did he actually say that?
He made a whole video saying DmC aged better than MGR
DmC got a definitive edition which gave it an upper hand, but at the time MGR was definitely the better game
He said he preferred the combat of DmC, but that MGR does everything better. However, DmC's combat only became good when Itsuno's team went back and fixed everything about it to make it play like an actual DMC game, so that kinda nullifies his argument.
IIRC his point was that DmC's combat had more depth than Rising's and that if he had to pick one to really sink time into it would be DmC. That's kind of stupid though, because literally everything about Revengeance other than that combat "depth" is a dozen times better, including how good the combat actually fucking feels, because DmC has shit sound design, shit impacts on hit, and a fucked up control scheme.
Their stories are also complete tonal opposites. Rising is cartoonish with some serious themes sprinkled in while DmC tries to be a grittier take on the franchise while ending up being laughable whenever it tries to be serious.
i like MGR's combat better than any dmc game. It just feels more satisfying to play and has a real crunch when you attack enemies. Dmc feels like you are cutting through enemies made of paper. also TGBS is a try hard contrarian faggot
That was his point, DmC was the worst Devil may cry by a long shot, but it still gave it the foundation to escape being mechanically worse than a game that nearly got killed in development hell.
>worst Devil may cry by a long shot
>forgot about dmc2
Definitive Edition is barely different. DmC was always better than MGR
we can all agree that Raiden & Sam's rivalry is more fleshed out and better in every aspect when compared to Donté & Virgin
Both are shit but yeah DMC is easily better
>barely different.
Now that's just plain wrong.
>Vanilla DmC didn't even have a lock on. You know. That thing helped DMC as series since the the first game
>Color coded enemies were pure cancer and the you HAD to use either angel or demon weapons exclusively killed the whole pace of combat
>Devil trigger was dumb as hell in vanilla
And a whole bunch of other shit indepth stuff that some other user can explain why better than me.
Retard Rising is just as pathetically laughable, the fact it attempts to be serious at all is a tremendous failure
>kill cyborgs while hearing their inner thoughts
if you thought that whole segment wasn't absolutely stellar, then you just have pleb taste
based and redpilled
Color coded enemies still kill the pace of combat in DE. They just made it so that the wrong color doesn't bounce off, you still have to use the appropriate color to actually do damage and juggle shit
Man that shit was great. Killing all those cyborgs and hearing them beg for there lives, showing there just doing there job as hired hands and are basically innocent in this whole fight not knowing there employer's true goals.
yeah i actually felt bad killing them. that entire segment and the boss fight were fantastic even though the scene right before the boss was a bit strange
He said it had better more varied mechanics than MGR but was still a worse game because the boss fight suck & stuff like that..
who fucking cares? he's a Yea Forums pandering faggot who gets all his opinions from the psuedo intellectuals here, assuming generously he isn't one of them
I thought that was fucking stupid and pretentious.
He's right, though. Looking at both objectively without bias, DmC is superior. MGR is entirely shallow that even dumbed down DMC mechanics still beat it out.
like i said-pleb taste
Everyone always remembers the highlights from MGR, like the bosses, the music, and the setpieces, but they don't remember the shitty stealth, janky item select, half-baked weapons, and how insanely repetitive the ripping gets.
DMC is overall a lesser game but the combat is still fun to play around with and is worth revisiting - if only for a laugh.
MGR is good for doing a chapter select boss rush and that's it.
no lol
tgbs is just a huge contrarian, but he does make some good points here and there. for the most part though he just sounds like a smug faggot
Kojima fag.
because the bosses, music, setpieces and general combat are fantastic and offset any of the worse aspects of the game. dmc is just mediocre all around
It's better than 4. Fuck anyone who says otherwise.
I found the mod that fixes colour coded enemies.
I'm gonna pirate the game and give it a shot now.
haha i dont care that much for most mgs games besides 3. not a kojimbo-fag at all
The DE is literally the PC version of DmC with a couple of mods bundled in. Maybe that's why they didn't even bother releasing it for PC.
mgr wasn't even directed by Kojima
He pretty much says himself wha you said. Mgr:r is overall as a package better, especially on release. But the combat is pretty ehh when you actually dig into it. I found the same thing myself, there’s very little point to different combos. DmC is worse in every other way but there is atleast a small amount of depth to the actual attacking part of combat, even though it is still pretty bad.
