We've figured out how to host infinite-player servers in Risk of Rain 2. For some fun, we'll be running a Versus gamemode on the server. Death is forever, but you get to come back and possess monsters to kill the other players. No mods are required on your end. You can join by Ctrl + Alt + Tilde to open the console, and enter connect . See you there.
Risk of Rain
>had 8 golden levels
>six in the same run
>STILL not seen the grovetender's drop
is it up?
Yeah, it is.
Come on bois
literally me
are you me?
>infinite-player server
>server full
>didn't die first
im happy
Uh. huh.
>died last
>by wimping it up and climbing as high as possible
Bravery gets you nowhere
>0 damage items
>expect me to deal with a trillion elite gay lizards
>deal with
Just die the slowest
wheres the fucking host
I haven't even seen the grovetender
>infinite player server
>its full
fuck the game took to long to lad
do you have to buy it?
It's a pretty decent find for cuntress and merc.
Oof, crashed.
please put glass on host
full or still ded?
ror1 host when
wiped/crashed and waiting for host to come back up
Pic related: its me waiting on a host
uh no you are not, first of all you probably have a full on beard and moustache, you are not a cartoon and you have broad ass shoulders nigga
turning on pc
Artificer is not fat
4/10 get in here
im going to eat, will be back in an hour. thanks for waiting for me
aaaaand overflow
Crashed again. Reading the logs to see what the hell is going on.
all merc never again
Replying to someone on last thread
You don't cancel the third hit of m1, you cancel the recovery animation.
Is there a mod that gives every player an item when someone picks it up?
I also killed Newt twice.
Sorry for leaving lads.
fuck wisps
You are born gay, can't mod it in
open when?
Server back up. Pulled out some problematic code, tweaked a few things, let's give it another go.
Greenpill me on Rex
His some of his moves heal him while others damage him, i should be balancing out the two right?
provi soon
provi's pissed off older brother soon, actually
>Greenpill me on Rex
Hes shit, wait for buff. Or hopefully he gets replaced with Sniper.
imagine cheating in lunars and then stacking gesture and glass and calling it a good run
>Hes shit
See the thing is I've heard people say he was actually kinda broken and needs nerf so I think you're full of shit
Imagine putting in a mechanic no one asked for which adds nothing to the game at all.
Had lunar coins just been any other ingame item and not account bound it would have been fine. But this system is objectively bad.
he's the ultimate glass cannon
dies in a second to any sort of sustained damage when his heals aren't up, but has higher damage output than anyone else with his m2
lacks mobility but has plenty of tools to kill people, and his r trapping enemies helps lessen his weak positioning
> kinda broken and needs nerf so I think you're full of shit
not him but that simply isnt true at all, hes either average or below average, he sure as hell isnt as strong as new merc or commando/robotboi
>See the thing is I've heard people say he was actually kinda broken and needs nerf so I think you're full of shit
Lol. No.
>he's the ultimate glass cannon
>is worse than artificer
>get one-shot by running into an explosive barrel because of shitty frost relic
M1 is 3 shot burst where final shot heals
M2 is mortar for extreme damage with a 1 sec CD. Costs 15% of current hp to use.
Shift is a sound blast to knockback targets. Does damage if flying units hits walls and can be used as a rocket jump if you're airborne.
M3 (or R for you fucking philistines) costs 20% of total HP but roots and damages in an AoE where shot, healing you for the damage.
You should almost never be on full hp as rex, your damage is ass without using your mortar.
Your mortar instantly resets the attack timer of your m1 letting you ignore the massive delay between shots. Weaving the two together massively increases your DPS and lets you keep it up for longer.
M3 is fucking amazing but situation dependent. Be aware of the risk and don't spam it mindlessly.
Rex feels ass against solo targets, always try and keep the swarms of little guys around.
Spam the fuck out of your boop to get around. Rex feels slower and clunkier if just due to his size but easily picks up speed the fastest with just a wax quail or two comboed into his boop.
The healing shot of your m1 and boop also weakens the target reducing its damage and armor. Spread that shit to high value targets for your own safety and, if multiplayer, the dps of your team.
i also wanna add that he has really good synergy with a lot of items, reds specifically
he's a better recipient for n'kuhana's opinion and rejuvenation rack than engi is
you also wanna get a hardlight afterburner on him to give a massive boost to his mobility
beyond that he likes stuff like wax quail, hopoo feather, anything like that that'll further boost his mobility
>is worse than artificer
Artificer isn't a glass cannon though?
his m2 is way higher dps than anything artificer can put out because of a lack of a real cooldown
open, probably last game for tonight
is open
>HP drain
Its not even close to arty
How many gestures of the drowned do you need for the tonic to never come off cooldown?
also who cares if rex is good, his abilities are boring
>because of a lack of a real cooldown
Reading comprehension dude, come on
you are boring
Do you still share loot in RoR2, or did they include a toggle like the first?
the hp drain doesn't matter when you have your r up on a few enemies, which means it improves more and more the further you get
by lategame, you're constantly going to have a lot of enemies trapped in r feeding you more health than the fastest spam of m2 can drain
i'll give that he has a far weaker earlygame than most characters, but the more enemies are around the stronger he gets
1 gesture, 3 fuel cells i know to work, not sure if you just wanna stack gestures though
thats not what your mom said last night
We're back.
still open, 3/10
Thanks desu
>the hp drain doesn't matter
Stopped reading, you're lying and you know it shitposter
if you kept reading then you'd have known that i was saying that it's mid-lategame specifically that i'm talking about
i'm pretty sure you're just baiting at this point so i'm done
maybe try actually playing him retard
wipe pls
Please listen to this abomination
mega mod host where?
The fuck is an equipment drone
you can give it your equipment and it'll use it
Yeah and you're wrong shitposter
I have, numerous times on monsoon. And hes objectively the worst character by far.
You sure I didn't need a mod for this shit?
>that asshole who respawns as a monster with a flux cap and proceeds to 1HKO half of the players alive with it from a distance
server's still down user. we ended stuck i n this situation and host is tweaking shit as we go along
tell me when you're back up
fug, aight. Godspeed
this seems based; i wanna join too
closed for tonight, sorry
Post title screen meems.
Back once more.
>server is full
FUCK. oh well. was fun while it lasted folks. had fun being the first and only monster of the first game and second to last dead on the second
what the fuck just happened
server just crashed
did the server just off itself?
That was my bad. We're back.
dead game
Here, join my game.
Ctrl + Alt + ~
host ror1 now pls
You've got 5 minutes to get in here before I give up hosting and go back to playing the games I bought in the steam sale.
Come play.
Doesn't work, getting errors
WTT RoR2 copy for Dishonored 2
Still up?
Doing this again. Running a ten man Risky 2 game with Command.
Stick the contents of this zip where your Risk of Rain 2.exe is. Start up Risky 2, access console via CTRL+Alt+~, copy/paste connect
get in here bros
We made it to ten earlier, ya fucks.
needs a fedora
Thanks for hosting
Closed. Will return later.
why are these threads so dead
tfw no queen's gland huntress and arti mod
ded geam
post lewd mod links
Did you miss the nonon one?
i was out for a week, the nonon mod i have is broken
Here you go. The Rex replacement's still in progress
thank you!