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Considering how much Yea Forums constantly spergs out about furries, trannies and gays in esports, one would think most people here wouldn't give that much of a shit about some fatso.
Don't you all have other targets right now?
a lot of football players look like that
Most of Yea Forums including you looks like that
Yea Forums also can't stand the fact that a gay furry is the best active fighting game player on earth
Everyone here thinks they are chads because they're over six foot tall and weighs a hundred pounds.
excuse me, this is how I actually look like
Yea Forums can't stand a lot of things.
Yea Forums talks about smash 24/7 yet gets beaten by a tranny tripping the fuck out on 5 different types of drugs + mushrooms.
Yea Forums attempts to talk about fighting games but can't even remotely enter the FGC past the very superficial layer of being online warriors and stream monsters.
Just what group does Yea Forums even belongs to, anymore?
What is a single gaming community out there that Yea Forums can identify with?
>Yea Forums attempts to talk about fighting games but can't even remotely enter the FGC past the very superficial layer of being online warriors and stream monsters.
This one to an extreme. I know that by no measure am I good, but I still go to locals and majors when I can afford to.
Shit dude sorry! Don't hurt me please!
>florida men
>don't worry user, i'm a pacifist, these muscles are for pussy slaying not for fighting
who are you quoting
Know that you will always be 500 times more valuable than any of the shitters here.
The C in FGC isn't there just for show.
Meeting people and feeding a breathing community is key.
Most people on Yea Forums would just take a shit and die 2 seconds into a conversation trying to even meet someone to play with, staring and the floor and mumbling.
Or just spout some of their usual mindless edgy shit and be instantly disliked by everyone.
>white """men"""
>who are you quoting
Himself. That's what you can do when you're the embodiment of masculinity.
can you really call it white genocide if you do it to yourself?
>this pic
Holy fuck I knew Yea Forums sucked at vidya but I didn't know it was this bad.
I don't get it are we just supposed to laugh at the fact he's fat? He's got friends and a career he clearly enjoys who cares if he's fat?
Lol this is fucked up when you think about it. You'd think people here, for all the shittalking they do about casuals and shit, would be good at games. What is Yea Forums even good at? Shitposting?
Turns out shouldering 3/4s of the world can get a bit stressful. Who fucking knew?
That's the vermins playing nintentoddlertrannie games tho. Fuck them.
The second guy is an absolute chad
t. Fat shit.
Nobody likes you you disgusting greasy sack of lard.
you're delusional
But I'm a skele and can't gain weight.
80 year olds commit suicide? How, typically?
Smash threads are so fucking annoying and I tend to ignore them. But the only thing they seem to talk about is who's going to be in the roster or not. I guess the unhygenic memes are true as well. Those threads should be pruned asap because theyre flooding the fucking board abd they don't even discuss the game outside the roster. Fuck.
desu i think they should lift just so the PR is better
That statement was factually correct, so no.
Your hex fools no one witch, I don't think we can be friends anymore.
Is this really what young white males are doing with their lives these days? No wonder the Jews are taking over. This kind of stuff is for Indians and Chinese, fellas.
I wish I could get paid to play games I love with people I like playing games with. Tubby is living a good life, being literally paid to play a kid's hobby
I chuckle at how he doesn't know how to walk or react to the camera in comparison to everyone else behind him, it's just so stereotypical.
>Should be resting and recovering from my workout today
>Videos like this make me want to do situps all night
>lifting for women
you failed before you even began
Yeah, he is. Nobody places as well as he does in as many games as he does. everyone else that would be listed that can compete like Knee and GO1 and Punk are single game specialists. they may play a second game, but never make it too far out of pools, if at all.
I don't care that he's a gay furry he just seems like such a petty asshole for no reason.
Honestly fucking disgusting, Blizzard should shame these fatties into losing weight because it genuinely makes the league look worse than it is
They should be given a weight target and if they don't reach it, they have their salaries halved
>such a petty asshole
Part of the FGC, or, rather, being at the top specifically within the FGC.
Hundreds of peple talk shit about you all the time, and it's expected of you to talk shit back, or you're seen as unfun, and weak.
