Who do I pick Yea Forums?

Who do I pick Yea Forums?

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pick with your dick

>loli fanservice
no thanks, so neither

Alice is the patrician choice


fuck pedos

pretty sure you unlock their adult versions later in the game

Then you should pick Alice because Alicetroemeria is hawt

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The youngest one of course.

Alice is eternal waifu, but Ilias' route is more interesting

grooming children is wrong as well pedo

They're both adults. They got their powers sealed so their in loli bodies.

Which pokemon game is this?

Pokemon Monster girl quest paradox

well you got the monster collecting part right at least

Supposedly Ilias is more interesting and has development, Alice is of course more familiar and "safe" so to speak.
Things go to shit and will branch off completely at the end of Part 2 which means you'll eventually have to NG+ and pick the other anyways.

>They got their powers sealed so their in loli bodies.
oh its your typical "you can fuck them because even though their body is of a child they're actually adults" that's even worse

Is the game fully translated I've been waiting years to play this.

which one has vore scenes?

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worst fetish, but i hope you get to experience one day and fucking die

The game isn't even fully released yet bro, we're still waiting for Part 3
But yeah, almost entirely translated story-wise though the main translator went AWOL so quality is a bit wonky near the end. Still fully playble, and while you still have to wait for P3, we already have literal 100s of hours of content as is so it's fine

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Technically Alice but not in this game.


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based as fuck

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>implying adults in young looking bodies shouldn't be allowed to have sex
Found the aussie.

>Ywn be abducted by her after a fight to be taken back to her castle to be her loving husband for all time

literally the most boring monster in the game.

Here's who I choose

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Wait, is this lady still from Mon-Musu quest? I'm a sucker for tubetops, but no booru returned a result for alicetoesmaria or whatever.

Yep, she's a totally normal human mage who is most definitely not Black Alice in disguise

Alice sort of repeats a lot of what she did in the VN. Ilias is a new perspective on the whole thing. If you haven't read the VN than either choice works, if you remember the VN pretty well then Ilias is going to be the newer story. The end of Part 2 had a few characters exclusive to the route, so it depends on if you want a few extra angels or a few extra succubi.

Note that when you clear the game, you can NG+ with the route you didn't take and you keep everything you had. EVERYTHING.

Game mechanics speaking, Ilias is an easier start since bows are really strong with stat debuffing (turn Luka into a Soldier) and because her Holy/Pleasure attacks learned as an angel are busted and wipe everything out. Alice has a lot more options, though, although the best broken shit won't be available until quite a bit of grinding.

Damn it, she looked so good, but deceitful women are a no go.


Good tastes right here, can someone post that Blonde imp thot, she was my favorite

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>loli Ilias

What advantages does luka have a soldier over his default class?

I like how her "bad" end is actually a very good happy end. Best girl.

Ilias did nothing wrong.

It's not about advantage, just that soldier/guard is one of the earliest jobs you can get that fit Luka and Warrior/Apprentice Hero are unnecessary to level up for him as he will get them auto-mastered after a certain story event.

There's an event in the game that puts Luka into the Hero class. This means that he'll automatically max out Apprentice Hero (his default) and Warrior when it happens, so running him through another class is a good idea. It's not awful if you don't - you can easily grind for job levels later, Luka technically gets some good stuff with App. Hero so running through that isn't terrible - but you'll effectively be able to max out three basic jobs in the same time that others max out only one if you swap him out.

Soldier is pretty good. It's something you unlock early, it keeps him as a frontline fighter, and he'll be able to use the learned skills in any job he switches to. Plus, if you have the Part 1+2 merge then the stat debuffs his attack deal are exceptionally useful, since some weapon types get damage multipliers if enemies have various stats debuffed. You can toss him into other classes if you want as well, but Soldier is a generally good option if you don't have a specific plan.

Ilias ackbhar ! *explode*


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>had to wait until part 2 until you got anything other than piss

Pick Ilia and you can fug mc aunt and mom.

incest is gross

>Alice is a Yoma Noble, with access to tons of different races, but shit skillset starting out. Her unique characters are Alicetroemeria, Lilim and Lilith, and Morrigan at the end. Kinda weak, but eh, Morrigan's decent.
>Ilias is an Angel Hunter with access to white magic and handy as shit slayer skills, as well as Holy magic, which fucks up 90% of the monsters in the game. She gets Heinrich, Lucifina, and Micaela, the last two being unique angels in all of part 2, and MOTHERFUCKING HEINRICH WITH TWO BALLIN' ASS KNIGHT SWORDS FUCK YES he's just an inferior Luka but still
I'd pick Ilias. Sidenote: Take Lucia's side during the Magistea Village sidequest. Lucia's the only way to get the Worm Summoner class for Humans.

