Mmo can't have good stor-

What's your excuse for WoW having trash story since 15 years now?

Attached: Final-Fantasy-XIV-Shadowbringers.jpg (800x451, 47K)

Other urls found in this thread:

blame women writers like Christie Golden


was unironically the only thing holding the game together
everything went to shit when he left

>since 15 years now?
And you want us to believe your opinion on writing matters?

You need to kys if you think that tbc, wotlk or cata had good stories.
TBC also ruined the lore on its own.

>Decide to give this a try
>Literally can't make a character because none of the servers allow for new characters
Thank fuck i didn't pay for it. What the fuck is this shit

Shadowbringers was written at least in part by a woman

>servers full at launch of new MMO expansion
>this is somehow a surprise
You've got brain problems

Of course servers would be full but why the fuck does that need to stop people from creating new characters? Its the first time im seeing an MMO do this instead of just blocking you from going in or putting you on a queue.

Shadowbringers was good. Actually way too fucking good. I don't think that Square will ever surpass this expansion and it will only downhill after this. Hope that I'm wrong.

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I'm hoping we return back to the First right away, I don't want to deal with Zenos until 6.0

Thank Yoshi the free trial exists for cucks like you

Any predictions on the future of the story? My guess is Elidibus jacks one of Solus' clone bodies, convinces Zenos to become Zodiark's champion in the name of helping his "hunt", but actually to further the ascian plan. 5.5 ends with Zenos killing Elidibus, going apeshit, and leading us to Ilsabard.

I keep hearing people we are the Ascian that talked to us while waiting in line, Emet's BFF from the good old days. What evidence is there for this theory?

WoW story has only been trash since 2008. That's eleven years.

>servers full
>not making new overload servers
you're really stretching it brodude

But it's not that bad actually, I spent like 50 minutes refreshing the server availability page until I was able to make a character in the prefered server I wanted. Still incredibly frustrating for people that just want to get into the game because the expansion is being shilled by every mmo related content creator and actual mmo addicts.

The fun part is when newcomers realize they can't skip the story and will spend at least a month slogging through the old content just to get to the new shit when their first free month is close to expiring or expired already.

>slogging through the old content just to get to the new shit
this is exactly the wrong mentality to approach the game with

WoW's story has always been trash ever since they put undead on the horde and night elves on the alliance.

Guild Wars had a good story WELL before FF14 or even FF11

how are you going to lure "new players" to play this new expansion of the game, when they're stuck playing the old content? if the game was worth playing before they would have played it, but they didn't, they got lured by the people saying the new expansion is balls to the wall amazing, people who didn't have to deal with servers being at full capacity since obviously they already had their characters created previously and had already cleared the previous expansions mandatory MSQ.

Imagine playing an MMORPG for cutscenes.

Neither of these games have a good story. Read a book sometime.

I really, really don't want to let go of Emet and how genuinely upset he was when seeing us as who we are, and not who we were.

The past and far, far future are 100x more interesting than what the present on the Source is. Garlemald is interesting but I'm still starstruck by Amarot.

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What are better, minimum height miqo girls or max height miqo girls?

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Metzen was pretty much management of the creative department at that point, not really writing.

Theresa Wolf was in charge of writing from WOTLK onward, and Alex Afrasiabi was in charge of quest design.

Don't you start that here.

Duo of minimum and maximum height femroes

Thinking about picking up tanking but how does it work in raids in PUGS? Do they whisper to decide MT or does it just randomly happen when one of them goes first? How much of a pro at the game do I need to be to be a tank (can I run a dungeon blind or will I get laughed at)?

Which job do you guys like the most played well?

>Emet is dead
>Elidibus is unironically the Ascians last hope
>the first thing he does after Emet died is run away from a autistic guy with a katana


because that ascian that talks to us is aware its a simulation because emet had a stray thought of "i want him to know the truth" and emet made the simulation to show us the truth

Nothing /vg/ about my post friend, didn't even post a wacky screencap of my character or beg for ERP.

Th-Thanks, YoshiP

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During normal trials and raids, basically it's just whoever puts on tank stance first I've found, unless one of the tanks asks.

During EX and Savage, you'll just quickly talk it over, I don't think there's a tank pull meta. In SB it was generally War gets preference if it's in party, and if not DRK gets preference, since PLD was the worst at generating initial agro with minimal DPS loss.

Whoever puts on their tank stance first. If the other autist decides to put it on too, then style on his ass.

Or be a normal person and ask if the other wants to MT since 90% of the time, they'll want to be "the hero".

Warcraft lore and story has the affect of something a middle schooler scribbled down on the back of a napkin at lunch period.

playing an mmo for the story

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Tanking isn't too scary once you've done it a few times. Agro is basically a nonissue now since tank stance doesn't penalize you anymore, so there's no reason not to have it on during dungeons, and you'll gen so much agro that you'll never lose agro. And your aoe attack no longer has a resource cost, so you can (and should) spam it on any groups of 3 or more.

There is a bit of a jump in difficulty if you start doing big pulls in dungeons, but if you got your cooldowns under control, that's not too bad either as long as your healer is on top of things.

>Playing an MMO for anything other than the story

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I'll take one max height, slightly tanned tomboy Sunseeker, please.

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Remember to use Arm's Length on big pulls. Legitimately useful and tanks keep forgetting about it.

>Pepeposter can't read

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So we all agree that Hydaelyn did nothing wrong and that the Amaurotians were compelete fuckups for sacrificing 75% of their population to Zodiark right?

Thanks. I've tried tanking a few dungeons and that wasn't so bad, but it was all the low level dungeons I already know like the back of my hand. If you're not MT in a raid and you're not trying to get the big dick points by out competing the other tank, what do you do? Just dps and wait for adds?

Similarities in his name to Hydaelyn's name as well, and the ancient that Emet-Selch saw when you did the fusion dance with Ardbert; you were getting closer and closer to your original form in his eyes

>Imagine thinking FFXIV is the first mmo to ever have a good story
Man, you zoomers really missed out on Guild Wars and FFXI.

Tanks not using Arm's Length is making me even more upset about losing Shadow Flare.

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I am enjoying that even though Hydaelyn and Zodiark may be man made, they are still probably necessary.

Both sides were cucks for turning to idolatry instead of solving their own problems themselves.

>i want him to know the truth
He said it was a stray thought of "he would see through this" , I don't have the direct quote.

Ascian thought power is broken in more bad ways than good just for that one flaw. Doesn't seem out of the question to have thought police somewhere. Like the one who comments on your clothes and how you should be wearing a robe.

