Prove me wrong, I dare you

Prove me wrong, I dare you

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dressing room simulators are gay lol

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Lmao soiboi hat


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>he doesn't dress as an eyesore to get a tactical advantage by making the oponent want to look away from the screen

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Add a God Tier for the actual stock items.

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A white hat on bright red/blue doesn’t fit the aesthetic though

Heavy doesn't look good with Brock's toupee

the best cosmetics in this game are the default character models

It's a texan thing

more like the CRINGE TIER

More like yore ugleh

Attached: ugleh.gif (220x220, 365K)

That's Peasant Tier, it's below Low.

Absolutely correct, but I will keep using my E.Y.E loadout for sniper.

Based ugleh poster


The majority of the beard items look pretty nice.

>mid tear

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How the fuck do you know what the pyro would and wouldn’t wear?

Seems you missed the point, not that i expected any less from a soldier player

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user here for your periodic PSA that any hat that exposes the Soldier's eyes is haram and you're a bad person for wearing it.

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brock's locks are not high tier
mid tier for sure

Fuck you maggot, I bet you kiss penises

I love venture bros but let's not pretend the Brock Samson wig on Heavy is more fitting than a mining light on the Engie. Otherwise a respectable and agreeable list on how to rate cosmetics.

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Gimmie Dr. Killinger's magical murder bag for medic

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All your chart is missing OP is below low tier to where the cosmetics are so far left field that it actually loops around to at least good tier

Any particular examples you had in mind?

I thought this was a troll post at first sight but this is even worse, didn't even notice.
Could you please kill yourself?

How's Terry doing these days?

>thought it'd be cool to have TF3 take place during the Reagan-era and have the Mercenaries be more Mozambique/Vietnam setting style
>realized it wouldn't matter because they destroyed the early 1950s aesthetic completely for garbage hats and it wouldn't make sense for subsequent games to even attempt to replicate it

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What cosmetics even align with Pyro’s aesthetic? Most of their stuff is intentionally goofy and bizarre, even before Meet the Pyro came out

he killed himself

still dead

Things that are silly or fire-related, but aren't an eyesore.

anything fire related is good, he can get away with goofier hats than others because he's usually depicted that way

stuff like the fireman's hat, beanie, leather jacket, last breath, pyroland stuff can fuck off though

I don't know who you are but you're alright in my book.

swap mid tier and God tier


>not using stock to make enemies underestimate you and make it harder to focus you

What cosmetics? It better not be a dirty jian as well.

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That's better.

>Saxton Hale tier
Wearing nothing because you gave all the characters nude skins anyways.

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>look up Saxton Hale on Google Images
>one of the first results is his big uncircumcised Australian cock

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I can't. It's a good point.


Mid and High tier should be swapped

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Yes it is.

was about to tell you search results are based on history but then I looked it up to make sure, and damn, that's a really nice dick

Amos Moses?

>Not naming the danger shield the exterior crocodile alligator

What tier is Dual Smoking?

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confess your cosmetic sins
>i have a lot of cosmetics but i never wear them usually to make myself look less noticeable
>also i dislike hair related cosmetics

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Damn you right, maybe I'll change it to that one day,

>See an engie wearing a nice space themed unusual
>Still wears a fucking gibus with it

People like this are disgusting

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I wear a Gibus + Bronze Badge loadout when playing Sniper.
It's a bronze dueling badge though since I have a silver merc badge.

>wearing a gibus

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>Strange specialized killstreak gibus

i bought the strange pocket frog for the engie
i just really like frogs

I have The Dictator and Salty Dog on pretty much all my classes.

Not as good as groucho mask+soldiers cigar. But any duel smoking is good

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If Solder's Stogie still stacked with muttonchops, you know I would be wearing all 3.

I paint all my cosmetics the same color to match any unusual I use.

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He did, but don't diss my man Doe

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If I had the money I'd just rock unusual weapons with an F2P gibusvision loadout. I think the wtf factor there would mean more to me and the people I'm playing with than just dickwaving an unusual just because.

Much better.

Learn to read, retard.

this fucking shit is so scarily common that i still cant tell if the people actually wearing it are being ironic about it

>it's real

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Its a literal meme item, this and the fucking boomer hair were based on shitty Yea Forums memes and the retards love it.


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>boomer hair

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I painted all of my cosmetics gold including my Law hat

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At what point did the cosmetics start getting out of control? 2011-2012?

i deleted my gibus to save bp space back when i was free to play but now i really miss it and valve support already said they would not replace it

Can you not get gibus any more?

The Texas Ten Gallon is top tier and you know it.

i could get myself one of those tradable gibuses, but it's not the same as the first achievement item

Tradable gibus?

I was a Cold Killer+Bandana sniper
I crafted together all of my hats before quitting the game so i wouldn't be tempted by vanity anymore

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I spent about $50 worth of cosmetics in the span of a week


When will this game die it’s time for E

same with my halloween cosmetics
i just want to play as a fake noob again

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