Why are videogame girls with large breasts becoming less and less common?
Why are videogame girls with large breasts becoming less and less common?
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They're not.
Because people are growing up, oversexualised fanservice is lame and doesnt sell anymore. People want actual gameplay.
>toddler face
>fully developed body
weebshit was a mistake
Why the FUCK do these cringey tranny drawfags draw feet like that? They look like fucking talons or some shit, l2draw retards
Cunnyfags on the rise
because flat roasties suffer from perpetual breast envy and have used their newfound feminist powers to try to destroy big boobs
youthfulness is attractive. sorry you hit the wall
Her tits arent even that big, what is this bullshit.
Because you’re seething
They aren't. In fact there's so many of them that Sony felt the need to have a hissy fit about it as of late.
Because its unethical
Because they're unethical.
tits are a symbol of warm, nurturing feminity and that's unnacceptable because wimmin need to be strong and independant like men, this is the current year you bigot nazi incel
fat lesbian feminists hate anything that makes men happy
Because people are getting their priorities straight and realizing ass > tits
Because flat is justice!
Eat shit cowtits niggers
I dunno, man. Ryza's a surprisingly full package.
I guess all the attention has been on her thighs I missed she had massive tits as well
S tier thighs and A tier tits. She's a miracle, I tell you hwat.
Yes it does - it always has, and always will. This has been proven time and time again throughout the centuries. And giving a character with large breasts doesn't detract from gameplay. The real reason is faggots like you crying about sexuality being bad and brainwashing devs into thinking they're some greater being for obeying your wishes. And convincing publishers it's also that way, too.
You're wrong. The sales for those fanservice heavy weebjunk games in Japan have dramatically dropped. Of course people will buy them still, but only a handful so you're not really worth pandering to anymore.
I'm no market genius but I'd say that's probably because those games are fucking garbage.
If you took a game with no fanservice and the exact same game with fanservice the one with would probably sell more. What you're looking at is shitty rushed shovelware that also happens to have fanservice and then blaming poor sales on the fanservice part.
Because you are a braindead normalfag who only plays mainstream shit. Go get hyped for your gaylow, final fuckstacy 3 and queers of war FAGGOT!
She doesn't have a toddler face. Stop being an overreactionary SJW.
Those games that you regard as garbage are the same games these weebs that circlejerk over anime tiddies eat up though.
Literally the only people mad about tranny posting are trannies themselves (degenerates) or porn addicts that have gone so far they jack off to them (degenerates). Off yourself sweaty.
it's mostly western developers willingly choosing to virtue signal so their games can be taken more seriously in the market
between that and actual regional and platform-specific censorship, it's a bad time to like big anime titties
Take a look at where all these devs in america are located, CALIFORNIA. The government there gives them massive tax cuts and benefits just to be there, why wouldnt these same corporations adapt californian norms?
The only big titty games that weren't obscure, low budget, pandering kusoge were fighting games and those still have big tits
I don't know where this belief that every game had big tits came from
Big titties have been common in JRPGs since the 80s, high-profile games included.
crash bandicoot, banjo tooie, jak and daxter
all platformers from three different system about twenty years ago that featured some fat titties
name one
because flat is cute and funny
>tomb raider
get aids and die faggot
its just a coincidence tomb raider turns to shit and lara croft stops being hot right about at the same time
Big tiddies will probably stick around in anime form
>I don't know where this belief that every game had big tits came from
From feminists
The new tomb raider was superior to the shitty old tomb raiders games. Imagine thinking just because the old tomb raider had big boobs means anything incel
she's a fertility goddess
I want rest my face on her titties and cuddle while she strokes my hair
pfft whatever nerd i bet that game was shit just like all the other recent ones and your life
She's a bookworm, not a goth.
Why does Morrigan have big tits?
for me, its this
Not him but
Senran Kagura
Dragons Crown
Akibas Strip
Code of Princess
Jews wanting to control us
god damn code of princess was bad
still bought it, still played it, but it's a serviceable game at best with some charm to it
other three games are great though
DC's actually good, though. Some SK games are okay but most are a bit trash, yeah.
She looks like a disheveled and unclean creepy girl in her very first appearance, but that was about it
i sure you're a man of culture as well
shit taste
>other three games are great though
Ill argue that the 3ds sks are good but the rest are shit
DC is only fun with friends, but then again anything is. As a game itself its mediocre
they already got it. the only thing left for them to take away is free speech which is already happening even on here
I played DC solo. It gets repetitive, sure, but maybe it was because I ran Amazon but I still had plenty of fun with it.
then fight back, it will happen eventually. Im just wanting for someone to give us the call.
>fight back
haha you pathetic gamer nerds could NEVER stand up to the true power of SJWS. they call us WARRIORS for a reason.
now you're just being autistic. this is probably the biggest reason why I stopped visiting /pol/. flamboyant larping
its a falseflagging jew shitposter
and that's what most of /pol/ is now.
>being racist on the internet is cool
>taking racism IRL is larping and fake and gay
neck yourself coward
then just keep sucking the jews cocks faggots.
love anime tits
They are alive and well
>Jews wanting to control us
>he says while posting a jewish le deus vault meme
Because no one is looking at the feet, creep. Why are you even looking at them. It's not normal for your eyes to be drawn to feet. God you're so pathetic.
Because we want the female audience.
Good man.
>dude I'm not gonna actually do anything right now I'm just waiting
you're gonna be waiting till your in a wheelchair. I've done more than you'll ever do
if you did anything of value youd most likely be in jail or dead, because thats what happens to lone wolves
>sexy big breasted women appears
>ugly-ass girl or tranny gets pissed and bitches about it incessantly
>some hunk with exposed abs shows up
you're a very bad shill. you have to go back. Do they even pay you for posting outside of /pol/?
Say something nice about her.
>fucking fedposters, we're going to save everything with chadlarp libertarianism!
The point being DC wouldn't have been any better will no cleavage and breasts. And that is what this discussion is about
ive wanted to fuck her for the last 20 years but im going to have to suffer through another 20 knowing i still cant fuck her
buy a nintendo you incel
>there'll never be an MGSV-like TPS game where the playable character has massive cow tiddy, and her posture, stances, and movement reflect her softness
>IE, if she aims down sights, her breasts get squished, if she goes prone, her breasts get squished, as she shoots a gun, her chest wiggles around, with higher caliber guns making more jiggles
even without the jiggle details, theres still just no good shooters with cute anime girls
>muh realism garbage
And good riddance
>if you punish her chest too much she starts to leak milk
Wrong, also people that get annoyed by the ridiculously retarded spamm.
Does your vocabular even consist more words than just "based, zoomer, boomer, tranny, sjw".
Are you guys actual humans?
because hoes mad
worst girl in her game
zoomer tranny detected, cringe
Absolutely cultured
Not true.
Supremely based
Patrician taste my good fellow