>2 xiv threads because retarded clowns can't use the catalog
>have to keep both threads open and check them both
Fucking hell.

It's kinda sad now that everyone went back to going AFK like in game.
I miss the early week when people in shout would be like OH FUCK THIS IS COOL.

He could see Arbert

life is suffering, but this barely qualifies so I think you'll be ok

Whats the best looking gunblade?

I've had that shit incorporated into my normal hotbars instead of my role-action/limit break hotbar ever since I found out there's a slow attached to it now. Holy shit, this thing is Rampart-tiers of useful, and it's a sorely needed cooldown for Gunbreaker.

If you're a OT, you just help DPS and take over if the MT dies or something. Some bosses (mainly extreme and savage where more coordination is expected) will have tank swap mechanics, so you will need to have provoke and shirk ready for when you need to swap. Sometimes you'll tank adds and shit. Really depends on the fight but most of the time, you do help DPS.

>instead of solving their own problems themselves.
How? People were spawning nightmares constantly from their own fears and panicked thoughts.

old japanese women are based though

Slow is probably more mitigation than any of your other cooldowns.

I'll never understand how can people enjoying DPSing but dislike tanking. To me it's completely natural to have it the other way around. As a tank you're already practically doing everything DPSers do, but you also take the charge and control the flow of combat. Can't imagine the RPG Chosen One being anything but the tank.

Which tanks are best at personal mitigation so I don't feel like I need a healer babysitting me?

That's what happens when our mmo is a themepark.
It is the best fucking thing during the first week or two, but then it goes to utter dogshit after everyone had their time on the rides.


Revolver ended up not looking too great compared to all the others available unfortunately. So far I've been using Doman Steel primarily, there's a House Fortemps insignia on it and it was 100% designed as a Martial or Halonic weapon first.

>But you wouldn't remember that, would you?
>Of course I wouldn't remember tha-...

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Convince me not to make a lalafel.

>going AFK like in game.
Timer will sort them out. Unless they retainer afk.

Blue Steel

Paladin is the only tank that can actually compensate for healer fuck ups since they can just spam heal if the healer dies.

Nah. I meant people who don't say a single thing in dungeon runs or trials or even in shout.

Just bare emptiness...

Paladin is the best at personal mitigation, gets the most defense-for-equipment bang for buck by virtue of having a shield and the ability to block, and can heal itself with Clemency.

>wanting to play as the jews of Eorzea

Great race, cool animations. If you ever, ever think about playing melee then you're gimping a lot of flavor from the jobs because you won't ever get to see your swings and stuff.

Having finished Shadowbringers, I can't even be mad at the people who don't play MMOs for the story. It's a completely different world. The story exceeds the quality of many, many games released within the last decade, and it's odd that it's in an MMORPG of all things.
I couldn't be happier to have stumbled upon such a great story.

Take the roepill.

I'm not an expert on reality warping but surely they could have at least tried to come up with some way to soothe their own berserking friends. Everything we've seen of them, from those "toys" that guy had us test, to the Lahabrea dungeon, just shows they were literally retarded toddlers with nukes, basically.

>Both PLD
Well I was debating between PLD and DRK so I guess that answers that.

>healer literally stands in the fire on the first boss in the Twinning and dies
>also wiped once on trash

Fuck everything, I'm doing single pulls when I'm with randoms from now on, had enough of this shit

Paladin or Dark Knight

If you do, at least make it female.

Femlalas are based.

Malelalas are cringe.

The meme is funny on day one. Will it still be funny on day five hundred?

that's why you join a FC, randoms don't care about you in df.

Thanks Japan.

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Outside Praetorium, for what purpose? Many people want to get to the next part of the story or their roulette over with. Not stop and talk until the timer runs out. At least with Praetorium you're guaranteed an hour of doing nothing.

Also shout is usually a trash fire. Seek a LS or FC. Always ads in PF.

I'll put my word in for DRK.
But DRK gets you a free 25% shield every 20 seconds provided you have the MP (you should).
It's great for tank busters and massive pulls in dungeons. You can also put it on the MT to get them big bucks.

>tfw rolled Lala for keks orignially
>got too attached to her and now will never change

I really don't understand people who just chug fantasias constantly, feels like you're missing out on a lot of the impact of the story when you have a different avatar character every week instead of one constant thing

Part of it was their magics going off without them wanting it to, so when they were terrified by their own unintentional creations they'd think of more terrifying things and it perpetuated itself. Probably one of them thought of the world just up and ending and that's when shit started falling out of the sky, the sun got closer/strong enough to be dangerous to life, and they started envisioning harbingers of doom.

Catfuckers deserve the noose.

t. Ugly

Yo, where's that little bitch Elidibus?

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On a side note.
Is it okay if I have a macro that allows me to change my hotbar to another macro?

I want to do something like if I'm the MT, I have a default TBN, if I'm an OT the TBN goes straight to the MT.

Thank you anons for chiming in as well, I'm gonna do DRK first simply because the story and aesthetics then if I find myself feeling like a shitter I'll grab PLD too.

>heavy scottish accents intensify

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Music rip when?

>y'shtola will never butt her head against your chest and purr

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t. ranny

Literally no one even remembers GW 1 and 2 is shit

*teleports to the moon*
Ha... I'll sure showed him

Damn, Crystal used to be a ghost center with the exception of ERPmung.

The WoW refugee camps were made smaller than anticipated.

Yeah same. I couldn't even fantasia to the race I originally wanted to be once I finished ARR because I got too attached to my guy.


Gonna summon all the shard versions of strong warriors and tell them to kill WoL and then after we've done that we get an all Samurai trial of just walking after him menacingly until LB bar builds and everyone hits it at once to end him.

Fuck off.

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Take it easy, Samberd, let's not do anything we're going to regret...

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>heavy scottish accents intensify

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Eh, it's cool talking about classes or stuff between mobs asking how's their class fairing and stuff.

People were answering in the first week, now it's just simply quiet. As well as asking peeps while gathering any tips or so but they just grab their node and dip.

they are the only race that gets unique animations

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>Playing SAM.

Their walk animation is terrible and you'll keep laughing in cutscenes.

What a goddamn slut

>get to Matoya's cave for the first time
>that music
>the brooms
Peak comfy

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>People in my FC thought that he was romantically in love with Minfillia (not new Minfillia, old Minfillia)

He made it pretty clear that wasn't the case back in HW.