I love mgr:r and hate DmC but I can’t deny that in terms of gameplay, I know I would get more out of playing DmC if I had to play it for a really long time.
Fans of either or both are ironic anime watching, jojo meme spamming, dad rock loving faggots
yeah I never used combos either, but still enjoy almost every combat encounter. it just feels really satisfying to play. while dmc has more depth, its just not as fun
I'd love a sequel to rising that expanded on Sam's playstyle now that Raiden has the muramasa
fuckonami bros
>"he fucked me up that one time, I'm gonna get him back for it"
>gets him back for it
>4 is worse than 2
You just sound like you have an axe to grind.
>I got a bigger dick m8
Why did capcom weebs get triggered because Capcom turned Dante into a Chad?
My mistake, I read too fast and didn't realize you were talking about D little m C
why does his armpit look like bent styrofoam
DMC4 and DMC2 are easily the worst. DmC, DMC3 and DMC5 are the only ones worth playing, honestly
D"m"C isnt even bad. It's legit indisputably better than the first 2 games. Stop memeing.
Probably because you've never worked out a day in your life
I bought DmC while it was on sale. With DMCV out it IS much easier to notice some of the neat things it did. Merging Trickster and Devil Bringer with the 2 tethers, merging Dante and Nero's movset in general, weapon swapping combos. Over all it's got a questionable control scheme compared to most of the games but Dante ever since 4, while cool to pull off, feels extremely awkward on my hands. in DmC you dont have to switch to trickster just to get close and go back to Sword Master or w/e. Similarly Prop and shredder gets it's own weapon skill, and switching between his various weapons is way more instant.
Some of the enemy design is bad and colored enemies are an absolute joke, but the series loss strong enemy design when Kamiya left anyway. DE fixes the colored enemy issue too.
The story is a complete joke though. Just skip the cutscenes if you ever try it out. Im doing just that and having a fun time.
dmc4 had the best gameplay until dmc:v fuck off faggit
Your not wrong but both games are easily better than DMC4
How to lose all respect for a person, I mean this is just a fucking nuclear opinion
>DMC4 and DMC2 are easily the worst
They're not remotely comparable, and 4's combat is far more interesting than DmC. There's a reason they decided to reutilize those core mechanics for 5, and not the reboot. You seem really clueless.
DMC3 and 4 are the best.
5 is not worth playing because of the tidal wave of bad design.
DmC is the same and even the animations in that game suck & aren't satisfying.
No, I meant DmC is better than 4.
and then it continued to have the best gameplay because 5 sucks ass.
I still think 4 feels a bit better honestly. The realistic crunch of 5 is great but I miss the satisfying slice sounds with sword swings in 4. Also I miss 4's speed and the more varied buster animations.Also 4 still has a more distinct color pallet. 5 going all in on the shit tree demon red rocks near the latter half was an awful decision.
Combat feel is just as important as depth. I might look for depth when I play action games but I'm not going to play a game with a lot of systems if it doesn't feel good. DmC has more depth than Revengeance but it doesn't feel as good to play, so the combat is still worse.
Old-school beat-em-ups can be just as good as more modern, complex action games because of having good game feel and a satisfying gameplay loop. I'd rather play any given game in the Capcom Beat-em-Up Bundle over DmC for an extended period for that reason (as well as all of those games having better art design than DmC).
I wish it kept some mechanics from 5, like damage boosts for perfect dodges (making that useful over using trickster). They took some visual inspiration instead which Im not a BIG fan of but it works. I kind of miss SADISTIC honestly.
>No, I meant DmC is better than 4
Yeah? I know what you meant the first time, or are you trying to correct a post that isn't yours?
DMC players post 1 talk abotu depth over feel I think because the series lost interesting enemy design after 1, resulting in the most fun thing in the series becoming beating on punching bags. Beating on punching bags is only gonna be fun if you have tons of options to pick and switch between.
Nevermind, I'm retarded and mixed up the posts. Time to sleep.
