My girlfriend just broke up with me. Any games to deal with this and not feel so lonely?
My girlfriend just broke up with me. Any games to deal with this and not feel so lonely?
Talking with friends and social interaction.
Then you won’t anchor these feelings to a game for the rest of your life.
mario party with friends, smash with friends, literally any game with friends to take your mind off the breakup
Trust me, this'll take your mind of it.
Don't play a game right away. You'll always associate it with post-break up depression. Just remember bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks. You're just a wandering cowboy through the desert of life, and every woman you bang is just another outlaw you need to put in the ground. Play Red Dead Revolver.
>being depressed over some dumb thot
Grow a fucking pair you pussy. How do you not have a list of girls who were interested in you before you got into a relationship?
Steins Gate
Continuing this: You’re emotionally vulnerable. Being with friends/family can potentially lessen the blow. It will still suck.
And don’t call her or do something stupid. It never is worth it.
Go get drunk and cry your pain away.
Nier Automata.
Why she do it user?
Artificial Academy 2.
happy fapping
>Don't play a game right away
>Play Red Dead Revolver
I played it when relationships ended, pets or loved ones died, any time I felt my lowest this always picked me up. Hang in there, OP.
Excellent choice, brother. Elona+ is good too.
Sucks dude. Play an old favorite. Something you remember loving 2hen you were young.
Get another one. The real problem is getting your FIRST girlfriend. Now you have experience.
Thanks for the replies everyone, I think I'll give it time before playing something. Yes I feel a bit better now, but damn, it still hurts. She did it because she said that I "wasn't giving it my all to the relationship" but I tried my hardest, even during classes she was always in my mind and I have her all the attention even if that meant doing bad in college. I don't know, maybe she just got bored of me
megaman legends (i prefer 64)
vr kanojo
I'm 29 and I've never been in a romantic relationship. I crave the sweet release of death.
should've said RDR2 if he wanted to be consistent
This. I have a co worker that I know if my gf and I ever broke it off, this bitch would be first in line to want to suck me off. I luckily have good genes and a southern gentleman accent that gets women wet. Gotta have that pussy waiting on the sidelines just in case.
Go with a high class escort.
It's not depression, you just want to nut into a hole again.
The way you described it here sounds like there was someone else. Even if it was just someone else she set her eyes on. The grass isn't always greener though. Good luck user.
I had this issue. Me and my girl broke up. 2 months later I decided back into the game. Another girl that had been super flirty with me for a year was super excited when I asked her out. 2 dates later she ghosts me. I dont even know why. I'm usually pretty good at the first couple dates. It's the long term that i always fuck up. Anyway life fucking blows.
>having a gf in 2019
That was your first mistake hombre.
>sacrificing your goals for some bitch
That's where you fucked up. While you were wasting time being in classes you didnt even need to be in, doing poorly AND racking up needless student debt, she would probably fucking Chad thundercock that didnt pay her any mind.
You're fucked buddy. You need to wait until after college for a gf. Only worry about fucking. You have plenty of time for a boring relationship and trust me, they ALL get boring.
League of Legends
>2 dates later she ghosts me. I dont even know why.
Forbidden Fruit.
It's the same reason women go after married men.
Nah dude. Life is good. Work hard on life and it rewards back.
It’s a cliche, but honestly sometimes the only thing holding you back is yourself and the lies you tell yourself.
My last girl couldnt keep her mouth off my dick and loved my cooking. And cuddling. Girls like that are impossible to find. God I hate life. I cant believe so many girls actually get pissy at eating home cooked food over fast food. If I didnt see it myself I wouldn't believe it.
Work SMART not hard.
Other than that you're right.
I fucking guess. Still eats at me. It's so weird having a girl be super flirty then just treat you like you are dead if you ever see her again.
I didn't want her only for that, I really loved her so much. She liked me even though I'm not a great guy, I'm not handsome, I'm not fit, and I have problems with expressing myself. She actually wanted me like that. I thought I finally found someone who liked me for who I was
Using video games, alchohol and drugs as an escape Will let the pain fester in your subconscious.
Accept that there is pain, and let these feelings mature.
>I'm not handsome, I'm not fit, and I have problems with expressing myself. She actually wanted me like that. I thought I finally found someone who liked me for who I was
You were getting cucked.
If only I were a wizard and had control over external circumstance, sure.
I've been there bro. You'll get back in at some point. Just know it's going to suck shit for a few months. Grit your teeth, get over it. Then when you are ready, try again.
It sounds like you did everything you could have and it just wasn't meant to be. You need to be able to devote time to yourself, your life goals, and your own mental/emotional well-being alongside any significant other you have, you can't just give all of yourself to one person to the detriment of your obligations to yourself and the people in your life, doing poorly in uni for her sake sounds like a bad situation to be in. If she couldn't understand that you are an entire person and not just her boyfriend it sounds like you might be better off in the long run. You'll bounce back, and you'll meet someone else. Keep your head up, this is an opportunity for you to start fresh.
