesting and disturbing.
If you like base building and management, i guess its fun, if not its horrible busy work
My modder buddy made a balance mod that buffed all the early-mid tier weapons to be viable with the late game. My favourite was how much he buffed the DB shotgun. Each shot did double the damage of a combat shotgun, with the drawback of the longer reload. Then, he made a custom Legendary prefix that made both barrels fire at once for 2.5x the damage, with a reload speed penalty. He's a clever chap.
>install FROST
>install spooky music/lighting/ENB mods
There, gets rid of all the dumb story and turns it into a real apocalypse survival experience where gathering trash is actually kind of immersive. Unfortunately no compatch for FROST + Nuclear Winter but if I get bored I might just have to try it myself
go away.
unironically baste
Oh Shit I forgot how fucking atrocious the ai pathing is in this game. How the fuck do you make City building 90% of your game and mandatory for the story And have bare minimum basic bitch toolset to force players to only be able to make shitty Square shacks that would make a 10 year old Minecraft player cringe only to have garbage tier ai that can't even path up your shitty preset blocks. How the fuck does one flight of stairs quicksnapped to its intended tile cause game shattering ai bugs that cripple your entire settlement to a standstill and potentially cause such extreme script overloading that it can corrupt your save and cause irreversible instacrash zone around that settlement
fucking answer me Todd you LIZARD CUNT
this mod is so fucking horrible, both in balancing and in writing. Even just playing vanilla and just avoiding any quests is better than that trash
Yea, I noticed that with the overseers guardian after I put a suppressor on it. The only thing that makes a sniper build viable is the second perk in "sniper" in the perception skill. That way you can keep knocking enemies down. Melee or even a pistol build is much better. I don't understand why they would change something in a single player game.
>playing as Bruce jenner
>playing with controller
Filthy degenerate
i love all these retard dummies not knowing what the fuck comfy is.
I like it in theory, but yeah, it's been abandoned for almost two years and is still very broken. The alternative for an autistic trashman experience is Horizon but that starts to feel like a hacked together city builder really quick.
comfy is pretty subjective
that's why some people sperg out when you use the word "comfy" to describe why you like a game, because it literally means nothing to them
>Install player comment mod so you can somewhat bantz with your follower randomly
>Install AFT so you can bring multiple followers with you and watch them heal each other when down
>AI mod like pack attack to balance it up
>Be Exceptional if you want the old skill system back
It’s fun honestly
still working on my eternal quest to turn this game into a reasonable STALKER/Silent Hill atmospheric experience
Existence 2.0 radio is really some good shit if you want to get psyched out hard while exploring in the middle of the night
some other shit I added in
>replace pipboy with a that touchpad mod, damaged texture version so it looks worn
>That flashlight mod, picked one of the shittest flashlights I could find
>clothing pack with some russian military gear I found on a russian forum, pic related
>darker nights and a mod that adds a bunch of harsh weather
The armors look like ass, the unique weapons are just normal weapons with a different enchantment to it. The settlement building is barebones as fuck. Its like Skyrim, you mod it to fucking hell and realize that modding cant save it
>still on that shitty engine
>no toggle aim in a shooter
>removal of rpg elements
>terrible dialogue design
>voiced protagonist
>best looking game
>new power armor is porn
>weapon modding and base building pretty fun
>survival mode is excellent
I can understand the balancing, since suppressors are already usually the best mod for any gun. What I don't understand is that they didn't entirely fix the ninja and sandman multipliers to actually work with Deacon
Depending on the order you get them it can nerf your damage hard meaning you have to get him up to max affinity before investing anything into sandman
Survival mode is a fun challenge until the game crashes on you
3 is average at best but it shits on 4 because it's still an RPG. Now you can go back to /fog/ where you and your fellow discord trannies belong
Post your favourite mods
she looks cute, fuck you
Which green mod?
This. This game has absolutely nothing else going for it. Bethesda should just drop the pretend rpg labels since they clearly can't make them and just focus on making large open worlds to explore.
Fallout New Vegas
Fallout 3
Fallout 4
The other Fallouts
Fallout 76
Best game I've played.
>fallout 2
>under fallout 3 AND 4
Brainlet spotted
Shut the fuck up nigger
I enjoyed the game for what it was although my biggest gripes will always be with the story which is something you can't really fix with mods sadly. The institute would've been an amazing faction if it weren't for bethesda's awful writing but until then they're just untapped potential. The complete and lack of nuance of how they were written is almost infuriating. I still side with them though.
"some assembly required" is my favorite mod for this game ever. also:
survival options
sim city conqueror
anything by FX0x01, fadingsignal or Niero
south of the sea
be exceptional
reverb and ambience overhaul
S.T.A.L.K.E.R music mod - complete
pip-boy flashlight
same bro, I'm amazed that I side with the poorly-written bad guys every time due to how much worse every other faction is
Sad how I can actually recognize the posters that say they like Todd's feces by the way they post, Same canned responses to these threads every single time.
You kids are autistic as hell.
How long would it take me to mod the game so I can build and fuck an assaultron?
>flanderization of the fallout aesthetic
>butchered the perks thing
>garbage tier writing
>I personally think the game looks worse than 3 and nv save for the character models
>made guns and armor tedious to manage and ugly to boot
>environment isn't fun to explore at all
>stupid lore
This being said, I do have probably 30 hours in the game.
It's kind of fun to run around killing stuff and raking in xp, i guess. Extremely soulless game, but it's more fallout which is all I want
>Do a fuck ton of minutemen quests
>Get sort of burned out
Welp, time to take a break
nice character, private armor?
Does my heart good that the railroad are the least popular faction which isn't hard to see because of how utterly retarded they are, even by fallout's standards.
>Synth Freedom Fighters
>They just do memory wipes on them and literally give them fake memories and send them off their merry way
>Some even end up braindead from the process
>The institute, the only place in the entire US who has the knowledge on how synths work gets nuked rendering it almost impossible to do proper repairs
>Desdamona even has the balls to want you quit the minutemen too to work for them full time
>They don't even help actual people enslaved by raiders
It's ok. 6/10
post-peak Bethesda before they turned into complete trash
the only good parts about that shitty sewer group is the ballistic weave and Deacon, who is like the third best character. I can't bring myself to go through talking to them after going through their "puzzle" door
You can mod it into a first person Sim City or HD minecraft like
It disturbs me the amount of newfag betheshit eaters lately that are trying to convince themselves that this is a good game. Jesus Christ its unredeemable shit. There are other developers than bugthesda newfags. There are games where you don't have to have hundreds of mods stacked on top of a 20yo unstable mess of an engine to make it passable. Games where you don't actually have to spend more time modding it and actually playing it. Leave your bubble.