>we get the king of the fucking fairies as a screaming, heavy scottish accented, eternally devoted housewife

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>red mage literally only exists to be the revive fuckboy
>99% of red mages cant even handle reviving one person without thinking about it for 45 seconds

I hate everyone that plays this job. Do they think the healers are reviving them first because of their sick deeps?

Are there ever any beast tribe dailies at launch?

So this is the power of a mentor...

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>People were answering in the first week
Perhaps to be polite. But I'm sure they poofed from the instance the moment they got their loot.

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I can never find the right FC.
I don't think I will.

Years later and Ilberd edits still make me giggle.
What went so right?

The double edged sword of Crystal is that I've seen tons more friendly and talkative people here, but that's not always a good thing.

>At final battle and 7 other heroes are summoned
>One of them is a Potato DRG

How is that toothpick supposed to save The First?

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>bound and determined to become a jumping spearfighter despite circumstances of species
pretty based

people are gonna creep you out real fast
between other lalafells orbiting around you and doing either cutesie or straight up suggestive emotes, when they don't just go stand in front of you, target you and remain silent hoping you'll interact with them, and other players /petting you all the fucking time, you'll come to eye the 10$ race change with great interest sooner than later

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>implying they remember
Thancred was your typical pretty boy but Krile asking why he wasn't hitting on her and his reply were actual development. Made the scene actually memorable.

Though I would like to know what the Japanese version of his death fake out was like. The silent words and fade out are as anime confession as it got.

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Crownfags are some of the most retarded and least skilled players in the whole game.

>Feo Ul going full yandere because we don't call

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>Urianger hoverhands her instead of actually patting her head

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It's not that WoW has a trash story - it doesn't, or well, it didn't until BFA where diversity hires kicked into high gear, but it doesn't know how to tell it well.
On the other hand strengths of Shadowbringers story have nothing to do with it being in an MMO, hell, they even give you bots to play with for majority of the content.

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Make a webm of Minfillia doing the /mogdance

Amazing, how this expansion delivered everything I could ever want.

When Thancred first scolded her I wanted to /pat her head. And it happens multiple times.

Probably ran heaven on high... right?

Red-spoonfeed-pill me, Yea Forums. I love FF as a series and started this as a lancer right after Heavensward with a few irl work buddies who convinced me to buy a physical copy and shit. But then they stopped playing when we hit like level 10 or something. I genuinelly want to experience the full story from the beginning - is this game still free until a certain level or whatever? What is the least faggot race/class? (Yes, I heard about lancer). Can I have an army of minions yet or are summoners still ass?

>WoL took over Lyse's postion as the fist clencher

I wonder who will be the next fist clencher in the post content

sex with ryne

>using Heaven on High to cheat levels instead of respecting the content

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Nah WoW has had a clusterfuck of a story for a while.
One of the benefits of XIV's approach to story and forcing players to do it is you can have somewhat cohesive character arcs. Since WoW abandons prior stories once new expansions come out you are left retelling the same thing over and over again or just dropping entire plotlines entirely because they no longer have context.
The same issue plagues ESO versus GW2 where GW2 wants you to play the entire story and thus (quality aside) can keep a coherent rhetoric. ESO is all over the place and linearity is thrown out the window as shit continues to not make sense.

Now imagine if that was your erect cock patting her on the head.

what's the point of the FFXIV complete edition bundle if it doesn't have a discount compared to buying the games individually?

Unironically the starting one. Goes great with my Garlean glamour.

Probably. I just got curious because I was tanking half the dungeon as a DPS and we wiped because monsters were everywhere. Turned on ACT and he was doing 1.7k DPS then looked at his gear and saw that.

The game's free up to lvl 35 and obviously hyurs, elezens and roes are the least homosexual races

>feared Stormblood would be the first in substandard expansion stories
>Shadowbringers blows it clear out the water

I admit my hope was waning, but I'm glad YoshiP delivered on that front.

>not lavishing in the /pets

What a fucking faggot. I'm goddamn adorable.

I want to see more WoDs in this awesome scene.

Attached: WoD.png (1920x1080, 2.24M)

That's a crime

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I can't get over the rotation mechanics in this game at endgame, doesn't seem fun just mindlessly hitting a 50+ ability sequence regardless of what's happening around me.

Having played both these games, they're about the same when it comes to nothing to do. FFXIV has better story-driven content, but that's it.

Runescape had the absolute best approach to story before this "sixth age" bullshit.
>World has numerous individual plot threads
>Some quests have content involving multiple plot threads, and you'll have to complete each of those questlines up to that point
>You're incentivized to explore every corner of the story and take up multiple plotlines because every single quest has a tangible gameplay reward, from skill exp to unlocking entire areas and methods of transportation in a world with no fast travel

Why, yes, The artist Aulphinaud and his assistants. How could you tell?

What armor? Is that the Ronkan healer set?

Yoshi P said that the reveal that Hydaelyn and Zodiark were primals would be small compared to everything else in Shadowbringers. Was that true for you, Yea Forums, or no?

WoW's story has been an absolutely embarrasing pile of garbage since 3.0.

Not going to lie I dread going for leveling roulette on higher level characters because I'm usually not geared for it.

As a Gunblade doing Heavensward where should I get gear as I level up?

Play BLM, RDM, or BRD

Ishikawa's a woman and wrote quite a bit of the better content.
>coerthas in arr
>haurchefant's overall character
>crystal tower
>alchemist line up to 50
>drk questline
>azim steppe in stormblood
>hien's overall character
>tsuyu and gosetsu

Well there's probably more revelations to come. They said that the patch content would make it seem like the end of the story is nigh.

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>youtube mash up boss theme

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DRG Allagan set.

I had a pretty solid feeling they were primals, just nice to be confirmed.

I love Minifilia face

She's not a western womyn.

Just spam HoH

>coerthas in arr
That explains a lot. Was also the first time I actually wanted to do sidequests.

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Cute and funny!

>YWN pat Ryne's head and tell her how cute she is in front of Thancred.
>YWN marry Ryne and jokingly call Thancred father.
I see. This is what pain is like.

If you have any poetic tomestones you'll be able to get a full set of level 70 armor once you reach Idyllshire in Heavensward, should blow anything you have out of the water. Until then, the MSQ should give you some gear ans so should dungeons.

It's hard to tell a good story in WoW when they have to continue making factions fight even if it doesn't make sense anymore.

>ywn marry Thancred and call Ryne your daughter

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Heavensward too, kind of. While Maehiro did most of the writing, he said he went off a lot of Ishikawa's world building notes for the plot.

