ITT: images that saved Yea Forums
ITT: images that saved Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
>american pizza
absolutely disgusting
>eating pizza next to any piece of electronics
I'm dry heaving OP, you disgust me
That's one zesty 'go 'za
>pizza outside New York
Why would you eat something like that while trying to enjoy a game? It's just going to make you lethargic and less able to focus/enjoy it.
>Cheese pizza
Are you an edgy teenager?
>games are so bad the only way you can play through it is by distracting the player using one of the five senses
who the fuck eats pure cheese pizza? its the most bland flavor there is, put some pepperoni on that shit
this didnt save Yea Forums you fucking trologdyte
the only things worse than new york pizza are faggots who think new york pizza is good
faggots from new york
>cheese pizza
>New York Style Pizza: Flat, with barely any sauce. Tastes like absolute garbage.
>Chicago Style Pizza: 95% pizza sauce and not even fully cooked
>Detroit Deep Dish: Grease covered and burnt
I think it's fine if it's like a 5 cheese blend or something, but if it's just straight mozzarella, yeah, it's sort of a missed opportunity.
ok i'll agree with you that people in michigan love their grease on pizza for whatever fucking reason but where in the fuck are you going that burns it?
>isn't pan pizza
>>New York Style Pizza: barely any sauce
>excuse me, sir, could I get a side of sauce with this?
Wow, that was hard.
>a side of sauce with pizza
holy shit new yorkers are autistic
How did that picture save Yea Forums?
>It needs more sauce!
>No, don't give me more sauce!
Make up your mind
if you ever order sauce for your pizza and dip your fucking slice in it you are autistic
Who said anything about dipping it, numb nuts? You pour it on top.
maybe just don't eat shitty pizza, ever thought about that?
>just remake the bad pizza yourself brah
>Cheese pizza
>Pepperoni Pizza
Am i the only one who fucking seethes at this? only poorfags are the ones who get this kinda shit and try to claim like they just did anyone a favor by buying it for others
If you're getting a pizza might as well add stuff to it even if it's a crazy combination
In NY people assume that you know what you want, otherwise you wouldn't be there at all. If you want extra sauce, ask for it.
I just get it when others are around because I expect no one to like my grilled chicken, tomato and bacon pizza
>not specifying cutting it into 13 pieces
>makes everything shitty unless you ask otherwise
wow sounds like a really great place i wonder why new york has such a bad rap
>go to japan
>pizza has cuttlefish, mayo, shrimp and corn
Shit was delicious.
>New York Style Pizza: Flat, with barely any sauce
nuke california
user they're picky eater faggots who never been hungry their entire life, honestly what you say you cook doesn't sound that bad or rare to eat at one point you're going to get tired of their shit
only real pizza
>all that bare sauce
>cheese is just barely melted, no golden browning
It's shit
NY pizza is shit. No I'm not paying $4.50 for a small slice of cardboard, thin layer of prego, and a sprinkle of Kraft mozzarella.
Fuck off nigger you've never had ny pizza
this is why everyone fucking despises you douche bags
fuck year, pizza!
imagine having shit taste, then rejoice that it's still better than this anons taste
and this is why you flyovers suck lol
it's called the gold medal slice for a reason, you filthy faggot.
Sometimes simple is best user, personally I'll order a basic pepperoni after getting tired of loaded pizzas
every faggot in new york too busy sucking each other's dicks to realize that hey gee no one else is fucking obsessed with your shitty fucking pizza i wonder why
lol so mad
It's the best
this pic always gets me, the nigger making the sandwich couldn't cut it in half?
maybe because new yorkers feel the need to insert themselves in every fucking conversation
just shut the fuck up and keep your shitty pizza to yourself, no one cares
>waiting on bus with bag of za
>bus comes up
>get on and take a seat
>see za out the window still
>to embarrassed to tell driver wait
>pull away and watch za fade into the distance
>goodbye pizza
lol so mad
>the only things worse than new york are faggots who think new york is good
fixed it
lol so mad
Flyovers hate having their delusions broken. They react the same way to everything. Tell one that American sushi is dogshit compared to Japanese sushi and they'll do they same angry reeee shouts.