No there aren't.
>the map and quests are the only things i'd say 3 does better.
Which are things that modders can't do anything about, and the things that Fallout 4 does "well" are things that could be modded rather easily.
The base building mechanic was literally a copy from a Fallout 3 and New Vegas mod, which actually had more depth, you could hire guards and set their patrol routes, and hire scavengers to loot the dead bodies of anyone who tried to attack your base
modding and stacking mods is more fun than actually playing games
I'm having fun and no one can stop me.
how do you play it? Do you make detailed settlements? factories? Or do you just play it like a survival game?
Except I enjoy it almost entirely vanilla.
relatively decent-looking butts
'76 was legitimately comfy last I played it
it has to have at least 200% more skeletons than Fallout 3
No, I just play the game.
Ghouls are just zombies lmao
imagine wasting this much of your life on such a soulless game
I pity you
I don't think about you at all
As in vanilla with no mods?
Not entirely vanilla, but close.
The biggest mod I use is Sim Settlements just because I'm tired of building up my settlements for the dozenth or so time, along with a mod for unlimited followers.
There is also my own custom mod which changes a lot of the weapons balance and NPCs load-outs to better fit my tastes. For example I changed to combat rifle to use 5.56 and changed the assault rifle to .308 and upped its damage considerable.
The rest is lore friendly slutwear mods.
You think you were having fun, but you're wrong. It was fake fun.
Like with skyrim, I found it enjoyable after I installed shit ton of mod and stopped doing quests.
Why is "comfy" a praise? What you're saying is that the game basically puts you close to a catatonic state and doesn't excite you in any way.
This games gunplay is such an improvement over 3 and NV that it actively makes it harder to enjoy those games, despite everything else about the game being trash.
I hate it for that.
How can fun be fake?
some people play games to relax. Must be a strange concept for a energy drink chugger
That's one hell of a smile.
It is. If you're so tired and stressed out then go take a fucking nap and improve your diet, faggot.
I've unironically had more fun in my first full playthrough of fo1 than my fo4 one, this game actually challenges you and you feel like your character is yours.
You know seeing this inherently hurts my soul but I respect you for liking this game.
The power armor that acted like a vehicle was comfy, even though this is an unpopular opinion.
Shame the NPCs and locations and quests sucked dick.
think how cool it would have been if you could turn the institute into a base
It's only good for mods
Piper's cooch is comfy.
Pls leave me alone
The only way for me to really enjoy Fallout 4 is to go maximum power armor + heavy weapons and side with the Brotherhood. Their quest variety is pretty decent, and they're also the only faction besides the Railroad to not thrust a leadership role onto you. At most you hit Sentinel and still serve under Maxson.
>The power armor that acted like a vehicle was comfy, even though this is an unpopular opinion.
But that's not true at all. Even NMA, the most retarded fanboy shithole imaginable, thinks the shift to a walking vehicle was a good idea. Don't ask them about the fusion cores and interchangeable frames though.
Boston is so fucking good looking that it's a shame it runs like shit. The concept of a retrofuturistic metropolitan below a giant overpass just hits me like a truck.
I agree. It’s a guilty pleasure of mine. Yeah the Vanilla story is shit and the freedom is limited but what makes the game in the end playable, just like all bethesda games, is the modding community.
hang all synths
the modding community for 4 sucks tho
I haven’t modded older fallout games enough to see which one is better, but from what I’ve seen, I like the mods. Especially the big map mods like Fallout Miami.
You just have to understand that 95% of people have absolutely shit taste so you really have to dig to find the golden gems beneath the shit.
For example, people keep downloading this broken fucking mess of a mod that hasn't been updated in three years.
When this mod completely supersedes it with superior features, is lighter, gets constant updates and the author is mega autistic about squashing bugs.
The first two fallout games were mega comfy though
to be honest you need to have a very low iq to enjoy bethesda rpgs
Prime kino.
Major places in Fallout games are always civilizations where everything is relatively safe. Not every place is The Zone.
Apart from the settlements system and the lackluster dlc apart from Far Harbour it was a decent game.
>Fuck all of you for wanting Fallout to be le west virginia stupid prepper bullshit.
Literally nobody wants that, but at this point people just tolerate it.
Hell, I've seen people toss around ideas for a broken Enclave conflict in Australia because that place is already hell on Earth. Imagine Radroos and monstrous drop bears, endless rad sandstorms and a sea teaming with giant sharks and shit.
At least 3 is an actual RPG.
It looks nice but at the cost of really boring side quests and locations.
>A settlement needs our help
Not comfy
I take Bethesda games for what they are and always end up having fun despite their flaws. If you accept you're nto gonna get some super immersive deep and complex RPG with a great story and wait for a sale to buy it you won't be disappointed. I even like the shitty engine because the console lets you do anything, you can fix a lot of the bugs and problems through simple console commands, that's something few games have.
It's still a shitty rpg, whereas 4 at least competent enough as a shooter game
>Fallout 3
Shit story
Shit gameplay
>Fallout New Vegas
Decent story
Shit gameplay
>Fallout 4
Shit story
Decent gameplay
This factually makes 3 the weakest of the Bethesda-era SP Fallouts.
Come on man, there's grass on roads. Not cracks through the road, the actual road. Details are where you can see whether a game is nicely done or just a sad excuse for investor money.
I like how you can make Jet and get high all the time without having to experience the bugs crawling on your skin like IRL.
Fallout 4 and Skyrim are only good with mods
thats the current timeline baby
and its only going to get worse
>survival mode is excellent
>meter managment is excellent
how many of these hours are loading screens ?
As stupid as this 'bug' is, the improved loading time is so good on an SSD that it feels faster than most other games.
It's a completely meaningless term, so okay. It's a decent timesink with the right mods, but that's it.
good lord
You bought Fallout 76 too didn't you?
