It's over bros

It's over bros...
We lost...

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t.seething snoycuck

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>nintendo is seething
>sony is fat and depressed
>microsoft is a skeleton

I'm worried, guys. What if something happened to pc?

pc is the fat and depressed one, sony is just a nigger.

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honestly I will never understand why gaming is seen as a competition or a race of some sort.
just play the games you like and if someone tells you you're a loser for playing them then tell them to fuck off.
we're all adults here, right?

What happened?

i shitched my pants LMFAO

it's over bro it's OVER

I sold my Switch today

how? the switch is the only console worth owning and I don't even own one. or is this the specific call of a subset of autists?

Do people actually console war unironically? I know most of the stuff here is low tier bait, but on things like Youtube, Twitter, and other stuff I see people genuinely arguing that their platform of choice is better.

switch flopped

i cant get over the feeling that at least like 30% of the console war faggots are serious

>Do people actually console war unironically?
nintendo fans have a real emotional investment in it. the rest of Yea Forums does it just to shitpost.

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>literally 0 exclusives
>console hardware utter garbage for muh portability/handheld utility

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Most Snoy yt fanboys are niggers and most Xshit yt fanboys are white trash.

Really makes you think desu


>they have emotional investment because I said so

we lost bro, we fucking lost

Mario is kill
RIP in pepperonis my dude

>0 exclusives
But were talking about the Switch not the ps4

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you know that thats bullshit. theres faggots on either side being serious, im pretty sure

how can you say this with a straight face when a nigger got stickied for a day because he played nintendo games. look at any smash tournament (don't smell though).

On what other platform can you play witcher 3 at 540p minimum settings? checkmate snoys

>We lost
Lost what?
You have to be able to compete to lose

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Why would anyone own a Switch instead of a PS4 or Xbox?

sony is a nigger and a tranny

Nintendo is kill

>another shitpost thread
That's it i'm calling the jannies

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They said they were too busy sucking off a tranny's cock

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selling my switch for 50 bucks


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>B-But the gays

Nah you dilate snoy tranny

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Delete this!

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Reminder that Sony only does it to virtue signal, Nintendo genuinely turns healthy young males into trannies and fags.

of course none are deleted, probably nintencel jannys spamming it

that face you make when you get absolutely fucking dominated by sony

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you ever heard of the phrase “you won the battle but not the war”... i mean we havent even won a single fucking battle. its like a 100-0 war with sony dominating us at every turn seriously what fucking gives?

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