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>Finally get my Titania weapon to drop
>% jumps from 42% to 70%
feels nice man


>main story is wonderfully contained, keeps you strung along even through tedious fetch quest bullshit
>they actually wait until the MSQ is finished to bust their fanservice load all over your face with Syrcus Tower (Hard), Bootleg Alexander, and GF Quetzalcoatl
10/10, $40 well spent

Bard is good for brainded retards like myself. It's just throwing up two DoTs and one of three songs in rotation. You have an action to refresh the duration of the DoTs and songs basically give procs for oGCD actions.


>70 armor once you reach Idyllshire in Heavensward
I think you mean 60 armor for or Reach for SB.

>the entire setting hinges on flipping the script by susbtituting generative light with reflective light
You can tell this was written by a woman.

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>Arenvald gonna give Fordola that sexual healing

Our boy has some good taste.

The chin isn't too pronounced, but the overall look reminds me of chinman

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Your character looks like an accountant

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Time to figure out how the fuck MCH plays and how I should rearrange my buttons since 90% of them are greyed out.

This game is redpilled about refugees and politics

% of what exactly?

Any new gear that looks good on a lalafel?

Monk bros
When am I supposed to use six-sided star?
Only if I risk dropping GL?

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Imagine how much self control it took to keep from doing remixed versions of FF1's Mt. Gulg or FF7's City of the Ancients for the same areas in FF14.

So was the WoL's Ascian self implied to be Emet's friend? From what Hythlodaeus said, it looks like the WoL was at the very least, a very powerful and high ranking Ascian.

You can do that, but generally it's used for phase cappers when the boss is about to go untargettable

percentile, i mean
42nd percentile to 70th percentile

Were any of the staff heavily involved in XIII?

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If it's the only way to save GL, before phase transitions/jumps, or if you need to move away from the boss for more than 4 seconds.

Should I finish ARR as a Monk or White Mage? I've got them both at level 39. I doubt I'll continue with either of them once I unlock the Heavensward jobs.


Isn't 70 still pretty bad?

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I'm surprised haven't seen someone in the frogsuit or other meme outfit yet for it.

There is no such excuse

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You are working on fate grinding right? Don't you want a slutty chocobo?

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How can anyone stand to level trusts? They're so fucking slow that it's faster to take the queue time for a real party even if you get shit dps.

Bart’s great fuck you, true skill barrier

WHM is in a great place right now, and you'll get instant queues. But do which ever you feel is more fun since the numbers will all be rejiggered in future patches.

better then 42nd
since that's better then 70% of all remaining parses

>FF1's Mt. Gulg
I was honestly waiting for it, maybe in (Hard).

>tfw never had any trouble on any version of Super Pope
>tfw Cid reamed my asshole for like three straight hours

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Yeah I meant 60, my bad.

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I've got 2 years to fill this shit out

That's top 30%. That's nothing to be ashamed of IMO.

I just want to play the game without becoming an RP tranny...

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Hythlodaeus being the WoL original self will be the next G'raha is the Mysterious Man for years to come

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Imperial agent story from swtor was actually great, aside the revan related parts the story overall and the dread masters were good

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Need to do world fate after an RNG chain. I got the minion. Frog suit would take 2 runs. Which is hours of spawning.

I have yet to see either of the special boss fates spawn even once

I'm working on the tempest, trying to do like 10-20 a day, I usually get too burnt out by then.
I really wanted the Amaurot zone orchestration theme but it's considered the Tempest's night theme so it won't be in until later patches

I took Amaurot as more of a Zanarkand analog.

How is this possible?

Slutty chocobo?

Unless you are literally sitting in the uldah inn there is no rp outside of groups in parties silently standing in weird areas.


Ultros did it today. Took a few tries.

I wish they didn't include the last zone in the shared zones list until you actually enter the tempest.

Some user said he kept refreshing and slipped in but it may have to happen really late at night

I need pictures! Pictures of smug Emet-Selch!

I've visited Balmung for the freak show and it's entirely overblown.

>AST is boring as fuck

Honestly even before the ShB changes, AST was kind of lame because it was just Balance fishing, but this is even worse.

Attached: dancer barding.jpg (1083x1343, 417K)

Same. I was half expecting Emet's last form to be a throwback to Yu Yevon.

I wouldn't say Bart is difficult, more that he's an attrition boss in an already tedious installment.

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There's no wrong way to love a chocobo.

please respond i don't know what to play but I am a good player

As one of those weird parties, we're doing a private version of the MSQ and don't want to flood the chat, so we keep it in /p.

Just got to the Crystal Tower today.

Don't think so. If anything there was more of an implication that the WoL was the 14th Ascian to join the council

Nah, Hythlodaeus is another one of Emet's friends and not the WoL Ascian self since he talks about how Emet surely must have recognized a hint of another friend of Emet within the WoL which implies he's talking about WoL's original ascian self and gives another implication that they were friends at one point.

now that I think about it, that must hurt, you spent several thousand years trying to bring back your race and loved ones but one of your strongest opponents was a broken husk version of your friend who is on the opposite side and is doing everything they can to stop you

Well, it's very simple, the new expansion is as good as it is because if had been build up since ARR and teased since mid HW. If you don't do the other story and even skip some of the optional content like Alexander, Crystal Tower and Omega you are missing out on some of Shadowbringers best moments.

That's something you can applaud the writing team for, nothing ever feels like an asspull even the concept of how Sineaters come to be are introduced in an optional ARR dungeon.

>already tedious installment.
I don't remember much, gameplay wise, from XIII but I do remember how awful the leveling was. Felt more like a chinese grinding simulator.

Man if you actually think ffxiv is good or anything special you are pretty fucking retarded.

Just because wow is a dumpster fire of garbage it doesn't make the next dumpster not shit.

>tfw won the Orchestrion scroll for The Twinning on the first run

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I wanted an option to tell him we would bear the hopes and dreams of his race too, just to see how he would have reacted to that.

Imagine dressing up your chocobo like this and then it gains sentience like Seto wouldn't that be weird haha

>in a world with no fast travel

You're joking right? There's a teleport spell for every major city in the game.

It was only balance fishing in speed runs. 99% of the other time most of those cards had their uses, especially in other types of play and prog where a spread bole or an enhanced arrow could save the group and let you see more mechanics.

Now every card is balance like raid trannies always wanted and as a result the job is the worst it's ever been.

Emet seeing our true self for just a moment stung

Is healing harder for anyone else? I took my AST through Castrum Abania and mobs seem to hit a lot harder than before. It doesn’t help that most tanks don’t know how to use defensive CDs.