I don't know how someone can put that many hours into such a boring game.
>survival mode is excellent
It’s fucking terrible until you use survival options to remove half of the bullshit. Give me one good reason why you shouldn’t be able to save wherever in a Bethesda game.
For me, it's Cait.
Post couriers
Who cares.
>no toggle aim in a shooter
Toggle aim is unironically for ass-backwards simpletons.
It's pretty fun on survival. And late autumn atmosphere is great. They absolutely nailed the lighting.
it's probably shopped
When I play this game I feel like I’m wasting my time. As if I know I should be playing other, more fulfilling games
fight me
They put so much effort into the pipegun, but I bet literally nobody even used the damn things. The only use I had for them was selling for a few extra caps or scrapping for some wood and screws.
>Brotherhood of Steel above anything
I'm sorry but that makes you confirmed retarded.
dumbest shit ever conceived
But is her Hokuto Shinken any good?
>How the fuck do you make City building 90% of your game and mandatory for the story
The only mandatory part is building the stuff to teleport you into the Institute isn't it?
It's faction dependent.
Settlement building is mandatory.
Settlement building is mandatory to create safe zones.
Only the Molecular Relay is mandatory.
No settlement building is mandatory.
Competent spinoff tier: f:tactics
Might as well just be a reskin tier: f76
Consoleshit quarantine zone: [f:bos]
Mandatory in what way? Minutemen at most all you have to build is a settlement beacon if the settlement doesn't already have some NPCs right? That's pretty few and far between. I also genuinely don't remember having to build a single thing for the Railroad.
made your shitpost too obvious
>Minutemen at most all you have to build is a settlement beacon if the settlement doesn't already have some NPCs right?
I mean if all you're doing is building beacons, you're not really playing the Minutemen. That entire faction's content is settlement building. That's like joining the Brotherhood and not using power armor and/or heavy weapons.
Also yes, the Railroad has safe zone quests where you need to build turrets and other defences at certain locations.
Doesn't really sound mandatory then if you're not forced into it, you're doing it by choice at that point. I wouldn't pick the settlement building faction then complain about having to build settlements. The Railroad stuff sounds like their side missions cause I blasted through their main story for the achievement and I'm pretty sure I didn't build squat for them, so again, not mandatory.
>I wouldn't pick the settlement building faction then complain about having to build settlements.
Who are you quoting? I'm just saying they're the designated settlement faction and not engaging in it is dumb.
Whoever was saying the settlement building was mandatory for the story, the only story mandatory building is the thing that teleports you into the Institute.
It being comfy is exactly the problem. That and everything looks like it's made of plasticine under their 'new' engine.
That's neat and all but pipe guns can fuck right off, NV done it right in weapon variety. 3 was ok too, Better than 4.
Comfiness is actually the only thing Fallout 4 has. Unfortunately, when there's nothing else to the game, even the comfiness gets boring after a while. Game is actually too comfy.
why is everyone saying its better than 3? i think 3's atmosphere shits all over 4's
Because there's a lot of kids in this world that dislike "scary" atmospheres. They'd rather have a safe carnival style atmosphere
dilate outside of a computer screen
>He's never heard of Exodus.
My poop is a better video game than Fallout 3.
git gud and learn to plan
>so mad he responds to a post from 10 hours ago
yeah but its still a disappointment
I couldn't care less how shit the main story is, I enjoy replaying Fallout 3 for side quests and DLC and throwing a couple mods here and there despite Fallout 1, 2 and NV being better for replays.
What got me was the voiced protagonist, no matter how shit the dialogue can get in RPG's, especially on the side of the main character, you can always not think about it and laugh off a couple joke responses, but with a voiced protagonist as mentally handicapped as The Sole Survivor I just can't, every single time he switches from sarcasm to being sad about his wife in the same conversation and the lack of variety in responses because that would require more time for voice acting kills me. The voiced protagonist also fucked over mods that add quests and mini-campaigns which makes me angry at all that could have been.
New vegas has better gameplay than 4. New vegas understood it had shitty combat and instead made up for it with perk synergy and a huge variety of weapons and builds. 4 has good gunplay but lacks the variety in weapons. The only thing 4 does better is something that new vegas doesnt do which is town building. Even then that comes at the cost if removing interesting locations
"Sarcasam" ah yes "IM GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU" great sarcasm lone wanderer
>new power armor is porn
Are you referring to how power armor is handled in general or the t60? Because the t60 is a discount version of the t45, and the t45 is a discount version of the t51.
gonna ask this here, is there anyway to restore the signal of galaxy news radio in FO3 without doing the museum mission? because you can just skip the mission with a speech check
it became comfy only after the hardcore mode patch. exploring to find shit to bring back to your base becomes a million times more immersive and satisfying when you can't fast travel or savescum
Savescumming is necessary because the game is a buggy shitfest
I really hate 3s grey and green look. It is nauseating and boring.
spoiler you can do the settlement stuff without ever meeting the minutemen.
Typically why I choose Nora instead. Her lines are much better.
This. Fallout 4 is settlement simulator.
They should have went flown blow Animal Crossing style so the NPCs had some character to them.
i like it because it makes everything feel irradiated
How the fuck can they write something this horrible after some dev with 1/8 the budget made New Vegas?
>>flanderization of the fallout aesthetic
I'm glad someone else clocked this, I rarely see this anywhere but the art-style completely changed and I fucking hate it. The only benefit is that it makes nu-Fallout really easy to distinguish and segregate in my brain from actual Fallout.
I mean, Fallout 2 was references the game.
F:NV > F2 > F1 > F3 > F:T > F4
>having a follower/ally in fallout
all the perks if you don't are broken
Thank you for your regurgitated meme opinion but that has absolutely nothing to do with the art style.
It's especially weird because Fallout 3 nailed the aesthetic dead on for all its other flaws, then they just completely fucked it up the ass for 4.
Yes it does.
I enjoyed this post
>art style changed
4 actually looks closer to original fallout than any 3d fallout yet.
Its particularly noticable on the settlement object icons. They have a deliberate 90s cgi feel.
Same with the lighting.
How can you be so wrong you must be blind.
There are only like 3 towns, same problem as fallout 3.
"but you can build your own settlements!"
If I wanted to play a city builder I would've installed AoE, Todd.