Bet it’s popular in your shithole
>continue to circlejerk in an echo chamber
>"lol everyone else is so stupid obviously us new yorkers are the smart ones"
9/11 wasn't enough
Why do people use flyovers as if it’s an insult
Flyovers are lucky they don’t have to deal with cancer from NY or CA
lol so mad
>murican pizza
Most inaccurate thing I’ve heard all day.
lol so mad
I don't live in New York. What are you talking about? Do you think Japan is in New York or something? You illiterate?
When I was a kid I fucking hated that they cut the sub in half, because I wanted to eat it like one of those giant sandwiches you'd see in cartoons.
then where do you live, faggot? california? don't pretend that shithole of a state is any better than any other state in the us
I live in CA and hope to move to a flyover some day. Fuck LA, Fuck SF, and fuck SD.
>Eating New York pizza when glorious New Haven style exists
You new money urbanites disgust me
I've stated where I live twice now. Are you really this stupid?
American pizza is unironically better than anything else in the world.
>but wait let me post the worst image of frozen American pizza I can find to prove him wrong!
lol so mad
This looks awful.
I do that just because most religions figured pork was shit tier for health and they were right. Processed pork even moreso.
>b-b-but it's only good because it was made where i'm from
Based as fuck
imagine being a big enough faggot to think ribs are bad
I'm not from there. Pretty sure that's your argument though seeing as you've only eaten food where you're from and then get triggered when told it isn't as good as other places.
Practically every Europeans
go away jew
True American pizza is putting a burger on it.
It's fucking disgusting and you're a fat unhealthy fuck for defending it
It costs like 6 bucks, and you can add other shit to it once it gets delivered to you
>I've stated where I live twice now
>i don't actually live there xd
are you retarded
Would you Yea Forums?
It’s even easy to eat™!
You an esl pablo? Do you think living somewhere you aren't from is impossible? You are seriously acting stupid right now.
You could at least put some basil, chicken, onion, pepperoncini, gorgonzolla, or something on it
It's in the christian bible. Not like a commandment or anything but it's classified as "unclean" because it fucks people up.
I'm actually quite fond of Shitty chain Pizza and genuinely prefer it over real pizza sometimes. Here's my awful opinion
>God Tier
Dominos with a Competent Staff
Gimmick Pizzahut
>Good Tier
Papa Johns
>Surprisingly Good Tier
>Get What You Pay For Tier
Little Caesars
>Overrated Tier
Regular Pizzahut
>Disgusting Tier
Papa Murphy's
Dominos with a bad staff
>american "delicacies"
After eating a few Pizzas in USA I realized it didn't matter which ones I ordered because no matter the toppings every pizza just tasted like melted cheese.
do you even know what word 'from' means you stupid nigger?
>herbs like basil or oregano
Yeah not a bad idea. Otherwise its also because its the cheapest one along with pepperoni.
3 different meals combined and
>2 burger/burgers at the bottom
literally why put burger that makes no sense whatsoever
Yes. You clearly don't though. Holy shit, you actually are an idiot.
If the pizza is worth its salt it doesn't need fucking toppings you degenerate. It's like adding sugar and creme to coffee, it's a sign of a basedboy or bad product
all these people saying it looks like shit, but when you get it made right with quality ingredients, its the best thing ever. Quality mozzarella and a fuck ton of basil makes pre cum just gush out of my cock
>i know you are but what am i
It doesn't mean where one currently lives esl-kun.
Learn English before posting on 4channel.
>jew york food
Said no one ever
I work at dominos as a delivery driver, ask me anything
>people who order cheese pizza are this retarded
Friendly reminder when you make pizza at home to make your oven s hot as possible!
Also never buy shredded mozzarella (and make sure it is low-moisture!) because the shredded kind has tons of starch and it’s harder to melt. Use a grater!