Vanilla lore made no sense

>tfw FFXI is still alive and kicking butt

thought you were wearing a mask from the thumbnail.

LITERALLY The future is now, old man

Is this expansion mostly dungeons too? I've been itching for a comfy questing adventure with my buddies but no mmo has scratched that itch since Wrath WoW. XIV had promise in the first few hours we levelled together but once we realized it was just dungeon after dungeon with no other way to progress it got stale and felt like a chore

AST is a bitch.

>just to see how he would have reacted to that.
Why are the dialog choices so good this time around? There's so many, and I really do sit and think for a moment which one I'd like to pick because of how some have longer reactions than others. Sidequests less so, but still great.

The moon. Home.

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>still getting mild updates here and there

Weren't they teasing something big recently? Did anything come of it?

Man I heard the first few notes of the Alexander tune and started fucking buckling in, it was a great spin on A12's mechanics and a great tie-in to the MSQ.

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The weeaboo's natural predator


>confession+medica II
>go right back to DPS

>At last, a world with no katanas

I remember in a stormsblood thread a week before the release of shadowbringers someone mentioned on how they wanted WoL to talk.

Well user, looks like you got your wish.

I'm scared that you are serious.

>expected Emet to be another Zenos tier villian, does epic trolling memes for shits and giggles
>turns out it's literally his only way of coping with the burden of trying to bring back his entire race and loved ones again and he honestly tried to see the best of the new races but found them wanting in every possible way
>feels guilty for all the time it took him to try to bring them back and just gets worse with each moment
>now we're stuck with fucking Elibidus and his saturday morning cartoon villain shenanigans

I miss him.

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So what the fuck is this retard's plan? He's gonna use other warriors of light to fight us? How's he gonna convince them to fight for him? He at least had a good set up for convincing Ardbert and his party by blaming the flood of light on Hydaelyn. I really don't see how he can really be much of a threat to anyone now.

Attached: FFXIV_Elidibus.png (1280x696, 1.33M)

Mobile XI managed by nexon.

It definitely seems like it. I haven't played SCH in a while, but Holminster trash in Augmented Scaevan gear seems a bit harder to heal than Sirensong trash ever was in Augmented Idyllshire.

Kinda makes me sad that FFXIV is this thing that gets ignored by the mainstream media
Its kinda like Yakuza was before 0 released. I hope Shadowbringers brings alot new people in so Square will finally realize that these are the kind of games they should be making instead of giving Nomura all its profits.

ah fuck... dirt... rocks...zodiark's still-beating heart... and most importantly NO STUPID KATANAS
it really is the best bros...

>first run is an entire new party, entire party was like "oh okay, just stand in front of the lights" just like for the "normal" mechanics
>instant wipe


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I've seen this requested on the OF. And I'm glad ... is a response in many scenarios. Because sometimes I want my WoL to just watch people.

I FUCKING HATE the ilvl rollercoaster in this fucking game
I'm stat wise better off mixing my gear with some af in it but RETARDED FUCKING FUCKS keep setting their pf ilvl bar too fucking high because they're nigger retarded faggots
GODDAMN I wish I had a static

Me too.

I'm going to use WHM values since it's what I play.

At the end of SB at i400 gear I healed 20k.
At the start of ShB with i440 gear +10 levels I heal 23k.

Now what's the difference on this, we're all walking around with 80~120k hp instead of 40k healing a tank at 20% to full takes a LOT more effort than before.

Tl;dr our heals are way weaker than they were, enjoy.

>keep wondering when the fuck is the SLOPPEH meme going to make sense
>reach Baelsar's Wall
Well then

Seeing that we're carrying the WoD epithet at the moment it shouldn't be hard for him to convince the other shard's WoLs to go after us

Man i'm so done with farming tomestones. I think this will be the first expansion where i just get gear from 24 man and normal raids, i just can't be bothered with expert roulettes anymore

From what I hear, AST is the weakest healer right now. WHM can pump outs heals fucking quickly, and SCH can shield for hours on end.

>using heaven on high instead of grinding dungeons with the exp earring and food buffs

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Absolute worst thing I've ever seen on Balmung was some fem-highlander roleplaying as an amazon type and they obviously had a smell fetish, and this was after some weeks of people-watching. Balmung's Quicksand is pretty tame by degenerate RP town standards.

So what happened to Ethy's being entirely wrong about G'raha?

There was IT'S NOT HIM posting pre-launch but I avoided threads till I finished.

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he'll get the little squirt from the warring triad questline to fight us because we aren't legally allowed to kill a kid

Getting into a new expansion makes us weaker. Who would have guessed?

galaxy brain take

Isn't he a streamer now? I want to see him play through the last cutscene.

Trusts should have been available for both EX dungeons.

That's one hell of a fivehead

Why is he the only shit stain that does lore videos?

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Literally who?

It would take the WoL being absolute retards and somehow not getting the information that we prevented the end of the First, despite it probably being a subject of conversation in evety city on the First.

>implying we won't eat him and become 10/14ths of a real person

Yeah, damage seems generally higher and tanks have less mitigation.

DRKs feel especially nerfed for big pulls. I can't believe it, but I really miss blood price. Blood for days.

I don't even think he's gotten to the reveal yet.

WHM is fun.
RDM is fun.
DRK is fun.
I'm enjoying ShB way more than I did SB.

because final fantasy lore is fucking retarded?

>mfw I've skipped every story cutscene since the Coil was still the hottest thing

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Because I got an annoying voice, I stutter a lot, and I'm afraid of getting it wrong.

>13 years old
>bigger bust than the 25 year old Lyse
old Minfilia is really rubbing off on her.

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Wait a few weeks and get some 470 gear when it comes out then try again

SB wasn't fun regardless of what job you played.

I love this chestpiece so much ;_;

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I wonder if they'll ever release his outfit on mog station.
Just make your own PF.

>Urianger's vision of the WoL dying is them with the edgy Scion outfit you get

When the fuck is Tataru gonna make us something that's actually fashionable?

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Her boobs are honestly distractingly big and perky

TBN is godlike for big pulls. Also all tanks should be using Arm's Length as a defensive CD on trash pulls.

Wait really? I thought it just used the clothes you were wearing at the time for the cutscene as i happened to be wearing Tataru's edgelord set

Guild Wars had an excellent story. Not that most of you here would know it.

GW1 or 2?

What are the most fun buttons in the game?