I like how the protagonist absorbs his weapons when "holstering".
>4 actually looks closer to original fallout than any 3d fallout yet.
Yeah thats a valid complaint theres basically Diamond city, Good Neighbour in vanilla. Far Harbor, Arcadia, The atom place and Nuka world with dlc.
Imagine if someone modded the Fallout 4 power armor to Fallout:NV
Amusement park vs bleak ruins
fallout 3 has the best aesthetic
Deacon is cool. Killing him is the hardest part of aiding with the Institute. I remember when I had to do it I took his glasses off and kept them with me as a memento. It was the hardest thing my character had to do.
Just mod nv stuff into 4
Been having a blast exploring the wasteland in Fallout 76 with my friend or alone when he's not available. I'm probably already 100 hours into it and only uncovered half the map.
For someone who never gave a fuck about Fallout's poop writing (Neither NV, Fallout 3 or 4 have good dialogue, retards) and only ever cared about exploring the world, which is pretty much the only thing these games were ever good at it's a pretty solid game. Loot could be a little less meaningless though.
>>Fallout New Vegas
>Decent story
Yeah dude, absolutely blind.
shut the fuck up Todd
One of these screenshots is at dawn/dusk and has weird lighting.
on the oldfallout one, the sun should be at the horizon, thus everything behind the walls should look really dark, yet the lighting implies it's in the middle of the day? makes no sense.
>mod the fuck out of it
>finally get ready to play
>but now literally every piece of clothes fucking clips and bodyslide doesn't do fucking shit
>tried using zaps but they don't seem to work
>lose motivation to play at all
All I fucking want are skimpy outfits that dont cut through everyfuckingthing
Yes, a decent story
I will say the nicest thing about 3 is the teaser trailer it is still really good.
They didn't pretty good on the companions.
Compared to 3 anyway.
Almost Bioware tier.
>he can't mod
how embarassing.
>TFW I've played every mainline Fallout and 76 is genuinely my favorite
I don't know what it is dudes, but something about it just feels so good. Really looking forward to the human NPC dlc this fall.
sometimes it looks orange
Right, I should plan for clipping through the floor.
Have you never heard of dusk or dawn before? When the sun has just set and theres still a glow?
>robot sex mods
I haven't looked sex mods up in a couple of years. Please tell me there's Miss Nanny animations already god fucking damnit.
>I don't know what it is dudes,
Probably the mental retardation.
This is what mental illness looks like
I unironically like 76 more than 4, but they're both still garbage.
Don't listen to the trolls it does look really nice and a lot of fun.
I swear there are people whose hobby is just to hate the fallout series.
>teleport and resurrect the vault tec salesman because he got ganked by raiders
>assign him to the store because that’s what he’s apparently good for
>go to sleep to save and advance time so the stores open
>he’s just gone again and the bell won’t summon him
I fucking hate settlements.
Conversely I think Bethesda has a social media PR team with at least one or two members that promote the BGS Fallout games above the others.
I swear there are people whose hobby is just to hate Bethesda.
100% better than nv's orange
Fallout 3 and 4 are fun sandboxes. Plot is retarded, never really hard, plenty of toys to play with.
Fallout 1 & 2 are proper RPGs, the type where talking to every NPC is actually useful, and combat and character building has to be considered depending on what you want to do
Fallout NV is like an abortion where the two types tried to have a baby but it came out as some incest retard that has no value at all
>thinking the word nuke and raiders would be a registered trademark
What are you an idiot?
>I played Fallout 1 once. Guess you could say I'm kinda special.
Is fallout 4 worth it? I just really want a fun open-world sandbox RPG like New Vegas or Oblivion. Something to fill in that gap.
Public sentiment holds that NV was far better than 3 or 4. You calling it an abortion with no value relative to a game like F4 is an opinion that almost no one, even the most casual steam reviewers, hold
Don’t think of it as an rpg
New Vegas is unironically a better RPG than 1 and 2 in the narrative department. Gameplay wise obviously 1 and 2 blow it out the water in terms of stats shaping your character, but choice and concequence is much more relevant in NV.
What are the best sex / lewd mods besides the obvious ones?
Alright, but even then is it worth it? Is the story and the few choices you do make serviceable to keep you entertained?
>plenty of toys to play with.
This isn't even true for 4 though. The loot and shoot part is massively boring. The gameplay loop of kill-loot-return becomes dull after the first few hours because compared to other games of the genre the shooting is sub-par, the enemies are uninteresting both visually and gameplay wise and the loot is shit. It's not even good at the thing its trying to weasel out of being an RPG to be.
I'd say it is pretty close to New Vegas. It has more to do with several new features too.
This. If you want a looter-shooter, play Borderlands or Destiny.
Todd released Fallout 4 because he knew expectations for good games would be tumbling down hard soon after.
Right now, Fallout 4 can be considered an OK game. When it feels rushed and ankle deep.
I swear the shit anti-beth tards make up to bash 4 is more retarded by the day
>shoot loot return
Yeah maybe if you are as dumb as a super mutant.
"far worse than Fallout 3" - God
>play it on the PS4
>finally get a good pc
>want to buy this
>give up when I remember I'll have to spend over 8 hours researching and modding it
Shit. I'm also afraid I might start it while connected and watch as some Bethesda CC update ruins my mods.
It isn't. The story starting out isn't strong but the milquetoast spillage of story that they call a third act in that game makes the weak beginning seem legendary by comparison. The characters are so frequently annoying that a character that you can tolerate comes as a breath of fresh air.
The actual loot and shoot part is also shit and done way better by any other game of that genre.
Fallout 4 is completely without value, it is successful at being nothing. Not an RPG, not a open world shooter, not an immersive post-nuclear sim. It's only good for porn modding and waifu addiciton that plagues the retards of the /tesg/ incestual mutant cousin that is post-fallout 4 /fog/.
The spookiest part is still sneaking around trying to listen to things before running into a shopping trolley scares the shit out of you
I modded New Vegas to hell and back yesterday, after not touching it for about a year or two. Just gameplay changes, animations, that sort of thing. I never was a fan of kitsch quest, weapon and armour mods, and I've been having so much fun. I almost forgot to sleep tonight because I was too deep in playing.