Hope you guys have a pizza filled weekend! :)
make one for your favorite series
i didnt say it did, faggot
learn to not be a faggot before existing
Has anyone ever had anchovies on pizza? I see that shit a lot on TV or in cartoons and shit but I've never had it personally. Is it nice?
literally retarded
>dumb esl
>calling others faggot
You cant prove me wrong so you resort to green texting lmaooooooo
Enjoy your shit overloaded pizzas, my guy
They opened the first Little Caesars where I live (Quebec) and it's by far the best bang for bucks. Idk if its because its new and they will slowly increase price or something but I like it. Definitely not too greasy, and well-made. Dont get me wrong, we have better za's but its very competent.
are you deflecting super hard because you are esl or some shit?
It's ok. Very salty though. Kind of oily.
its fucking horrible. but its authentically sicilian so if youre autistic like i was when i thought fish on pizza would be edible and i wanted it to be authentic then try it. otherwise trust fish on pizza is fucking awful. plus those lil bastards just soak in a briney oil in the tin for a long time so theyre salty as FUCK
yeah good point, im pretty poor so ive gotten used to using a lot of herbs to help flavor my shitty food. Especially stuff like basil or green onions that i can grow myself.
Honestly its a chore but you can make your own pizzas for real cheap and they often taste waaay better than anything else you can get.
Pro tip: browning some butter and adding some of that canned minced garlic in oil to it can make any thing with bread taste like a gourmet meal. Wipe it on your homemade pizza crust, your morning toast, tortillas, burger buns, anything
Do you consider suicide everyday
depends what you like
they're incredibly salty with a lingering fishy taste at the end
i've only had them once but i fucking love them
As an Italian this whole fucking thread disgusts me.
You clearly don't speak English. Just calling you the idiot you are.
No, pretty good pay for an unskilled job while I go back to school
enjoy everyone around you that has to witness you order a cheese pizza thinking youre mentally a child
Pizza sauce and dough are fucking easy to make. Stop paying ludicrous sums to big pizza for inferior products.
How good are your tips? I know some people that never tip the pizza delivery guys or just give them like $2 or the extra change. On the other hand ive seen people treat them like waiters and give them 15%
Here is your pizza bro
I unironically do this regularly, it's way funner than actual games
Its alright the first time then you start to hate it the more you think about the dead preserved fish
You put a couple fillets in the sauce, not on the pizza.
>can't defend your shitty stance anymore so just trying desperately to pretend i can't speak english
damn never seen a defense shit shit before
you only fuck with pizza di napoli huh ya greasy wop fuck
>a defense shit shit
now that actually sounds decent
It also takes a day for the dough to slow rise in the fridge
And a can of san marzano tomatoes costs like $5
There is no convenience in that
yea i typo'd 'this shit' into 'shit shit' i'll admit i was retarded on that one
it's not that bad. i know because a relative teaches grade school and she brings leftover pizza from parties. in this school, it's cheese pizza only because they might offend the few vegetarian indians
This. Fuck poorfag italians and their flatbread. The Japanese recognize the superior American pizza even though Italy and Japan were both Axis powers. The power of pie crosses all borders.
>No east of chicago
Cali trans nigger detected. Papa John's should be good tier cause their dough is actually fresh. Believe it or not little ceasers is the freshest out of all of them. I work/worked as a GM for most of em and did inventory and can tell you EoC, Papa John's and lil caeaers actually uses fresh ingredients that don't come frozen.
I would say low to moderate. You won't make as much as servers in a decent restaurant do unless you're solely working nights. Higher volume of orders, and better clientele order after 5pm where as my shift (11-6 pm or so) we tend to get stay at home moms, people who work retail and would be off during the day on a weekday, etc.
Worked today, and got stiffed maybe 3 or 4 runs out of 15 or so runs, the rest where 1-6$, with an average of some where around 2-3$
Amerifats and Europoors begone
BrazilChads have arrived with the best pizzas.
Costco Cheese pizza is based.
does your dick smell like pizza though
Home oven pizzas are trash
>$5 for San Marzano
Can of 16 are on Amazon UK for £16.70 right now. That's just over a quid a can. That's cheap as hell for the right tomato.
And you don't need to wait a day for the dough at all, this is home cooking, use that stuff after 3 hours and put the rest away for the week.