You can also take the fully autistic route and never talk on your official channels but not everyone can keep their cool for years, and additionally things happen IRL venues that sometimes you can't control and might change the public perception of you regardless if you want it or not.
And yet they are being applauded and acknowledged, while you sit alone and wither away in front of your monitor.
Most of them were trannies. Its funny how in death you are the gender god created you in.
Eh, he hams it up, and is just a big troll. If he really was an asshole, You'd assume that more tournament players would dislike him. Instead it seems like it's just PL, who is probably the single most washed up loser in the entire FGC. That's a guy who tries to start beef, only to get BTFO and go back to playing his subs on twitch
how does he find the time to eat if he's training to work at mayhem?
The constant attempts to draw parallels between video game competitions and athletic competitions with names like esports and major league gaming has always been maximum cringe.
White men own lots of guns, so they typically succeed on their first try.
because niggers fall into homicide instead of suicide
>dude it doesn't matter if his organs are dying slowly and he's disgusting to look at, we should just let people do whatever they want in life it doesn't affect society at all!!
>Suicide at almost 90
Why even bother
>dude it doesn't matter if his organs are dying slowly
But you always wish other people's death on a regular basis, shouldn't you be happy?
>it doesn't affect society at all!!
But you always say society is shit because normies are shit, so why do you care?
If this comment was bait you got me because there's nothing I hate more than fucking retards like you who unironically believe that we should let people indulge in degenerate behavior and not shame the fuck out of them
what's the least painful way to suicide?
He also has a habit of avoiding actual controversy. There's a very, very large man in the NRS scene named Tweedy who is right there with Fox in terms of actual ability in NRS games, but has gotten into trouble with his mouth on more than one occasion. Dude had a real good sponsor. the types that actually give you a livable wage and actually pay for all your booking and travel(Unlike groups like Noble or UYU), and he ran his mouth on twitter after the Summit of time was announced. He ran it too far (shit talked someone about having to leave the scene after his dad his dad had a stroke)
Just let them die if their existence bothers you then, why care in that case?
this but without the meme arrow
If you shame people, but they don't give a fuck, what did you accomplish?
Shouldn't you have used that time you spent pointlessly shaming others to improve your own life instead?
fuck pressed post too early. Fox is one of those guys who plays it up and shit talks, but he knows where he can and can't go, and he's basically beloved by most everyone in every community he's in
It's a shame that they won't force them to become fit either because of the whole fat acceptance shit.
Gosh, I fucking hate the way fat people fucking walk. The way their chub oscillates from side-to-side. The way their feet point outwards as a result of them being spread apart by the infinite levels of mass all trying to occupy the same space between their thighs. They deserve the fucking rope!
>but it's not my fault I'm fat
not him but what if you find joy in shaming others and making them feel worse?
My nigger you're on Yea Forums on a Saturday night. You're clearly a degenerate.
>Shame him
You're posting on Yea Forums, a place he likely doesn't go to. He's not going to see your attempts to shame him.
>muh multiple games
he's good at nrs games which all play practically the same and dbfz which is the easier anime fighter on the market. being consistently good at multiple easy games isn't as impressive as being consistently good at 1 harder game.
>basement dwelling NEET on Yea Forums talks about shouldering the world
Are you talking to me? I say none of that shit, but I guess you're right in the sense that if a fatty was browsing here I would gladly tell him he's going to die from being a disgusting grease filled sack of shit.
I have improved in my life which gives me more leg room to shit on people like you and the fat fuck in OP's webm. The world would be a MUCH better place if ugly fags like you were bullied into improving yourselves. Bullying is going to be dearly missed
It can be easy fix by making hitting gym a requirement for esport player.
>The way their chub oscillates from side-to-side
i've never noticed this before but now i can't unsee this shit wtf
reminder that like 2/3rds of all americans have fatty liver disease from a combination of high fructose corn syrup, and choline deficiency because "oy vey muh eggs are bad for your cholesterol"
Be honest, do you really think Africans would still be around if it weren't for foreign aid?
It's not saturday night where I live but thanks fatty
>live in Florida
>have never heard of these guys in my life
Whatever happened to that faggot ape reginald?
You are posting on Yea Forums
>He also has a habit of avoiding actual controversy.