Wish the Legion wasn't so rushed. They have the best boys.
Hardcore fandom you mean. I'm right there, NV is easily my favorite Fallout, but I'm not delusional. The unwashed masses that play these games once and put them down til the next entry loved the fuck out of FO3 and then FO4. New Vegas was 'boring' to a lot of them. Hell, going form FO3 to NV as a teenager I thought exactly the same, disappointed, and it wasn't until I revisited it after people discussing the story and world more making me interested that I fell in love. The Mojave is a boring place compared to DC or Boston. Hell, Appalachia itself puts all the locations to shame, it's too bad the rest of it is runny dogshit.
If you tacked on a narrative in the style of New Vegas onto the world space and building of 76, made it single player and released it's toolkit, you would have the best game Bethesda released to date.
One of New Vegas strengths, that keeps it alive today, is all the fucking Quest Mods. Youtubers like Alchestbreach have been living off those things for around eight years now. It's insane. Fallout 4 is getting plenty too, but not to the scale of NV.
Why would he know? And why would expectations be lower than usual?
>Yeah maybe if you are as dumb as a super mutant.
That's the gameplay loop though. That is the core of the games exploration.
Thats what im seeing with 76 it is like 4 with more complex and thoughtful quests.
Even with a lack of npcs.
Ok, what else do you do in the game? What meaningful decision, what consequential choices do you have at your disposal? Every single quest, even ones that boil down to detective work, force you back into this loop of explore-kill-loot. This is echoed by damn near everyone including reddit fags and casuals. Its not a circle jerk if its true.
I'm waiting for Immersive Camera.
Has Immersive Camera been made for Fallout 4 yet?
Thanks, also fuck jannies.
people that say gameplay loop are genuinely retards.
No you retard use English to explain whatever you mean.
By the way shoot loot return where ever you got that from is a note you pick up off super mutant corpses.
do you have the latest version? if not, suck my pp
That happens when peoples are constantly fed shit. If they get something just a little better it will satisfy them.
>redditfags and casuals say something
Well faggot you sure convinced me. Lmao no to everything you say you retarded fuck.
NV is the worst Fallout
2 > 1 > 3 > 4 > NV
NV did it all completely wrong. And for some reason people are impressed by the mediocre writing, enough to keep playing the gameplay abortion that is NV
>30 fps in cities no matter your rig
It's only comfy if you spend 90% of the time building shit up
What else do you do in NV? There's a bit more talking but the quests are the same template. Fuck NV fanboys
same but
>bandit start fucking the air meanwhile my character is being fucking from the air
didn't even have fun for most of the 22 hours lol
EVERYONE says this, retard. If a retard calls something dumbed-down, you KNOW it's dumbed down. You have to be playing a ridiculous game of mental gymnastics to be oblivious to the derision this game has gotten from hardcore fallout fans down to casuals. It sits at a 5.5 user on metacritic. Fucking steam gave it a 71%
Who do you trust to judge this game, who is left? Yourself?
I generally agree, though there are a lot of dull locations for every gem, which is still a step up considering Boston was almost whoally boring outside downtown and the DLC areas.
The lack of that single-player/Bethesda structure, as well as being a buggy mess, is what really killed 76. Hell, they have more or less admitted it, Wastelanders being their hail mary attempt to salvage a playerbase that won't trickle away and salvage their good name.
I don't know. They always bugged me. They're too amateurish.
They look like shit, assets are all over the place and level design is laughable, voice acting is horrendous and the stories are fanfiction tier.
I don't see how anyone could enjoy them.
I really regret talking new vegas up for all those years.
Its how the memelord faggots latched onto it as the correct game to like.
i absolutely love the game i just hate hearing people circlejerk over it.
But why.
Public sentiment where? Casuals loved 3 & 4, Hardcore fans loved 1 & 2, not NV
The narrative is mediocre and the changes to the gameplay don't work. I liked 1 & 2's gameplay, I liked it being sometimes tough to escape. NV took that idea and didn't implement it properly. What should have been (run in X direction until you leave Y enemy's territory) is instead (every enemy will follow you across the map until you or it dies, or it gets clipped on some scenery). NV is just garbage, a Frankenstein's monster
>By the way shoot loot return where ever you got that from is a note you pick up off super mutant corpses.
Yes, I'm aware. I was making a joke because it's funny that retard-dialogue made for the games orc mobs (they aren't really super mutants btw) suits the actual game itself so well.
>No you retard use English to explain whatever you mean.
How do you not understand "gameplay loop"? Some games, if not most, have a very deliberate way of structuring their gameplay so that you get a loop of action and gratification for the player. For Fallout 4 this is kill-loot-return. Much like in Skyrim with the Draugr quests, the vast majority of 4's quests deal with going to loot dungeons to shoot at either zombie mobs or human mobs that have so little character or context they may as well be zombie or animal npcs themselves. Radiant quests are the most prominent example of this but even most of the main story quests resolve to that basic loop of go to dungeon, kill shit, pick up item(s), return.
Not that this isn't an inherently bad structure, there are entire game genres built off the back of it. It's just that Fallout 4 is bad at it because the enemies it presents are massively boring, as are the dungeons and the loot is poorly designed compared to games of that genre (Loot Shooters like Destiny, Warframe, Borderlands, etc)
what the fuck?
Sure, the majority probably fit that bill, but there really are some good ones. Check out 'The North Road Remastered by th3overseer'. I imagine you already tried the New Vegas Bounties stuff, they aren't to my taste, but people have generally been all praise.
Are you stupid, did you not play the game? How about the entire Beyond the Beef quest? Or saving President Kimbell? Or negotiating peace between factions ranging between Khans and Omertas and Powder Gangers? New Vegas isn't anywhere near my favorite game but it consistently has you do things that don't require mindless shooting, where you can use SKILLS to solve problems.
In the detective quest in fallout 4, you "solve" it by blasting through a hundred ghouls before you confront the Brotherhood Initiate. They couldn't even fucking get that right.
There isn't though. This is objectively untrue. What loot dungeons are there even in NV involved in the main quest? Ones that follow the same structure as 4's or Skyrim's draugr dungeons.
Compare the main quest structure, of the shit you actually do, in New Vegas to 4.
this is one of the comfiest worlds in gaming
Casuals love 4? Huh? 5.5 user on meta and a 71% on Steam say otherwise. Compare those scores to Skyrim and Fallout 3 which are both over 90%. That's not a minor dip.