Dont worry about her user, shes probably not lonely
Real talk, a relationship is a two way street. Don’t be giving 100% to someone because you’ll never have anything for yourself. Give 50%. That isn’t to say to be a cold asshole, but don’t cut your own finger cause someone wants to see you bleed (or cause you think they do).
Go talk with friends and remember that people like you and that if you got this one, you’ll get another one.
Looks great, if it's anythinf like Azure Dreams I'm totally down.
get a waifu and ditch 3dpd
True, but poor cripple dudes with drug problems still get married.
The Darkness.
This goes to all who say she cucked me, I actually don't think so, if she did actually did it I have a roommate that her gf is friend of my ex, and I know for a fact that they can't hold any secrets
Thanks bro, it hurts like hell now, hopefully those months go fast. I want to get to college soon so my mind doesn't revolve around her. It's gonna be some large vacations
I see hideous losers with gfs all the time. Issue is, who wants to date someone that would put up with that shit? It's not hard to find A girl. Just hard to find one that wont crush your soul.
Not sure about games. My ex GF split with me a month ago and it's been hell. Finding a new place (full of fucking tradie cunts who wont shut the fuck up), dealing with her being able to get over me much faster than I her etc.
I'm not sure when the pain is going to stop but I fucking hope it does soon. Tried fucking someone who's been keen for years but I just felt like shit after since it wasn't the ex and it felt so wrong.
Honestly, just spend as much time with friends and family as you possibly can. Surrounding yourself with people who genuinely like you and care for you helps fill the hole just a bit, at least for a time. Try and avoid contact with the ex as much as possible, if she owes you anything just try and collect ASAP and then avoid her. On the incredibly off chance she wants you back, acting needy will only drive her away anyway so it's best to just go no contact.
I'm seeing a shrink tomorrow and expect to be on meds before long, maybe see a councilor if your school offers free mental health services.
Haha you sound like a fuckin loser. You got lucky with some inexperienced girl who didn't know how far out of your league she was. Hope you enjoyed it because you're not gonna luck out twice.
Don't sacrifice your well being for someone. It sounds like a good idea in helping loved ones is what people do, but you aren't in a "In sickness and health" deal.
YOu probably did give it all you could, you're in fucking college and are working towards something and sometimes people don't like or understand divided attention.
just become a bitter resentful mgtow
She'll have sucked off every frat boy on campus within a week. Probably getting her bunghole pounded right now while you fish for sympathy from a bunch of basket weaving incels.
Get a gf (male)
Then again, thanks everybody for the games and helping with my current state, I also hope things go well for everybody with problems right now. We can all make it through.
That's the joke redditard
It's such a strange sight to see Yea Forums not being awful to someone here
Guess you guys still retain empathy, eh?
I'm a 27 yearvold virgin and I've been lonely for 27 years. You've had a person who made you not lonely. I didn't. Boo fucking hoo fucking shit ass, stop crying, other people have it worse
lol normie
It's mostly randomly generated, but it's a dungeon crawler/roguelike where you can tame pets and shit
Have sex, incel.
Also I like RPG's would it be good if I play one with many companions? Or should I still wait to play? My friends and most of my family are out of town for the remaining vacations so I don't have someone to talk to or be with
What’s stopping you from not being a virgin?
I’ve been struggling trying understand this in English. So because these dudes can find happiness, something something something?
>Acting like this
No wonder you're alone.
Women don't care about how much you put in, OP. They only care about how much gets put in them.
>gf doesnt text me unless i text her first
It's fucking over isnt it?
Jealous incel. End your pathetic life.
Yea or my triple digit IQ, six figure salary etc you fucking IDIOT
>Still can't get a gf with his triple digit iq and money
Did she text before? Some people just don't text much.
tf2 with the boys
This is a character.
001 you're hilarious.
No one is undateable if your standards are low enough.
She only texts when she wants me to bring her McDonald's or burger king which is usually several times a day but she hasn't texted me at all in hours
she's dead, sugar daddy
Hit me up homie
Just watch Neon Genesis Evangelion.
>"haha oh man sorry i thought i replied to that"
>"sorry i was super busy playing Overwatch again XD"
>Sends a meme that you sent them a week ago
Should just kill this charade right now right?
Fuck that. I know people who take this shit and it fucks them even worse if they didn't. Take some kratom if anything.
Something to do With Love.
Hey user, I know you've got a bunch of replies already but here's something important to remember from someone who was in deep for many years.
If possible dont interact with her in any way. Sometimes there are mutual friends and its difficult, in my situation I was stuck under the same roof for 3 months.