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>play MGQ part 3
>oh sweet, we're getting into angels now I wonder how they'll rape Luka
>tags: unbirthing


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lmao I have the chick in the boss replay room remove all male characters from my party

Its not incest because they got reincarnated into new bodies.


I love lolis

Part 3 was a mess all around
>half the monsters were done by Delphinius, arguably the worst artist on the team
>The rest were done by either Setouchi or Xelvy, the former being not-so-great and the latter being a very acquired taste
>spend 80% of the part re-learning all the skills and shit from the last 2 parts
>a solid chunk of the new monsters don't even get a battle, just CG showing them raping and eating some nobody

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Wait, why are they both lolis?

Yeah, I know you have shitaste.

it's the plot of the latest game

Alice, now and forever.

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Current Alice route exclusives:
>Alicetroemeria (Black Alice circa 500 years ago cosplaying as a human witch)
>Lilith & Lilim

Current Ilias route exclusives:

Keep in mind that you can get them all via NG+

You call her your favorite, and you don't even know her name?

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Alice was hit with the Ancestor's Seal, the same thing affecting Tamamo, so she had her power sealed and turned small. To avoid completely spoiling the end of Part 2, I'll just say that people suspected that Ilias was hit with something similar, but she doesn't remember exactly what happened.

I'm kind of wary of starting NG+, though. I don't want to start a new route with Alice, then have part 3 come out in the middle of the playthrough and have to start ANOTHER NG+ to continue Ilias' story, which is significantly more interesting.

Just keep separate save files and try to keep levels of characters synchronized between them.

Just save your game before the NG+ and keep it a separate game file. That way, you can keep your endgame Ilias route and can have an endgame Alice route. The two are starting to diverge, including different final bosses and different endings at the end of Part 2, so you'll probably want a save file of both routes anyways. It doesn't really take too long to blast through the entire game with maxed out characters anyways so it's shorter than you might think.

God I love beating my cock to huge tits

Alexi is god

Alice has a LOT more content.

What was your first defeat?
I think it was the minivamp or the first fox boss

Spider Girl aka Rachnee.
I fucked up the sequence where you're supposed to do nothing but struggle or attack, can't remember which.

I LOVE spatsune!

I'm pretty sure I lost the first slime fight, but I surrendered because that's the point of a porn game, right?

First legitimate defeat was, if I recall correctly, the Mandragora girl

Early data mining attempts and recent labyrinth of chaos levels suggest that there will be marriage events for several monsters in part 3. I'm holding onto hope that Rami makes the cut.

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Ive yet to play Paradox
Did they finally give best girl scenes that arent FUCKING SEAWEED IM STILL FUCKING MAD

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If that's the case, I'd bet my left nut Rami'd make the cut. She's one of the most popular monsters in the game, and she gets a ton of dialogue in Paradox.
Teen Promestein gets a few very similar handjob CGs and one where she rides Luka.
Adult Promestein has yet to be seen.

Played the game but got got bored quite quickly.
The game system seemed to be something, a lot if thought was put behind it, but the story was boring and the scenes not particularly fap worthy.
Maybe I played too many other monster girl games with better scenes before that one? I mean it's quite old.

>Adult Promestein has yet to be seen.

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>worst fetish

>one where she rides Luka
Sounds like I need to go check her out again.

There's still a Part 3 and we're starting to see more and more crossover; it's possible that we'll see her once the third part comes out. Even if it's just some side story to have her included.

Scenes in MGQ (in general) aren't that great unless you like reading with some still art. Most people just play the game for the job system, which is fairly complex and lets you break the game a lot more than you'd suppose.

It's too fucking hot absorb me I don't care at this point

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hwhat gaem

>Scylla maid has a cg where she locks your dick in a chastity cage
>It's unused


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>jacking off to dying
How is that not a terrible fetish

Relax. She'll show up in part 3. I guarantee it.
There's a hidden scene once you beat the final boss of part 2 where Promestein gets in contact with a group called the "Alliance of Wisdom". Guaran-fucking-teed, Adult Promestein's on the other side of the call.

>If you pick Ilias she baptizes Luka with her holy angel piss. So it's the obvious choice.

>where Promestein gets in contact with a group called the "Alliance of Wisdom"
Looks like knowledge-seeking kino is back on the menu, boys.

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Alice is usless now since ilias's campaign is more interesting and sonya is the waifu character

>Xelvy character without robot or bug parts

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