I remember when there was no "consensus" to NV being the best. People actually thought 3 was better,
I just regularly dropped reasons why NV was a good game.
I noticed over time the attitude shifted to NV > 3 so yeah I contributed to that.
A while ago I was talking to someone relatively influential in the industry and i recommended NV.
I realised the meme was pretty well spread and there was an element of cringe since the fan base is full of rabid grognards and underage that follow their opinions.
This is what mental illness looks like.
your post is what mental illness looks like.
>casuals use metacritic
Literally nobody cares about that site. Casuals buy games and play them. It's a virgin war between NV kids and 4 kids. The casuals are out of it and don't care
>getting tricked this easily into thinking that a narrative means he isn't going to A, then going to B and talking, then shooting some shit
You can solve quests with speech skills in 3 as well you fucking virgin. We aren't impressed
>proving user correct.
Base building is comfy
I seriously hate grogtards. I played Fallout 1 at release.
4 is a good game. Seriously get over it Todd won.
*computer goes nuclear*
Too bad the engine is a fucking mess, with proper optimisations and shit this would be such a great game
>mod all settlers to be female
>give them all skimpy clothes
There now it is a 11/10 game.
The joke is that scene is probably showing at 5 fps.
Thanks, didn't have that angle on that build, I'm going to use them as the 'after'/several years later screens for my main playthrough. It's a little messy, but the resources aren't really there to build anything that isn't a military base, Institute outpost, or the pictured slum.
Lads, it hurts that we’ll never ever get a game about the European Resource wars. Give Sawyer the money to do it for fucks sake.
So you're a faggot who only forms opinions based on what's the most contrarian view to have and feels personally attacked when his ideas turn mainstream, got it.
No you low iq retard reread my posts.
Have sex
I played fallout 76 on a free weekend couple of weeks back, while never having played Fallout 4, and I had literally no idea what the fuck is that game even and found it incredibly stupid.
Only after I pirated Fallout 4 and tried to play it just recently now that Fallout 76 started to make a bit of sense and realized what they were trying to do.
Yeah you didn’t play New Vegas at all. You can solve several quests without firing a single bullet. Have sex.
This. That's why I'm waiting for the superior overhaul.
Fallout 3 is an awful RPG, Fallout 4 is a mediocre action shooter
>Still talking about this decomposing corpse of a game
it was made in the creation kit
This is why I bought Fallout 76 on release and don't regret it, the only thing you faggots complain about are minor details so incredibly minute that it would take the fucking Hubble Space telescope to even see them. Bethesda Fallout games are just pure unadulterated fun, the best of the best in exploration games and it's sad that there is not even one single other game developer on planet Earth that even makes open world games even paling in comparison to a Bethesda game.
No, it’s flat out garbage.
At least fallout 3 gave you skills and multiple ways to solve quests
>survival mode is excellent
give me back my ability to save anywhere and use the console you fucking nigger.
beth games are so fucking buggy that taking away these things should be considered a game crime.
are you the guy that is porting stuff to AB? I recognise your waifu.
Most fun I've had with the game.
>muh skills
>muh "some lie i made up"
Fallout 4 is garbage.
Unironically the big mod overhaul projects are Fallout 4's last hope.
If they ever come out.
You can in 3 as well. NV is not special.
What? Pretty sure Witcher 3 demolished Bethesda in 2015 in the open world rpg genre both by casuals and by critics. Didn’t it rack up like 10 times the GOTY awards? Not to mention it sold more and is rated far higher on every single gaming metric platform.
Fallout 4 is only unadulterated fun if you dislodge your brain from your skull. Even normies disliked it
we have an entire discord dedicated to porting everything to AB and TBD
I know exactly what you mean, what kind of sub human race of mongoloids could ever design a piece of architecture that was so non threatening. What reason would any civilization ever have to put flair and style into their building when the obvious solution is to have ghetto blocks full of niggers instead so I can be scared just like in real life.
Reminder theres literally a group of grognards called NMA no mutants allowed. That believe it is their holy mission to attack anyone that touches Fallout.
They have been doing this as far back as early 2000s.
I recommend the SA article about them.
Literally a pack of spastics that have been pushing beth bad memes for two decades.
Yup, and fallout 3 is leagues better than fallout 4. Did I insult 3?
>rerecording the entire game
It's never coming out
how did you get this 2b face? I want to know how to make pretty faces in 4.
Not true at all there are numerous situations you are forced down one path in 3 and you have to kill who the game wants. Also in New Vegas you can literally kill every single NPC in the game, nobody is essential, more proof that New Vegas is much more open and RPG centric than 3 was. If you need someone to explain why New Vegas is a much better RPG you obviously aren't very into RPGs in the first place.
its on the nexus.
it's on LL
>game should imitate real life instead of having creative license
>fallout was totally always about imitating 1950’s architecture and this wasn’t something that Bethesda forced into the game
Based retard
FO3 and 4 aren't bad games by any means. They do complete miss the points of the original FO games however. Then again, the original games were essentially DnD with a post-apocalyptic setting and 50's aesthetic. Still, if you want Oblivion with guns, these games deliver in spades.
Post the SA article please?
How in the fuck does anyone find that aesthetic comfy? It's an absolute pain to behold and is so visually unappealing. I love post apocalyptic style as much as the next person but the Fallout universe (at least Bethesda's stuff, I've never touched the originals) is visual vomit.
Kenshi has some extremely comfy post apocalyptic stuff going on but Fallout is true garbage for the eyes.
I seriously think grogtards have no clie what they are talking about.
With the right camera angles you could basicaly recreate fallout1 in 4.
Can the retarded AI even navigate through that?
There are also numerous situations were you can just sneak in, get an item, sneak out. The game is designed with jack of all trades characters in mind, not your autistic MUH DOCTOR WHO PLAYTHROUGH. Bethesda gives you the options to do it lots of different ways.
Also, kid, every game rewards you for killing someone the game wants. That's what videogames are. Most of them don't have real choice, NV included. You are still fucking railroaded in that shitty overrated game as much as any other. DEVS DON'T WANT TO SPEND THOUSANDS OF HOURS ON AN ALREADY HUGE GAME SEEING TO EVERY SINGLE EVENTUALITY A PLAYER MIGHT WANT
Basically they are a lolcow goldmine.