This is key.
People here are too young to remember, but in the old days of the FGC people would take things extremely personally.
Stabbings outside tournaments were, if not common, definitely occasionally happening.
I remember it got so bad in some places Capcom was canceling entire events and issuing ultimatums because of some major incidents.
These days, everyone talks shit, but sponsors and players themselves will very carefully try to avoid actual drama or push it too far.
When it happens, they're axed rather quickly, they're seen as inconvenient.
>based on the line there are at least some 2, 3 and 4 year olds that commit suicide
nope, fuck directly off with your fake bullshit.
Is there anything more disgusting than a FAT FUCK?
These people are incapable of completing the easiest task in the world which is to LITERALLY NOT STUFF YOUR FAT FUCKING FACE
Seriously, do you people understand how hard it is to actually push past maintenance calories per day at that weight? Look at his estrogen packed tits and stomach swaying around. You can see he's ashamed of it aswell, his face screams huge insecurity. All these gigantic, grotesque subhumans need to do is literally put down the milkshake or the burger but they cannot even do that. Are fat FUCKS the worst people on planet earth?
Can you quantify this? What makes say, MK11 easier than.. Street Fighter V? They're very, very different games. Because over the past 10 years, the entire genre has gotten significantly easier in an attempt to reach a wider audience.
Didn't that smash player Salem lose his sponsorship because he was glad Melee wasn't at Evo?
Fat people should be executed.
>needing to push the fat back and forth to build momentum
I don't know if I should be more impressed than grossed out but I sure am sickened
they'd lose a ton of weight by just cutting back on soda and energy drinks. Not enough to actually be a healthy weight, but enough that their 4X shirts are too big and the scale stops saying ERR when they stand on it
t. formerly obese man
>uses the momentup of the fat wobble to get up
Not to mention more...egregious recent smash drama with pretty dire ripercussions all around.
move aside. Sit down and learn from the masters.
When that Osiris guy or whatever got into a fistfight with someone and may have gotten himself banned for life? the FGC is in a weird place where it's not quite truly esports, but it's no longer grassroots. In just NRS over the past couple months we had the Tweedy Incident, the Honeybee going after SonicFox thing(He tried to fight SonicFox in a heated moment at the Summit of TIme), and the Buffalo/Scar incident where a popoff almost came to blows because Buffalo is a retarded 16 year old
More like Florida Mayham
Why yes, I do play e-sports. How did you know?
"e-sports" is just an extension of marketing
brood war and quake are the only games suitable for serious competition
God she's so sexy and beautiful
imagine kissing her big and soft belly
Eat sports
GO1 is great at multiple anime games and at least still competes in SFV. Kazunoko is great at SF and multiple anime games too. Tokido was literally in like 5 EVO top 8's in one year. Same with Justin Wong. You SonicFox secondary fighting game fans are the dumbest and somehow think anyone cares about MK which is nearly Smash status with less players.
None of those players are great at multiple games right now. which is my fucking point. I'm not talking about greatest of all time, or even highest peak of active players. But right now he's the top dog. I don't even like him.
t. Never seen a strongman
they really dont
>posting the same fake every time
Ernest Khalimov is a real person, deal with it
Fuck I wish I could.
>Consistently gets btfo of everything that isn't a brand new netherrealm game or dbz
Nobody actually cared about him other than making fun of him being a furry, and then he whined about republicans and triggered them
>his smile and optimism really is gone
>this whole time pierce had a feeder fetish
Fuck we’re sorry for bullying
Imagine being part of the 80-85% that fail a suicide with a firearm lmao
Wait didn't he quit on Smash bros Ultimate because he got thrashed online?
Yes, because they knew mosquitos were deadly and avoided them. It was the white who thought it was a good idea to go into the ponds just to move faster.
Choke on that blackpill, you sad lonely waste.
Who would do this to you, Pierce?
>It doesn't affect society at all
You couldn't be more right
>It doesn't matter if his organs are dying
Right again that's his problem and his alone, you pass with 100% user
This is one of my favorite memes
>Here, have another slice of cake my sweet.
>No, Pierce, I feel like going for a jog instead!
>S-sure honey... w-whatever you WANT. *breaks glass*