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>Is this game still free until a certain level or whatever?
Till 35, which is roughly when the story actually picks up
>What is the least faggot race/class?
Each one has a stereotype around it, it just depends on what you classify as faggy
>Can I have an army of minions yet or are summoners still ass?
Nope, although I haven't gotten a chance to look at how summoner is yet this expansion


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I was kind of saying on top of the classes I'm enjoying ShB is also way better than SB storywise.

>our infinite aetheric capacity is because we're insanely close to a real amaurotine and have the potential to be considered an Ascian
>our resonance with every tradecraft and battlecraft we come in contact with is because we were the fourteenth councilman, one of the best and brightest

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Actually, probably not. Elidibus DOES have a WoL on hand; Unukalhai. I think this is going to be a prelude for us going to the Thirteenth and getting rid of the overwhelming darkness there.
Really I'm amazed they haven't released an Ascian set for the Mogstation.

WoW has a story?
Is your character ever referenced at all? When I tried it last year I randomly unlocked dungeons without any context.

Story is the bottom of the barrel concern when it comes to mmos. It's a single player function made for troglodytes who can't manage to make their own objectives. The idea of playing a massively multiplayer game just for the single player story is laughable.

I would post it, but I fear someone would recognize me.

I don't know but I wish we had someone better. Meoni being a catgirl degenerate is weird despite his lore book videos. But I can't get over the voice behind the epitome of kawaii ugguu catgirl.

I want to have video references for connecting quests, lore book info and speculation but Ethys goes full retard and states speculation as fact and has to explain CuChulain in every video.

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>implying the first outfit wasn't the height of fashion
And all it took was violating WoL's body with the hands of his lessers

It’s a good story but some of that voice acting is terrible. Shiro and Master Togo...

I only have MCH at 70 right now but I love using Drill.

Story more or less ended with Wrath of the Lich King as it wrapped up the last of III's plot points.

Really the only other MMO whose story I'm interested in besides 14 is LOTRO because now with the War of the Ring ended, the dev team stated they're basically gonna flesh out New Shadow.

Is she actually 13? I thought she was 15 or 16. Where is this confirmed?

>I think this is going to be a prelude for us going to the Thirteenth and getting rid of the overwhelming darkness there.
That'd just be a repeat of SHB, and besides, we've been to Thirteen, it's where World of Darkness even occurs. Thirteen is beyond getting rid of darkness, it's donezo.

Oh, TBN is great, but now it's essentially mandatory (which is fine) when it used to just feel like a nice buffer to have, but doable without.

She already did if you're a smaller race that want to dress like a cutsey anime boy/girl.

So, did Zenos killing his father happened because we saved the First?
Because it feels like he is the reason why they won't use mustard gas now.

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Can i make an au ra with free edition ?

Yu Yevon seems pretty universally disliked so I'm not surprised they didn't do something like that.


may he rest in peace with his bros

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You're right then. I wouldn't know.

Yeah, it was kinda odd that for that one particular cutscene, you are always in that set.
>Ardbert appears cleanshaven with a clean axe in that scene

>That'd just be a repeat of SHB
Well, yeah. It's already confirmed the writer of the next expac is the Stormblood one, so don't get your hopes up.

>No references to other FF games
>God tier writing
>Great zones
>Great music
Your days are numbered, WoWfags.

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WoW has a really shitty half assed way of doing story. Like for vanilla and BC you were just random adventurers, and npcs just call you that, then in Wrath, Cata, and MoP we were champions, basically important adventurers they would call on us. It was in WoD and Legion they tried to copy xiv by making us the big damn hero of the story but it came off really badly done.

>playing a videogame for a story ever
Sorry but I have a small library of actual Western canon classics at home if I want a good story. You're just deluding yourself.

How the fuck do you instance swap in The Tempest? Just hope you get the right one via aetherytes?

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>no references to other FF games
I knew frogposters were retarded but this takes the cake.

The thirteenth is permafucked. Even if we did reverse the darkness, unlike the First there's no one left to inhabit it.

Elidibus antics are clearly just a temporary distraction or an additional subclimax for patch 5.3, nothing else. The real next threat is going to come from whatever lies within the planet.

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>but now it's essentially mandatory
>Harambe A rank
>party dead
>mfw 0.0.0,0's

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Nahh as they're from the Heavensward expansion unless you have that

You can change instances at aetherytes, user.

You've been instance swapping by exiting and entering zones? You can manually select the instance you want via the aetheryte.

No, that basically happened because we got spirited away so he couldn't fight (You).
From a certain point of view every action Elidibus has taken since 3.0 has step by step prevented the 8th Umbral Calamity from occurring.

I am wondering now who the final boss will be overall. I had always assumed it would be Zodiark, but now I wonder what the thing that scared the Ascians is.

Next expansion we hit Garlemald. Expansion after that we destroy or remove both zodiark and Hydelyn and find a way to make the world whole again without killing everyone.

No he's just edgy and doesn't want the Black Rose used at all.
The reason Black Rose causes the Eighth Umbral Calamity is because it's Light Aether so if the First were to rejoin the Source it would create a flood of Light Aether which combined with Black Rose is what made it spread across Eorzea killing everyone. Normally the gas wouldn't start spreading like that.

Can't be, this was Minfilia at age 12 that would've been an outrageous growth spurt

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minimum height au'ra

So i have to pay for starter edition then ?

The moment we fucked off to go to the First is the moment the story diverged, yeah. The bad-end that G'raha Tia comes from operates under the assumption that the Scions didn't get their souls stolen and the WoL didn't go to the First. Otherwise we would have continued to win against Elidibus-Zenos and the Empire would deploy Black Rose as their "I win" button.

Holy shit I'm done, haven't done hunts in a while so either that wasn't an option back then or I forgot. Cheers.

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Pope fucked up my fun but good. That eventual clear was therapeutic.

Damn nigga you were wrong in your absolute first point, that's impressive.

God i hope they scrap major plans for Garland empire storyline and do something more interesting now like the moon and ascian fight origin story with the first as a launch point

They are not the same person.

Garlemald actually has room to be interesting now that Varis has fucked off into the grave and it's going to be tearing itself apart again through a war of succession and likely pulling half the world into it's shenanigans as well.

Before it was just going to be generic bad guy stronghold #4821043 because that's what the writing in SB did to Varis. Who was so throughly mindfucked by Emet-Selch that he thought his goal was somehow different than the Ascian goal.

You're in luck on that point, the Garlean Empire is essentially dead now. Solus/Emet-Selch isn't around anymore to guide Garlemald from the shadows, Varis is dead and can't order the continued use of Black Rose, and Zenos has absolutely no interest in ruling. Assuming it doesn't crumble from civil war and the lack of a clear successor, it'll be ruled weakly by one of the princelings or nobles that was vying for the throne before Varis took over.