5 > 1 = 3SE > 3 = 4SE >>> 4 >= DmC:DE >>>>> DmC = 4R > 2
Lol DMC4's combat was garbage
>every enemy was designed for Nero
>Gilgamesh is the weakest gauntlet set in the series (including Eryx from DmC)
>Lucifer is actually useless, because of high execution just for baby damage
>Inertia was so bad they took it out in DMC5
>Resident Evil 3, fixed camera angles
Lol you must be new here, Itsuno took more cues from DmC and put it into DMC5 for a reason
newer games have enemies that don't just let you combo them easily like enigma, fallen, antenora, and judecca, people just usually chalk them up as bad enemies.
He said that he preferred MGR overall though
Thats kind of what I mean. I dont think they're particularly good enemies mind you but I do actually like Prey, for example. Other teleporting enemies and the fucking Blitz are garbage tho.
Eryx in DMC DMC is one of the strongest weapons in that game, its charged punches knock enemies out of their piss-yellow super armor, only weapon capable of doing so
On the contrary, I think 3 & 5 have good feel. 3 is cancel-heavy but there's still a weight to everything, and 5 has incredible animation work and the best enemy/boss design since 1. It's 4 that has mediocre feel with high complexity, at least in terms of Dante. Nero has better feel than Dante in 4 by a mile, but he's 75% of a character. 4SE Vergil is also more depth than feel (but nowhere near as bad as Dante), while Trish & Lady are in Nero's boat.
This except Gilgamesh is still better than Eryx despite being the worst mainline gauntlets. 4SE is worth playing to fight Credo, to watch Nero's Buster animations, or to play as Trish & Lady.
Lol Weebs will get triggered by anything, even a haircut, 6 years later
You need to be at least 18 to post here
>people liked inertia so much fans modded it back in
>gilgamesh is actually the strongest with the DT real impact glitch
>Lucifer is more for setups with other weapons
Also this is more me but I liked the designed viewpoint of fixed camera angles.
I understand what you mean. There's SOMETHING I dont like about sword slashes in 5 though. Don't know what it is. Something about the RE engine feel that transfers over. Like Im sometimes using the axe from RE7. I dunno.
The only reason to play DMC4 is to fight Credo as Dante, too bad you have to beat the game before you can do it.
Meaning you have to beat it before it even gets fun
1 being shit on is the biggest meme. Theres a reason why people are saying 5's boss line is finally ALMOST as good as 1's. It's got the best level design and pacing too.
Whoa, a half a dozen points that are mostly minor gripes!
>Lucifer is actually useless
Off the top of my head, I've used it plenty against Echidna and the Blitz.
>Inertia was so bad they took it out in DMC5
>Resident Evil 3, fixed camera angles
>Lol you must be new here, Itsuno took more cues from DmC and put it into DMC5 for a reason
(You) sound like a zoomer retard.
fighting credo without throwing his spear at him or beating him down while telling him sorry is a weaker version of that amazing fight
Honestly Credo's fight is the best thing to come out of this series since it's inception, and after. I would give up the entirety of 5 for a game thats as good as that fight is.
I never understood the color-coded enemies complaint. It actually added a bit of strategy instead of just mashing through the entire game with your favorite weapon like you could do in every other DMC game.
Even then, only 4 enemies are "color-coded"
You can attack the witches with any weapon you want, with just the slightest bit of thinking if you're capable of it.
>Off the top of my head, I've used it plenty against Echidna
That's because DMC4 only had 1 good boss and it's Credo
I will say one problem I have with modern Dante is I feel almost too strong. Limiting what enemies I can attack with what did have a value in that sense.
>DmC steals combat from its predecessors
>MGR is mostly just quick time events, and is really over-weighted
hes not wrong.
raiden felt sluggish imo.
>DmC has better combat than MGR
it abso-fucking-lutely is not
funny enough I was replaying through DmC and MGR with a friend recently like we did when they first came out and DmC felt like such a fucking slog to get through. Almost every part of the game is just so annoying and repetitive and mindless especially the bosses.
True MGR admittedly has less "variety" so to speak and there are some annoying parts for sure, but its setpieces and actual combat feel are infinitely way better than DmC by a long shot, Definitive Edition included
you kidding? If anything he's too light-weighted
heres one thing I absolutely hate about DMC5.