After 2 months of feeling completely fucking terrible and feeling like there was nothing left for me in life. I started thinking about my freedom, and how I could go anywhere or do anything I wanted unhindered. That there were tons of cute girls out there that I had missed out on, and was now free to meet someone new if I wanted to.
By the end of that 2 months, even after the absolute pathetic state I had been in, shit got better. By the end of month 3 I was leaving with a smile on my face and planning out how I wanted my new space and all the time I had for vidya and sleep whenever I want, never having to worry about pleasing another.
So stiff upper lip. Bawl your guys out every day if you have to. But once you reach rock bottom just keep going, because it does get better and will keep getting better
Obviously because no woman finds me remotely interesting, I spill spaghetti everytime I talk to a woman, I stutter, I dont know what to say, I'm a boring man who is also socially awkward. The only thing I can do is fap to women when I'm home from work.
This "bee ypurself" meme is such a lie
The point is, you had a time where you had her, I didnt, just remember there are people more unfortunate than you
>omg bros I'm at night two of nogf and I literally want to kill myself
You have my sympathies, not for losing your gf but for being a bitch nigger that would shrivel up and die without human contact in 7 days.
My gf loves almost everything I cook for her, I'm the fastfood fag in the relationship. Got any good recipes for me?
There was an indie game that really helped me during a low time of my life I would recommend you, OP. The problem is I dont remember it's name. It was an indie game where the door of a dungeon suddenly eats you and you have to get resources from it to help the village near it. Anyone knows the name?
*tips fedora*
I wish I could man, but I live in Mexico
Shrooms would speed up the process
He's right though. When did Yea Forums become such a normalfag cesspool? This entire thread is just his nornalfaggotry asking for attention
10 years ago?
Damn I remember that game being fun too. Anyone?
Do you have friends? Does anyone like you? If so, then you can get a girl. It’s not about “being yourself”, it’s about being the person that got people to like you in the first place. Fun fact: the level same charisma that attracts women gets you male friends, it’s just the end goals are different. Practice meeting new people without trying to fuck them and then when you’re comfortable with that, experiment with pushing your comfort level with escalating the situation.
Basically, practice making new friends and the skills will translate to meeting women.
>Gf breaks heart
>Lets sit indoors by myself doing hollow activities for escapism
Suck it up, and go outside, do something not even remotely productive and realise its fine to move on.
Feel ya brother. My girlfriend left me to move back in with her mom last month.
The thing is that we have an unplanned 2 year old daughter and JUST moved into our own place after getting back on our feet. After only one month she suddenly left me with all the bills and sneakily got my daughter into full time day care through government subsidies and now collects welfare at back her mother's. She hasn't worked a day in 3 years and suddenly forced my little baby into having a 40 hour work week with strangers so she could pick up some volunteer job for an environmental consulting firm (i worked shitty evening/night jobs and watched my baby during the day so she could go back to finish her degree) and hopefully eventually get paid one day.
We fought a lot but we were under a lot of stress so i wasn't really the nicest guy ever and she is bratty, passive and generally unfair most of the time, but we were a family.
So my little girl now all the sudden isn't allowed to be with mommy and dada together AND she spends more time with complete strangers with either of us. And I lost our place because we were depending on her bit of welfare to have a pretty nice house in a good neighbourhood with a school, etc. until she found work.
She really betrayed me and I was feeling the depression hard and couldn't keep up the house on my own be a single dad all the sudden.
So now I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place where i can't save my baby from day care right because i have to work and pay rent in my new shitty apartment on my own and her mom is a fucking cold robot and doesn't give a shit.
I love my baby more than anything, much much more than i ever cared for her mother, and this whole situation is really hitting her hard, she's only freaking 2 and doesn't understand. She's like tired all the time and grumpy and sad now. She used to be such a smart, sweet, spunky little girl.
I don't sleep much anymore.
Im sure ill get over it.
Video games are merely a distraction; a means to pass the time by. Which is good, because time heals these kinds of wounds.
The game depends on the genre you most enjoy. You'll want something that'll keep you invested for a long time, something without a 6-hour campaign.
>I'm sure I'll get over it
You won't.
Easy stuff? Get a slow cooker and make a pot roast, stew, corned beef and cabbagea chili or something like that. All piss easy but tastes great. Alternatively pastas are pretty straightforward. Lasagna takes some time but it's hard to fuck up. Same with macaroni and cheese. Just look up recipes on Google and make something that makes sense.
P-perhaps I could be your gf tonight op?
If you have had no relationship and you’re 29, your standards should be “must be nice and generally happy”.
I had a friend who got in his brain that women were hoes and wanted the perfect woman, but he never even touched a girl or dated. The whole process is like anything in life, keep practicing until it works.