>east of chicago
Don't have it here in Pennsylvania so I've never tried it
The fact that this judgement even crosses your mind proves that you are mentally childish though. The only actual kid food is sugar like candy, ice cream or soda.
Besides, its like westerners cant imagine taking a break from eating meat for a single meal, stop being a conditioned drone.
I just jumped in to your post to call you a retard for thinking living somewhere means you have to be from there. Don't even now what you were originally arguing about. You're clearly an esl upset at being called out cause you haven't replied to me once with whatever point you were arguing over.
KEK that looks so bad
>disgusting tier Papa Murphy's
True. I don't know how my store stays open but poor blacks paying with food stamps keeps us going I guess.
>believe they have the "best" anything in their 3rd world shithole
We saw the olympics fag
I used to order completely loaded pizzas, then one time i got a medium plain since i was eating alone
always order plain for myself after that
Ah yes of course the Brazilians
Not if you pre-heat a sheet of flat metal or stone in the oven and place the pizza on it.
Failing that, transfer pizza to a non-pre heated metal plate and put it on the bottom of a pre-heated oven for half the cooking time then swap it to the middle shelf.
There are ways.
no u
this guy gets it.
the rest of you need to kys
what are some good things to make yourself that dont take a super long time? I was taught a lot of basic cooking skills that apply to many things, but I usually just eat something like bacon and eggs on toast as a sandwich since its easy and Im lazy.
I had one of the subway pizzas recently, like the full ones not the flatbreads and yeah it was actually really good.
I've had plenty of Subway in my day, it's a reflex for them to cut it in half. When I would want it not cut, if I said it before they put shit on the sandwich, they would usually cut it. I had to wait until they reached for the knife.
You literally have to pay constant attention to them if you want an uncut foot long Subway.
It takes a day or it won’t rise properly when cooking. If I’m going to make homemade pizza I’m going to do it right and not cut corners.
Also those tomatoes cost more because I’m American and their imported from Italy
Curry w/ paste or powder
>Puts 2 pounds of topping on a pizza
Besides being extremely wasteful, nothing inherently wrong about it
Well I am uncircumcised, so maybe?
Dominos' pan pizza and their pasta are the only thing worth getting homo.
Scallops Wrapped in bacon is really easy to make if you have the cash for it
>go to local pizza places with good reviews
>ask for a margherita pizza to test if the place is any decent
>cardboard texture thin crust
>tomato soup sauce
>dingleberries of tiny mozzarella barely covering 20% of the pizza
>no basil
and i never went back
the best pizzas i had were in france and italy. a lot of them like to put a single, small egg somewhere on the pizza without the yolk broken and it was just good. also, vegetables -- especially spinach -- are the best toppings; meat is okay. oh, they also serve it as an individual-sized pan pizza. pineapple is pure fucking pleb i
>served on a garbage can lid
how appropriate
it seems you have become upset
>Better than Papa John's
no u
>Asian pizza
are you fucking retarded? the beef industry has been a massive influence of american culture forever.
>deny your gastronomic upbringing its fuckin brainwashing bro
next youre gonna tell japanese people to stop eating rice because theyre conditioned to do so. fucking moron.
>tfw always wished as a kid that you could take bites out of dinner plates like Tasmanian Devil
>pizza thread when I'm too lazy to go get one and too autistic to deal with delivery and their tips and tipping tax and pizza handling and gas sub charges and making quick eye contact with the delivery person tax and-
not him but make it right and it should only take a few hours to rise before you can use it, plus you can make a ton and just freeze it. Dough keeps forever when frozen. Part of being poor but eating well is being able to plan your meals way ahead. When cheese goes on sale, i buy a bunch and freeze it, because i know ill use it all eventually and frozen cheese keeps for a long time.
Literally had homemade pizza today my dude
>It takes a day or it won’t rise properly when cooking.
What you pre-mix your yeast with salt or something lol?
The fluffiness and chewiness of the dough paired with the crunchiness and sweetness of the corn. Truly the perfect pizza.
i remember i greatly overestimated the edibility of your average dinnerware as a child because of cartoons
>Elder God Supreme Tier
Local pizza why the fuck would you waste money on chains
What do you mean wasteful, this shit is getting into your stomach and youre going to digest it.