They are physically identical, there is no reason to believe Ryne would grow up any different from Minfilia until perhaps the eye and hair color change happened

>yfw seeing Amaurot for the first time

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Looks like Ultradavid

I unlocked dancer earlier, and did some messing around on a dummy. After a quick evaluation, I think this class is too complicated for the casual erpslut and tranny crowd it attracts - am I wrong? The proc based rotation (something people HATED about MCH,) resource pooling for CD timing, all that sort of thing. Are there tons of shit dancers out there that only hope to mooch damage from their partners? I have barely seen any even at 80 in roulettes.

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If it involves Zenos, it will be shit. Period.
I'm so over that character. I'm over the fact that he came back to life, i'm over the whole not-echo, i'm over "MUH HUNT". If they can manage to make that character actually unique and interesting instead of some ultimate powerful being who can't die, they'll have performed a miracle.

Gotta agree with the other user, they are not the same person, Ryne isn't some clone.

Is it safe to go back to Gilgamesh?

Amaurot the city gave me a sense of wonder I hadn't really felt in a FF game before since Zanarkand's ruins in FFX, which Amaurot is probably an intentional callback to. Amaurot the dungeon was insanely well put-together and one of the most seamless mixes of gameplay and story in a game I've seen

>Emet and Exarch used the same phrasing for the end of mankind

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Dancer's more complicated than people give it credit for, yeah. Yoshida mouthbreathed about it being somewhere around Red Mage's complexity, but it's absolutely more complicated.

>Unukalhai is Gaius son

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This is the dungeon that put me off Stormblood. I barely logged in because it left a bad taste in my mouth and it tipped me off that Stormblood is going to be boring and I was right.

It's worse than fucking Neverreap.

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I'm in Il Mheg doing story quests. Just finished one up and like 8 side quests popped up. I'm close to 74.

Should I skip these side quests? I'm more invested in the MSQ and want to continue that. If you b-line the MSQ will you be underleveled?

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I tried playing ffxiv back when it came out with ARR but skipped all the story and shit cause I didnt realize how important it was to the game. should I start over fresh with a new toon or try to pick up where I left off?
I wanna do all the story content, but i hear ARR stuff is shit and skippable

The class is like 90% fishing for procs how is that complicated.
Are you really going to tell me the dance minigame is somehow complicated?

Beelining the MSQ will leave you underleveled at some points, yes. Pad out your EXP with daily roulettes, sidequests and FATEs. When possible do the EXP-boosted FATEs, they'll have an icon attached to them on the map.

>Well, yeah. It's already confirmed the writer of the next expac is the Stormblood one, so don't get your hopes up.
oh no ...

Start from scratch, faggot
Skip nothing

that's just dungeons an XIV
boring shit for retards

Why don't you do what your heart tells you to do user?

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Just focus on the side quests tied to ether currents

If you're underleveled for a MSQ then a single Main Scenario roulette and maybe a dungeon will be enough to get you up to spec

Hold on spergmo, I said more complicated than people give it credit for, not that it's very complicated or anything. It's not as easy as people claim it is, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's hard.

People have to be legit brain damaged, cutscene skippers, or jump potion buyers to believe it wasn't him


[citation needed]

Haven't played since Heavensward. Is Main Scenario roulette worth it? Always felt like it was twice the time of a normal dungeon with not as much exp.

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Would you?

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Absolutely yes, just do something else during it, but just do it

>Take the DRK questline story writer
>Let her make a full expansion
>It's just as quality as the DRK storyline

Just make her the main scenario writer from now on

>They are physically identical
No, they are not.
>there is no reason to believe Ryne would grow up any different from Minfilia until perhaps the eye and hair color change happened
Minfilia literally says that she took over the bodies of many girls and changed their appearances, like an Ascian. Then Ryne confirms that Minfilia gave her her own eyes and hair back.

Minfilia isn't reborn. She has gone from body to body to keep fighting until Ryne.

They removed the ability to skip the cutscenes, but as a tradeoff it gives more exp than anything else in the game. Like half a level for Castrum and 2/3rds of a level for Praetorium

MSQ gives a ton of exp, just grab a snack and pray it's Praetorium so that you have even less to do

I'm level 76 and capped on poetics. Can I start buying stuff for level 80 right now and if so where do I do this?

Or should I be buying something else with poetics for now? I never played much of Stormblood so not sure if there's anything worth it.

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I want to see a massive civil war and his authority not recognized.

Vauthry took the spot as ultimate spoiled brat and actually garnered some pity for how broken his upbringing was. Zenos on the other hand was written like a generic anime edgelord. Just having him come back and all of Garlemald obeying his whims seems rather stupid without a good reason as to /why/ they would listen.

There would be people loyal to the throne, yes. But we've seen Garlean soldiers and conscripts who don't don their uniform out of pride. Plus Gaius and his boys wont sit idly by.

>I am Hades! He who shall awaken our fallen brothers from their dark slumber!

How the flying FUCK does SE expect to top this ever at any point?!

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There's nothing at 80 with Poetics, you can buy 50/60/70 gear for alt jobs if you want.

It's because tanks have less defensive cooldowns now. They are going to start getting chunked about two or so minutes into a big pull because they just don't have any more defensives to use.

Two planets and Satan.

>I am Elidibus! He who sha-wait is that a katana?

What do you think of the JP poll of the most satisfied with their job to least satisfied? Dark red is most dark blue is least

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so wait, leveling a conjurer into whitemage i dont get any new skills from level 18-30?

>FFII expansion where the final dungeon is Pandaemonium and the final boss is literally a Satan Emperor

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>JP poll
This bait?

>I think this class is too complicated for the casual erpslut and tranny crowd it attracts - am I wrong?
Nope. I tried Standard Step and could tell there would be lots of icon managing next to staying mobile and keeping your DPS up.

As a fan of the Tales games, ShB overall gave me similar feelings to Tales of the Abyss. My favorite Tales actually, and yes, a wonder I hadn't experienced in a long ass time.

So why did Graha go like
who's Graha? when you asked him


>data source is literally Lddit
>JP Poll

>JP poll
>literally says the source is a reddit thread
This is a reddit poll translated to japanese you dumb numb nut

That's a reddit poll someone translated to japanese, look at the bottom.

Other MMOs barely even have a story in-game. Especially WoW, which has a handful of cutscenes and themed raids but rely on a billion different third party books writtern by feminists.