Just don't text her for a while. Read messages and don't respond. If she chases up why you haven't responded. Don't read it for a few hours before even reading it.
I gotta stop drinking when i don't have my kid.
Also to actually answer your question I've been playing asuras wrath, xcom2, Underrail, dragons dogma, chrono trigger and now ff10 but it's starting to grate on me i might end up dropping it for the second time.
Grief turns to anger and anger becomes forgotten, until you're reminded of it.
user, that's your child you are speaking of. You won't get over it unless you somehow win her back.
Not that user, was basically agreeing with the post I was replying to suggesting the best you'll get is momentarily forgetting about the shit affair and you'll find persistent anger at the world.
No, it's much much worse now, now it's like 80% of you are normalcunts, maube 5 to6 years ago it was a minority while the rest were ironic abput being a normie
She's getting the BBC.
Your mistake was assuming women were capable of unconditional love. She monkey branched you bro. Take the red pill, realize women are hypergamous, and start working on improving yourself and bettering your life. No woman will settle for a guy who is beneath her social. Women mercilessly use those sorts of dudes. You “loved” her cause you were needy and had no one else. Fix that.
>I had a friend who got in his brain that women were hoes and wanted the perfect woman, but he never even touched a girl or dated
What happened to him?
Oh okay well then.
I was the guy you replied to.
Look, it helped me.
have sex incel
I have only a few friends in my life
>the level same charisma that attracts women gets you male friends, it’s just the end goals are different
Oh wow, I guess talking about Star Trek or the complexities of game design like I usually would really attract those women, amirite? That's what got me friends
Even my chad friend knows that and he's seen the many times I stutter with women. I don't even like the woman and I still sweat and stutter and say something really awkward and retarded
>It's gonna be some large vacations
Travel you retard. Stop wasting your time on this stupid forum, and go to an exotic foreign country and party it up with foreign bitches. Or hell, even a different state if you’re in the USA and low on cash. Take a road trip to LA or NYC or Miami or Vegas, and go hook up with new chicks. You’ll forget about the dumb thot in no time.
>it’s about being the person that got people to like you in the first place
You seriously don't believe this shit, right?
>Basically, practice making new friends and the skills will translate to meeting women.
What if I don't have friends?
My ex gf is falsely accusing me of rape. She hates me because I broke up with her and am living a happy life without her, and she is living a miserable life without me. I let her move in with me and not pay a cent. I fed her, sheltered her, and clothed her for months while she was looking for just the right job. All the while emotionally supporting her through mental health issues and suicidal ideation. As a reward, I might be getting locked up for a very, very long time.
Well, if you end up having to go jail, you might as well just kill her first buddy. Sorry to say but, you at least gotta take her down with you.
>normies circlejerking
Jesus Christ.
This is why I would never date an American woman.
According to friend who still talks to him, he still like that. Honestly, I can’t say though. I’m just saying don’t be what he was like. He did it because of insecurity because if the people were “trash”, then who cares if I didn’t get them. He was waiting for the one to prove herself essentially. This is backwards thinking especially from a man.
Sounds great, name?
I do. Every weekend. With a different girl. I live in Tokyo, and am a 6’2 handsome chad.
It's true. I will probably hate my ex forever, but im not losing my child in any capacity and i won't let her bitch mother get in the way of raising her right.
I still have her more than her mom does in a week. And pick her up from day care 3/5 days and she sleeps over on fridays.
I meant more that I'm sure ill get over this crushed depressed feeling as soon as i get on my feet.
I was the one in the relationship with actual friends and a big family. I'm just more of an introvert and wanted to just be with my own little family.
my cousin is paraplegic and lives in a nursing home and still gets laid...what is your fucking excuse?
Boo fucking hoo. At least you weren't married/had a child together/etc. With a girlfriend you can literally just walk away and move on, you don't have shit following you, you can cut your ties and fuck off somewhere with zero consequence. Be thankful
>fucking whores
really, user?
You sound jealous.
user I wish for the best for you. But just prepare for the worst. If you lose the child unironically kill your ex.
Not really. You're either just larping or just fucking whores you probably pay off or something
Whatever makes you feel better user.
Dude, a computer can tell facts and shit about Star Trek. It’s about how you talk about it that get people giving a shit what you’re saying. And if you’re messing up when talking to women, keep doing it or try on strangers where you’re not trying to fuck them. Take that edge off your mind about proving your self.
It’s about being likeable. Likeable is charisma. Practice making new friends and you’ll develop a personality that can make like you after just meeting you. If you don’t have friends, then you need to go practice this and make friends with low stakes first (like a Friday night magic or a board game meet up or whatever the fuck you like to do that has a common reoccurring event).
Would say the same to you, lying in a mongolian basket forum for god knows what reason