This is how I know youve never been in appartment alone and broke eating one meal a day.
whats the white sauce stuff, it better not be mayonnaise. Ill eat anything once no matter what its made from or how bad it looks, but any mayo other than homemade mayo tastes like shit
local places usually don't deliver
The mayonnaise ruins it.
None of what you said contradicted what I said.
>Local pizza
I bet it tastes the same. Fucking hipster nigger hillbilly atheist.
Grill it
It's delicious
if you're american then you basically haven't tried real mayo
american mayo is like gelatin for some reason
Because the only local place that conveniently close is really inconsistent with their pizza's. Like I feel like every time I've gone there I've gotten a different kind of pizza and most of them have been shit
wtf these eyelid impaired ass niggas putting mayonaise and corn on pizza? shiiet theyre whiter than white people
Gross. Replace it with sour cream.
Where the fuck do you live? I have 4 local places in my town and they all deliver
>i-it tastes the same because I suck corporate cock and ignore things like a smaller scale allowing for more quality ingredients
The only downside to it, it depends on the chef. Find a consistently good place and your ass is set
>Dominos Japan
Ungodly filth of a pizza...
You are just a pleb.
corn is fine, maybe not on the pizza, but with pizza is okay. the mayonaise makes you wonder if a third nuke was required
>Where the fuck do you live?
home of the amish
the local dominos they built last year is really fucking good though, everyone that works there is white too
at least it's oven-fired, i guess
faggot shit never touch the stuff
>inedible tails still on the shrimp
But why? Why serve it like that?
Stir fry
You can put anything in it, you can drastically change the flavor with just a premade store-bought sauce, its quick, and its nearly impossible to fuck up.
Make some rice in a rice cooker, cook your meat of choice or just caramelize some onions, add your own veggies or just buy a bag of "stir fry veggies", dump sauce and simmer till its all warm.
The best part is its nearly impossible to get bored of it. You can use noodles instead of rice, use a different meat, buy different veggies, or simply use a different sauce. Possibilities are endless
I'm calling you out because single faggot ever that mentions their shithole "local place" is full of it.
Cause they have too much pride to just make a normal pizza, it's gotta be some unique inedible bullshit to match their egos.
What toppings do you get on your 'za, Yea Forums? For me, it's anchovies, feta, extra mozzarella, and tomato slices with the parmesan crust. Saltier than a game journo playing cuphead, just how I like it.
ah yes, because the garbage that is chain pizza is superior, right? Go fuck yourself.
Ham, if you put pineapple on it I'll still eat it but I'll resent you for not just putting ham on.
>Cause they have too much pride to just make a normal pizza
Thanks user, I'm screencapping all the good cooking posts in this thread for later.
Jalapenos and pepperoni
Black olives, ham, pineapple
Those two in rotation usually. Don't knock the second one, I swear to fuck, it's weird but the combo for some reason plays fine; the briny acidity and juicy olives plays off with the sweet pineapple, and the ham gives it a meaty melody which acts as a good intermediary between the two.
Meatballs + Jalapenos
>Went to a high school at a bordering school that had a shit ton of Chinese and Korean students
>Around the school a bunch of fantastic chinese restaurants started popping up
>They were on first name basis with the kids since most of them were loaded and would spend a shit ton of money on take out every week
>Used to get some of my chinese buddies to order for me because it would mean they'd make the food with the top tier spices
>Graduated a couple years back but even still I can't find any take out places that compare
Fuck it's suffering bros.
yeah im america and yeah our mayo is like is gelatin
yeah its pretty shit
whats mayo in the outside world like?
Pittsburgh pizza is GOAT
Eagle boys pizza was great when they were still alive
Nothing else since has been decent except frozen shit from Mcains
Japan, Like Japanese KFC can't just serve fried chicken they gotta have fried pigs feet with a side dish of octopus slaw and ink gravy.
If you use powder for curry make sure to buy chicken stock cubes with it. It's what makes the bulk of the sauce. Also add tomatoes, garlic, and onions; and whatever meat you want, typically chicken
>am*rican only talks about food
how did this image save Yea Forums?