>lore friendly
post the list
i liked the gunplay and the environment, i hated everything else
this post is better if you post the epic screencap of fallout 3 fags acting smug.
Name one good sidequest in fallout 4 where you don’t have to kill a single thing. One.
It's impossible because of the dynamic dialogue camera
I'm talking about 3, kid, not 4. I haven't played 4 though I'm sure you're still wrong. I doubt it's 100% shooter
Combat is fun but once you've seen everything in the world it gets boring since you know what to expect when/where..
I’m not wrong, because I played 4 and desperately searched for an experience that didn’t involve me genociding raiders, ghouls, or super mutants. I failed.
get some quest mods
No Mutants Allowed is a forum for old Fallout fans. Most of their activity these days is gameplay and modding shit for Fallout 1/2.
They also really like New Vegas, so you're wrong there. NMA dislikes Fallout when it's done poorly. As in the case of BoS, 3, 4 and 76.
Pisses me off they can't even make decent path finding, It ruins the settlement building. And the fact most items in the DLC weren't even nav meshed, Traps didn't work, Enemies spawn in the base, Settlers getting kidnapped from across the map, The whole game is a mess.
No. They "like" NV because it isn't Beth in their view. Thats why they constantly shill it.
They actually hate it since it's not Van buren. The cancelled game they masturbate to.
They are handsdown the most pathetic community on the internet.
I don't think that bethesda anticipated settlements being this big
Appreciate the love, user.
NMA is also responsible for not lore friendly tags being added to the Nexus.
Since they quite literally raid anyone that touches Fallout even modders.
They claim to have cancelled several fallout games and ddosed websites by companies that work on fallout.
They are really just the biggest pack of mentallly ill losers to ever grace the internet.
When sanctuary gets invaded they spawn inside the settlement. Don’t even cross the bridge like in the E3 demo. It makes settlement defense meaningless
It doesn't matter what size they are, The fools keep walking into walls in sanctuary, They struggle to get through doorways, There is brahmin and settlers glitched on the roof's, And this is the first area in the game, Despicable.
Imagine thinking a game with no redeeming qualities like Fallout 3 deserves to be above anything except F:BOS.
I made a massive skyscraper with a nice penthouse inspired by NV.
It actually worked really well with no lag or mods.
Fallout 3 has skills, silent protag, and multiple ways to solve quests
Fallout 4 has none of the above.
that's pretty cool user
The brahmin on roofs bug is kinda funny desu.
Sure Witcher 3 has a great narrative in comparison to Fallout 4 but the game play, you know the whole reason to actually choose to play it, is pure garbage. There is little variety in combat and the only choies you make is drinking a potion and using Quen whenever you get hit. The loot is worse than any other rpg I have ever played, the open world while it looks pretty is barren and exploration is rarely rewarded with the only interesting locations strictly being tied to side quests which is poor design. Having the game be set in the third person is a serious hamper to immersion so you are always acutely aware that you are playing as Geralt and not playing an rpg. Side quests like the Baron can be great but have no replayability once you choose all options and boil down to a short bad movie without game play. I would take 1000 awful radiant ai quests from Skyrim but have actual dungeons that aren't tied to some narrative.
Bethesda being bad isn't a meme though
You know, I feel like "comfy" might just be a way of sugarcoating that a game is boring.
Yeah, Very quirky.
>and multiple ways to solve quests
>Railroads you into being the only one who should activate the water purifier filled with radiation while a literal ghoul and super mutant tell you to fuck off
>Had to release an expansion DLC to fix this mess after everybody called it rightfully fucking retarded
Thanks, bruh
I don't care what is "pure" Fallout in your autistic mind, I was pointing out that those style of buildings that you have a conniption fit by looking at have a real world basis and are based on something.
Fallout 3 also plays like shit and doesn't do anything creative with skills.
Both Fallout 3 and 4 have shit writing, but at least 4 doesn't play like a fucking broken mess.
So they basically hate anything beth does yeah the SA article from over ten years ago spells that out.
They also hate NV I mean these faggots literally hate 2.
Van Buren is the real Fallout 3 in their view.
By the way they hated games they claimed to have actually contributed to.
And got games cancelled they claimed were close to the original.
The amount if damage they have done to the franchise is insane.
I have a few female followers and myself in power armor usually. Go around hunting and looting while doing the occasional mission.
>even fallout 4 is more cyberpunk than 2077
fallout 3 has the best world design of any fallout
This user understands whats best in life.
>trashscrapers built out of rusted and rotting corrugated sheet metal
Not bashing you personally.
It would have been interesting if Bethesda put it some basic structural sanity checks. Watching poorly engineered buildings made out of junk decay and collapse in on themselves would have been interesting.
Fallout 3 is shit - except for The Pitt.
That DLC is unironically the best thing to come out of the 3D Fallout titles. It's better than anything Obsidian released as later content for NV.
It really is. The entire story is basically pure cyberpunk.
>A a game so shallow, it makes F3 feel like a tabletop RPG
If by "comfy" you mean that it's so boring that it nurses you into a comfortable sleep - then sure.
I too love the gritty aesthetic
the gunplay is alright and the human NPCs act somewhat reasonable during shootouts, compared to FO3/NV where they would just run towards you in a straight line as soon as they knew you're there
did you not play Point Lookout?
you can use concrete and other materials.
stop talking shit
Will you put in a good word so CD hires me?
Nah, I think it's silly as all hell, but it's fun.
jav code?
Are you retarded? I hate Fallout 3 and the main quest is garbage, but it gives you options to solve quests through speech, sneak, and various skill checks. It makes each character build feel moderately unique.
Fallout 4 destroyed character builds entirely. There literally five skill checks in the game.
Every time I try to enjoy this game, something goes wrong. Least comfy game.
they're the lowest tier guns and were supposed to look like crap so bad that you're lucky to find one ordinary pistol, who cares what they look like, you'll never touch them again
Fallout 4 tried to be a post apocalyptic retelling of blade runner. I say tried, because it failed hard
>but it gives you options to solve quests through speech, sneak, and various skill checks
Fallout 4 does this sans skill checks too, and don't even pretend the skill checks in Fallout 3 were usually anything but speech checks locked behind skills, or that the skill/speech checks were even written to a decent level.
