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Why'd he do it bros?
He literally asked Yea Forums what to say. Some user can find the thread.
Not a lot of people know 4channel caused that.
absolute fucking legend
Such a kino edit
A man standing against the corporate mobile games
Uhhh excuse me buddy, you forgot to include text or an image in your post. Please delete this immediately and try again.
how did you do that
user who asked Yea Forums later said he wasn't the bald guy.
Bald dude probably did read that thread though.
his glasses aren't even the same
Honestly, he should feel ashamed.
i wouold really prefer you owned a phone
I don't like anal.
>Don't you guys have rectums?
who will star him in the inevitable netflix adaptation?
>Dude is the literal embodiment of $oy
>But because he made a joke against blizzard he's based
I can't believe he told trannies to go fuck themselves on national TV
Soi is more than the look, it's a state of mind.
His shell is onions but his soul is not.
Having a beard on its own doesn't make you soi.
This man don't have one to hide his non-chin, and he didn't let it grow into a mess of pubes, its well trimmed and maintained.
Idk but Netflix will probably make him black
I don't care what else he may be. For one moment, he had the balls to tell Blizzard to fuck off in front of an audience of thousands
> But just because he killed the king, he's now based
>disingenious cuck angry that someone not rotten inside proved people can aspire to more than the cuckshed he lives on regardless of looks
*ahem* dilate
His head is rather sexy
who went up their and said it though?
Who is this person and what did he do?
great man, simple as
asked blizzard during a Q&A session if announcing a diablo mobile only game was an out of season april fool's joke
Dealt a critical blow.
>he's bald
Give it up. No one wanted a chink-shit mobile phone game.
>and he didn't let it grow into a mess of pubes
How do I prevent this from happening if I don't want an ultra-short beard?
This guy single handedly caused a 5-10% drop in Activision share price when the market opened. Absolutely based.
So what happened?
kek summerfags can't even blankpost
you sure that wasn't the whole mobile diablo fiasco that everyone already hated even before he cracked that joke?
He was the man against the time.
The premarket selloff correlated precisely to the moment when he cracked wise. Trust me, I've done the research.
He was the hero we deserved
He has a nice face and a well-trimmed beard.
>amongst a sea of red one shirt shone the brightest
He was a faggot and his faggotry achieved nothing, just another soi numale that had his 5 minutes of fame on Yea Forums, kek
>wears power inhibitor gauntlets
if he did that to blizzard, imagine what he can do to other companies without the power inhibitors.
Hope the guy that gave the poltician's answer to that question got fired.
He is the president of China now.
I thought their exchange got a little out of hand to be honest. It was a little unprofessional now that I actually read the transcript.
Imagine being this guy. Imagine just having that memory
This must be one of the best memes this website has produced
> "embodiment of soi"
> clean-shaved head
> well trimmed facial hair to accentuate a proud and strong jawline
> cold-steely gaze from piercing eyes rides by aesthetic af eyes are
> powerful posture allows him to stand in defiance
> masculine voice devoid of any vocal-fry
> functional rucksack slung over one shoulder to ensure tactical mobility
> Razer sharp wit with the ability to unleash tact and humour
> clear disdain for mobile cashgrabs, prefers traditionalism
It's just a ripoff of Yea Forums's Raimi memes.
I know
Trim with scissors, beard oil/wax, brush/comb it
I don’t like scat porn
>don’t you guys have anus?
Why do we still have ActiBlizzard threads?
as long they can recreate the composition it doesn't matter
Absolute kino.
I can't wait for the trainwreck that will be D4
>the man in the green cloak silently taking out the blue beta before he can prevent the making of diablo 4
Is this the equivalent of that Anime Pro picture?
>he isn't even doing the onions face or saying anything a cuck would say
This is why the word got filtered, you retard. Doesn't even mean anything.
Hi I'd like to preface this question by saying I'm sorry with the way people treated you yesterday by asking if the game was an April fool's joke. That was really inappropriate of them.
all it took was one person asking "wtf are you doing" to start all this shit
Literally nothing about him was $oy, the dude has a good posture and didn't speak like a fag or make any retarded facial expressions, infact he had the balls to stand up and throw criticism at something that everyone wanted to bring up but were too scared of an audience backlash. But you go on ahead and keep coping.
Soi redeemed
I see you survived the lay offs huh.
This is cringe
ugly ass fat faggot. pussy ass bitch, i'd love to beat the shirt out of him and watch him squeal in pain. oink oink, piggy bitch.