I add salt on my pizza, nothing wrong with it you just gotta drink water after. Now my mom used to add butter to the crust and as a kid I did too (btw we are both skinny and always have been) but thats pretty degenerate since cheese brings a lot of fat on its own.
you get them in tubes like toothpaste, very creamy and rich
I'm sure there's a polish or eastern yuro butcher near you somewhere if you want to try it
They tend to import some yuro snacks and condiments though they sell them at a pretty mark up.
The real answer is that in Japan, Dominos is for some unknown reason considered upmarket, so they have to add "premium" toppings to fit the image.
Honestly it just looks fucking awful though
>there are people who never experienced the taste of a homemade wood oven pizza
>I add salt on my pizza
Not with pepperoni I hope
I'm fine with shrimp. But why serve it with the tails attached?
Good luck on your cooking escapades. The number one thing when cooking cheaply or quickly is always creativity. If you are ever starving and need quick and easy recipes, ask /ck/ and youll have more recipes than you can eat in a lifetime
it sounds weird but ask your grandma or find a grandma and ask for their cookbook recipes. Theres some black magic cooking in those things, and its all delicious
Nah Im one of the cheese pizza guys.
You are dumb if you genuinely think thats mayo. Mayo melts into oil when on the over.
Its brazilian cream cheese. A bit stronger than normal cream cheese. Doesnt melt in the oven, goes well with chicken
Because it looks premium
So much crying about the mere existence of the US in this thread. Stay mad, bitches. Your salty tears only make my greasy American pizza tastier.
interesting, ill have to try and find some. I live in the backwoods of northern america so ill probably have to import it, but ill give it a try. Maybe i can try mugging some lost canadians and see if they have any
My only regret in life
Pineapple and bacon
Can a home oven get to 800 degrees?
oh thats cool
cant say ive ever had cream cheese on a pizza but it sounds pretty good as long as it isnt too sweet
my grandmas can't cook and make everything extremely bland
Well no, obviously a home oven pizza (fan or convection) will not be as good as a proper brick oven would, but as I described, there are ways to counteract it and improve it so it's at least much much better than it would otherwise be. Don't be so quick to knock home ovens.
>Any pizza from Domino's is usually bad
>Their pan crust pizzas are the only ones made by hand
>They're fantastic
tfw grama would bake and cook a ton literally everyday in case i went to visit
she passed away a while back, though the months before I was visiting her a lot so hopefully she was at peace ;_;
My grandma lived in Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, and some other place, so her recipe books are full of like Asian cuisine and stuff like that. Rendang etc. Sushi, shit like that, as well as other stuff she found. All hand-written and passed onto her from locals. She's like 81 years old now
As someone that's ordered close to 100 times from each, I can safely say that Dominos is more consistent and Papa John's is only good extremely fresh. If it gets even a little bit cold the dough becomes stringy garbage and ruins the whole pizza.
Only homemade wood for my fine palate
Its not sweet, specially with some well seasoned chicken
Its called "catupiry", its yellower and stronger than normal cream cheese
The dough and sauce is far superior to Dominos. Dominos is like crap school pizza. PJ's is actually somewhat decent and Dominos also comes undercooked with a floppy base. Opinions
Try making it yourself sometime, it's just eggs and oil. Beat some eggs in a bowl and then keep beating as you add more and more oil (preferably sunflower) and it gets thicker and thicker, you'll need a pretty high oil to egg ratio so don't be afraid to keep adding if it isn't thick enough. At some point try adding a bit of white vinegar and then more oil to re-thicken, it really adds a lot of flavor. At the end you can mix a little bit of chili powder and paprika in to tase to give it just a bit of a bite and some other flavors behind the sour creaminess. Store it in a jar or even a drink cup with a lid in the refrigerator, it will last a good while if you just use it whenever you want a sandwich, or if you want to be real slav trash spread it on toast like a topping.
You didn't save anything!
People still go on 9gag?
Your local place is shit and prob tastes like greasy ass pizza hut.