>I am John Henry Eden, the leader of the Enclave
>[Speech] You're an abomination of science and must die.
>Very well, I'll fucking kill myself lad.
One thing i hate about 4 is the death animations, In 3 & NV when you killed someone they drop instantly, Or fly away in some cases. But in 4 they can go through at least 3 animations before they hit the floor. I wish i had a webm to demonstrate.
Uh what? I had the exact opposite experience. Enemies jihad their way towards you with reckless abandon
4 = NV > 3s teaser trailer > 3
Id like to be proven wrong here. Could you point out any side quests or even main quests that had more than two ways to solve them? Because I don’t remember a single case of this.
Yes, but only in Survival mode.
>Could you point out any side quests or even main quests that had more than two ways to solve them?
This disqualifies 90% of Fallout 3's quests if you're specifically after MORE than two endings. But if you want one in Fallout 4, see Diamond City Blues.
are we counting far harbor?
I haven't played Far Harbor myself, but I've heard it's good.
It's comfy if it was your first fallout game, at the age of 12
What parts of the game have you played? And why haven’t you finished 4?
I've completed 4, just none of the DLC.
*car randomly explodes because it starts clipping through the floor*
Wow I should have planned for that to happen, totally not Bethesdas fault!
>but I've heard it's good.
It's what the base game should have been
Pete Hines is one retarded motherfucker. In mind and body.
t. NMA
Agreed, Far Harbor is the gold standard of modern Bethesda in both aesthetic and functionality. The writing was a vast improvement, three distinct factions at ends with one another, skill checks came back, and the whole misty island with that music was top notch.
Nuka world is underated too. Has a nice dry hot wasteland feel.
>Break-Action Laser
I hate this weapon, mainly because the default version is fucking garbage and the ammo consumption is nonsensical. Seriously, the base shotgun version can't kill shit even when its numbers are in the hundreds because scatters and lasers do not work well at all.
Never expect this quality again. The writer for Far Harbor wasn’t someone on the F4 team.
Emil is design director for Starfield. Expect more 4 base game and less Far Harbor
>Emil is design director for Starfield.
Also, friendly super mutant that didn't speak in retard
OP is a faggot
are you forgetting Virgil? Canonically theirr intelligence is linked to how clean their dna is all the way back to 1
I seriously think the people that bash beth have no clue what they are talking about most of the time.
NV>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Having AIDS>>>>Fallout 4
You know what having aids is like don't you.
best combat and implementation of hardcore mode of the 3d fallouts, power armor actually feels like power armor and not a set of pyjamas, building your own base is fun and at times very practical.
Link to armor?
I heard he was promoted out of the writing position
Too bad there wasn't a Super Mutant faction that you could assist in Far Harbor.
>Erickson originally came to Far Harbor with a mutant group led by the super mutant behemoth, Grun. They headed south to the Vim! Pop Factory and began raiding local settlements. Sometime after setting up in the factory, Erickson began to regain higher intelligence and a sense of morality, either as a result of the fog or substances in the Vim! factory, subsequently losing interest in wanton killing.
>When Erickson confronted the other super mutants with his concerns, they threatened to kill him, with Grun taking a swipe at him. Eventually he found the password to a storage area and was able to trap Grun inside. While the other mutants attempted to free Grun, Erickson quietly left for the northern part of the Island. He lives a solitary existence in the wreckage of Horizon Flight 1207, trading with the humans that enter his camp and raising dogs to sell.
Yeah, your Dad told me all about it while I was banging your mom. Just kidding. We both know your Dad never stuck around.
>I heard he was promoted out of the writing position
He got Dream Boy'd.
ironic cringe is still cringe
Boston is supposed to be the "brain" city of US, so is full of late 50's scifi aesthetic, this FO1 ruins is NY.
Are you a robot?
Nah Fallout 4 is fucking shit
Fallout 76 is one of the shittiest games of the decade
Fallout 3 is barely passable
NV is okay
And Bethesda makes overrated shit. Fuck Fallout fans and fuck Bethesda. I hope they release more trash like 76 you will eat up regardless.
What's the most fun mod that came out for this so far? Haven't touched this in 2 years. Or have modders given up on this game?
Fallout 4 is one of the best selling, most popular games of all time. Get over it. Losers.
>need mods to make more than a single building
The Train. Also is a good list
Getting the plat for fallout 4 when it first came out was really depressing. Every faction was completely retarded and the happiness of settlements made no goddamn sense. What an awful game with no challenge, or RPG elements to speak of.
>The Train.
eh I never liked that one
>White smoke
>Red eyes
Is that a blunt?
>need mods to patch a buggy game
Fallout 4 was my first and I've never heard of these before skyrim. Played it thought it was perfectly fine I could understand the hype.
>I played New Vegas couple years later.
Fuck fallout 4 game is boring and I can't even try to start a new game I rather just replay Vegas for the 4th time.
I didn't even really like Skyrim either got bored after I beat the story just turned it off, haven't tried Morrowind or Oblivion yet.
Bought 76 as something to distract myself from smash ultimate release date. I expected nothing and was still disappointed, never had a game go from a 5/10 to a 3/10 after like 80 hours of playing, had my laughs though. Not the worst thing I ever played just the most uninteresting and uninspiring.
As shitty as the game may be nothing else gets the murder boner going quite as well
Based psychopath
are there necro mods?
eh, I'd say 4 has the better map. Better verticality in the city areas, more variety in dungeons, memorable areas like the glowing sea and the swamp next to it, and you can seamlessly walk into downtown boston without it being walled off.
3's map is unironically one of the most boring areas I've ever explored in a game. It's just a big trash heap with copy pasted ruins all over the place
Based anti-tranny fatso
I thought so at first, but then you realize the "dungeons" break down to one of two things: abandoned apartment building, or abandoned commercial/industrial building, with very few exceptions. the enemies are all either raiders, gunners, or super mutants.
i can maybe agree that the map has more variety, especially given the glowing sea/swamp areas, but that's a small diamond in a sea of garbage.
>that image
modders are such fucking autists
modding fallout4 to make it a gud game is comfy