>Monk main

Sounds right
GL4 is barely better than 3 with fists of fire, class plays largely the same and all the new skills are trash except enlightenment

Name our band

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Because he wanted to keep his identity and his plan of committing sudoku with the light a secret so you wouldn't try and stop him.
Staying as distant from you and pretending not to know who that was made it easier for him.

The Scions of the Seventh Dawn.

Jet Black Villains!

The dungeon that tipped you off that Stormblood was going to be boring is one that you don't have access to until after you beat Stormblood?

Sidequests give very little experience. I only did them if I was like a sliver away from leveling up or they gave aether currents. Spamming dungeons and roulettes and doing fates when you're waiting in queue is a faster way to gain levels.

I called him by his name when I first got to Crystarium and his feigned ignorance had me worried. Kept calling him by his name every time I could, including post game.

He's so goddamn pure.

I thought it was more of he felt really shameful and wanted to pretend that's not him.

Wait, who is that guy in the middle? That's not me!

Where do i get the AF after i beat the role quest? or do i have to do more of the MSQ?

He's you, but better

the black mages

>running all daily roulettes with EXP boost earring and food buff is no longer enough to go up a single level

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Why would he feel shame? He just had it planned from the start that the WoL would take as much of the corrupted light aether as possible and if/when it proved to be too much the Exarch would shoulder the burden and go off to die since he figured averting the eighth umbral calamity would make him cease to exist anyway.

That just means he used assets made by other people in the way he wanted, it doesn't mean the assets were good in themselves.
Not saying this woman is not a good writter, but your premise does not support the conclusion.

What do I do now?
Already leveled a 2nd job to 80.

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Nope, believe it or not WHM is actually perfected at that point. Every skill you obtain after that aside from Holy is just fluff

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well duh, the requirements for it are totally lax
>run 1000 dungeons
you could just run the same dungeon 1000 times, unsync'd no less
>Get 300 Commendations
If you dont have 300 commendations even as dps after running 1000 dungeons legit, then wtf are you doing my man
>Lvl a Tank, Healer, and DPS to lvl 80
So all you need to do is lvl summoner to 80, and youve got scholar, no need to try actual content to do this, and then you can just potd/hoh/trust a tank to lvl 80

Basically any moron can get those requirements

Honestly i find it a shame that many final fantasy fans aren't playing the best final fantasy in god knows how many years because its an mmo

Do more of the MSQ and reach the secret area. Then you'll get to talk to a Highlander with a gorgeous set of locks for the MSQ. Talk to him to get your armor and weapon.

Most of the replies are saying it's from reddit.
Only one guy is actually adding to the discussion lmao.

>do side quests
>just as entertaining and lore rich without wasting your time
>throw bottle

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anyone know next live letter from the producer?

When you meet Gerolt with hair during the MSQ.

This guy seemed like such a cunt in the entire lead-up into Shadowbringers and I can't believe I actually feel bad for him now.

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He might not be interested in ruling, but even he knows with Garlemalds resources he can try to find a way to get to Zodiark. He'll probably use the empire to rile up and encourage the WoL to fight him and get even stronger.

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>light theme

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You know what? I'm gonna say it. WHM Emet-Selch is based


>light theme

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You can work towards them Oranges if improving yourself is something you care about. There's also gathering and crafting.

for me it's Assize and Temperance

>go to meld my new tome gear
>requires level 80 crafters

I completely forgot this was a thing, it's been so long since I wasn't capped on my crafters. Since none of it takes overmelds I can use the NPC I suppose but damn I gotta get to work.




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Alphinaud and his Assistants.


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Thick Loli and The Band


>aether current quest for one of the ondo
>"What are these for? They are finless containers, so delicate and fragile."
>wine bottles
>answer that they're weapons, first bludgeoning and then slashing

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Why do JRPG characters like to pose and almost look at you so much?

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Yeah it turns out good writers can shit out good work. Imagine if the PLD or WAR writers did Shadowbringers instead.

>light theme

Tornado Kick makes you breakdance.

WoW has a story? I thought it was just a dungeon gear grind?

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Living Shadow

>leveling mch because i want to use a fucking mech
>it seems like im the only person in this game that knows what aoe is
>constantly pull from tanks because they dont aoe
>other dps dont aoe
>surprisingly the healers do sometimes

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HOLY, Assize isn't half bad either

How's BRD doing this expansion? Did they get shat on?


The potency number on Heavy Shot is higher than Quick Nock.

Lost utility, do decent damage, new skills don't add much, some skills are now upgraded versions of previous skills, so you got less buttons to worry about, at least. MCH is better damage wise.

Wish I could play dont have enough money this month to do it, guess I'll miss all the fun.

Well, now you gotta post it.

>What do I do now?
Get a better glam.

this, the higher number is better

Presence of mind+Thin Air+Holy Holy Holy
Abyssal Drain

More personal damage, far less raid damage.
Can hold their own in pretty much any type of content. Hard to fuck up, consistent damage.
The dragoon of Ranged DPS right now, whereas dancer is the ninja of Ranged DPS.

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I would gift the game to you user if I was a lotto winner

>PLD Writers
I almost want to see this.

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>WAR writer
Every single zone we'd lose control of the Light within us and someone would have to beat us up.



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>still wipes you 5 years later

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>alternate gerolt didn't go bald from putting up with rowena's backstabbing on the first

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Name one good reason why I shouldn't reserve Swift Cast solely for Holy


5.1, ~3 months from now

>WAR writer for ShB
>We help Curious Gorge fight the tyranny of the light while trying to hook him up with every female character we meet.

pft you look like a JRPG protagonist.

I can't imagine how they'll top it. But at the very least we know there's a bigger threat than Hydaelyn and Zodiark. Maybe the planet does have a will of it own and all the creation magic the ancient's been doing were harming it someway

While you're completely correct in your opinion, FFXIV is the one exception to the rule.

>implying Rowena did anything wrong
He'd have less problems if he'd stop drinking

>enter the dying gasp 23mins in progress
>one shot it

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Kupli Kipp is sly yet sweet He'll tickle your nose then tickle your feet

my glam is perfect, you're just too low iq to appreciate it

Name one good reason why I shouldn't forgo healing altogether and just become a holy machine

I really wish there were more sidequests in Amaurot; it was the first time in the entire game I really scoped out the entire area for dialogue.

Living Shadow

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what the fuck does this mean

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for me I really love the continuation combo gunbreaker has. it's smooth as butter and is a reference to renzokuken.

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>they don't go for the healer
>someone always burst DPS' the king
If I was quicker on the draw I'd set the king to target to ignore.