Why is it so fucking easy to get S ranks. I hate it. I dont deserve like half of them
he's a zoomer that barely plays anything outside of what he played when he was a kid (DMC and R&C) and only ever uses DMC as his reference point for action games which makes his reviews really shallow
After DMC4 they had to make it easier for casuals.
I kinda don't like it much either but it is what it is.
someone's mad
Agreed. 3 is the only one with strict S rank requirements.
Orbs, Items, & Time no longer matter, that's why. There's no items to use, orb requirements were always annoying to keep track of for S, and I guess they felt that timing you didn't let you be as creative in combat or something like that. It also doesn't count Damage Taken, but being hit drops your style by a lot, and since Style is the only thing it counts then getting hit during a fight can kill your S-Rank unless you really built points the rest of the Mission.
Why do people like this fucking guy? Not to mention the comments are all "wow I wished I loved games as much as this guy", as if you can't like a game unless you make a video on it
>play DMC3 for the first time when it came out on PC for the HD collection
>almost every level I got S and A ranks across the board
>"strict S rank requirements"
you're actually completely wrong
>Thinking 3fags know what they're talking about
The SS ranks, which you achieve by scoring an S rank in time, style, orbs, no items, and no damage.
>play through all the games for years
>know them inside out especially 3 and 4
>play newest installment knowing what to expect
""wtf why is it so easy to S rank???"
gee I dunno user
Reminds me of MH fans who have been playing for years and years going off about World being easy
The scoring system is about the style points only now, and I also hate the revive system, they should've just did it like 3 or 4, hell even DmC's scoring system would've been better
World was made easier than the previous games in objectively measurable ways like moving while healing
>This bullshit again
DmC is shit and brought no good to DMC or the genre as a whole, change my mind.
This but with DMC 2 and 3
2 gave bloody palace to the series and gun switching, which 3 later on took and gave us better a bloody palace, and weapon switching which Bayonetta took, and added styles for Dante, so you're wrong those games did some good to the genre and the series
it brought cinematic finishes to the series
>debil dodge and launch to win, everything chains because lmao Ninja Theory
>parry or dodge to win, also a bunch of wank systems leftover from Kojima's original shit demo
It's like arguing which is better, dirt or powdered cement. Who cares? Neither game's merits are on their combat. DmC doesn't have any merits at all.
DmC is shit but it gave Itsuno ideas for 5 that were good, such as dynamic music, some of the visual design of the overrun Redgrave, announcers, etc.
Honestly, 5 should've taken Must Style mode too.
On your first playthrough only, which is pretty poor for an arcade action game built on multiple playthroughs
>No argument
He's 100% right. World is considerably easier than previous MH games.
>good story
DmC has better memes
Got me there. That fucking spanish dub video still cracks me up.
Tonight I shall remind you all
that's not a "good" or bad thing, it's pretty useless too and barely noticeable, and many other games had it before DmC
>such as dynamic music
If Itsuno played some other action games we would already have it anyways
>some of the visual design of the overrun Redgrave
Redgrave is inspired by London while DmC's Limbo City is inspired by Florence or some shit, and the visuals of the environment didn't remind me of DmC
Should Gave us an option to turn it off, I don't hate it but It's nothing special nor is it something to be happy about
>Honestly, 5 should've taken Must Style mode too.
this is something it should've did
>he still thinks it’s about the haircut
Yeah DmCs story was pretty bad.
Now DMC 3, THAT was a masterpiece, especially the part where he eats pizza that was hella epic xD
>Tfw Bayonetta threads are either angry smashfags, bait posters or porn posters
>Can't get legit discussion going
Hopefully It'll get better when Bayo3 comes out
Been playing through it for the first time. Shit is fun as fuck, especially when you start to get Witch Time down. QTEs are a bit of a pain, though.
>dude prophecies lmao
>our cutscene animators jack off for half an hour
DMC3 wins by default.
What's left to discuss? Once Bayo 3 comes out things should ramp up. With less discussion about how much Rodin buttfucks Bayo and why the hell they restricted all the interesting playable characters to that shit multiplayer mode.
You do get used to the QTEs but yeah they're a bit of an ass. The absolute nadir of the game is Route 666 though, fuck it's bad. Where are you up to?
reminder that DmC apologists are generally people who were bad at the other games
Chapter 3 so far. Been having a blast.
>especially when you start to get Witch Time down
Know this: the game isn't built around Witch Time, and the game in fact considers it a crutch. You should be learning how to use Offset, Wicked Weaves, and your Magic. If you intend on replaying on higher difficulties, you should especially do this, as Non-Stop Infinite Climax removes your ability to activate Witch Time entirely unless you have an accessory that lets you activate it under certain specific conditions.
I agree but the guy is up to chapter 3, hell he hasn't even Grace and Glory yet.
Offset is also much easier to pull off than Witch Time and has infinitely better payoff.
No idea why Witch Time is even in the game other than to put in the trailers and infect Transformers Devastation.
I haven't played DmC and don't care to, but MGR isn't all that great on any level. Even if you buy into the idea that a game starring cyborg Raiden was a good idea (I do not, and never did) I think they missed an opportunity for something more interesting than what we got.
>No idea why Witch Time is in the game
They build their games so players of every level can have an enjoyable experiece. Someone picking up the game might only play normal with witch time and have a great time, but if you want to go further then you can
On these notes, I like that Devastation doesn't just pull Focus (what it calls Witch Time) from you on Prime, but instead introduces a mechanic and a character that let you basically give up your Focus for more damage. You can hold an attack button after a dodge or parry for a Counter Attack, hold Aim to do a slow-mo strafe where you can fire your gun in real time (SUPER useful with Wheeljack), or if you're Grimlock and dodged a close-range attack you can just do a counter-grab and piledrive them into the ground.
Because Bayonetta is garbage and a poor man's dmc game.
Or you just spam witch time and nail the enemy with a billion headshots because fuck it, give me my S ranks or whatever they're called.
Exactly, that's the kind of shitposting that usually goes on. Careful not to shitpost here though, this is a good thread
>Irrelevant e-celeb makes a clickbait video for views
nothing now
>hurr durr zoom zoom zoom
Where has anyone said this ITT?
In his head
In the majority of missions, you can get beat down to near death and get an S rank handily despite the damage knocking your rank down in fights. There are a few missions where you can even die and still get an S despite trading the 1.2x score multiplier for a 0.9x reduction. Only a few missions are stingy enough with points for this to not be true. Making damage and time irrelevant to your rank was a mistake, as was having a single point threshold that will get you an S rank on any mission rather than tailoring the style/time(if the game ranked time) per level.
>No idea why Witch Time is even in the game
Because casuals and new players are naturally going to be more passive so the game rewards them going for a dodge-and-punish playstyle. Playing aggressively is naturally going to take more skill than playing defensively so defensive play is made a viable option for new players while higher difficulties mandate offensive play. It's a pretty smart system, the only problem is that the game design never really tries to teach you how to be aggressive without getting your shit pushed in so most people stick with relying on WT and think that that's all the game has to offer. Ideally there'd be something to disincentivize WT in the lower difficulties so that new players get pushed into using offset to get WWs instead
I think the fact that gracious and glorious become more common encounters as you progress to the end of normal and make your way through hard was supposed to be that incentive, but they're too rare on normal for people to not get set in their ways. Maybe a more mid-tier enemy that didn't allow witch time would have been a good idea.
Why can't more games have wallrunning as part of it's combat? it looks cool and could work as a pretty good dodge.
I dunno man. Made Ninja Gaiden fun as fuck to play around with.
Played Ubisoft's Prince of Persia? Because you need the rooms to be set up exactly to accommodate it or it becomes a nightmare for the animations and camera. In PoP you were constantly just colliding into shit, stopping dead, etc outside of dedicate wallrun sections.
Generally you want the combat system to work well in a vacuum, to make level design slightly less of a nightmare.
fuck off brit no one is going to give you patreonbux
There's nothing wrong with Furies
>DmC's scoring system
was trash, you could get SSS for finding all of the secrets for fuck's sake
Why were the enemy designs in 4 so shit?
>le teleports around while you spam guns to knock off its barrier
>chimeras randomly go into fuck you mode while you attack them
>mephistos are trivialized by charged shots
>one of the bosses is a window with a health bar
>the savior is a level that shoots lasers on occasion
>final boss is a gay old man that runs away until you inevitably turn him into combo fodder
>Itsunos team
Itsuno didn't even work on Definitive edition. It was QLOC and the original combat designer.